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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

01-09-2017 , 12:14 AM
im all caught up except for something wil wrote that I might respond to if i get bored enough to type it all out. basically my answer to part of what wil wrote has to be long to express what i truly think and im not going to do that now. bye : )
01-09-2017 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I assume Fly is refering to when TS brought up some stuff about lynchings. Slightly before my time but it would violate the PC rules now.

Some might see the fact that it was allowed in unchained but is no longer allowed in Politics v7.0 as a good thing.
Except nazi nut huggers and white supremacists can still find the post (that haven't diminished by time yet) and think they've found a friendly port.
01-09-2017 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I wrote that to let off steam. I have a lot of good ideas but haven't shared them yet because its not my business. I could discuss these ideas with someone when im in san francisco in april or when im in vegas in june if someone wants to. Often times My very good ideas are ignored and labeled unserious by people who are mean

A big problem with this forum is it used to be fun and it isn't as fun anymore. It's because a lot of great people left. One of the reasons a lot of great people left is because it became a place that was too difficult for normal people to post in and not worht posting for some really great people.

Also, I 100% don't care about attention on here or from anyone on 2p2 anymore i barely post here anymore or read it myself. Im just sharing my thoughts in a hopefully friendly manner
So you're straight?
01-09-2017 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
So you're straight?

01-09-2017 , 12:18 AM no im not. you're being weird.
01-09-2017 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
I invited a a real sharp muslim lawyer who is an interesting guy to start posting in the main politics forum but he said it was "full of stupid people" The Dan minority outreach failed, sorry guys.
He probably made an assumption based on knowing you, and the "birds of a feather" thing...
01-09-2017 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Except nazi nut huggers and white supremacists can still find the post (that haven't diminished by time yet) and think they've found a friendly port.
Then they will be wrong.

Unchained was about for years, there's an awful lot to find. You don't expect it all to be deleted do you?
01-09-2017 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce no im not. you're being weird.
How? You come out in this thread for the first time in my memory, I ask you about it and you said you were just blowing off steam implying it wasn't true.
01-09-2017 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Then they will be wrong.

Unchained was about for years, there's an awful lot to find. You don't expect it all to be deleted do you?
I don't expect you to read every thread in the forum, if someone complains about a ****ty post I would expect you to deal with that post. You have a ****ed up philosophy that leaving the posts in place is something something something which is fairly wrong and doesn't make 2+2 look good when people use the google.
01-09-2017 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How? You come out in this thread for the first time in my memory, I ask you about it and you said you were just blowing off steam implying it wasn't true.
thats so random and weird kerowo. obviously i meant i was a bit more mad than i should be.
01-09-2017 , 12:26 AM
spaceman you really can't assume everybody posting in here knows your sexual orientation.
01-09-2017 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
spaceman you really can't assume everybody posting in here knows your sexual orientation.
Thats true but it just seems odd to imply that from that .


I just thought of something because in the distant past I had had many short conversations with kerowo but i forgot that we aren't close and he genuinely doesn't read most of my posts or know me. like for some reason i thought he probably knew more about me than he does . anyway yeah im gay kerowo.
01-09-2017 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I don't expect you to read every thread in the forum, if someone complains about a ****ty post I would expect you to deal with that post. You have a ****ed up philosophy that leaving the posts in place is something something something which is fairly wrong and doesn't make 2+2 look good when people use the google.
I think I've dealt with every post reported plus many others (except a few that others got to first). After consideration I agreed with you and went with the OTBC of the poster I had only banned.

Ending unchained is a good look for 2+2 imo.
01-09-2017 , 12:33 AM
Lol, "doesn't make 2+2 look good" as if you can't find worse on just about every online forum. Btw, what is meant by that statement by many (maybe not Kerowo) is really a not-so-veiled threat to Mat that they will start spreading rumours around about how racist 2+2 is and it's owners if it's not "cleaned up," meaning if they don't get their way.
01-09-2017 , 12:35 AM
Dickhead, we're not trying to be "every other online forum" we're trying to do better than that. **** your veiled threats right in the ass, oh wait, they aren't drunk enough for that yet you probably can't get it up while sober. You don't understand what you're talking about so why don't you just stop?
01-09-2017 , 12:38 AM
This is the only forum out of about 5 that I use semi-regularly where any racist nonsense is tolerated. What kind of forums do you frequent, FoldN?
01-09-2017 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
This is the only forum out of about 5 that I use semi-regularly where any racist nonsense is tolerated. What kind of forums do you frequent, FoldN?
That used to be true but i've been reading the alt right forums lately- actually ever since the race riots in missouri and the ascendency of donald trump and yeah the internet truly has exploded with alt right stuff.
01-09-2017 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
That used to be true but i've been reading the alt right forums lately- actually ever since the race riots in missouri and the ascendency of donald trump and yeah the internet truly has exploded with alt right stuff.
Well I guess if you're reading alt right forums sure. But this is the only forum I use that tolerates this ****.

Maybe FoldN likes to read alt right forums too? Hmmmm....
01-09-2017 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Well I guess if you're reading alt right forums sure. But this is the only forum I use that tolerates this ****.

Maybe FoldN likes to read alt right forums too? Hmmmm....
as for foldn theres no doubt in my mind that hes been reading alt right stuff too. the main thing i've taken away from what i've read and seen in the last two years is that race relations are much more complicated than i thought. like living in a suburb in kansas I mostly kind of thought racism was mostly a thing of the past and those kind of people, the people with confederate flags and stuff were sort of a remnant of a past that we left behind but what I've come to realize is racism never really went away and any real solution is very complicated, much more complicated than i realized.
01-09-2017 , 12:57 AM
foldn probably likes it. Im only using the word probably because i dont like to put words into other peoples mouth. thats why i said what i said to foldn because i thought he should know im not on his "alt right team" that he's probably on. Ive just been studying both sides of the issue.
01-09-2017 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
foldn probably likes it. Im only using the word probably because i dont like to put words into other peoples mouth. thats why i said what i said to foldn because i thought he should know im not on his "alt right team" that he's probably on. Ive just been studying both sides of the issue.
Wat? Where would you get the idea I like it? From my condemnations of Milo?

I've been studing it as well, and I've seen a pretty dark white nationalist area that is scary, and then I've seen a lot of basically reactionary kids who get off on trolling "SJW's". I've also seen quite a lot of reason why trolling "SJW's" would be great fun, especially for kids. Hint: it's the same reason people troll sanctimonious evangelicals.

As far as much worse on forums...jeezus, I guess none of you have ever visited reddit, or the comments sections of...anywhere on the internet. The idea this place is worse is comical. And the idea you can "clean" things up here by simply shouting bigot at everyone and trying to scare the admins is ridiculous.
01-09-2017 , 02:26 AM
I'll admit I'm the boy who cried LOZL, or, the LOZLer who cried wolf, or w/e, but this literally did make me put my head down and laugh out loud for a good 30 seconds.

I mean, what on God's green earth...

Originally Posted by wil318466
The evidence is clear. Your behavior is absolutely disgusting. Chez had to warn you yesterday after bringing my child into an argument, didn't he? It goes way further than you simply being a stupid person. You are an actual *******, and if we were in person you'd never act like that because you know there would be consequences, which makes you a pussy because you'll say it online.

5ive is a racist, who spews racist things. There is a huge difference between me and someone like 5ive. I may say things that people think may be racist, 5ive is actually saying racist things. When you call someone a "house negro", it's about as racist a thing a person can say to someone. I'd much rather have him call me an Asian slur. You are white, so you don't understand what I'm talking about.

You're an idiot, Kerowo, and the more I deal with you the closer I've come to understand you are totally worthless in any single way to interact with. You can't understand extremely simple concepts, you insult, berate, and try to silence anyone you disagree with, you are intellectually dishonest, you attack my 4 year old child trying to get a rise out of me. I'm not the only person who says it, in just the last few days how many people have come forth and pointed out your arguments and comments are awful?

Again, it's your life, live it as you see fit, but don't sit here and try to talk me out of my opinion of you. You earned that opinion, I didn't pull it out of thin air.

I'll take it to the Attacks thread out of respect, but 1 thing:

Nobody attacked his 4 year old child. Not remotely. This is an almost pure divergence from reality.
01-09-2017 , 02:33 AM
Oh, about LLolling, this too. Maybe I have a case of the sillies.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh you gotta be ****ing ****ting me.

01-09-2017 , 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by kerowo

You would have to quote this before I'm going to agree with you. Like it is possible to use the word cumdumpster and daughter in a sentence without insulting your daughter it's possible to use the word negro without being racist. It's difficult to see how you can suggest the black man needs the police to go upside their head no and then to keep them down as not racist though.


The way he describes the incident is so preposterous and that doesn't even include the fact that I didn't even call him a house-negro, nor the fact that, and this is the kicker, he has me on ignore.

Like, really let that sink in. He had to piece together what was happening based on others' quotes of my posts.

I did say, however, that he fondled white supremacists' ballsacs in an attempt to achieve Honorary Aryan status. I did say that.

And that if he insisted on calling himself a liberal, he's quite clearly a house-liberal.

And some other things. Lol.
01-09-2017 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I've been studing it as well, and I've seen a pretty dark white nationalist area that is scary, and then I've seen a lot of basically reactionary kids who get off on trolling "SJW's"..
When Donald Trump said he would "make it right" when it comes to past injustices towards minorities in this country (in particular, African Americans), and the crowd cheered, what do you honestly think they were supporting?

I don't mean to call you out, Foldn, but this idea that White Supremacy is the ultimate goal of the Trump Administration is absolute nonsense. He wants the black vote, he wants the gay vote, he wants the blue collar vote, he wants to transform what the right is viewed as.

Why do you have such a problem with that?

Last edited by wil318466; 01-09-2017 at 04:31 AM.
