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Beginner/Basic Question Thread Beginner/Basic Question Thread

01-14-2013 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by thepilator
Question about using icmizer in 6 max hypers. Which model should i use? Default like in sngwizard or Ben Roberts?

I read and wanted to use ben roberts:
but later founded that:

an now have no idea which one is better?
no edit option

For example bubble situation: default BR
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 12:47 PM
I would prob just use ICM and try to use some common sense to adjust it for future hands.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 01:10 PM
Hi guys, have just started playing the 6-max super turbos on FT again after a couple years away from them.

Can anybody recommend a good HUD set up? Or otther useful tool that I can run alongside playing?

How much of a useful tool can a decent HUD set up be if we are just following basic shove/fold strategy?
I'd imagine it can be huge when we are 3 handed and our calling ranges need to/can be expanded vs. more aggressive players?

Last edited by westswindon; 01-14-2013 at 01:16 PM.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 03:07 PM
i have make my start in the 9man regular(10min blind level) and my problem is at the bubble spot.there are some tips that could help me to amend my game?or the ICM is the only way about to bubble spot?
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 04:23 PM
Best way is to post hands. ICM isn't always right, but it is best to use it until you know where it is wrong. There are lots of posts on ICM theory in the sticky, also try using the search function.

Generally it is ok to post a hand as a thread, but a really general question like you ask here, should go in this thread.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Best way is to post hands. ICM isn't always right, but it is best to use it until you know where it is wrong. There are lots of posts on ICM theory in the sticky, also try using the search function.

Generally it is ok to post a hand as a thread, but a really general question like you ask here, should go in this thread.
ok!ty for advice
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-15-2013 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by zache4444
I started off not using a HUD for these games cause i thought one wouldn't get enough of a sample size for it to be effective. however, the more i play against reverse grinders (reg losing players), the more i want to start using one.
does anyone who play these superturbo or hyper turbos use a HUD. If so, how do you configure it? Do you find the clutter to be worth the info???
tyty and glgl
Yeah I use my pokertraker HUD, i find it very useful
I only show the NO#Hands, VPIP, PFR and 3Bet stats. I find the VPIP and PFR stats usefull for identifying passive players to isolate later. I use the 3bet to work out the regs shoving range. I sometimes bring up the late position steal stats on some of the regs to see if I can profitably 3bet shove against them.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-16-2013 , 06:09 PM
You realize you just answered a question asked more than 2 years ago?
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-16-2013 , 06:23 PM
yep just worked that out hahaha
just getting used to the forum
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-16-2013 , 06:38 PM
Np, keep posting.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-18-2013 , 05:12 AM
I feel so stupid about this hand but I have to know that this is a fold or not. BB appeared to be sitting out.

Game #65675709-56: $5 NL Holdem Double Up - 10 Handed - 150.00/300.00
Seat #0: , $2010.00
Seat #1: (D), $2820.00
Seat #2: (SB), $5950.00
Seat #7: (BB), $402.00
Seat #8: , $3258.00
Seat #9: Hero, $560.00
*** Blinds ***
Seat #2 posts the small blind of 150.00
Seat #7 posts the big blind of 300.00
*** Pre-Flop ***
Hero got hole cards [ K :clu: K :dia: ]
Seat #8 folds
Hero ???
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-18-2013 , 09:19 AM
Fold quickly before blinds go up.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 08:13 AM
Prologue - I'm ICM ******ed.

I'm wondering why the bubble factor on a 6 max bubble is so different to a 9 man one 3 handed, i.e if I give everyone the same stack it is 1.33 on a 9 man and 1.54 on a six max.

I know we get nothing if we bust the 6 max but I didn't think the money earned changed anything equity wise?

Edit: -also since there is more proportionately for second place in the 9 man shouldn't the bubble factor be higher on the 9 man 3 handed bubble? (confused.jpg)
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 03:22 PM
What is a sufficient roll for the 6 max hyper under 10 bucks? Just playing with a $400 roll at the moment and was curious what the maximum I could play safely with that.. I absolutely crushed the $3.50s,$9, and $12 satties yesterday, I certainly ran way above EV but they seem so redic soft that I am interested in persuing them for the next little while. Any additional information would also be appreciated
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 03:25 PM
~200 bi, like 450 if you are pro prob
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 03:49 PM
300 bi for <10$, 500 for 10+, 1000+ for SM+ satties.

But if you play for fun and like to gamble 100 is fine, so you are rolled for 3.50 satties
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-24-2013 , 06:34 AM
Is this a good strategy for stealing blinds from short (but not too short stacks): when it is folded to you in the SB go ahead and just call and make a small c bet on the flop no matter the cards. The big blind is less likely to float because he is not deep enough and may not even call if he hit bottom or medium pair for fear that he may have to commit his whole stack if he gets involved. I find this to be more effective as the blinds start to increase and allows one to look stronger than a simple pre flop blind steal which looks more like what it is-a cheap steal attempt. This also allows to you make a smaller than usual c bet given the stack to blind ratio of your opponent. Obviously it is opponent dependent, and I sometimes will try this maneuver in other stack and blind situations, but I find it more effective in the situation I described. Good STT logic?
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-24-2013 , 11:33 AM
I wouldn't say no matter the cards let's say you limp (w/e some hand that doesn't hit this flop) and it comes 456 567 678r etc, just way too many big blind checking hands hit those flops to bet with pure air. If you like 2 overs+gutshot, sure

But yes you are correct in thinking this is a good strategy Even to do this day I consider it a very underutilized and highly effective strat vs the right (passive) opponents
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-25-2013 , 09:42 AM
Hi guys, first post do go easy on me.

I've been playing 6 max SNGs (non turbo) since the start of the year on a new account and I've played around 250 games so far (at $12).

Last year, I played around 2,500 games on a pokerstars (at $3.50 and $7).

I'm drilling down into the data to find out more about my game and a common trend occurs in my results.

Stars - 2,500 games
1st place - 19%
2nd place - 23%
-------------------- ITM 42%
3rd place - 23%
4th place - 19%
5th place - 11%
6th place - 5%

New site - 250 games
1st place - 20%
2nd place - 20%
---------------------ITM 40%
3rd place - 21%
4th place - 16%
5th place - 11%
6th place - 11%

My highest finish % is 3rd place (bubble) and wondered what the common mistakes are when getting down to 3 handed?
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-25-2013 , 01:11 PM
Looking at finish distribution for 250 games is not going to be helpful.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-26-2013 , 02:31 PM
Hi, I have some generic questions for the 6max hyperturbos.

In the early levels, outside the bubble, or especially when stacks are deeper, is there such a thing as "difficult folds" or do you should you call with any made hand, medium ace?

In the context of these games, how does the philosophy of being the pusher and not the caller help your profitability?

If you open your tracker (I use PT4) and you could analyse and filter a 100000 sample, what percentage of bb won should come from unopened pots and what from equity vs 1 raiser for example?
Does a very high red (negative) 1 raiser vs small green unopened pots indicate that you call too much or you don't call enough? (on PT4 that appears on "Facing preflop action", I don't know how that shows on HEM)

What is a typical vpip/pfr on each filter?

Lastly, this is about the distribution of your 1st and 2nd places..should you always have an approximately equal places on anyday, or does having slightly more seconds a number of days indicate a leak? is this possible even playing perfect heads-up? How does the variance on this distribution behave to suggest whether there is a leak or not?

Thanks all.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-27-2013 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Looking at finish distribution for 250 games is not going to be helpful.
What about 2,750 games?
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-27-2013 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by welcometoengland
What about 2,750 games?
Hmmm sorry I see that now...

I think you can conclude you are >90% chance a winning player at $3 and $7 6m. If you want to learn more, search for the 'roi simulator' program. You should understand there can be very big swings over even just 3k games. I'm not trying to tell you that you can't have an idea of where your leaks are looking at this stuff, but for example there are winning players with the same roi but different finish distributions. There is not ness a correct finish distribution. You could play exactly the same and have different finish distributions at different stakes (since the lower stake players will be worse on average).

Your best bet with 3 handed spots is to post some hands that give you problems. What should you call as 2nd stack vs big stack when there is a short stack, what should you shove in same situation? What should you shove when your fold equity is getting low. That kinda stuff.

Last edited by Regret$; 01-27-2013 at 12:41 PM.
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:39 AM
what should be ones shoving range 5-6 handed from early pos with <10bbs in 18 man turbos?

what should be ones shoving range 5-6 handed in the small blind with <10bbs in 18 man turbos? big blind has a larger stack, lets say 14bbs
Beginner/Basic Question Thread Quote
01-28-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by fml95
what should be ones shoving range 5-6 handed from early pos with <10bbs in 18 man turbos?

what should be ones shoving range 5-6 handed in the small blind with <10bbs in 18 man turbos? big blind has a larger stack, lets say 14bbs
sorry should have been more clear, 5-6 handed as in 5-6 people left, thus, icm is a factor
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