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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-24-2009 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bedz
Are there any scrips for moving tables if you're playing at that other non-PokerStars site?
There's this tho i haven't used it and i'm not sure it's exactly what you're looking for
09-25-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Bedz
Are there any scrips for moving tables if you're playing at that other non-PokerStars site?

09-25-2009 , 12:52 AM
whats the line on how many drinks DirDirDirty has had?
09-25-2009 , 01:11 AM
09-25-2009 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by CastleBravo79
I'm going to take Friday classes
09-25-2009 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
I'm going to take Friday classes
got none. and i am right around that 11 I think, probably over my now. Gonna hit the bong and crash in a bit, for beating #4 downtown was a little dissappointing, fun but not what I had hoped, a lot of people just stayed at tailgates.

Gnight sttf
09-25-2009 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
got none. and i am right around that 11 I think, probably over my now. Gonna hit the bong and crash in a bit, for beating #4 downtown was a little dissappointing, fun but not what I had hoped, a lot of people just stayed at tailgates.

Gnight sttf
Well you guys were only 3-4.5 point underdogs so it's not like it should've been a tear down the goal post type of celebration.
09-25-2009 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Well you guys were only 3-4.5 point underdogs so it's not like it should've been a tear down the goal post type of celebration.
It was still an unranked team, who has never beaten a top 5 team at home(and has endured countless disappointments) beating the #4 team in the nation.
09-25-2009 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by TwistedEcho

you are only there this weekend? Not in london till tuesday since skipping wsope and only doing ept.

Have a table for the fat duck on wed (brag) and will be in london from like 29th till ~8th oct staying w/ some friends
I'm only in London for the weekend, I fly out with a mate this afternoon and I fly back on Sunday evening. He will stay and also do EPT and other events.

Never heard of the fat duck (), but sounds classy. Well done.
09-25-2009 , 05:41 AM

i guess the idea is not that new tho.
09-25-2009 , 06:54 AM

also, ***** were pretty huge tonight. gg dir
09-25-2009 , 09:14 AM
jurras that's awesome. somehow i knew it was going to be her right away.
09-25-2009 , 10:21 AM
I just got contacts yesterday. I am using dailies. If I put them in and take them out and have a shower in the middle of the day/go swimming or something, can I just add some eye drops and that will make the contact get "refreshed" back to its normal size or do I have to put in new ones?
09-25-2009 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
On the other hand I did an introduction to complex numbers in an 11th grade, and most of them got the basic ideas.
If you got them to understand anything more than i^2 = -1, that's pretty crazy teaching skills imo.

I'm considering doing a post-grad in teaching next year, I like teaching, but don't really like the idea of all the non-teaching related things which tend to be part of the job. I dunno, hopefully I ship a scholarship and it makes my decision easier. I'm studying physics atm, but the thought of continuing on with masters sounds about as painful as amputating my left arm with a spoon. As for getting a real job? lol, compared to poker, I would be taking a huge pay-cut to do work I probably hate.
09-25-2009 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by vers
I just got contacts yesterday. I am using dailies. If I put them in and take them out and have a shower in the middle of the day/go swimming or something, can I just add some eye drops and that will make the contact get "refreshed" back to its normal size or do I have to put in new ones?
I use my dailies till they just won't sit comfortably when putting them in...that said, i rarely wear them for more than a few hours at a time. On the motorcycle or for hockey.
09-25-2009 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by IFoldPktOnes
If you got them to understand anything more than i^2 = -1, that's pretty crazy teaching skills imo.

I'm considering doing a post-grad in teaching next year, I like teaching, but don't really like the idea of all the non-teaching related things which tend to be part of the job. I dunno, hopefully I ship a scholarship and it makes my decision easier. I'm studying physics atm, but the thought of continuing on with masters sounds about as painful as amputating my left arm with a spoon. As for getting a real job? lol, compared to poker, I would be taking a huge pay-cut to do work I probably hate.
obv you shouldn't do grad school if you don't think you'd enjoy it. But I loved the grad life style, and it's hard not to get an A in grad classes!
09-25-2009 , 11:24 AM
Speaking of school - Elementary school kids nowadays get a ton of homework and I care too much about whether my kids get it done or not. I never cared about whether I got my own homework done.

Lacky - GtrHtr - Cha - SFB - Slacka (I think those are all the people with kids older than mine): Do/did you sweat your kids HW?
09-25-2009 , 11:26 AM
Homework - ha. My kiddo just learned how to roll over both ways this week. Now on to crawling. :-) And she's going to her first college football game tomorrow. Woot!
09-25-2009 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
It was still an unranked team, who has never beaten a top 5 team at home(and has endured countless disappointments) beating the #4 team in the nation.
Ok DirDirDirty...I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish but...beating Ole Miss was kinda like in 2007 when unranked Illinois beat visiting #5 Wisconsin. They were #5 sort of as a consequence of preseason ranking (which is based on popularity really) and a bunch of people in front of them lost the week before. Still though that defense looked sick fast last night.
09-25-2009 , 12:13 PM
I'm gonna start advertising for a salesperson for solar. Any talented salespeople in STTF?

Qualifications: Always Be Closing

09-25-2009 , 12:16 PM
If your standard is Alec Baldwin you will be disappointed with whomever you get.
09-25-2009 , 12:19 PM
How about?

or will I end up with?


09-25-2009 , 12:20 PM
I'm not a football fan. I know most the rules, and can definitely follow the games. I can't really comment on the relative skill of the teams playing each other. But, I'm jealous of the american football culture. Especially college and HS football. My high school had football, and it was a small town. But, no one outside of the school cares.

My university had football, and good football teams while I was there. But, by and large, no one cares. Most people don't go to the games, and getting 'tickets' certainly isn't a problem. I've been away from university for 4 or 5 years now, and I have no emotional attachment to the place anymore. I couldn't care less how the football team is doing, and don't have a clue as to their record.

But in the US, everyone cares (obv not everyone, but close). Everyone in the state, loves their state college. Everyone that ever went to the school, loves there school teams. You have a good reason to cheer and follow the game.

I only have hockey that I feel that way about
09-25-2009 , 12:41 PM
Weird thing in America is that no one cares about college, HS, or minor league baseball.
09-25-2009 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by IFoldPktOnes
If you got them to understand anything more than i^2 = -1, that's pretty crazy teaching skills imo.

I'm considering doing a post-grad in teaching next year, I like teaching, but don't really like the idea of all the non-teaching related things which tend to be part of the job. I dunno, hopefully I ship a scholarship and it makes my decision easier. I'm studying physics atm, but the thought of continuing on with masters sounds about as painful as amputating my left arm with a spoon. As for getting a real job? lol, compared to poker, I would be taking a huge pay-cut to do work I probably hate.
I graduate with a Interdisciplinary degree in physics/chemistry this year, and then go to graduate school next year for the year to get my masters of education.

I'll start of making 45-55k at the local schools where I grew up so thats $30-$40/hr starting, which doing something I enjoy and feel like I'm giving back I'm completely content with. I'll also have 3 months of the year to travel or do whatever I want including to continue pursuing poker, and if I'm ever making twice as much per hour at poker I can just go to that full time. Plus my girlfriend is an accounting major, who is working on becoming a cpa after graduation and will make bank. Ship the stay at home dad one time.
Originally Posted by DevinLake
I'm not a football fan. I know most the rules, and can definitely follow the games. I can't really comment on the relative skill of the teams playing each other. But, I'm jealous of the american football culture. Especially college and HS football. My high school had football, and it was a small town. But, no one outside of the school cares.

My university had football, and good football teams while I was there. But, by and large, no one cares. Most people don't go to the games, and getting 'tickets' certainly isn't a problem. I've been away from university for 4 or 5 years now, and I have no emotional attachment to the place anymore. I couldn't care less how the football team is doing, and don't have a clue as to their record.

But in the US, everyone cares (obv not everyone, but close). Everyone in the state, loves their state college. Everyone that ever went to the school, loves there school teams. You have a good reason to cheer and follow the game.

I only have hockey that I feel that way about
Where do you live Devin? Canada? I'm jealous of the whole "soccer/futball" atmosphere in a lot of other countries, it seems a lot like how football is here, but everyone cheers on national scales as well, which is pretty cool imo.

Originally Posted by microbet
Weird thing in America is that no one cares about college, HS, or minor league baseball.
I hate baseball, I'm a lacrosse player so that affects it as well obv, but the only reason I go to phillies games is to get hammered in the parking lot and eat $1 hot dogs. Though I used to go watch my HS a lot, a lot of my friends were on the team and we were one of the top teams in the state of PA, so it was fairly big at our high school. And baseball here at South Carolina is big as well. I follow these teams cause I have a connection to my friends or the school though, if I didn't have that I'd still hate it just as much, so I do agree with what you're saying for the most part.

Last edited by DirDirDirty; 09-25-2009 at 12:52 PM.
