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01-06-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
my points changed to 20 every two weeks, from 10 each week

wesr, do you mean 10 a week, rather than 10 a month
I don't think so. Mine is 10 points, just once a month, not week. It really makes me look forward to MA casinos more and more, or perhaps a trip to AC someday.

Originally Posted by the machine
my rooms went to two trees only every week, sun-thurs, for february
I would gladly accept that, TT is pretty damn good when it's free!
01-06-2012 , 05:15 PM
jeez, ive had 10 a week for years now, and i hardly play. iirc two trees kinda sucks. or maybe im just biased from staying at MGM for free for the past month
01-06-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
my rooms went to two trees only every week, sun-thurs, for february
Same here... FML. I need the Pequot/Cedar comped. The past two years and this year I have my bday at FW because I had the comped rooms. TT isn't going to get it done.
01-06-2012 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
jeez, ive had 10 a week for years now, and i hardly play. iirc two trees kinda sucks. or maybe im just biased from staying at MGM for free for the past month
Yea I have had weekly points for as long as I can remember, and every couple months I would get room offers too. I don't even get great one day special offers like Pepsi 12 packs or M&M's anymore.
I used to make it down 1 or 2 times a month up until now. After this bachelor party i'm probably staying away for a good while.
01-06-2012 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
my points changed to 20 every two weeks, from 10 each week

wesr, do you mean 10 a week, rather than 10 a month
No its once a month. I was at weekly for years.So stupid
01-06-2012 , 05:26 PM
wtf, ive never played above 1/2 at FW and in the last 3 months maybe have one session there. their comp system sucks, but im not complaining personally, just feel bad for you guys who grind a lot
01-06-2012 , 05:30 PM
ill probably be dropped soon though, considering ive been staying there every week the last 5 week or so and been playing at mohegan. i think i have 20$ in slot play at FW over the last 5 weeks. id rather play at FW, just cant afford to play anything above 1/1 right now, cause the job market in Manhattan is ****ING ATROCIOUS.

one would think a degree in math and a degree in finance would be able to get you a job, especially an entry level one. sighaments
01-06-2012 , 07:45 PM
I guess I spoke too soon. I got my first hotel offer in several months. It's not two free's not the 29/49's a new one! 25% off my dream card rate! Available all week long. Yea it's not great, and I most likely won't use it...but I kind of feel glad I got something now!
01-06-2012 , 08:18 PM
No rooms offered for me, just the same old 15 points a week. Give me the rooms!
01-06-2012 , 08:29 PM
20% off your preferred player card rate. Major credit card or equal amount of pts needed to make reservation. First night will be charged if not cancelled 48 hrs in advance. 15% occupancy tax and $9.95 Resort Fee per night.

LOL. Been getting 2 free rooms a week forever. Welp, looks like I won't be even making my 1-2 times a month trips.

Originally Posted by the machine
ill probably be dropped soon though, considering ive been staying there every week the last 5 week or so and been playing at mohegan. i think i have 20$ in slot play at FW over the last 5 weeks. id rather play at FW, just cant afford to play anything above 1/1 right now, cause the job market in Manhattan is ****ING ATROCIOUS.

one would think a degree in math and a degree in finance would be able to get you a job, especially an entry level one. sighaments
Just saw this! I'm UWS, just got a job to start as a trader at a hedge fund. Theres stuff out there - just got to get your nepotism on.
01-06-2012 , 08:42 PM
GRRRRR, im trying to get into hedge funds, preferably back office accounting, which is pretty much impossible at an entry level role

ive applied to over 40 places, havent had a single phone call or email, let alone an interview
01-06-2012 , 09:19 PM
20% off room rates for me in February. Odd being that I have a black card and there's people in here who play less than me getting rooms at 2 trees. No rhyme or reason to their system. Is it so hard to disclose a tier system so we know what to shoot for in playing time and where we fall?
01-06-2012 , 09:31 PM
i think it may have a bit to do with how often you are there. if you go all the time, regardless of them offering a room, they wont give you one.

its the only logical explanation i can think of, seeing as i used to go a bunch, never had rooms offered, stopped going often and got hotel rooms, used a bunch of them recently, didnt play at FW and still got rooms for February
01-06-2012 , 10:06 PM
Looks like they took away my month points now too. Im gonna go to Mohegan next time I play. Drive over to Foxwoods cash out my points and never look back
01-07-2012 , 02:13 AM
I booked my rooms and then the 20% rate thing showed up, so I think I got them locked in since they're in my itinerary, lol.
01-07-2012 , 04:02 AM
ive always had free rooms and have always used them. all of a sudden this month i get 20% off lol. what a piece of **** casino...thanks a lot pequot tribe, u really know how to reward your best customers
01-07-2012 , 04:12 AM
wow what a **** move they have pulled now charging people for what used to be free. Does anyone else have free rooms still or is everyone on 20-25% discount now? I have been playing more now than ever and just got a black card and this is how they treat me? sufolk cant come soon enough
01-07-2012 , 08:49 AM
I was surprised. I got no notification but I checked the other day and had January sunday thru thurs comped. Not sure if you guys are calling the 800 number but you might want to try it. My comp rooms never show up online. I always call.
01-07-2012 , 10:20 AM
i got the rooms but TT onl deal
01-07-2012 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
i think it may have a bit to do with how often you are there. if you go all the time, regardless of them offering a room, they wont give you one.

its the only logical explanation i can think of, seeing as i used to go a bunch, never had rooms offered, stopped going often and got hotel rooms, used a bunch of them recently, didnt play at FW and still got rooms for February
If that's the case, then their rewards are messed up. It SHOULD work the other way.
01-07-2012 , 11:27 AM
yeah it should but if you think about it, its somewhat of a smart idea. if the only way to get a person to go is to give them a free room, and they go, while the people who should get the rooms go anyways, its like killing two birds with one stone.

their rewards system is def messed up
01-07-2012 , 11:33 AM
I got half and half. One week 2 free rooms as usual, the following week 20% off. Looks like an experiment to me, trying to see how many are willing to pay with the 20% deal if they don't give us the free rooms.
01-07-2012 , 11:33 AM
With the 20% off my rate at TT is $31.20... Do they need the $31 that bad???? I guess, I'll be using the points I get to pay for the rooms instead of the nice dinners over at Cedars or Burke. The only ones that screws is the bartenders! I'm good for a $10+ tip for dinner.....
01-07-2012 , 02:58 PM
I haven't been to Foxwoods in a couple months and my offers were upgraded. (I live in Ohio)

Before February:
2 Free Rooms Sun - Thurs
15 points / week

2 Free Rooms Sun - Thurs
20% off Rooms 7 days a week with no cap on the number of days (never gotten this before)
15 points / week
01-07-2012 , 04:47 PM
It's pretty obvious the more you go, the less you get. Why do they need to entice you to go there , when they know either way you will be there. Marketing departments from casinos have been doing this for years. Their idea is to get people in the door that otherwise wouldn't normally go. I have been a frequent visitor to Mohegan since they opened and I get nothing. I go to AC once a year if that, and I get free room offers from both the Taj and Borgata once or twice a month. When casinos open up in Mass they will be doing the same thing.
