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Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight)

12-27-2012 , 01:54 AM
Any limelight players here?

I don't want to bring up 2+2 at the table, but I imagine some of the limelight regulars have to post here.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-27-2012 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by JerrysWorld
Any limelight players here?

I don't want to bring up 2+2 at the table, but I imagine some of the limelight regulars have to post here.
I play there pretty often. There are quite a few Limelight regulars. I usually have at least some history with about half the table.

In fact, I will probably be there later today.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-29-2012 , 02:05 AM
Played at TV for the first time last week. It was a comfortable setting with 3 $2/5 tables going and mostly played 9 handed.
I might come back but the 40 min drive from Folsom sucks.

How is the $5/10 game? Mostly 2p2 regs? I saw a couple $2/5 donks sit in the $5/10 game but didn't see how they ended up
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-29-2012 , 03:48 PM
It's hit or miss like most 5/10 games around town. Sometimes it plays very shallow and is pretty terrible, other times it's great.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-29-2012 , 05:15 PM
to all the people telling me not to complain, the post was more of a joke than a complaint. I typed it up once, then tried to copy it before I posted it (incase something happened so I didnt lose it all) and in the process I deleted all but the final paragraph. What I had originally written in the beginning was "in no way is this meant to come off as me crying or saying it only happens to me".. I totally understand its poker, and its just a buy in. Honestly, I'd been running like god for weeks leading up to that so I was totally due anyway, but I just wanted to add the fact that I was not actually complaining.. I could care less. its much less about the money and much more about the losing that tilts me, lol, I'm a tad competitive.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-29-2012 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMile
give `em a try again next week Vinny, you'll get them back... hope to see you there.
Any time the 5/10 game is running at TV and there's a decent amount of money on the table (aka people don't feel like being short stacking 400-700 donks with one person sitting on 1k) I'm there. Usually wearing lots of 49ers gear. Feel free to say whats up to me. Feel free also to not get your money in bad against me if you're going to suck out hahaha
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
12-31-2012 , 07:14 AM
8handed 2/5 table just broke at thunder. Wth is up with that?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-01-2013 , 06:54 PM
I love to play at tv only 2/5 I don't like there 1/3 and 5/10 is outta my league ATM.

I usually just play at my home card room casino real in Manteca sometimes it's 1/1/2 plays as deep if not deeper then the 2/5 in tv
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-03-2013 , 04:31 AM
Jackson Rancheria trip report:

Based on one hour of play, Very Tight 7-8 handed NL 1/2 game on a weekday afternoon.

I don't even live in California, but was visiting in-laws in Jackson who like to play pit games at the Rancheria.

The poker room is far enough away from other games for me not to have been bothered by cigarette odor. The floor and dealers were friendly. There was one table running, 1/2 NL. Four of my opponents were full-stacked and three had 30-40bb. I did not ask what the minimum buy-in was.

I have played about 25,000 live NL 1/2, 1/3, and 2/5 hands in various venues across the USA and Canada over the last five years. This was definitely the most tight-passive game I have ever seen. Considering most of the players appeared to be retired, it was a weekday afternoon, and no alcohol is served, this wasn't entirely unexpected.

Live, I am used to the standard opening raise being 5-7x, but here it was 4x. There was a fair amount of limping, but less than in most 1/2 games. What surprised me the most is that the limpers usually folded to $6-$8 isolation raises. I am used to people limping, than snap-calling raises to $15, sometimes even calling 3-bets with the likes of K9o.

There was one short-stacked gentleman who did have the tendency to limp-call, but everyone else played very tightly to raises. There was not a single 3-bet in 30 hands. KK got shown down twice, once someone limped with it. The other time, a short-stacked player flatted a raise pre-flop, called a c-bet on J74r, called a less than pot all-in on a brick turn and then was very slow to table his Kings after his opponent had flipped over QQ. He first leaned over the table, peered at the cards, and stated how astonished he was to not be up against AA or JJ, since the aggressor had barreled so quickly.

The only river raise came on a board of 99836 when 98 was against 66.

They appear to rake a percentage of the pot, as opposed to a drop. Thank goodness, otherwise they would be taking 50% of the average pot size on most flops. When the pot was less than $10 post-flop, the dealer would take $1. $10-$20 and they would take $2, so the rake seems to be 10% rounded-up to the next dollar. I did not verify the max. At $15 they also take $1 for a jackpot. If I read the sign correctly, the BBJP is for 8888+. There is also a fixed bonus of $200-$250 for AAAKK. Come to think of it, I forgot to ask if it was a high-hand bonus for holding precisely AAAKK or a bad-beat bonus for losing with AAAKK+.

There were notices up about tournaments to be held in the $60-$150 range.

End of poker content.

The video poker pay tables are also very tight. I couldn't find any machine returning greater than 97%. However, new slot club members get $5 free-play and in four hands mine turned into $162.50. LOL variance.

There is generous spacing on the casino floor. You never feel cramped. Aesthetically, the casino is pleasing, but I reckon the patrons are paying for the renovation costs with the extra-tight games.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-03-2013 , 04:35 PM
@Berlino: thanks for the TR. I used to play at Jackson when I was into blackjack but haven't played poker there. Not worth it for a single table of $1/2 IMO.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-03-2013 , 05:43 PM
LOL I've never played at jackson and that TR makes me really happy about that.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-03-2013 , 06:53 PM
I first started playing poker at Jackson when I was 18, about 7 years ago now. At that time there were always great games and lots of them. When they had to close half of the casino due to structural issues it really killed their action. This was around the time that Casino Royale and Red Hawk opened, so these both cut their player pool as well.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-03-2013 , 09:13 PM
Jackson even in its best days was far worse than any other 1/2 i can think about in Nor cal. I played there when i was 18. I would buy in for $100 and be a top 3 stack. Live 4 is a big deal over there. Havent been there in around 4 years would like to check out the new renovation at least sometime but since they never spread anything higher than a worthless 1/2 its hardly worth the gas.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:40 AM
There will always a spot in my heart for Jackson Rancheria! Thanks for the TR, shocker they still get a game going but I bet I could guess who is still playing there every day! Just passive grinders trying to win the BBJ.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:41 AM
Also typical Sacramento behavior ITT with all the strat talk.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 01:06 PM
Jackson- well, I've also play there a few times since the grand re-opening. Berlino is pretty accurate. The casino itself is a great upgrade, bright, roomy, pleasant. Food offerings look nice, and reports about the Wolf restaurant on the second floor are glowing.
Poker, well....remains about the same as before. Going from age 18 to 21 really killed poker for a while. The buy-in cap on 1-2 NL remains at $200.00, and I am sure the locals like it like that. Most buys BI for $100 or 120.00. I see the Friday and Saturday $50.00 BI MTT as a decent reason to head out there, if thats what you are looking for. My wife likes the place b/c of the slots. So I go sometimes.
From a management standpoint, The Cannery Casino group is managing the place, and it shows. (good and bad) The new room manager is trying stuff, subject to constant approval I am sure. Gone is the superbig BBJ, nor is there any chance it will return to any six-figure payout. Their bonuses and HHJs are confusing, hard to attain, and really don't match up with what is on the website. But the room is beautiful, a big improve from the hot/cold 2nd floor dungeon. No chance to return to the glory days of the old poker room pre-roof collapse, but, its a lot better. Lots of TVs, bright, comfy. Its a locals place, and for the most of them, they like it.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 02:56 PM
jackson had the deepest best 1-2 games ive ever played about 5-6 years.if u didnt think so ur a whale most likely or didnt play around that time.i dont play 1-2 very often anymore but it would seem that thunder basically took a lot of jacksons player base.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 03:24 PM
Steve, how many $100 bills would you say you've lost in a casino lifetime?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Steve, how many $100 bills would you say you've lost in a casino lifetime?
wtf no tapping on aquarium
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by thenorcaljew
wtf no tapping on aquarium
He was making a joke, Steve dropped a $100 bill when leaving Royale a couple weeks ago and the server found it. We didn't know who's it was until the cameras were checked. Pretty funny, both people sitting next to it were honest about not thinking they dropped it. "Honor amongst thieves"
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 08:51 PM
lol, I guess it does sound real d1ckish out of context.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-08-2013 , 11:02 PM
leveled if couldnt sense my slight sarcasm
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-10-2013 , 02:07 AM
How many players do you think we'll see in capitols $550 deepstack this weekend?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-10-2013 , 04:00 AM
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
01-10-2013 , 12:58 PM
How does the field in that tournament compared to the typical Reno donkament?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
