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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

05-08-2015 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I fixed this. I reloaded the page and it was still fixed. Now it's broken again.

Edit: And now it's fixed again! What the hell is happening to my internets?!?!
That day when you have to ask the kids how to set those newfangled digital clocks...
05-08-2015 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Too boring. Might as well stick with the habit nonsense.
I was going to continue on with the extremely gentle teasing about their all-two/too/to-human weaknesses before you piped up and ruined it.
05-08-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
I was going to continue on with the extremely gentle teasing about their all-two/too/to-human weaknesses before you piped up and ruined it.
I'm a twit twoo
05-08-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don't look now, but our own cytri is laying some serious snack down in the SMP International Space Station thread.
I wonder if Zeno enjoyed the taste of his own foot.
05-08-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
I wonder if Zeno enjoyed the taste of his own foot.
Pretty epic smackdown. For those who missed it:

Originally Posted by Zeno
Put bluntly; people like me move and push civilization forward - the rest are laggards and fools that deserve the backward hovels they want all to crawl into with force fear; under the watchful draconian eye of sanctimonious moralists and their lackeys.

I'm Lord Nelson at the battle of the Nile; you are the French laid at anchor in the bay.
Originally Posted by ctyri
I suppose this is you trying to be cute, but what do you actually do to push civilization and technology forward? Serious question.

For the record, I have taught graduate courses in space technology and currently manage a $15M R&D portfolio.
05-08-2015 , 11:20 PM
Zeno was also slandering blue collar Mexican workers the other day. He probably just misses Bruce.
05-09-2015 , 12:05 AM
Zeno and I are good. He may have mistaken my comments regarding ISS as anti-space in general (perhaps), which could be easy to do given how i wrote it. He was quick and courteous with a follow up. No smack down either way. We both share similar views on science and technology in general. I don't mind a little barb, and my own barb back was equally retorted.
05-09-2015 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Zeno was also slandering blue collar Mexican workers the other day. He probably just misses Bruce.
I'm glad nothing is missed. Think his disclamer worked? I had to change my post coming after it, it could be viewed as racist, even if I wasn't commenting that thing. You need to be vigilant.

Disney is still a safe choice?

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-09-2015 at 12:45 AM.
05-17-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Beware of a place where nobody is left anymore to disagree with you. Because then your last chance is your own conscience and it better be up to the task. But if it were up to the task it wouldnt have allowed you to be the reason others no longer exist to disagree as they see fit without fear of being prosecuted or "treated" with shame. No free thinker tolerates this restriction on free speech. It is essential to an honest discussion that all parties offer ideas and arguments without fear of being isolated and shamed for the possibility to be found holding a minority position in a topic of interest.

Someone holding a minority opinion must not be an inconvenience for others. It must be a reason for others to improve their arguments and win them over or a concern that their arguments may not be entirely correct. If a person is trolling and disagreeing for effect always then it is a concern (that should be easy to verify though objectively by pointing poor malicious techniques and irrational behavior) but if a lot of such people exist on several levels either minority or majority depending on the topic then we have a greater problem to fix and it has to do with the quality of who we have become as a community.

I have to admit that although i never expected it, some level of McCarthyism is starting to become evident in 2+2 lately. Exactly what is wrong with SpanktehbadWookie in particular to warrant 2 threads targeting him past 24h? What has he done?
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I put more effort in my few posts here than most your own buddies do in 20 of their own, that conveniently hate and mock me and others 24/7(in a way identical to the racism and prejudice they so much dislike). I never did that to them, always taking them seriously though and certainly never in SMP, poker theory or tournament poker when they were there.

So anytime, anywhere i am ready to be judged on my actions and have my posting history revealed to my friends and family without fear of the content making me look worse than the person they know, in fact probably improving me. Are they all able to say the same? So have heart and ethical core to challenge me evenly. Not with bs cheap arguments like that. My posts for BruceZ are not for a friend (they just happen to be about a friend). I didnt post here to support a guy with a complete disregard to what happened in a totally partisan style. I always gave arguments when i posted.

These posts were most importantly targeting the core soul of 2+2 that is at risk at the hands of an impossible group of mods that are failing their ethical obligation to unite the community and make it more civil in how people treat each other. It doesnt get more relevant to politics than that.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
This is thread about another issue and i dont want to reintroduce pvn negatively here because i want to move on but you guys wont let me. I only will refer to how i experienced pvn in relation to Bruce and others, myself included then and hope he is a better person now and under control of such destructive behavior.

First of all Bruce didnt threaten for real anyone. Yes what he did in pm is not reasonable/worthy/acceptable for a mod (at face value without context) but its nothing really of substance that matters when all the details of the event are available. If Pvn wasnt looking to irritate him and trash his name all over the web effectively with the huge volume of quotes of out of context posts/threads and leading a smearing campaign to de-mod him (and did that to me and others similarly and i can offer examples here if you want to show what kind of ahole he was at the time) at a moment of tremendous site wide abuse with repeated perverted versions of yellow journalism, then none of this would have happened. And of course nothing happened other than Bruce giving him another weapon to strike him with. So the only harm done here was to Bruce, nobody else. Therefore the "crime" here has no victim other than the accused "villain" if you care to pay attention to the facts and the substance. So sorry i see no abuse of mod privileges here that effectively lead to anything harmful or could have lead to anything harmful by a guy of such high IQ that can easily strike without exposing his intentions if he really wanted to. So any sensible guy knows this was just highly agitated trash talking without any real effective value. Of course pvn got exactly what he wanted with that pm, proof how fast he was reposting it all over the site. Lets not avoid the truth and see him as victim now! That was prime time setup work.

Furthermore if that was a business and Bruce was employed and i was the boss, Pvn would have been thrown out of the site for behavior unworthy of a gentleman way before Bruce pmed him. The business would have protected a long term stellar employee as Bruce. The punishment he would have received of course for losing control momentarily under stress would be to get a ban for a day or week for any nasty posts, maybe lose modship for a symbolic time period (it is 9 months now! isnt that enough?). His probability modship had nothing to do with this bs and was exceptional in original content, editing and fast comprehensive responses to major problems/questions raised every day for years as if running a school or workshop/seminar on campus. People who still want to call it homework help are clueless of the true size/scope/range of the work involved. Ask the regulars in probability to tell you if it was homework or something more interesting and well above the requirements of a poker site lol closer to advanced undergrad of graduate level classes material at times worthy of a math or physics /engineering site.

As management i would also offer additional "punishment" in the form of community service for a couple weeks. For example imagine it in terms of Bruce teaching guys like the "abused" victim pvn free math that would help them see the world a lot better and more objectively, such as Bayesian probability/statistics. Then after this service his modship would have been restored. I would have also deleted all personal attack posts of that period.

A business that is ran properly would have never allowed this fiasco to become what it did by demanding everyone posting to stop being childish punks. I would have in fact delivered 1 week bans to at least 20-30 people during that event on top of the Bruce punishment mentioned and even temp banned for a day certain mods too. Of course i want to imagine that i would have acted so vigorously when someone like Bruce was attacked the way he was to protect him from getting mad and calming the situation and demanding Bruce to explain all his posts (in fact he did it to a degree in a very good quality open letter that was then attacked) and to accept responsibility for having some tough opinions that were or could be seen as insensitive in some SMP threads to an observer that didnt have the perspective of many weeks /months or prior debating style/even humor in place regarding such discussions. His posts could have been debated by the site members and even forced him to change his mind on them properly rather than used to attack and effectively character assassinate him.

A proper sensible business knows both how to correct Bruce and demand a more sensitive behavior on certain issues posted and still shield his legacy from unacceptable trashing by people that had no idea of his contributions to the site. Do special rules apply to some people? You better believe it if their failures are of no tangible consequence to anyone but themselves and their past history has benefited the community so much!!! You care for such people and you help them if they fail, you do not exercise the maximum letter of the law on them. You only punish them severely if in fact there are people that are affected by their actions. Then yes i have no reason to use prior life as defense when true crimes are in place. I will still be more open minded during a process of reform/punishment to care for them though but i would be fair for all involved and justice would be delivered.

A real progressive society is always about the true spirit of the law and not some bs letter crap that is blind to the contributions/impact of choices to the greater value building of a community. But that society will not use special laws for different people when true crimes are committed. Prior great contributions do not give anyone the right to be unethical. But is that really what happened here?

As for spank. I have seen spanktehbadwookie be abused and mocked here 24/7 for weeks. What do you want the guy to do but try to answer to some people and show them their own hypocrisy in how they treat others. I never saw that as trolling. Why? Because i didnt see him attack people first, only respond to attacks he was receiving. I have also seen him often present original direct positions on issues that are not at all trolling. Granted i havent been as active here as most of you so i may be wrong or my timing, not as accurate. But i have seen him post in SMP recently without anything negative happening there.

Its kind of bs by the way for a forum to have threads about who is the bad poster etc. What is that mockery central? I thought unchained was about being able to talk freely and touch politically sensitive topics without fear of banning and prosecution/heavy editing where people would be more tolerant and eager to debate any extreme position without the need/desire to suppress it instead. I never expected the forum to be the lets find people to trash for fun forum. Even if one created a thread to talk about bad posters i would expect if these people really cared to explain kindly why the posts were bad and not try to insult heavily the people involved.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399 37510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 7068...

2^(1/2)=1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875 37694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764 1573...

Zikzaking school of pvning=

Pi says

Who knew that pi is in fact 2^(1/2). The zikzaking school of pvning did.
Dude, the above is the writings of a child. Are you sure you're old enough to be posting here?

Anyways... the surprising recent regime change has unexpectantly vindicated team #cockroaches seemingly crazy 'Spam Baja Politards relentlessly until the odious BruceZ is re-greened' strategy... as that's how Teh Jabber-Wookie just ended up getting himself re-greened. However, where team #cockroach went astray was they were surrogate spamming while BruceZ childishly boycotted. What needed to happen was for BruceZ to come back and do his own spamming, while team #cockroach backs him up in the inevitable Containment Vote (just like they backed up Teh Jabber-Wookie).

So... are you going to start e-mail bombing BruceZ (or alternately PM bombing those members of team #cockroach who have his e-mail address, if you don't) urging him to return and relentlessly spam Baja Politards ??
05-20-2015 , 09:24 AM
It wasn't spank's campaign in a vacuum that got him re greened. He had some help from the opposing mob whose mean and petty spirit became exposed as the much bigger cancer. It would be tough to recreate the same dynamic re bruce, but I am on board with spinning spanks restoration as throwing smp a bone.
05-20-2015 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
It wasn't spank's campaign in a vacuum that got him re greened. He had some help from the opposing mob whose mean and petty spirit became exposed as the much bigger cancer. It would be tough to recreate the same dynamic re bruce, but I am on board with spinning spanks restoration as throwing smp a bone.
Nah Mat was just ****ing around and didn't really get the strength of feeling from quarters he has time for.

By which time it was what it was.
05-20-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
It wasn't spank's campaign in a vacuum that got him re greened. He had some help from the opposing mob whose mean and petty spirit became exposed as the much bigger cancer. It would be tough to recreate the same dynamic re bruce, but I am on board with spinning spanks restoration as throwing smp a bone.
I seriously doubt Mat sees it as anything to do with that.

I hope he is learning something from the way some behave towards anything they don't approve of but I wouldn't bet much on that either.
05-20-2015 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I seriously doubt Mat sees it as anything to do with that.

I hope he is learning something from the way some behave towards anything they don't approve of but I wouldn't bet much on that either.
I reckon he wanted to throw SMP a bone.

can you be specific with your second sentence please because I think I know what you mean but it's vague and if I am going to disagree with you I'd prefer to disagree with what you actually mean.
05-20-2015 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I reckon he wanted to throw SMP a bone.

can you be specific with your second sentence please because I think I know what you mean but it's vague and if I am going to disagree with you I'd prefer to disagree with what you actually mean.
I can't see how re modding spank would be seen as done for SMP by anyone sensible. Maybe you think Mat sees it differently.

I mean the OTT response but in particular let's consider some claiming that Spank is a threat - Mat probably knows it's a ridiculous claim and may realise it's being used to try to escalate the situation into something serious.
05-20-2015 , 09:58 AM
Spank has threatened posters with files and stuff before being remodded so while I think the risk is going to be overstated it's one that traces back to spanks posts.

I don't think it was done for SMP as such and I don't know that remodding spank is any sign of sensibility but the posters itf who are associated with the smp side of the fiasco.
05-20-2015 , 10:20 AM
"Fiascos Getting Called Fiascos" - when was this thread renamed, why, and by whom?
05-20-2015 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
Spank has threatened posters with files and stuff before being remodded so while I think the risk is going to be overstated it's one that traces back to spanks posts.

I don't think it was done for SMP as such and I don't know that remodding spank is any sign of sensibility but the posters itf who are associated with the smp side of the fiasco.
I strongly suspect and sincerely hope that Mat barely if at all considers the 'us vs them' nonsense preached by the kids. Those who supported Spank did so because we disapprove of the nonsense being proposed, the vast majority of these have nothing much to with SMP

I'd like to think Mat shares the disapproval of exciling posters especially while continuing to allow them to be attacked but more likely he just realises that PU needs to be sufficently different from P to prevent a lot of ridiculous **** landing at his doorstep so if it's going to exist it may as well be someone like Spank. I also doubt he sees it as much more than silliness anyway.
05-20-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
"Fiascos Getting Called Fiascos" - when was this thread renamed, why, and by whom?
By Spank as he was the only one that could at the time, Elliot could as well but didn't.
05-20-2015 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
By Spank as he was the only one that could at the time, Elliot could as well but didn't.
It was his first act as mod, lol
05-20-2015 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
It was his first act as mod, lol
Pretty sure his first act was closing the spank containment thread, y'know, because he supports free speech and all.
05-20-2015 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
It was his first act as mod, lol
I hadn't noticed
05-20-2015 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Pretty sure his first act was closing the spank containment thread, y'know, because he supports free speech and all.
Hah, is that true? I saw that but thought maybe I had closed it.

My memory isn't so good these days.

Edit: Looks like it was closed after I was de-modded. That's pretty hilarious.
05-20-2015 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I strongly suspect and sincerely hope that Mat barely if at all considers the 'us vs them' nonsense preached by the kids. Those who supported Spank did so because we disapprove of the nonsense being proposed, the vast majority of these have nothing much to with SMP.
What was it that you supported, like you've said why you supported spank but what did you support.
05-20-2015 , 10:45 AM
Either way it makes sense to close that thread. Plenty of threads to have a go at Spank if people want to but that vote is over.

Containing prevailing topics to appropriate threads is a good thing, I'd hope to see more of it.
05-20-2015 , 10:48 AM
FYI- I've closed zero threads since returning, but thanks for guessing about it with such certainty in multiple threads across multiple forums. It's kind of funny.
