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12-15-2011 , 08:41 AM
This is why texting should be banned from the table. Not only is it an easy way to collude, but when you have two people texting to each other instead of talking, it takes away the social aspect - reducing the fun table chatter its less fun for the fish. Even if the rooms don't ban it, good pros should keep texting to an absolute min.

It does not matter if you were cheating. Others on the table thought so, and they have probably thought so in the past without telling the floor. This is bad for the game and reduces your action/profits. Stop texting.
12-15-2011 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by fisherfolk
This is why texting should be banned from the table. Not only is it an easy way to collude, but when you have two people texting to each other instead of talking, it takes away the social aspect - reducing the fun table chatter its less fun for the fish. Even if the rooms don't ban it, good pros should keep texting to an absolute min.

It does not matter if you were cheating. Others on the table thought so, and they have probably thought so in the past without telling the floor. This is bad for the game and reduces your action/profits. Stop texting.
this is sort of where I fall on the subject in a nutshell....

Like others have said it's all about perception, while I don't know either of you guys personally you don't SEEM like the type to intend to do anything that is not above board, so in that sense I don't think you guys meant any harm but at the same time I don't think you should be so surprised that someone reported it/you were given a hard time. Just be more discreet like other people said, and just don't do it over text period now that you've been talked to. If you were just BS'ing about funny **** then just chalk it up to oh well, just won't do it again.

Overall I see a lot of behavior like this between regs in the room, and it's hard for me to really decide exactly where I stand on it. In some sense I do the same kinds of stuff with my buddies (granted ALWAYS away from the table and quietly) but in another I totally believe it should not be done at the tables, verbally, virtually or otherwise for sure.

Lastly, I have never discussed a hand, or another players style/made fun of them whatever at the table when my friend was playing in the same game as me ever. I believe if you are playing with a friend at the same table, no matter what the stakes, you should be EXTRA careful to NOT share any kind of information because how it could be perceived but more importantly, because it really isn't right as if you are sharing info on strat cards etc that you wouldn't normally share with any other random player, it's not straight up.
12-15-2011 , 10:24 AM
The machine is 100% correct in everything he said. What you two were doing was in fact collusion and if i was at that table i would have brought it to the floors attention as well. There are countless forms of collusion...some more serious than others. What you guys were doing falls within the countless forms for sure. Limon actually talks about this exact thing in an older podcast of Bart Hansens. Honestly, i cant believe you guys dont see how what you were doing was wrong. You may not have had malicious intent but refusing to see the problem with what you were doing is just asinine.
12-15-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
SO you would make up a LIE because you dont want people texting each other???
no, i would not be lying if i reported two people texting each other to the floor as colluding

just like i would report two people speaking korean to each other at the table to the floor because they could be colluding

and yes, i don't want 2+ people texting each other at my table. clearly should be against any decent house rules. shocked that so many on this board are in support of it. i would hope that more floors like that dealer will make you guys realize it's not ok
12-15-2011 , 10:59 AM
Technically I think using your phone at the table IS against the rules, but it's hardly ever enforced. Every once in a while I'll get a floor pass by and tell me to push back from the table when texting. Also, poker would be pretty boring without the distraction of playing on my phone, and I think most of the floors realize that many people feel this way, so they let it go.
12-15-2011 , 11:52 AM
you seem like a class act. you do something that has some shadyness to it, we call you out on it, you provide no type of response about why your actions we're fine, just dodging and personal attacks

and we're the idiots.


and if a simple post about an action you took causes you to "lose your patience with idiots" then maybe the internet isn't the place for you. grow up
12-15-2011 , 12:39 PM
I think the only way it would be colluding is if they were actually texting one another either a) while both in the hand or b) texting each other what the guy next to them is holding. Not really that big of a deal IMO. Both regulars wouldn't risk getting banned for colluding. Not that I agree with it, but I can see their point as well.
12-15-2011 , 01:00 PM
i dont think its collusion but its just in poor taste, poor etiquette, what have you. its just something that shouldnt be done. just because you can do it secretively away from the table does not mean you can or should do it secretively at the table. before cell phones people didnt write and pass notes back and forth to each other. if they wanted to discuss something about other players at the table they had to stand up and walk away.

but ooch has come back and said already that the discussions here werent really focused on reads on players/strat type stuff. but you shouldnt be texting either way. they should just step up their enforcement. i cant believe how many times dealers and floors have told people to get off their phones at 1/2. i guess at 2/5 you get preferential treatment
12-15-2011 , 01:01 PM
Anyone else get a Christmas card from Foxwoods with a gift card inside?
12-15-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
i dont think its collusion but its just in poor taste, poor etiquette, what have you. its just something that shouldnt be done. just because you can do it secretively away from the table does not mean you can or should do it secretively at the table. before cell phones people didnt write and pass notes back and forth to each other. if they wanted to discuss something about other players at the table they had to stand up and walk away.

but ooch has come back and said already that the discussions here werent really focused on reads on players/strat type stuff. but you shouldnt be texting either way. they should just step up their enforcement. i cant believe how many times dealers and floors have told people to get off their phones at 1/2. i guess at 2/5 you get preferential treatment :\
It is because at 1/2 they have the BBJ.

You should realize by now, especially with that thread that you were inclined to start, that you have no idea what the definition of unethical or collusion is. Why this got your panties in a bunch is beyond me. We were innocent in our texting, bottom line. Of course you decided to ignore the big picture in that most people at the table were texting and do so on a regular basis but only 0Och was called out on it
12-15-2011 , 01:06 PM
are you saying because 1/2 gets a shot at the BBJ they allow 2/5 to text since they dont have a shot at the BBJ?

or are you saying because of the rules of the BBJ they constantly keep people off their phones
12-15-2011 , 01:06 PM
Where do you guys eat breakfast when your here? Been going for years now and still can't find a good breakfast anywhere. And I hate buffets.... any other options?
12-15-2011 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Anyone else get a Christmas card from Foxwoods with a gift card inside?
I got a Christmas card with nothing inside

Originally Posted by jpsychlady
It is because at 1/2 they have the BBJ.
Good point. Or it really could be because you guys are playing higher limits (and paying more rake) so you get away with more... that's the way the world works.
12-15-2011 , 01:10 PM

fuddruckers is ok, and probably your best bet

i used to love the ham egg and cheese when the room was still upstairs at the little kitchen right by the poker room.
12-15-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
are you saying because 1/2 gets a shot at the BBJ they allow 2/5 to text since they dont have a shot at the BBJ?

or are you saying because of the rules of the BBJ they constantly keep people off their phones
she means the latter
12-15-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
we were texting with each other yes, but NOT while we were in hands especially together... it's just easier to talk about players through txt's than have to get up and walk away from the table to share reads/talk to each other

Good on the dealer and floor for enforcing the rule. I can't say I'm surprised that you think this behavior is OK.
12-15-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by the machine

fuddruckers is ok, and probably your best bet

i used to love the ham egg and cheese when the room was still upstairs at the little kitchen right by the poker room.
Isn't Fuddruckers breakfast only 12am-6am?
12-15-2011 , 01:13 PM
Re: breakfast - Juniors is good but a bit pricey.
12-15-2011 , 01:16 PM
I'm not going to lie, if two players were texting each other at my table I wouldn't really be too thrilled about it.

I am not saying it collusion or even against the rules per se and wouldn't call the floor over it.

I mean its not really that different than two people speaking Mandarin w/ each other at the table and the others don't know what they are talking about. They might just be talking about what to eat for dinner or whatever but just kind of strikes people the wrong way.

How did others even know you were texting each other???

not to mention if other players are aware that you are talking to each other via texts it is really bad for the game.
I don't have a problem with sharing reads with friends etc but I am always doing to do it away from the table because if others are aware you are talking about them it is unbelievably bad for the game.

If you are saying that ooch was unfairly singled out for texting than I understand your gripe but someone at the table must have known you were talking to one another because they cried collusion.

Last edited by monkeymaps; 12-15-2011 at 01:28 PM.
12-15-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by BrianL
Isn't Fuddruckers breakfast only 12am-6am?
idk its a bit weird. i went to FW last week and was trying to find anywhere to eat late night after playing poker (at MS). security guard said only things open were fudd and dunkin donuts. i think meh fudd is good enough for 2am. so i trek over from MGM and they were closed at 220am.

so im not sure on the exact hours, they change day to day. i do however remember something goofy with the breakfast hours, but im not sure exactly
12-15-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Re: breakfast - Juniors is good but a bit pricey.
what type of breakfast do they have? i thought it was just pastries and such.
12-15-2011 , 01:22 PM
I heard Juniors was gross....

Its weird that there are about 30 restaurants for dinner, but like 5 tops for breakfast.
12-15-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
idk its a bit weird. i went to FW last week and was trying to find anywhere to eat late night after playing poker (at MS). security guard said only things open were fudd and dunkin donuts. i think meh fudd is good enough for 2am. so i trek over from MGM and they were closed at 220am.

so im not sure on the exact hours, they change day to day. i do however remember something goofy with the breakfast hours, but im not sure exactly
noodles is 24hrs I think and pretty decent/not gonna put you into a grease coma
12-15-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by BrianL
I heard Juniors was gross....

Its weird that there are about 30 restaurants for dinner, but like 5 tops for breakfast.
That's because most people dont wake up until lunch time, IMO
12-15-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by monkeymaps
noodles is 24hrs I think and pretty decent/not gonna put you into a grease coma
yeah i looked the their menu and nothing really caught my eye. DD was so gross
