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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

10-06-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You keep ignoring the fact that he was called racist not just the posts. If Tom hadn't done that then brucez would clearly have responded differently.
Any reasonable dispassionate contrarian should be able to estimate that the chances that they or their posts get called racist when they knowingly take a contrarian racist position are pretty damn high. Even granting that "Bruce is racist" is marginally more inflammatory than "Bruce's posts are racist," he should be neither shocked nor offended by either. A reasonable contrarian would welcome them, because that means he has a debate partner. Your whole "he doesn't want anyone to know what he truly believes" line is completely hollow when he flips out and needs to make sure that everyone knows he doesn't believe anything racist.
10-06-2014 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Short list of what not to target about a person:

Health condition or disability
Noting this post has been largely ignored in favor of attacking a philosopher politically.

So who is okay with targeting people for things on this list?

Also some additional 'soft' categories to consider:
10-06-2014 , 07:49 PM
Post count
10-06-2014 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Any reasonable dispassionate contrarian should be able to estimate that the chances that they or their posts get called racist when they knowingly take a contrarian racist position are pretty damn high. Even granting that "Bruce is racist" is marginally more inflammatory than "Bruce's posts are racist," he should be neither shocked nor offended by either. A reasonable contrarian would welcome them, because that means he has a debate partner. Your whole "he doesn't want anyone to know what he truly believes" line is completely hollow when he flips out and needs to make sure that everyone knows he doesn't believe anything racist.
You display such poor judgement that this judgement about contrarians can not be taken seriously. Poorly reasoned creation of a goal post after the fact and out of the context of the philosophy forum.

Will you look for any excuse to stick to your narrow and politically serving opinion?
10-06-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
lol, you do realize BruceZ admitted he wasn't doing that?
No? I said SOME.
10-06-2014 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like you appear to have picked up that D'Souza is not held in esteem but, just like with Bill O'Reilly, I don't think you have any idea WHY he's regarded as an idiot. As in, if someone in this forum paraphrased the **** from his books that earned him such scorn from the general intelligentsia, I don't think you'd regard that person as stupid.
Yeah look, as I said with Bill O'Reilly: I would love to love him just because it is not the cool kids thing to do.
10-06-2014 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Any reasonable dispassionate contrarian should be able to estimate that the chances that they or their posts get called racist when they knowingly take a contrarian racist position are pretty damn high. Even granting that "Bruce is racist" is marginally more inflammatory than "Bruce's posts are racist," he should be neither shocked nor offended by either. A reasonable contrarian would welcome them, because that means he has a debate partner. Your whole "he doesn't want anyone to know what he truly believes" line is completely hollow when he flips out and needs to make sure that everyone knows he doesn't believe anything racist.
As I said your certainty shield is worn very well. It has a solid pap psychology setting.

There was nothing remotely like a debate partner being offered as you must know very well (if you somehow don't then ask tom, I wonder if he could even being himself to say his intention was to debate Bruce).

and who the **** claims Bruce is reasonable and dispassionate?
10-06-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Post count
10-06-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
The paragraph is bold is so pathetic and saddening.

It has some merits, but I don't agree either. It is not racist as you tried to imply but it is debatable. It is just not as one sided as you make it out to be, if you go with an utilitarist argument which is what many people do.
10-06-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
As I mentioned it cant work by proxy. I tried that.

I also assume as my thread was deleted which I've never seen happen before, that it was not welcome in a profound way.
You tried it in SMP with very different rules. But whatever.
10-06-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
It has some merits, but I don't agree either. It is not racist as you tried to imply but it is debatable. It is just not as one sided as you make it out to be, if you go with an utilitarist argument which is what many people do.
10-06-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Any reasonable dispassionate contrarian should be able to estimate that the chances that they or their posts get called racist when they knowingly take a contrarian racist position are pretty damn high. Even granting that "Bruce is racist" is marginally more inflammatory than "Bruce's posts are racist," he should be neither shocked nor offended by either. A reasonable contrarian would welcome them, because that means he has a debate partner. Your whole "he doesn't want anyone to know what he truly believes" line is completely hollow when he flips out and needs to make sure that everyone knows he doesn't believe anything racist.
The contrarian thing doesn't really work when you admit to it 1 week later, after all the backlash.

Going on the offensive right away threatening to ban posters for misunderstanding you (conveniently not telling anyone it was a contrarian position right away) doesn't make you look good.
10-06-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
You tried it in SMP with very different rules. But whatever.
It was still deleted which was extreme. Its pretty easy for whatever authority did that to advise me I could have it somewhere else or just move it.

but I don't think mod by proxy works for sensitive stuff. It may be quieter now but that thread went like a train and derailed while I had a few hours kip.
10-06-2014 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
The contrarian thing doesn't really work when you say admit to it 1 week later, after all the backlash.
Yeah its not as if its his mo or anything.

Going on the offensive right away threatening to ban doesn't make you look good.
Again I'm learning far more about modding then I ever cared to but could he actually ban anybody? This seems to keep being thrown up as some heinous crime but was it ever a serious threat?
10-06-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah its not as if its his mo or anything.

Again I'm learning far more about modding then I ever cared to but could he actually ban anybody? This seems to keep being thrown up as some heinous crime but was it ever a serious threat?
It is just nitpicking a mistake of the moment instead of trying to understand and look past it. The amount of constant endless contentious argument they can generate about BruceZ's posts is limited only by their imagination and ability to be narrowly critical to the point of tunnel vision.
10-06-2014 , 08:25 PM
The order of events is very important in understanding the actual event itself.
10-06-2014 , 08:26 PM
zeno's reticence to have that thread in SMP is basically irrelevant as far as having a moderated thread under the jjshabado mod-your-own-PU-thread style rules.

You could propose something like the following: a debate-style thread where only a limited number of people are allowed to post, for example something like MrWookie + 2 and you + 2. You could establish rules before hand about the topics and the expected tone. This would have the added benefit of causing headaches for JJ deleting other people's posts, and he hasn't had nearly enough of a hard time modding yet, so it's basically a win all around, if what you want is a discussion.

Although I don't think the rules you wanted to establish for the other thread (no discussing posts after an arbitrary cutoff point) would work for both sides, but you can hash that out.
10-06-2014 , 08:32 PM
You gotta be aware the game in the main politics forum is to goad your opponent into crossing the line, while appearing to stay in the line, so you can report the post.

If someone,instead, starts to act butthurt, then a new round of piling can begin on that point. The highest level of flamed bait is rustled jimmies. Those can cause perma-self ban.

Also breaking posters is a goal that has various results, such as crusades for justice. Breaking posters is more an unchained phenomenon, or it was transplanted here from parts unknown.
10-06-2014 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named
You could propose something like the following: a debate-style thread where only a limited number of people are allowed to post, for example something like MrWookie + 2 and you + 2. You could establish rules before hand about the topics and the expected tone. This would have the added benefit of causing headaches for JJ deleting other people's posts, and he hasn't had nearly enough of a hard time modding yet, so it's basically a win all around, if what you want is a discussion.
I don't want to exclude people though, the idea is to engage people. I also doubt DS (and others) would agree to be part of the small group though there's a good chance he would pop in.

Wookie is welcome if its an open house of course but I don't for a moment think he will ever budge from his certainty. That would mean he might have to accept some tiny amount of responsibility and that appears beyond him. I would love to be able to say I was wrong about this but i'm still not holding my breath from the last time.

Although I don't think the rules you wanted to establish for the other thread (no discussing posts after an arbitrary cutoff point) would work for both sides, but you can hash that out.
I don't have any choice. I can't include private conversations and once the fiasco got going far too much is private and its all intertwined. Its fairly easy to discuss how people might respond to various things without going into specifics.
10-06-2014 , 08:56 PM
It's not enough that the racists idiots get their own special unmoderated forum to poop in, they now want the mods to filter out all the annoying voices that disagree with them, so they can presumably discuss the merits of chattel slavery. Such bold intellectual searching we're seeing from Team SMP!
10-06-2014 , 09:03 PM
Contentless mockery of intellectualism by a liberal troll. Surely trolly can provide some intellect to go with criticism of intellectualism. Dropping racist code words in mocking doesn't count as an intellectual display.
10-06-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
It's not enough that the racists idiots get their own special unmoderated forum to poop in, they now want the mods to filter out all the annoying voices that disagree with them, so they can presumably discuss the merits of chattel slavery. Such bold intellectual searching we're seeing from Team SMP!
No exclusions of any side.

But I can understand why some don't want the debate about Bruce and his approach without the abuse. Far too much chance of reasonableness and understanding.

Don't worry its not likely to happen now.
10-06-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah its not as if its his mo or anything.

Again I'm learning far more about modding then I ever cared to but could he actually ban anybody? This seems to keep being thrown up as some heinous crime but was it ever a serious threat?
All mods have the power to ban any user at any time, but they are not supposed to ban people for things posted in forums not their own except for spam, horse porn, and other heinous offenses. He could carry out his threat, but even making the threat is highly improper.
10-06-2014 , 09:41 PM
Telling mr wookie there is a personal attack problem, partially related to using the word racist, in the forum he moderates is still a more important message than the mutually adversarial behavior.
10-06-2014 , 09:43 PM
Spanks, you have 6 posts on this page (50 ppp for the win!) and the only person who has quoted you to reply is you. Maybe just take a break?

Edit: And last page, 7 posts with the only person quoting you being...


Edit: And the page before that, 8 posts with the only person quoting you being...

Spoiler: ****.
