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01-08-2017 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
you brought up our female forum as an example of a "solved problem" in regard to protecting a class of people and encouraging them to post here.

it turns out that forum is so underpopulated it's one on the list of many forums that need to go as the site traffic has shrunk and needs to be culled/consolidated.

just seems ironic to me.
Even so, there are still more women posting regularly there than in unchained. Obv any online poker forum isn't going to be overwhelmingly male. Sorry, it's really hard to believe that you sincerely think letting white supremacists take over will achieve what you're looking for.
01-08-2017 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's simple, Kerowo. Leave. No one wants your idiotic posts in here anyway. And, there are no white supremacists here. If there were, they'd be banned.
Again, this is why Mat thinks you are weaving daisies into a crown for me. And yes I'm pretty sure kiosk is a white supremacist, he certainly hasn't distanced himself from the mouthpiece of white supremacy in the US; Breitbart

I'll talk about who I want, when I want, when it pertains to me. I'm sick of reading your constant cry-baby whining idiocy, but I don't ask someone to make you stop, do I? The door is over there. Go through it, or stop acting like a whiny bitch.
LMAO, I'm the whiny bitch? Have I called you out for anything you've called me? You're such a delicate ****ing flower we can't even mention your daughter or you get all mew mew mew. So why do you get to talk about what you want when you want and no one else does? You're such a tough guy you threatened to beat me up! Over words on an internet forum, if that's not pathetic I'm not sure what is.

Again, I don't even have to prove how scummy you people really are - you do it for me. Where's Fly? He should be making an appearance shortly.
LOL, facts much? Why should you start proving things now?
01-08-2017 , 06:18 PM
You're a bitch regardless, Jbrochu. Thanks.
01-08-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sorry, it's really hard to believe that you sincerely think letting white supremacists take over will achieve what you're looking for.
C'mon Trolly. You're a smart guy. Do you think anyone here is a white supremacist?

It's telling that your claims aren't accurate. I have to think deliberately so. Accurate statements about me:

- Critic (possibly severe) of Islam/Islamic culture
- Holder of mainstream 2006 era views on homosexuality (shared by Hillary Clinton, who a bunch of leftists just voted for).

What else do you have? You notice how, if you were accurate, rather than simply making up smears, your claimed need for censorship suddenly evaporates, as the things I actually do aren't white supremacist at all?
01-08-2017 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Just so it's clear - I did not report or ask anyone to talk to Wil about his lame threats.
The only thing that is going to get chez to make this forum better is to report problems you see with the forum. We're not on the mean streets of where ever Wil's last anecdote was from, snitches aren't going to get stitches, they just might get the forum they want though...

01-08-2017 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
LMAO, I'm the whiny bitch?
Well, yeah. It's blatantly obvious you are.

Have I called you out for anything you've called me? You're such a delicate ****ing flower we can't even mention your daughter or you get all mew mew mew.
Everything I've called you, you deserve. That isn't the point, you dimwit. I've called YOU that. I don't insult your family, do I?

So why do you get to talk about what you want when you want and no one else does? You're such a tough guy you threatened to beat me up! Over words on an internet forum, if that's not pathetic I'm not sure what is.
I didn't threaten you, Kerowo, I informed you what would happen if we had that conversation in person, and advised you not to do that when speaking to people face to face. If I wanted to threaten you, I would. You're an internet nerd, I'm not interested in smacking you.

LOL, facts much? Why should you start proving things now?
I don't make it a habit of lying. You, however, seem to be as dishonest as a person can be. Again, you prove my points for me. People who read our exchanges are welcome to come to their own conclusions. Personally, I liked it a lot better when you posted less, but for some reason in the last few weeks your posting here has increased dramatically, and it's made you look really bad.

Do everyone, yourself included, a favor and just stay in P. You don't like it here, you complain about it, you constantly fight with people here, why do you post here?
01-08-2017 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
C'mon Trolly. You're a smart guy. Do you think anyone here is a white supremacist?

It's telling that your claims aren't accurate. I have to think deliberately so. Accurate statements about me:

- Critic (possibly severe) of Islam/Islamic culture
- Holder of mainstream 2006 era views on homosexuality (shared by Hillary Clinton, who a bunch of leftists just voted for).

What else do you have? You notice how, if you were accurate, rather than simply making up smears, your claimed need for censorship suddenly evaporates, as the things I actually do aren't white supremacist at all?
Just as a reminder the term alt-right, which covers a load of Trump supporters and Breitbart readers is synonymous with white supremacists which is why white supremacist is often used in its place since it such a vague name.
01-08-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
The only thing that is going to get chez to make this forum better is to report problems you see with the forum.
It certainly helps a greeat deal. I do take action without reports but that's slower and I can't read everything.
01-08-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't make it a habit of lying. You, however, seem to be as dishonest as a person can be. Again, you prove my points for me. People who read our exchanges are welcome to come to their own conclusions. Personally, I liked it a lot better when you posted less, but for some reason in the last few weeks your posting here has increased dramatically, and it's made you look really bad.
What? You supported the statement that I banned people in order to win arguments, you said you don't support punching children in the head, which you have a whole thread about, you claimed you didn't try to welch on the LG bet and you have the nerve to call me a liar? Prove it.
01-08-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Even so, there are still more women posting regularly there than in unchained. Obv any online poker forum isn't going to be overwhelmingly male. Sorry, it's really hard to believe that you sincerely think letting white supremacists take over will achieve what you're looking for.
i don't think that. so in your mind, i'm either stupid or lying when i say that this forum is not populated with white supremacists.

i trust chez to sort it out, and you can go **** yourself.
01-08-2017 , 06:32 PM
Well, at least Matt is making bad arguments in this thread rather than in the December lc thread after it was already locked.
01-08-2017 , 06:41 PM
change your password, dildo.
01-08-2017 , 06:43 PM
Get out of my head witch!
01-08-2017 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
C'mon Trolly. You're a smart guy. Do you think anyone here is a white supremacist?

It's telling that your claims aren't accurate. I have to think deliberately so. Accurate statements about me:

- Critic (possibly severe) of Islam/Islamic culture
- Holder of mainstream 2006 era views on homosexuality (shared by Hillary Clinton, who a bunch of leftists just voted for).
lolz, this is your roundabout way of saying you oppose gay marriage, isn't it.
01-08-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Well, at least Matt is making bad arguments in this thread rather than in the December lc thread after it was already locked.
Careful, it's past noontime in Vegas. After Max got vaporized, I try to only directly engage with Mat early in the morning before he starts drinking.
01-08-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
01-08-2017 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lolz, this is your roundabout way of saying you oppose gay marriage, isn't it.
Last time this was brought up, TS insisted there were many good arguments against gay marriage, at which point he spent a few hundred posts talking about bestiality.
01-08-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lolz, this is your roundabout way of saying you oppose gay marriage, isn't it.
I'm with mat on this one, go **** yourself trolly.
01-08-2017 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Actually if you don't wander in and make bigoted and racist posts, it's fairly unlikely you will be called either.
According to you and your group of unbearable self-selected nitwits. But, bless your souls, you still haven't figured out the jig is up.
01-08-2017 , 07:37 PM
I think your expertise is needed in the sexual assault thread.
01-08-2017 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
if people believe this, i give up. please contact mason and encourage him to fire me.
Don't let the bastards get you down dude. That is the only weapon they have, labeling things they disagree with "hate", and then shaming and badgering everyone into submission. They're worse than the damn Church these days. You know this.
01-08-2017 , 07:45 PM
Lol, it's funny how similar they all are. Fly, kerowo, jbrochu. They could all be the same person, the way they act. Pathetic.
01-08-2017 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
if people believe this, i give up. please contact mason and encourage him to fire me.
Mat you keep on acting like you need other people to tell you what is hateful, man, it's not a good look.

What matters is whether or not THAT IS TRUE. Can't you make that call for yourself? None of the rest of us have access to secret posts you can't see. You said you were 46 years old. How the **** did you make it through 45 entire ****ing years without encountering the concept of white supremacy before 2015?
01-08-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Don't let the bastards get you down dude. That is the only weapon they have, labeling things they disagree with "hate", and then shaming and badgering everyone into submission. They're worse than the damn Church these days. You know this.
Like Mat you know your new buddy FoldN here has posted Holocaust denial on your forum, right?

Is that the sort of vibrant judgment free discussion you want? Like in the Alpha LC thread you dismissed some of the people complaining about ToothSayer by saying you weren't sure what made his Islamophobia worse than what you hear on AM radio, but you need to decide whether there's no line at all to the content people are going to generate on this forum. Because every ****ing time people push the discourse here farther and father to the right FoldN and his ilk will be there to whine about their hurt feelings and demand their critics get censored, they aren't going to self-regulate themselves.

Look what happened with the guy celebrating the assassination of an anti-Brexit MP. Nothing happened to that guy until people in the Alpha thread started making fun of chezlaw about it, and I'm not sure chezlaw ever did anything to him, he's a multi-perma-banned poster and he wandered out from P7, somebody else might have swung the axe there.

Last edited by FlyWf; 01-08-2017 at 08:29 PM.
01-08-2017 , 08:24 PM
Lol, right on cue, here's Fly.
