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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-26-2014 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine

Do you have a more accurate methodology to determine the number of casualties of the holocaust than the countless expert historians who have gone before you? If not the your "questioning" of the official number means nothing.
No. My argument was not that I have better numbers in this specific case. That is what you guys made up. We probably will have to live with the ones currently used. They just are obvious guestimates (yes everybody knows that) and saying so doesn't make me a holocaust denier. But people will just call you one, if you think the number might be lower. Well, this thread was proof of that one. And I didn't even say I think the numbers are lower because I actually don't think they are. I just happen to have 6 family members who were on "death lists". My mom was on two. They all escaped. 2 were declared dead and couldn't convince the Soviets that they were actually alive. I don't know whether these numbers were accounted for or not. I found none of them mentioned in any public record for example. There were obv. mistakes made in the other direction too (and yes, everybody knows that).

My wider point was:

a) There should be public discussion of these numbers allowed even if this means to take holocaust deniers into account (and yes I think holocaust denial should not be a punishable offence). Leaving things to academia is dangerous because then "it" becomes just a number we tell our children to read up in a book. It is the whole "on liberty" argument again. Not saying that I bat for any of these numbers because:

b) The actual numbers are somewhat irrelevant. The numbers tattooed onto people are not. It is exactly because I think that the roots of antisemitism are alive and flourishing that I don't really care, whether there were 4 or 7 millions killed. I care about every family having lost their loved ones and about every family having to deal with the fact that their grandpa was a Nazi.

c) I don't agree with chezlaw that historians just provide "facts", or better formulated: there are plenty of historians who don't think they are. That would actually be an interesting thing to discuss but I shouldn't even have tried in this thread and never as badly as I did.
09-26-2014 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh bull**** I just google to see what "Nathaniel" swissmiss was on a first name basis with and it's an abolitionist and progressive columnist from the 19th century.

No. No. Swissmiss, you don't get to quote a good person. You're a ****ty person, you get to quote other ****ty people.
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
09-26-2014 , 11:06 AM
Lol Alex, you spewed hate at Wookie like one page ago. Drop the act.
09-26-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
And I didn't even say I think the numbers are lower because I actually don't think they are.
So you think the number of Holocaust victims was >6 million?
09-26-2014 , 11:09 AM
Saying there should be public discussion on the number of people killed in the Holocaust when basically all historians agree on the accepted number is basically te same as whining that there should be a public discussion on whether global warming is real because obviously those scientists are just saying that so they can get money.

Tldr: go do something to yourself that I'd get in trouble for telling you to do in this forum.
09-26-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Racists invented secession from the Constitution. Happy now?
So, are you just completely unaware that New England considered secession over the War of 1812?

Your conspiracy theory is pretty lol.

"What about the poor slave owner?!?!?" is a pretty straight-forward slavery apologist argument.
Do you even know the context of those statements? It was a discussion about IDEAS about how we might have ended the war peacefully instead of with a war that killed half a million+ people. Even if those ideas were wrong, proposing them and discussing them does not equal slavery apologism. Don't believe the Flookie propaganda.
09-26-2014 , 11:10 AM
Also, 6 million minus 2 is still 6 million when you account for sig figs, you ****ing moron.
09-26-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol Alex, you spewed hate at Wookie like one page ago. Drop the act.
Nah, although I can understand why it would seem that way to you. I've never experienced a feeling of hate in my life. Anger and frustration, yes, but not hate.
09-26-2014 , 11:15 AM
Like, why does there need to be a discussion on the number of people murdered during the holocaust at all? It's not from a place of academic rigor. The best reason you can assign is people being obsessed with conspiracies, which generally leads you to the "the Jews are in control of everything" conspiracy.

Like swissmiss - say the numbers are wrong 2 million either way. Okay? What's your point?
09-26-2014 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
c) I don't agree with chezlaw that historians just provide "facts", or better formulated: there are plenty of historians who don't think they are. That would actually be an interesting thing to discuss but I shouldn't even have tried in this thread and never as badly as I did.
I didn't mean that. The number who died is a fact, its not a matter of opinion even if we can only estimate it. Facts are different to things we have opinions on such as 'appeasement caused WW2'.
09-26-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
Will do, he is the king of mockery after all.
True but its not a fair fight, his got degrees and stuff in it.
09-26-2014 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
For someone who has been accused of being an anti-Semite you are remarkably unaware of the way your words come across.
(...) So why are you not careful when you say "The figure is obviously false"?
So you're not telling us something we don't already know.
That one is true. I know, I am not telling you something you don't know. My point was I should be able to say "numbers are false" without being called a antisemite or anything. I have to think over the whole PC thing, as I said. It is way less important where I live. But why don't people ask me as chezlaw did, when I say something like that? Ok, maybe you have better things to do. But then don't go into accusing-mode (not you you).

This is exactly wrong. The people who are "questioning" the six million number have no evidence, or they are pointing to evidence that has been debunked literally thousands of times. They should not be taken seriously. We don't have infinite time to politely refute the hundreds of thousands of Holocaust deniers on the web to spare the feelings of one nice, but seriously ignorant and deluded person.
I had the wider concept of "how historians generate numbers edit: and/or facts" in my head.
09-26-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
No. My argument was not that I have better numbers in this specific case. That is what you guys made up. We probably will have to live with the ones currently used. They just are obvious guestimates (yes everybody knows that) and saying so doesn't make me a holocaust denier. But people will just call you one, if you think the number might be lower.
First off, they are not "guesstimates" they are scientific estimates based on many lines of evidence. You don't get to say "Well, historians are just guessing, so their guess is as good as my incredibly uninformed guess."

Second, yes if you say "Holocaust deaths are lower" with no evidence, most people are going to call you a Holocaust denier and they are going to be right a staggeringly high percentage of the time.

Well, this thread was proof of that one.
See above. If you don't want to be accused of being a Holocaust denier, then don't say "The number is wrong" because people aren't going to assume you are complete moron who is just talking about error bars.

My wider point was:

a) There should be public discussion of these numbers allowed even if this means to take holocaust deniers into account (and yes I think holocaust denial should not be a punishable offence). Leaving things to academia is dangerous because then "it" becomes just a number we tell our children to read up in a book. It is the whole "on liberty" argument again. Not saying that I bat for any of these numbers because:
Leaving things to academia is dangerous? So the solution is to invite Holocaust deniers to the table because leaving it to them is totally safe?

Hey, I know scientists have known CO2 is a greenhouse gas for over a century, but let's invite internet conspiracy morons to the scientific conference because you can't leave it to academia!

b) The actual numbers are somewhat irrelevant. The numbers tattooed onto people are not. It is exactly because I think that the roots of antisemitism are alive and flourishing that I don't really care, whether there were 4 or 7 millions killed. I care about every family having lost their loved ones and about every family having to deal with the fact that their grandpa was a Nazi.
Hold on, you don't get to say "the numbers are irrelevant" after insisting that the Holocaust deniers be given equal time in history journals to discuss how wrong the numbers are. Yes, of course the exact number isn't important in many ways, but it is sure important to people denying the Holocaust. It's almost ALL they talk about.
09-26-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
That one is true. I know, I am not telling you something you don't know. My point was I should be able to say "numbers are false" without being called a antisemite or anything.
Why shouldn't I be able to call you an antisemite? Shouldn't we all be able to say what we think here in UNCHAINED?
09-26-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
But why don't people ask me as chezlaw did, when I say something like that? Ok, maybe you have better things to do. But then don't go into accusing-mode (not you you).
Good question. Why don't they just ask? it cant be that its too much effort when they put so much effort into the far more arduous task of not asking.

Asking is so easy and obvious and useful that its hard to believe anyone can get credit for doing it.
09-26-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
I wake up to read that I am a holocaust denier. This is nuts.

It is this. I lost a ton of family I will never get to know in the holocaust and I think Zionism is, let's say it nicely, bull****. Now ok, I still could be a holocaust denier. And now that I question Zionism half of you will think I am a Nazi, but the ease with which people jump to that conclusion just from some controversial posts is exactly the problem I have. This is an example:

I never said the number was grossly overinflated, it could be too low. I have some disdain for a lot of historians and for the Soviets and their bookkeeping in general. That one is true. And it is true, that I should have formulated that one better. I only question the "official" numbers because I question every "official" number and the process by which we come to such numbers (albeit is has improved) and the relevance we put into such numbers. That ranges from GDP to the amount of Iraqis killed by the US. There is no hidden holocaust denial behind it. And that people just are too glad to jump to that conclusion is the problem I have.

But ok, there would have been a zillion better ways to start discussing this than the one I chose. Citry is right I applied way to little analytical rigor in this discussion. So I am responsible for many of you jumping to these conclusions too, and I have a problem with myself in the end. I apologize for that.

Just to make sure: I don't deny the holocaust. I think it was one of the evilist evils possible.
Miss- you are in a crowd who exploit the emotional appeal of racism and the holocaust to bully people. They admit it, either by stating it outright or by their behavior. That is not your fault.

Your occasional clumsiness with language or informality with statistics is certainly forgivable and understandable to people who read to comprehend and understand.
09-26-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM

Not that I agree with that dude one bit. I don't have enough knowledge to have an opinion either way.
The guy is probably an anti-Semite, but perhaps just taken in by them. He cites racist Holocaust deniers like David Irving.
09-26-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Good question. Why don't they just ask? it cant be that its too much effort when they put so much effort into the far more arduous task of not asking.

Asking is so easy and obvious and useful that its hard to believe anyone can get credit for doing it.
That's easy. It's much more fun to troll. After you've identified the worthy villain, boy it feels good to put them in their place. I can't tell you how delighted I was the last ten minutes of Inglorious Basterds. The surprise ending and utterly justified hating I got to do was magnificent.
09-26-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
The guy is probably an anti-Semite, but perhaps just taken in by them. He cites racist Holocaust deniers like David Irving.
I mean, he's Jewish. IDK. Wookie's claim just seemed sketchy, so I spent 5 second finding this guy. I can buy that he's been taken in by propaganda, but that wasn't the point.
09-26-2014 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Miss- you are in a crowd who exploit the emotional appeal of racism and the holocaust to bully people. They admit it, either by stating it outright or by their behavior. That is not your fault.
It is not bullying someone to call their opinions odious and racist. Frankly, your comparison of calling people out for their racist beliefs to "bullying" is insulting to people who experience actual bullying. Your "campaign" is stupid. That said, I sincerely hope you have a lot of sex or pinball or foot massages or cheeseburgers or whatever makes you happiest this coming weekend.
09-26-2014 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
First off, they are not "guesstimates" they are scientific estimates based on many lines of evidence. You don't get to say "Well, historians are just guessing, so their guess is as good as my incredibly uninformed guess."

Second, yes if you say "Holocaust deaths are lower" with no evidence, most people are going to call you a Holocaust denier and they are going to be right a staggeringly high percentage of the time.

See above. If you don't want to be accused of being a Holocaust denier, then don't say "The number is wrong" because people aren't going to assume you are complete moron who is just talking about error bars.

Leaving things to academia is dangerous? So the solution is to invite Holocaust deniers to the table because leaving it to them is totally safe?

Hey, I know scientists have known CO2 is a greenhouse gas for over a century, but let's invite internet conspiracy morons to the scientific conference because you can't leave it to academia!

Hold on, you don't get to say "the numbers are irrelevant" after insisting that the Holocaust deniers be given equal time in history journals to discuss how wrong the numbers are. Yes, of course the exact number isn't important in many ways, but it is sure important to people denying the Holocaust. It's almost ALL they talk about.
Hey, global warming was my example. Get your own!
09-26-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Miss- you are in a crowd who exploit the emotional appeal of racism and the holocaust to bully people. They admit it, either by stating it outright or by their behavior. That is not your fault.

Your occasional clumsiness with language or informality with statistics is certainly forgivable and understandable to people who read to comprehend and understand.
09-26-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
Saying there should be public discussion on the number of people killed in the Holocaust when basically all historians agree on the accepted number is basically te same as whining that there should be a public discussion on whether global warming is real because obviously those scientists are just saying that so they can get money.

Tldr: go do something to yourself that I'd get in trouble for telling you to do in this forum.
It is absolutely not the same:

a) There should be public discussion about anything. To penalize some sort of public discussion (as for example some sorts of holocaust denial in Switzerland are) is the greater harm then having some idiots spurting lies.

b) If there was something like an IPCC for historians, I might be less critical of them.
09-26-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Good question. Why don't they just ask?
We took her words at face value. How are we supposed to anticipate that she's talking about uncertainty? I can't imagine anybody who was just talking about uncertainty would say the things she did, especially if they had scored 75,000 on the verbal SAT.
09-26-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
So you think the number of Holocaust victims was >6 million?
In that ballpark.
