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10-19-2011 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet

Do you have the specific information about taxes? Everyone that I said I took 5000 to has said oh you should have taken 4999 and I'm kind of anxious about it
You're good. Don't worry. This topic is usually covered during each MTT series. $5000-400=$4600 profit. If the winner was to get 5400 then you should take 5399.
10-20-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet

Do you have the specific information about taxes? Everyone that I said I took 5000 to has said oh you should have taken 4999 and I'm kind of anxious about it

I can tell you first hand that the amount that you can be taxed on is $5,000 + buy in. So if the buy in is $5,400. You want to get $5,399. But of course if you play enough tournaments it won't matter anyway as you can write them off.
10-20-2011 , 12:46 AM

A couple comments on your hand. I'm no awesome guy, but I've played a lot of live poker.
As others have said, your opening move was obv bad in this day and age. The main reason for me is you look like a yutz no matter what happens. 5 guys limp behind you and one guy eventually gets there. Repopping a raise and exposing your hand. No matter what happens, even if you win, people that are paying attention are thinking 'ugh nice utg limp champ'. Now I understand some people go out of their way to look like a bad player, but I don't think that was your intent.

But hey, you limped the kings utg. Let's roll with that.
Does this line work any better?: Instead of repopping, smooth call the 1700, leaving you with 12,800. You may get more callers, but I think the following would be the same.
4400 in the pot if its just you two, lets say 6100 with another caller.
on that flop, shove any lead out from him. if he checks like he did, bet 6400 with the intent of shipping the other 6400 on any non-ace turn.

that just seems like a way grosser way for him to get 14,500 in there and be drawing to 3 with 1 to come.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 10-20-2011 at 12:52 AM.
10-20-2011 , 12:55 AM
Wow someone on twoplustwo actually making a comment that seems helpful. Funny thing is that is the first time in a long time I limped utg. I play so many tournaments that I don't try to play the same hands the same ways all the time. I definitely see where you are coming from. Appreciate the input. I'm shipping the $400 tomorrow at least that's the plan.
10-20-2011 , 01:22 AM
from OOT no less!
10-20-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet
haha I don't want to be nasty about anyone over the internet, but my friend was playing in that game and said pretty much the exact same thing. He was like "oh the plo8 game was awesome we were playing 5 dollar bring in, really good game, then that guy sat down and ruined it and everyone left."
Were you playing PLO MOnday night 10 days ago overnight(the day of the first event, the $600) in the 5 seat at the table right next to 5th st?
10-20-2011 , 11:55 AM
I have no issues with the fat unpleasant man not wanting to take part in the straddle, but was he trying to prevent others from straddling as well?

I do agree he is one of the worst people I have had at my table.

We should all encourage him to exercise and drink less DD iced cupcakes. He looks generally uncomfortable at all times.
10-20-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet

Do you have the specific information about taxes? Everyone that I said I took 5000 to has said oh you should have taken 4999 and I'm kind of anxious about it
no prob, only if u win more than 5K net (plus buy in). You would have had to get paid 5401 in a 400 BI.
10-20-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I have no issues with the fat unpleasant man not wanting to take part in the straddle, but was he trying to prevent others from straddling as well?

I do agree he is one of the worst people I have had at my table.

We should all encourage him to exercise and drink less DD iced cupcakes. He looks generally uncomfortable at all times.
Guys this is getting out of hand. This guy is a 2+2 poster
10-20-2011 , 12:56 PM
what are people thinking number wise for the $500 bounty and $1k saturday.

also any advice on friday drive down for the 11am bounty from Brighton just outside Boston. I haven't done the trip on a weekday morning.

And i95 or masspike route.

10-20-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I have no issues with the fat unpleasant man not wanting to take part in the straddle, but was he trying to prevent others from straddling as well?

I do agree he is one of the worst people I have had at my table.

We should all encourage him to exercise and drink less DD iced cupcakes. He looks generally uncomfortable at all times.
We agreed to make the staddle $5 instead of $4 which speed up the game considerably. The dealer did not need to make change for every player, and was easier to stack and split the pot, not to mention getting the correct count of what was in the pot. In a game that is slow anyways, we were getting easily 25% more hands per hour. Certainly more action. Players were really into the game, and were seeming ready to act when action was on them.
10-20-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by CJ88
Will arrive at FW tomorrow between 2:30 and 4:30 and will stay
till about midnite Friday or first light Saturday.

Hoping to finally play PLO for more than a couple hours but I'll settle for (ho-hum) PLO8.

Been reading this forum about the great PLO games this week and I
like the $5 straddle idea. I also propose starting a 2/5 interest list
for both PLO & PLO8. I'll do so when I arrive if it hasn't
already been done. Maybe we should just post 2/5 int lists
to attract action players in hope that the 1/2 games
won't win out.

So anyone on the fence about coming down the next day or two
can count on one more PLO'er to play.

gotf, I've played PLO8 with you several times. For an hour or two
I played PLO with you once and also with MorseStreet. It was the game
with the old man whose retirement you funded that afternoon. Also
played one PLO8 game with you once, MorseStreet; congrats on your PLO
tourney win. Hope you guys can make it.
I think i will head down to play today also. I will play 2-5 plo8 if it goes as well as add my name to the 1-2 plo and plo8 lists, hopefully the other plo-ers are still around and we can get a game going.

Funny story about the old man. I saw him a couple of weeks ago. He must of sailed up on the catamaran Me, Whoop and Morse bought him that day. I had just vacated a seat at plo high and was going over to where they called the plo8 game. I asked him if he was playing 8 and he said he wanted high only. So i told him i just vacated a seat and pointed him to the table. I sat for about 15 minutes but my game never went, so i went to cash out. As I was leaving the room, he had just busted out of the high game. He must have used up his lifetime of 1,2 and 4 outters the day we all played together.
10-20-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Were you playing PLO MOnday night 10 days ago overnight(the day of the first event, the $600) in the 5 seat at the table right next to 5th st?
Yes, that's me
10-20-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by CJ88
Will arrive at FW tomorrow between 2:30 and 4:30 and will stay
till about midnite Friday or first light Saturday.

Hoping to finally play PLO for more than a couple hours but I'll settle for (ho-hum) PLO8.

Been reading this forum about the great PLO games this week and I
like the $5 straddle idea. I also propose starting a 2/5 interest list
for both PLO & PLO8. I'll do so when I arrive if it hasn't
already been done. Maybe we should just post 2/5 int lists
to attract action players in hope that the 1/2 games
won't win out.

So anyone on the fence about coming down the next day or two
can count on one more PLO'er to play.

gotf, I've played PLO8 with you several times. For an hour or two
I played PLO with you once and also with MorseStreet. It was the game
with the old man whose retirement you funded that afternoon. Also
played one PLO8 game with you once, MorseStreet; congrats on your PLO
tourney win. Hope you guys can make it.
Thanks a lot!

I'd love to play, but I'm not going to be around FW for at least a week or so. I've been up there a ton and want to catch up on non-degen life. Plus I'm in extra nit mode because shipping tourney profit is just the worst ever.

Good luck hope you get a good game running.
10-20-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet
Yes, that's me
6 seat(after 1am) NIce to meet you.
10-20-2011 , 05:18 PM
Ill be around tonight. Would prefer a 1/2 plo table but if PLO8 is the only thing that's fine i guess.
10-20-2011 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by IOnlyPlayJunk
I went to book a suite for next month for me and my wife- a $390 suite on a Saturday night was $475 after taxes!!!!! WTF?!!?!?!!

I told them no thanks....Who is actually paying these ridiculous taxes?

The CSR obviously gets a lot of grief over the difference between the price and what you actually pay; she was very apologetic and said many people feel the same way, and said to "Thank the Governor of Connecticut".
I assume you know this and were just being sarcastic about her comment, but the taxes are actually tribal, not state taxes correct?
10-20-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by heatfan03
also any advice on friday drive down for the 11am bounty from Brighton just outside Boston. I haven't done the trip on a weekday morning.

And i95 or masspike route.
I'm in boston too. Mileage either way is nearly identical, but if you're leaving mid morning (after 8:30) i think you're better off doing the 90>395 route - that'll be mostly countercommute on the pike, and 395s generally empties out after 9:30 am. 95s can stay fairly busy until 9 or 10, and the section near providence is busy all day, even if you take the ring rte.

Late in the day (after 7), or on the weekend (if no pats game) I take 95s.
10-21-2011 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by j-prime
I'm in boston too. Mileage either way is nearly identical, but if you're leaving mid morning (after 8:30) i think you're better off doing the 90>395 route - that'll be mostly countercommute on the pike, and 395s generally empties out after 9:30 am. 95s can stay fairly busy until 9 or 10, and the section near providence is busy all day, even if you take the ring rte.

Late in the day (after 7), or on the weekend (if no pats game) I take 95s.
10-21-2011 , 03:34 AM
Nice to see the 5/10 games full of life this month, 4-5 are running on a regular basis with a ton of shot-takers and randoms.

I would love to see even more participation and/or extended participation even after tournament time, keeps the games live through the course of the night.
10-21-2011 , 01:36 PM
Concerning 1-2 PLO H/L a couple days ago with $5.00 bring in, $5.00 straddle.

Three Stooges Larry Fine look alike is telling new players arriving it's a
MANDATORY $5.00 Bring in, $5.00 Straddle.
WELL NOTHING IS MANDATORY at Foxwoods. So after checking with floor
about what they were doing and floor saying nothings MANDATORY. Table
was informed new player was not going to do it and NOTHING is MANDATORY.

One player who had been there 2 hours spoke up and said "What I didn't have to be paying $5.00" (NO you didn't Sir)

As far as people saying well everyone is doing it, or everyone coming into game has agreed is BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THE RULES and MOST PEOPLE ARE SHEEP AND FOLLOW ALONG.

As far as Larry Fine look alike keep complaining about higher buyin, $5.00
bring in, etc. IT'S CALLED a 2-5 GAME!!!!!

Table was informed if they wanted to play that way just start a 2-5 game.

At Foxwoods 1-2 is $60-$300 Buyin. $2.00 Bring in. $4.00 Straddle.

And what's wrong with WHITE chips?, HMMMM you racist or something?

Enough Said !
10-21-2011 , 02:47 PM
I tried to join the 1/2 plo high but I don't recall them ever starting the game last night?

should I check in with them if I am on a list of 8 with interest.

I am not really clear how games start I am new to that.
10-21-2011 , 03:46 PM
Well scratch what I said before, I'm going up tonight lol. Hopefully we can get plo to run
10-21-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Nice to see the 5/10 games full of life this month, 4-5 are running on a regular basis with a ton of shot-takers and randoms.
I was taking shots of whiskey and playing 5-10...does that count?
10-21-2011 , 11:50 PM
This page reminds me why I NEVER play live PLO. I actually love PLO too but the players make it unbearable. Take your least favorite reg at a 1/2 table and times him by 6 and you have a PLO table with two open seats. I am mainly talking about 8 or better but I can't imagine high only being much different.

I love walking by and stopping to watch for 30 seconds and they all start begging for me to sit down. LOL all set.
