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02-15-2011 , 08:12 PM
Heh, you can cut the tension with a knife. I almost wish I was there to see how the action went down, but this is a fact: if you have the opportunity to call the floor, pass up on it, wait for your opponent to muck, and THEN call the floor, it is an angleshot. You are denying your opponent the opportunity to win the hand by doing so and are trying to get a freeroll.

I do not care if the chips were across a line, at a line, through a line, or not close to a line, or if the opponent says "call" in a sentence: if you have the chance to have the floor regulate the situation, pass on it, and invoke it when your opponent mucks, you are doing something unrelated to poker to give you an edge, regardless of how the opponent is conducting play.

Last edited by IWearSportsJerseys; 02-15-2011 at 08:33 PM.
02-15-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by rizasutton

Fw ruling for a bet: must be put half way between player and pot...100% sure of this...I've seen the ruling placed and discussed a million times there in the past. The old rule was infront of cards...which they changed.

Obvious horrible ruling by floor
Bring a tape measure to the table obv.
02-15-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Bring a tape measure to the table obv.
Lol well obviously we have brains and can use it at the table and not be nits when someone has their money infront of their cards right?

Halfway to the pot is pretty substantial...and obvious fw floor botched this ruling.
02-15-2011 , 09:18 PM
Yeah, I think the 1/2 way rule is pretty dopey too. And eyeballing it, the "bet line" is about 1/2 anyway to the pot. While I understand they don't want to have to fight about what is over the line or not, an angle shooter (which jpsychlady isn't) is going to find a way to abuse it anyway.
02-15-2011 , 09:56 PM
Yea I like the bet line more....but only problem is the middle seats and 1 and 10 seats because the bet line is so close.

Too bad they couldn't change the table bet line so its fitting to that....I mean why even have the bet line.
02-15-2011 , 10:29 PM
When I was playing at Mohegan about a year or so ago, maybe longer, I was contemplating a $230 all-in on the river call. While I was counting my chips and thinking, not moving anything, I muttered to myself and loudly enough for most of the table to hear me say "I think I should call" but clearly did not make any official action indicating a call. The dealer announced call and insisted that was all I said, call was made official, I argued, the rest of the table argued, but the call stood. Fortunately for me, I caught the opponents bluff and won the pot, not sure if I would have actually called or not. I agreed with the opponent that I would give him back the $230 from the river as I was not sure what I would have done if the dealer did not go nuts so all was moot, but still frustrating.
I have seen disputed call/not call actions, as I am sure we all have, at Foxwoods plenty of timed. Unfortunately, too many player/dealers/floors do not know exactly what the current rule is in the room and often make contradicting decisions. So the best thing to do is, as someone else stated, be very clear with your actions. If you want to count out chips, either do it to the side of your stack or do it without moving them.
02-15-2011 , 10:35 PM
Quick question regarding tournaments at Foxwoods: the 9 am Thursday Turbo tournament, how many players usually register and how long does it usually last?
02-15-2011 , 10:43 PM
Having played at Foxwoods on and off for almost 7 years I can tell you the easiest way to avoid these sorts of situations. Keep your cards in front of your chips, and don't talk while making a decision unless it's the decision you wish to make.

Pretty simple, but I'm always amazed at the number of people who when they are faced with an opponent's All-In say "All-In?" Tone of voice is not easily determined, if it is your decision and another player is All-In ask the dealer if that player is All-In.

In summary, people at the Foxwoods Poker Room are majority idiots and I would like to deprive as many as possible of their monies.
02-16-2011 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Heh, you can cut the tension with a knife. I almost wish I was there to see how the action went down, but this is a fact: if you have the opportunity to call the floor, pass up on it, wait for your opponent to muck, and THEN call the floor, it is an angleshot. You are denying your opponent the opportunity to win the hand by doing so and are trying to get a freeroll.

I do not care if the chips were across a line, at a line, through a line, or not close to a line, or if the opponent says "call" in a sentence: if you have the chance to have the floor regulate the situation, pass on it, and invoke it when your opponent mucks, you are doing something unrelated to poker to give you an edge, regardless of how the opponent is conducting play.
this x1000

PS, anyone who is calling the floor in a situation like this to try and force their opponent to put money in the pot is pure slime. and i wish 2p2 didn't censor these posts so i could use a more appropriate term than "slime". if the money means that much to you, you need to step down in stakes.
02-16-2011 , 12:56 AM
Different situation I think but reminds of New Years Day when I was there. Kid on my right kept putting his bet/call halfway in front of the bet line. I asked the dealer if that was going to be a problem, is that call binding ect... She said yes him putting the chips there was binding. He was in the two seat so it was kind of confusing to me why he wouldn't just put it over the line. The damn line was right there.

Long story short that dealer said it was fine. Next dealer comes in and tells him you have to put your bet/call over the line sir.

Standard Foxwoods imo. One dealer has their own rules while another dealer has their's.
02-16-2011 , 02:05 AM
hey was lookin thru this thread a little bit and was wondering what the highest nl games they run regularly are? went a couple pages back and it seemed like 5 10 was the highest nl games that ran regularly... is this correct?
02-16-2011 , 02:08 AM
Ya 5/10 is usually the biggest game they have going.
02-16-2011 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Ya 5/10 is usually the biggest game they have going.
When we feel like it, we get a 10/20 NL going, as well. It has been happening weekly .
02-16-2011 , 08:36 AM
I'll be donking it up there presidents day weekend during my yearly trip to the Woods. Played at Mohegan Sun last year, and actually enjoyed it more, but my friend who lives in CT insists we go to Foxwoods this time. (Yeah, nice host he is for his guest from out of town!)
02-16-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Well, I spoke with the shift manager Friday night. I explained my experiences with said ruling and numerous other dealer issues and she seemed concerned so hopefully she will do something about it.
My husband also wrote a long letter and sent it to numerous people at Foxwoods. I dont know if they will do anything or if they even care but other than switching to Mohegan, I dont know what else to do.
I understand the issues with the new dealers. They are new and have had 1/4 of their training cut but there are no excuses for these floor people. A few of the floors are good, amiable and do their job but there are several that are mean and are clueless about the rules of poker.
Well there go your free rooms and offers!
02-16-2011 , 11:50 AM
if you guys would just play fast and think to yourselves you wouldnt have all these borderline judgements from the floor about verbal remarks
02-16-2011 , 12:22 PM
Why don't they just make the line a bet line??? It confusing that there is a line at all. It seems like a bet line but its not. 1/2 way to the pot is difficult to judge. I guess refelting all the tables cost too much. Doesn't it actually have the words 'bet line' on the table too or am I remembering incorrectly?

I can never remember the rules as I only play live a few times a month. All the line does is confuse people. At various points in time, I know this Foxwoods rule. But I forget it since I play in various places live and the rules are always different. I do try to be deliberate in my actions and rarely speak out loud. But I could see myself making this mistake. So many dbags that take advantage of **** like this. It is highly entertaining to observe the crap that happens live and the LOL way people play.
02-16-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by donk007
Why don't they just make the line a bet line??? It confusing that there is a line at all. It seems like a bet line but its not. 1/2 way to the pot is difficult to judge. I guess refelting all the tables cost too much. Doesn't it actually have the words 'bet line' on the table too or am I remembering incorrectly?

I can never remember the rules as I only play live a few times a month. All the line does is confuse people. At various points in time, I know this Foxwoods rule. But I forget it since I play in various places live and the rules are always different. I do try to be deliberate in my actions and rarely speak out loud. But I could see myself making this mistake. So many dbags that take advantage of **** like this. It is highly entertaining to observe the crap that happens live and the LOL way people play.
But they refelt the tables frequently so why dont they just buy felt that doesnt have a bet line if the bet line is not "THE BET LINE".
02-16-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by BK1248
if you guys would just play fast and think to yourselves you wouldnt have all these borderline judgements from the floor about verbal remarks
Agreed. Think to yourself and keep your chips behind your cards. This will solve most of these issues.
02-16-2011 , 02:57 PM
each table should have a list of betting rules (on the table number plaque for example) or printed on the felt (bets over this line are binding, bets in front of cards are binding..etc, etc) ..this way here is no judgment needed by the dealer...

most of these issues arise out of player ego, blatant idiacy, or blatant angleshooting by those who lack integrity...
02-16-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
But they refelt the tables frequently so why dont they just buy felt that doesnt have a bet line if the bet line is not "THE BET LINE".
Its also there to help dealers not have to reach so far to retrieve bets. When the bet line is gone people would keep their bets so far back slowing down the games more.

Sometimes you have to realize you may have made an error by opening your mouth and should learn from it. Instead of trying to find people and things to blame for the next two weeks.
02-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kenneth Bania
Its also there to help dealers not have to reach so far to retrieve bets. When the bet line is gone people would keep their bets so far back slowing down the games more.
Right, it's there as a courtesy for the dealers, so it should be labeled a courtesy line. Bet line is a misnomer.
02-16-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kenneth Bania

Sometimes you have to realize you may have made an error by opening your mouth and should learn from it. Instead of trying to find people and things to blame for the next two weeks.
Uncalled for, IMO.

Learn what from it? To keep an acute awareness on semantics when the game is predicated on tough decisions?

That is the wrong message to be sending.
02-16-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kenneth Bania
Sometimes you have to realize you may have made an error by opening your mouth and should learn from it. Instead of trying to find people and things to blame for the next two weeks.
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Uncalled for, IMO.

Learn what from it? To keep an acute awareness on semantics when the game is predicated on tough decisions?

That is the wrong message to be sending.
Re-read it. He said, "[Y]ou have to realize you may have made an error by opening your mouth and should learn from it."

He did not say, "[K]eep an acute awareness on semantics."

Let's make it even simpler. The player chose to think aloud using words that have real, specific meaning regarding action when action was on her. She could have chosen to not say anything instead, which would have eliminated potential problems, regardless of who she or anyone else wants to put blame on after the fact.

Does that make more sense now?
02-16-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Uncalled for, IMO.

Learn what from it? To keep an acute awareness on semantics when the game is predicated on tough decisions?

That is the wrong message to be sending.
that pretty much describes all older regs at FW lol summed it up nicely. Games are good though so have to put up with all the BS.

Seems to me most issues at least in NL games should be able to be cleared up through common sense, like sometimes just because chips are in front of the cards it may be obvious the players are not intending on calling anyone what makes a stink in that sort of situation is likely just a douche.
