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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-26-2014 , 03:05 PM
I wonder what a deep mockery is.
09-26-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
The talk of the secession in Civil War is not a Platonic ideal, it's an idea embedded into the course of history.
But the Civil War is what people who are against secession will invariably bring up, so they can score cheap points (or troll), so anyone who supports the idea of secession will be forced to talk about it within the context of the Civil War. How do you propose avoiding that?
09-26-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
... How do you propose avoiding that?
Talk about Scotland/UK. They just had an election about this.
09-26-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I mean, he's Jewish. IDK. Wookie's claim just seemed sketchy, so I spent 5 second finding this guy. I can buy that he's been taken in by propaganda, but that wasn't the point.
Of course you don't know, Alex. You don't know anything. You're mentally deficient. When someone who knows more than you, which is EVERYONE, tells you that they do know, WHY DO YOU DISAGREE?
09-26-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
But the Civil War is what people who are against secession will invariably bring up, so they can score cheap points (or troll), so anyone who supports the idea of secession will be forced to talk about it within the context of the Civil War. How do you propose avoiding that?
Alex you personally, with NO FACTS and NO EVIDENCE, affirmatively stated that the secession of the CSA was legal and valid. You appear to be entirely unaware of the mechanics of that secession, even though you've personally been corrected, repeatedly, in this forum.

This is because you're a ****ing racist piece of ****. Shut the **** up. Nobody cares what you think.
09-26-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
But the Civil War is what people who are against secession will invariably bring up, so they can score cheap points (or troll), so anyone who supports the idea of secession will be forced to talk about it within the context of the Civil War. How do you propose avoiding that?
3 ways.

1. Ignore it, just say you want to apply sucession to more pertinent situations

2. Have a stipulation that there are unjust situations for sucession or situations where the distance between the ideal justification and the historical reality are too far apart to justify it.

3. Bite the bullet and claim all sucession is justifiable. If that happens you have to accept the consequences that in American history the idea that the South succeeded because of what many people believe is an unjust reason, slavery, is rampant and accept that pretty much only racists in America have used secession for selfish reasons.
09-26-2014 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I wonder what a deep mockery is.
No such thing. Mockery is a reactive emotional expression. Naturally lacks depth. Describing it as shallow simply accents how uninformative it is.
09-26-2014 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Of course you don't know, Alex. You don't know anything. You're mentally deficient. When someone who knows more than you, which is EVERYONE, tells you that they do know, WHY DO YOU DISAGREE?
If everything about you is completely trolling and you don't really believe the things you say, you might be smarter than me. If you actually believe the things you say, I have zero doubt that I'm smarter than you. Because the things you say are really, really dumb.
09-26-2014 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Alex you personally, with NO FACTS and NO EVIDENCE, affirmatively stated that the secession of the CSA was legal and valid.
No, I hold up the Constitution as my evidence on a regular basis. If you choose to disagree with how I interpret the Constitution, that's fine. Hell, to say that that isn't enough evidence is fine. But to say that I have "NO FACTS and NO EVIDENCE" makes you really, really stupid.
09-26-2014 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Talk about Scotland/UK. They just had an election about this.
Well, if the people who were against secession would LET ME talk about things other than the Civil War, I would never ever bring it up. I'm not the one determined to drag it into the conversation though, so me using some other example does absolutely nothing to stop them from scoring cheap points with it.
09-26-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
3 ways.

1. Ignore it, just say you want to apply sucession to more pertinent situations

2. Have a stipulation that there are unjust situations for sucession or situations where the distance between the ideal justification and the historical reality are too far apart to justify it.

3. Bite the bullet and claim all sucession is justifiable. If that happens you have to accept the consequences that in American history the idea that the South succeeded because of what many people believe is an unjust reason, slavery, is rampant and accept that pretty much only racists in America have used secession for selfish reasons.
And if my position is that all secession is justifiable, but that going to war with someone because they engage in slavery is also justifiable?
09-26-2014 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This is because you're a ****ing racist piece of ****. Shut the **** up. Nobody cares what you think.
Also, if nobody cared what I thought, you wouldn't shout me down all the time, you would just ignore the things I say. The only reason for you to do that is because you are AFRAID that people actually will care what I think.

Which is exactly what we're talking about when we say that your behavior is a tactic to shut people up. It's not literally about them not saying anything, it's about trying to brainwash other people into not listening.

Spew your moronic propaganda all you like though. It only makes me stronger!
09-26-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Well, if the people who were against secession would LET ME talk about things other than the Civil War, I would never ever bring it up. I'm not the one determined to drag it into the conversation though, so me using some other example does absolutely nothing to stop them from scoring cheap points with it.
Huh? Are posters standing by your keyboard deleting posts if you make a secession post not about the civil war?
09-26-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Huh? Are posters standing by your keyboard deleting posts if you make a secession post not about the civil war?
Really? Do you think it's that hard to derail a conversation on a forum that doesn't moderate threads to stay on topic or do a damned thing about trolls despite having an explicit rule about no trolling? Any fool can do it. People used to whine about ACists doing it all the time in the past. People whine about Fly doing it all the time today.

Now, I can certainly do my best to not participate in the derailment, but there's really very little I can do to stop it, and once it's happened, the conversation is ruined.
09-26-2014 , 04:26 PM
Read the moderation thread for unchained. Start your own topic, make the rules, post away.
09-26-2014 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
And if my position is that all secession is justifiable, but that going to war with someone because they engage in slavery is also justifiable?
The "but" part is irrelevant to the discussion of secession. It's relevant for just reasons to go to war. You just have to bite the bullet and admit that your version of session admits pretty horrendous justifications and outcomes, presumably with no advantages in particular instances.
09-26-2014 , 04:32 PM
Except that Unchained isn't really populated by that many people and more than half of them are trolls, so it'd be hard to get any sort of conversation going. Most of the people who would be interested in engaging in honest political conversation have been driven away by Fly and the Fly Girls.

Also, this discussion is really more about what I maybe could have done differently in the past and not the future.
09-26-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
The "but" part is irrelevant to the discussion of secession. It's relevant for just reasons to go to war. You just have to bite the bullet and admit that your version of session admits pretty horrendous justifications and outcomes, presumably with no advantages in particular instances.
What horrendous outcomes?

And there are always advantages. People get to freely associate with the people they want to associate with. That's a pretty damned important right.

As for horrendous justifications, "I don't wanna be part of your country" is sufficient justification.
09-26-2014 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Read the moderation thread for unchained. Start your own topic, make the rules, post away.
Those rules are fully exploitable and since the mods participate or stand quiet in the face of widespread bully mockery, no guarantee they would lift an extra finger to deal with it.

Besides, shutting down people who use the emotional appeal of racism to bully, especially when they do it to people who are easy to determine as not racist, is the right thing to do. Unchained and valid.

We oughta unban Silverman so people have a legit target to fire shots at with a sense of proportion.
09-26-2014 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Except that Unchained isn't really populated by that many people and more than half of them are trolls, so it'd be hard to get any sort of conversation going. Most of the people who would be interested in engaging in honest political conversation have been driven away by Fly and the Fly Girls.

Also, this discussion is really more about what I maybe could have done differently in the past and not the future.
So you post here because _____?
09-26-2014 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
What horrendous outcomes?

And there are always advantages. People get to freely associate with the people they want to associate with. That's a pretty damned important right.

As for horrendous justifications, "I don't wanna be part of your country" is sufficient justification.
Except that's not what happened in the Civil War as has been explained to you multiple times. The Civil War wasn't a civil disagreement over the aesthetics of the American government or that the Southerners just wanted to go their own way.
09-26-2014 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So you post here because _____?
Well, it's no longer to have political discussions!
09-26-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Except that's not what happened in the Civil War as has been explained to you multiple times. The Civil War wasn't a civil disagreement over the aesthetics of the American government or that the Southerners just wanted to go their own way.
No, that's not ALL of what happened then. It's a gross generalization.

And you ignored the key question in my post.

What horrendous outcomes?
09-26-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
No, that's not ALL of what happened then. It's a gross generalization.

And you ignored the key question in my post.

What horrendous outcomes?
The ability to secede based on the express privilege of preventing the freedom of association of a large amount of people.
09-26-2014 , 05:05 PM
Of allowing the South to secede? You mean besides letting the slaves continued to be owned as if they were property?
