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03-30-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
The discussion of the $5 straddle is really beating a dead horse. Accept that it's a $4 straddle. You want a game with a $5 forced bet, then try starting a 1/2/5 PLO game and that would increase the buy in amounts. And also be the first time I've seen a 3 blind game run at FW (see how that goes over).
I like beating dead horses, I've certainly bet on enough of them!

While I am enjoying this global warming thing, we have a better chance of the artic melting and flooding the world than Foxwoods allowing or putting on the board a 3 blind bet game
03-30-2012 , 04:51 PM
If we want the extra $1 in we could just make it a blind raise to $5. Yea I know this doesn't allow for staddler to get last action, but the main goal is to encourage action and build pots. This does both.
03-30-2012 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
Anyone know who won the six-max event last night ?
Nicole Defrancesco
03-30-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
See we should have just asked someone with intelligence.

You have no idea how ridiculous the floor was being about this game last night. The Venetian's, 1/2 PLO game is always $5 to call. Makes things so much easier. Most of the dealers last night could not even calculate the pot. Then the players would all chime in and we'd get 3 different amounts.
Yeah well its not ALL management, it had a lot to do with gaming commission (always remember, CT casinos run their own individual commissions) if they call down and ask WTF is up with a certain game... Shift managers will have to hear about it blah blah blah.
As I said, if they do make u guys stop
It... Just Have everyone raise to 5 blind UTG
03-30-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
Yeah well its not ALL management, it had a lot to do with gaming commission (always remember, CT casinos run their own individual commissions) if they call down and ask WTF is up with a certain game... Shift managers will have to hear about it blah blah blah.
As I said, if they do make u guys stop
It... Just Have everyone raise to 5 blind UTG
I would like to know what the actual rules are concerning mixed games. Because at least 1 person said last night that they had played a 1/2PLO/2/5NL mixed game before and the floor vehemently denies this. Also, they acted as if there was no way that we could play 1/2 mix and they eventually said yes after we started the PLO round.
Maybe having a chat with Terry is in order as she seems to be the only one who actually knows 100% what can and cannot happen
And actually the PLO game didnt even run that big until the drunkards sat down and started shoving blind so maybe a 2/5 PLO/NL game would work
03-30-2012 , 06:45 PM
Maybe the best solution would change the blinds in plo to differenciate it from hlhe.

Why not make plo or plo8 a 1-3 blind game.

This would make the straddle a natural $5 and would allow the game to have a different buy in schedule since it wouldn't have to mirror the other 1-2 games in the room, open it to a $100 to 4 or $500 table stake.

They certainly have mixed bling games, the nlhe/plo that ran a couple of nights ago was 10-25 for nlhe and 5-10 for the plo part.

I don't think Fish Fry your idea works, throwing in $5 blind without being able to act last gives up a big advantage, and it's unlikely you could get everyone to agree. Throwing in $8 true blind is alot when most others would only pay $3 per round. Manditory anything just doesn't fly. We did have a player last week, that when the fat guy vetoed the $5 straddle he would raise to $5 if he wanted to come in, or fold. That has a better chance, so you can't make a manditory bring in $5 but if enough players agreed even if two players limped in for $2 one of those $5 players, instead of limping would make it $5. The problem with that is, let say i am under the gun and the next to act is one of those $5 guys, if I wanted to raise, I would limp, let him toss in the red bird and when it got back to me, if there were 3 or 4 callers i could blast it to $30.
03-30-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Maybe the best solution would change the blinds in plo to differenciate it from hlhe.

Why not make plo or plo8 a 1-3 blind game. .
Maybe the best solutrion would be for a bunch of us to get together, decide what single PLO game we'd like to promote, and present it to management. As I understand it, in order to spread a "new" game (one not previously approved by gaming commission), FW would have to write it up and apply. This isn't especially hard, but it does mean work for someone, and they're not likely to do it unless they are persuaded that there's real demand. Once approved. it could be included as part of a mixed game without a problem.
I would vote for 1/3 PLO, $5 straddle, $100-500 buyin.
03-30-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Maybe the best solution would change the blinds in plo to differenciate it from hlhe.

They certainly have mixed bling games, the nlhe/plo that ran a couple of nights ago was 10-25 for nlhe and 5-10 for the plo part.


SEE????? So why couldn't we do the 2/5, 1/2 last night??? This is what irritates me. Why cant they just all get on the same page?

The other idea would work as well as long as they dont do something stupid like wanting to have $3 chips like the Wynn did for their 1/3 NL game. That was annoying.
But what would be best, IMO, is that they realize that 1/2 NL runs much smaller than 1/2 PLO and let us play what we want to play
03-30-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by richrazor
Nicole Defrancesco
nikkiiiiii took it down!
03-30-2012 , 09:01 PM
Is anyplace at the Woods showing Wrestlemania?
03-30-2012 , 09:09 PM
How long does the sunday morning $120 run on average? Going to be down there with the wife in a couple of weeks sat to sun and wondering if playing this befor I leave is an option.
03-30-2012 , 10:19 PM
I dno how I ended up in te PLO last night I was so drunk. If that game ornhigher starts running more ill def go Down a lot more
03-30-2012 , 10:22 PM
Also the argument between 2 players ~5am was great. One guy was gaping to hurt the other by "sitting on his face "
03-30-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I would like to know what the actual rules are concerning mixed games. Because at least 1 person said last night that they had played a 1/2PLO/2/5NL mixed game before and the floor vehemently denies this. Also, they acted as if there was no way that we could play 1/2 mix and they eventually said yes after we started the PLO round.
Maybe having a chat with Terry is in order as she seems to be the only one who actually knows 100% what can and cannot happen
And actually the PLO game didnt even run that big until the drunkards sat down and started shoving blind so maybe a 2/5 PLO/NL game would work
Try pulling her aside sometime and chat with her and ask her to grab other shift managers and see what all their opinions are... Maybe couple of them can concur and speak to gaming commission if needed
03-31-2012 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Foxwoods should hire me. I'd do a much better job. Beats me who won the HOSE, I hope it was the sweet old lady crushing everyone.

Should be a really good turnout tomorrow for the $230 super bounty. 10 am start annoys me, so I'll try my best to get up and get down there.
If I can get out of the house by 8:30 i am going to play the bounty. Usually I like buying in late to tourneys but i would assume that is a bad plan to start behind the chip average when a bounty is at stake. Can't win 'em if you don't have someone covered.

Any thoughts on what the count would be? the last tourney I wanted to play I got shut out of when they reached 900 entries, could it be like that again?

You only get two cards per hand, right, that may be tough, i don't do to well even when they give me four. Lets hope my name doesn't show up on any plo lists until very late.

Last longer Whoop?
03-31-2012 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
If I can get out of the house by 8:30 i am going to play the bounty. Usually I like buying in late to tourneys but i would assume that is a bad plan to start behind the chip average when a bounty is at stake. Can't win 'em if you don't have someone covered.

Any thoughts on what the count would be? the last tourney I wanted to play I got shut out of when they reached 900 entries, could it be like that again?

You only get two cards per hand, right, that may be tough, i don't do to well even when they give me four. Lets hope my name doesn't show up on any plo lists until very late.

Last longer Whoop?
Yeah I would get there in time and I highly doubt 900 the main got 294 and the other events didn't do as well shouldbe a fun tourney though
03-31-2012 , 10:44 AM
1/3 works better for PLO IMO
03-31-2012 , 01:14 PM
Here's the problem with the existing 1/2 PLO game that nobody is taking into account - it often doesn't run. I can't count the number of times the list has been 15 deep, the game gets called, I rack up and move over, and we sit there whilst people argue about making it Hi vs Hi/Lo and we can't find players. 15-30 minutes wasted sitting there and then trying to get back on the 1/2 or 2/5 NL list.

If we can't get a 1/2 $300 max game going, what makes people think that a bigger game is going to get started. I could see if we had 1 PLO table running Thursday through Sunday and a waitlist and perhaps a 2nd table being opened during peak hours - sorta like the demand for the 5/10 O8 game.

But that's not the case.

I love the 0/5 format for PLO at the Parx, but the demand simply isn't there in the room yet. Let's get the 1/2 PLO hi game running regularly and then worry about finetuning it.
03-31-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by bergs
Here's the problem with the existing 1/2 PLO game that nobody is taking into account - it often doesn't run. I can't count the number of times the list has been 15 deep, the game gets called, I rack up and move over, and we sit there whilst people argue about making it Hi vs Hi/Lo and we can't find players. 15-30 minutes wasted sitting there and then trying to get back on the 1/2 or 2/5 NL list.

If we can't get a 1/2 $300 max game going, what makes people think that a bigger game is going to get started....
I think we're all keenly aware that the game doesn't run enough.
Actually, IMO, there has been a definite increase in the number of players willing to play PLO since Black Friday. A year ago, we almost never had a PLO game, and only occasionally a PLO8 game. Now one game or the other goes perhaps 4x per week, and PLO at least as often as PLO8. (You can usually spot the ex-internet players; they know how to play the game, but they are mostly clueless when it comes to calculating the pot.)
I think that we may actually be right on the edge of having a sufficient critical mass of players to make the game go almost every day.
I don't think people here are trying to finetune it, so much as we're trying to figure out how to make it more attractive and a more frequent (as well as better) game.
IMO, there aren't too many players who would play if only the game or buyins were smaller that they already are; but there are at least some who would play more often if the min/max buyins were higher ($100-500, say?). But I think that moving the buyins up too much would scare off more players than it would attract. (We are close to sustaining a 1/2PLO, but nowhere near to a 2/5 game.)
The $5 straddle makes the game only slightly bigger, but does speed it up a bit by getting the bets into multiples of $5. I think it helps the game, but I don't think it would add a lot of players.

Don't give up your seat at another game until you're sure that the PLO or PLO8 game will actually go. But be willing to start shorthanded. It would also help a lot if more players could be more flexible about playing either PLO or PLO8, or a mix of the two.
03-31-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by bergs
Here's the problem with the existing 1/2 PLO game that nobody is taking into account - it often doesn't run. I can't count the number of times the list has been 15 deep, the game gets called, I rack up and move over, and we sit there whilst people argue about making it Hi vs Hi/Lo and we can't find players. 15-30 minutes wasted sitting there and then trying to get back on the 1/2 or 2/5 NL list.

If we can't get a 1/2 $300 max game going, what makes people think that a bigger game is going to get started. I could see if we had 1 PLO table running Thursday through Sunday and a waitlist and perhaps a 2nd table being opened during peak hours - sorta like the demand for the 5/10 O8 game.

But that's not the case.

I love the 0/5 format for PLO at the Parx, but the demand simply isn't there in the room yet. Let's get the 1/2 PLO hi game running regularly and then worry about finetuning it.
What seemed to work on Thursday is that we started a list as soon as we got there, announced it to the 2/5 table that we were on, had the floor announce it over the intercom, and told players that we knew liked PLO, to get on the list. Seemed to work. We actually had a small list at one point and new players were constantly joining the game. I would say for the 10+ hours that it ran, we had 30 different players.
I think that MJ88 had a great idea. Formulate a plan and present it, make sure all of the floor and Terry are all on the same page so it isnt a hassle everytime we need to get the game going
03-31-2012 , 03:28 PM
anyone else having problems with the live 2500 stream?
03-31-2012 , 04:21 PM
I don't play that often but the problem I have is when 1/2 PLO is called I've already invested in a 1/2 NLHE game and the game is probably good. I've played 1/2 PLO once at the Woods and enjoyed it. Don't recognize familiar faces when playing even 1/2NLHE, that's how rarely I play.
03-31-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
anyone else having problems with the live 2500 stream?
I was. It kept stalling and going to black and restarting.
03-31-2012 , 06:44 PM
Website shows 82 cash tables active right now... I don't think I've seen it any higher.
03-31-2012 , 08:10 PM
I started a 2/5 PLO interest list. Let's get this going...
