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02-29-2012 , 03:30 AM
Pretty much yeah! Ask the dealer to nicely take u out of the system and swipe u back in... Then off u go to pick up ur giveaway
02-29-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by pokerone
What you suggest is considered fraud at most casinos and is definitely considered fraud at the 'woods. I've seen more than one player arrested for this.
That scenario is obviously different than my question, but what if you are with a friend at the video poker bar for example.

You want to relax and have a few drinks. Can you give a GF/friend your card and your cash to play?

This is a person who would not be playing otherwise.
02-29-2012 , 12:13 PM
I don't know if it goes so far as to be called 'fraud', but it certainly violates Foxwoods' policy. And we're not allowed to discuss things on here that violate policy, so /topic.
02-29-2012 , 03:58 PM
What limit games should be running during the day this weekend?
02-29-2012 , 04:19 PM
2/4, 4/8, 10/20, 20/40 holdem
MAYBE 5/10 with a full kill holdem
5/10 Omaha with a full kill
02-29-2012 , 04:31 PM
does anyone know if there if they will still charge for a deposit on a hotel reservation if there is a snow storm? I have a room tomorrow but if we get a good amount of snow I'm probably not going to go down.
02-29-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Waterfall
does anyone know if there if they will still charge for a deposit on a hotel reservation if there is a snow storm? I have a room tomorrow but if we get a good amount of snow I'm probably not going to go down.
I had this happen to me the day after the hurricane, after a 30 minute hold, they answered and gave me a huge discount.
02-29-2012 , 09:56 PM
I got angry for the first time the other day, I slammed the table wicked hard. I managed to get it all in preflop 3 handed with aa and one guy flopped a straight. I flipped my aa then 10 sec later guy flips and goes straight. I was so mad, I gAve him a nice hand. Got even more mad cause the guy who lost the hand told me to relax when i hit the table.
02-29-2012 , 10:08 PM
So, I logged onto the FW site to see whats running, WOW, what a revamp on the site.. login to my account... long story short, I guess my dream card and dream card gold are now "OG"? Anyone care to summarize what the changes really are, if any? I notice there are 5 status levels now, is it just split into 5 tiers instead of 3, or are there less/additional perks? Im sure this already has been covered, so a link to the post would be mint. Thanks guys. I was there like a month ago, maybe a lil more, and this wasn't implemented at the time. Also a few months ago I was denied trying to get Badugi running, prob. still going to get shot down on that idea?
02-29-2012 , 10:17 PM

Click on "Learn More" for general changes, and click on each tier card to see the specific benefits for that level.

ETA: What's "OG"? It tells you online what your new card is. If you were Gold, then you're likely Crown or King now.
03-01-2012 , 11:12 AM
Looks like they lowered the "wild card" [lowest dream card] to 0 min points (from 15) to qualify per day. Which means you don't have to play 10hrs. a day to get your points. I played for 7 last night and just checked my card and they were on awarded.

I am absolutely sure this whole Foxwoods overhaul is the result of some Madmen style marketing company in NYC,... what with the rollout of national TV ads, billboards, site redesign etc...

I wonder how much they dropped to basically redo their website and make a few ads....

Last edited by Oddhalo; 03-01-2012 at 11:13 AM. Reason: spelling
03-01-2012 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Oddhalo
Looks like they lowered the "wild card" [lowest dream card] to 0 min points (from 15) to qualify per day. Which means you don't have to play 10hrs. a day to get your points. I played for 7 last night and just checked my card and they were on awarded.

I am absolutely sure this whole Foxwoods overhaul is the result of some Madmen style marketing company in NYC,... what with the rollout of national TV ads, billboards, site redesign etc...

I wonder how much they dropped to basically redo their website and make a few ads....
"Qualify" at FW means for points to count toward the next tier status, not simply to receive them into your account.
You always received your points, under both old and new systems (or should have), and still do. But if you earned less than 15 points a day, they didn't "qualify" to be counted toward Gold or Platinum card status.
Current system starts with "Wild" card; zero min pts/day to qualify toward "Crown"; 15/ day min to qualify toward "King", 50/day toward "Ace", 200/day toward Royal".
Obviously FW spends, and needs to spend, a lot on advertising, it's just part of the casino business. The question is whether the new campaign is actually the image they want to present, bottom line is whether it's effective in increasing business. Personally, I don't think the new campaign is well-conceived, but that's another topic.
03-01-2012 , 11:39 AM
def wasn't getting my points for awhile but that must have been some other issue. Thanks for the clarification.
03-01-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
I got angry for the first time the other day, I slammed the table wicked hard. I managed to get it all in preflop 3 handed with aa and one guy flopped a straight. I flipped my aa then 10 sec later guy flips and goes straight. I was so mad, I gAve him a nice hand. Got even more mad cause the guy who lost the hand told me to relax when i hit the table.
They guy probably needed a few sec's to really examine the flop to make sure he had a straight before flipping his cards.......I see this all the time on miracle flops
03-01-2012 , 01:33 PM
Hey guys,

Has anyone played the Friday $230 deep stack? I am planning on playing this on March 23rd. The poker finals are running at this date as well if that changes anything. I was hoping to see of someone could tell me usual draw and if this is a two day event? Thanks for any feedback.
03-01-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
ETA: What's "OG"? It tells you online what your new card is. If you were Gold, then you're likely Crown or King now.
OG = Original Gangsta. It's slang meaning something is old-fashioned / out-dated.
03-01-2012 , 01:55 PM
Oh duh. I kept trying to tie it to something Foxwoods related.
03-01-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
They guy probably needed a few sec's to really examine the flop to make sure he had a straight before flipping his cards.......I see this all the time on miracle flops
perhaps but lately i have seen alot more slowrollin and miscalling of hands(purposely i believe)than i recall last year
03-01-2012 , 05:13 PM
Anyone know if PLO has been going regularly on Sundays? Debating going down on the 11th and just wondering if it goes and what time about that the game has been starting.
03-01-2012 , 06:22 PM
has anyone heard any bs about the new comp system? there was a dealer and floor guy talking today about how our comp points will expire a year to the date when we earned them, even if we have used the card within a year...i dont see how this could be true and figured lattimer could infrom me before i have to call and inquire
03-01-2012 , 06:24 PM
It's true.

All points earned before Feb 15th 2012 will expire on June 30th, so you have 4 months to use them all up. All points earned on/after Feb 15th will expire 1 year from the date they were earned. They are trying to prevent point hoarding.

They are sending something in the mail to everyone by the end of March that explains everything. Everything is also currently available online, as I mentioned yesterday.

Originally Posted by Lattimer

Click on "Learn More" for general changes, and click on each tier card to see the specific benefits for that level.
03-01-2012 , 06:25 PM
on another was deam in the am...when i arrived at 9 there were 4 games going! played 1-2nl for 5 hrs...was up 300, down 80, and left up 135...great game actually...i doubled up twice,both times from 150 to over 300...saw a sick hand...both players in the hand had the nut straight on the turn and both were freerolling (they thought) to the flush guy got there lol...
03-01-2012 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
It's true.

All points earned before Feb 15th 2012 will expire on June 30th, so you have 4 months to use them all up. All points earned on/after Feb 15th will expire 1 year from the date they were earned.

They are sending something in the mail to everyone by the end of March that explains everything. Everything is also currently available online, as I mentioned yesterday.
thank you for the timely response lattimer...this is some bs...with competition supposidly heating up they are gonna pull this? ive been saving my points all year to throw a shrine bash when i get to 1, at 600 and may have to throw that bash before june30th now
03-01-2012 , 06:35 PM
I know it. Although I benefit a bit from the new system (I'm an Ace card member), I can't believe the way they are ****ting on the low/mid-level customers. With neighboring casinos just a couple years away, now is the time they should be strengthening their customer base, not alienating them.
03-01-2012 , 06:39 PM
i have already proven to them that they are getting my money i guess...havent been to mohegan in years, maybe i should start
