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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-23-2014 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Alex literally apologized for slavery, tho.
Oh look, you're lying about me again. Shocker! You should really put this personal vendetta of yours aside.
09-23-2014 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Alex any thoughts on how spank appears to believe a billboard with the word "Secede" on it is racist?

It was even purchased by a benign sounding group!
In the right context, it certainly can be. In the context given, I'd say probably. If it had been in Texas, that would be a different question.
09-23-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Oh look, you're lying about me again. Shocker! You should really put this personal vendetta of yours aside.
I quoted the post.
09-23-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie

This is a U.S. centric topic factually.

Thank you. I understand that somewhat. But why should it be? It just sounds like a shifting blame game. Nobody cares to read actual philosophers from that time but they just humpty dumpty about a broken egg.
09-23-2014 , 07:35 PM

So someone who has a small cotton farm and is disgusted by slavery spends all his money buying a couple slaves because society (both North and South) has created a situation where that's the only way that he can be competitive, and now he has nothing and loses his farm and his house and has to beg for his dinner? Because he's a slave owner and deserves to be punished?

Slavery is disgusting and horrific, but judging individuals based on how they acted within a social structure that you can't understand simply isn't fair.
I think most of us are A-OK with the slave owner being punished for owning other human beings and don't find it unfair at all and certainly don't find it unfair compared to, you know, the people who were treated as property because of their skin color.
09-23-2014 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
...It is taught in Swiss schools (at least in mine) that Lincoln was a) some kind of abolitionist and b) wanted to keep the union and c) maybe there was a more prudent way than go to war for this...
(a) Not really, abolitionist friendly would be more accurate.
(b) True.
(c) Not his call. The CSA started the war.

... the South... had a "right" to secede...
This is categorically false.

... I think every individual should have the right to secede...
This is either absurd (claiming some kinda universal right to be a hermit) or gibberish (if not living as a hermit, WTF does a seceded individual even possibly mean ~ answer: nothing).

...There are other places in the world where secession movements have nothing to do with slavery...
True, they just had a big-deal election about this in the UK. However in the context of what AlexM is carrying on about (Lincoln, etc) it is explicitly tied to US History and slavery.

However, in this US Historical context, most people forget that the rallying slogan and goal of the Abolitionist Movement was 'Disunion'. Abolitionists considered the US Constitution as fatally flawed because it was specifically written to legally protect slave owners 'rights' from democratic political action. Therefore dissolving the union was the only peaceful way to abolish slavery.

Originally Posted by W.Garrison
Disunion (1855)

… We are asked, How is the dissolution of the Union to be effected? Give us your plan! My answer is, whenever THE PEOPLE are ready for Disunion, they will easily find out a way to effect it. When this sentiment shall spread like a flame, as I trust in God it will, through the length and breadth of the free States, (cheers,) the people will come together in their primary assemblies, and elect such men to represent them in General Convention as they may deem best qualified to devise ways and means for effecting a separation, and to frame a new government, free from the spirit of bondage...
Originally Posted by W.Garrison
Dred Scott and Disunion (1858)

We are here to enter our indignant protest against the Dred Scott decision—against the infamous Fugitive Slave Law...against the alarming aggressions of the Slave Power upon the rights of the people of the North—and especially against the existence of the slave system at the South...

We shall be told that this is equivalent to a dissolution of the Union. Be it so! Give us Disunion with liberty and a good conscience, rather than Union with slavery and moral degradation. What! shall we shake hands with those who buy, sell, torture, and horribly imbrute their fellow-creatures, and trade in human flesh! God forbid! Every man should respect himself too much to keep such company. We must break this wicked alliance with men-stealers, or all is lost...
09-23-2014 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I quoted the post.
I thought you might have been thinking this. I can't even tell which post you mean though, because none of the ones you quoted are anything like that. Your ability to distort the things I say into some other thing is certainly amazing. You have a talent.
09-23-2014 , 07:41 PM
Alex, since we're apparently doing this **** all over again, can you also remind me real quick how the black vote broke down in the Southern Independence referendums in the various states of the CSA?

After you answer the question about the billoard, of course.
09-23-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool

I think most of us are A-OK with the slave owner being punished for owning other human beings and don't find it unfair at all and certainly don't find it unfair compared to, you know, the people who were treated as property because of their skin color.
Who was making a comparison? Obviously that other thing is way worse.

So, do you think we should have also executed everyone in Germany after WWII? After all, the populace was, by and large, an accomplice in what happened. I'm sorry if I don't necessarily agree with ruining the lives of all the dumbs who go along with things.

But hey, let's go with that philosophy. I now support imprisoning everyone who has ever voted against gay marriage. Yeah, sounds like a great idea!
09-23-2014 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Alex, since we're apparently doing this **** all over again, can you also remind me real quick how the black vote broke down in the Southern Independence referendums in the various states of the CSA?

After you answer the question about the billoard, of course.
Umad bro? Cause I figure you wouldn't have missed my response to that if you weren't mad.

I have no idea what a Southern Independence referendum is and have no idea why I should care.
09-23-2014 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
Thank you. I understand that somewhat. But why should it be? It just sounds like a shifting blame game. Nobody cares to read actual philosophers from that time but they just humpty dumpty about a broken egg.
It may help to imagine the civil war never ended, from some folks perspective.

How these people behave in the modern political climate is more complicated than it may seem. A person with willfully racist political intent is the most dangerous and is represented figuratively in that civil war discussion entanglement.
09-23-2014 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Umad bro? Cause I figure you wouldn't have missed my response to that if you weren't mad.
Uh, dude, I'm so in your head I made you have a ****ing anxiety attack/mental breakdown. I'm doing it to you right now.

But, uh, the billboard just says "secede" how is that racist?

I have no idea what a Southern Independence referendum is and have no idea why I should care.
You know, the votes that Southern states held before seceding from the Union? So that they could morally assert the "consent of the governed" argument?

Just a real quick overview of the black vote in those referendums, you don't need to go state by state.
09-23-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
It doesn't matter whether the South had a right to secede. They enslaved black people. In my debate with Bruce I said that if the British were being truthful when they promised to free the slaves if they defeated the rebels, then the wrong side won the Revolutionary War.
Arguing over the right to secede is a tangent that is interesting as its own discussion.
09-23-2014 , 07:57 PM
Ahh, okay. So, you think you're scoring some point or something because they didn't get to vote. Having them revote after the war and including everyone's vote sounds like a great idea.
09-23-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I would hate to sit in on any philosophy seminar you participate in when you string the bolded thoughts together in one post.
It is not necessary to read the Constitution to assert a natural and inalienable right to secede.
09-23-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
(a) Not really, abolitionist friendly would be more accurate.
(b) True.
(c) Not his call. The CSA started the war.
I agree with all of them. I am not blaming Lincoln for the war.

This is categorically false.
Yeah, it somewhat is, therefore my "" around rights.

This is either absurd (claiming some kinda universal right to be a hermit) or gibberish (if not living as a hermit, WTF does a seceded individual even possibly mean ~ answer: nothing).
That we could argue about. I think it means I right to solitude.

True, they just had a big-deal election about this in the UK. However in the context of what AlexM is carrying on about (Lincoln, etc) it is explicitly tied to US History and slavery.
I tried to account for that.

However, in this US Historical context, most people forget that the rallying slogan and goal of the Abolitionist Movement was 'Disunion'. Abolitionists considered the US Constitution as fatally flawed because it was specifically written to legally protect slave owners 'rights' from democratic political action. Therefore dissolving the union was the only peaceful way to abolish slavery.
That was somewhat what I was talking about.
09-23-2014 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Ahh, okay. So, you think you're scoring some point or something because they didn't get to vote. Having them revote after the war and including everyone's vote sounds like a great idea.
OK then maybe just the white vote, how'd that break down?

LOL you worthless ****ing racist, by the way. What odds you think there are on your "great idea" actually happening? Why do we have to wait until AFTER the war, I thought under your plan there would be no war.

Dip**** this is why you shouldn't learn history from white supremacists. Maybe try a history book next time?
09-23-2014 , 07:59 PM
lol Fly
09-23-2014 , 08:01 PM
How about you say what you're trying to say and stop playing dumbass games?
09-23-2014 , 08:01 PM
If you do that, I might even pretend that you're engaging with me honestly, even though we both know you're not.
09-23-2014 , 08:03 PM
I think my point is pretty clear. You may not understand, but you're an uneducated mentally ill racist piece of ****. Enjoy living half a life, ****wit.
09-23-2014 , 08:04 PM
I DO NOT WANT TO ENGAGE YOU HONESTLY. Alex, you bring nothing to the table besides whining and ****ing dishonesty. What's in it for me? I not only already know what your halfwit racist opinions are(bog standard Mises-style neoconfederacy apologism), I know the historical context for how stupid white Southerners built that Lost Cause mythology.

What do you bring to the table, besides bleating demands that everyone hold your hand, explain everything to you, and be real nice about it while we do it?
09-23-2014 , 08:06 PM
I don't know what's in it for you. Most people who discuss Politics are interested in learning and helping others learn. What's your purpose?
09-23-2014 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It may help to imagine the civil war never ended, from some folks perspective.

How these people behave in the modern political climate is more complicated than it may seem. A person with willfully racist political intent is the most dangerous and is represented figuratively in that civil war discussion entanglement.
I get that somewhat. But this my point. So we want to hinder this discussion or not just because it is dangerous? Edit: Why is the modern political discussion even relevant?

Man, it was dangerous to discuss the earth not evolving around the sun in some countries some years ago. Everybody would agree that that was stupid. Just because we do not know what will be an "accepted theory" some years from now, why would we stop discussing it? Just because everybody knows it is an "accepted theory" now why would we stop discussing it? Discussion is dangerous, that is why it is so precious. Doesn't mean there are not differences between different modes of discussion.

Last edited by swissmiss; 09-23-2014 at 08:18 PM.
09-23-2014 , 08:11 PM
I guess the real question is, if you don't want to engage with me, why are you asking me questions?
