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05-29-2011 , 02:09 PM
FYI, road block on the exit 85 off ramp for 395. Checking for seatbelts, ect.
05-29-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
FYI, road block on the exit 85 off ramp for 395. Checking for seatbelts, ect.
Good looking out!
05-29-2011 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
FYI, road block on the exit 85 off ramp for 395. Checking for seatbelts, ect.
the left exit going north on 95? if so that's 76 right?
05-29-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by GTL
the left exit going north on 95? if so that's 76 right?
No they are talking about 395 coming from Mass
05-29-2011 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by FOXWOODSnuts29
I found a woman's 3 karat diamond earing the other day...would have been a nice bankroll for the series out iv vegas this summer, but I found the rightful owner and she gave me $ $10,000 earing....andf I'm 25
Kind of a different case considering that by pawning her item you would be committing a borderline illegal act and the effort of pawning itself is present. That the person returned what is literally free cash at the casino in form of a slot ticket is admirable and kind of shocking to me.
05-29-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by jbellfeins
Kind of a different case considering that by pawning her item you would be committing a borderline illegal act and the effort of pawning itself is present. That the person returned what is literally free cash at the casino in form of a slot ticket is admirable and kind of shocking to me.
The thing here is... is it reasonable/moral to return the ticket?

I mean, i'd think they would just act like nothing happened and rip the ticket or something and if somebody claimed they lost it they would say "oh i'm afraid we can't help you, somebody probably already cashed it"

you know what i mean, it's a Casino after a Supermarket, a Shopping Mall yeah it's a diff situation, i would definitely bring it to Lost and Found.

At a Casino where they are always trying to suck up money and get profits in any way they can, i'm not so comfortable giving it to them just hoping that they would have the same compassion that I have.
05-29-2011 , 04:17 PM
I can't believe Foxwoods wants 470$+tax for a single room on a Friday... seriously wtf, no wonder the hotels are empty. How many people are really willing to spend 500$ for one night that don't already have a gold/platinum card? Also, there is apparently a room service fee... so after paying 11$ for Nachos and 3$ for a 50 cent soda you get hit w/ a 6$ room service fee and then they expect a tip on top of that... this casino is seriously out of their mind. No wonder they can't make any payments/are going broke. Oh and 1/2 is just as awful as I remembered, I hope someone hits that bad beat jack pot ASAP.

/end rant

was nice to meet you this weekend hansmolman... also got to meet a few other regs who were very nice/fun to talk to

Went to craft w/ jpsychlady and lattimer. I tried their chicken for the first time and it was very good. Very filling and not even expensive, I'll def eat it again.
05-29-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by jbellfeins
Kind of a different case considering that by pawning her item you would be committing a borderline illegal act and the effort of pawning itself is present. That the person returned what is literally free cash at the casino in form of a slot ticket is admirable and kind of shocking to me.
I was referring to "if the young people still have morals" portion of the post.
05-29-2011 , 05:25 PM
I'm not sure I directly equate morality with returning money or goods that are lost. The adage that possession is 9/10 of the law has truth behind it sometimes. I'm 23 but I don't know if I would question my moral fiber if the issue at contention would be returning a slot ticket. People lose things sometimes, and while I would like to believe that people would return these items the skeptical realist within me understands that is unlikely to happen.
05-29-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
FYI, road block on the exit 85 off ramp for 395. Checking for seatbelts, ect.
they stop you?
05-29-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by ISnort
they stop you?
Yes it's like a dui checkpoint, but seatbelts.
05-29-2011 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by FOXWOODSnuts29
I found a woman's 3 karat diamond earing the other day...would have been a nice bankroll for the series out iv vegas this summer, but I found the rightful owner and she gave me $ $10,000 earing....andf I'm 25
3 karat diamond earring (assuming reasonable quality + you're saying it was 1 stone vs. many small stones) would be way more than $10k for just the stone. I have no idea how much more, but my guess is probably $30k+
05-29-2011 , 07:02 PM
So I would like to know when slowrolling became the cool thing to do? It happened to me twice last night and please for the love of GOD!, if someone says, "you have it" and they are mucking their hand, no matter how big of a fish they are, DO NOT say, "you dont have a Q or a 7" when you see a 4 card straight out there!
O0ch and I played at the softest 1/2 table last night and one of the softest 2/5 games that I have ever played at.
We ate at Craftsteak and actually had a meal that I did not enjoy. They did put the crab fondue back on the menu and it was the yummiest thing that I had.
05-29-2011 , 07:36 PM
Does anyone(prob Lattimer) know if there is a way to see(without calling) where my points are going? They have been fluctuating like mad lately, without me even being there. I came home last night, checked my balance and then lo and behold, I have 5 less right now ?????
05-29-2011 , 07:47 PM
No you will need to call. They should be able to look that up in the system for you.
05-29-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
So I would like to know when slowrolling became the cool thing to do? It happened to me twice last night and please for the love of GOD!, if someone says, "you have it" and they are mucking their hand, no matter how big of a fish they are, DO NOT say, "you dont have a Q or a 7" when you see a 4 card straight out there!
O0ch and I played at the softest 1/2 table last night and one of the softest 2/5 games that I have ever played at.
We ate at Craftsteak and actually had a meal that I did not enjoy. They did put the crab fondue back on the menu and it was the yummiest thing that I had.
The first slowroll was especially gross, dude cracked her aces after calling off his whole stack pre flop with king-9 off suit. He slammed the table angrily after the river came out, pretended to muck about 3-4 times then goes "oh wait I have a straight"

both the 1/2 and the 2/5 games yesterday were soft as butter, must have been the tourneys I guess?

Also it figures that the one time I really enjoy craft you didn't, lolol
05-29-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
The first slowroll was especially gross, dude cracked her aces after calling off his whole stack pre flop with king-9 off suit. He slammed the table angrily after the river came out, pretended to muck about 3-4 times then goes "oh wait I have a straight"

both the 1/2 and the 2/5 games yesterday were soft as butter, must have been the tourneys I guess?

Also it figures that the one time I really enjoy craft you didn't, lolol
they can slow roll me all day long if they call off a stack with k 9 preflop.
05-29-2011 , 09:44 PM
headin down to play plo/plo8 tomorrow hope to see all my fav regs and more importantly new faces!

let's get a good game going, maybe i can justify spending $150+ on two trees, ha
05-29-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by boomBAMboom
headin down to play plo/plo8 tomorrow hope to see all my fav regs and more importantly new faces!

let's get a good game going, maybe i can justify spending $150+ on two trees, ha
what stakes will you play PLO high?
05-29-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by OoberSick
what stakes will you play PLO high?
1/2 all day

2/5 until i get stacked 2 or 3 times
05-30-2011 , 11:44 AM
I went to Dream Rewards gallery yesterday with the intention of exchanging points for MGM/Mirage gift card. They said "they don't do them anymore, you got to go to mgm Grand Effects". I hike it over there, they also claimed they don't do them anymore. ARGH. I ended up asking a competent floor if he could find some info out about it. After a few calls he made, he said they ended the offer.

I doubt I'll be doing Vegas this year. Would have done it if the gift card was offered.
05-30-2011 , 12:11 PM
Meh well 20 bucks is like a slap in the face IMO but he did the right thing.
05-30-2011 , 12:23 PM
how was the turnout for the 400 today?
05-30-2011 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
I went to Dream Rewards gallery yesterday with the intention of exchanging points for MGM/Mirage gift card. They said "they don't do them anymore, you got to go to mgm Grand Effects". I hike it over there, they also claimed they don't do them anymore. ARGH. I ended up asking a competent floor if he could find some info out about it. After a few calls he made, he said they ended the offer.

I doubt I'll be doing Vegas this year. Would have done it if the gift card was offered.
Damn! I've been doing that for the past 2 years before my Vegas trips.
05-30-2011 , 04:09 PM
does foxwoods spread any reasonable stake mixed games? Reasonable being like 10/20ish or below?
