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09-28-2010 , 11:38 AM
Isn't that how much they make per day through rake?
09-28-2010 , 11:50 AM
They can't get by on $59M. The already spent the $.
09-29-2010 , 08:24 AM
WSJ reports the woods in in default of its loans and the banks because its a sovereign nation are going to have real recovery problems
but no worries the distributions to the tribal members continue on
09-29-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by ProlificTre
as speculated here:

Reward-points deal sparks $6M cash grab at Foxwoods casino
‘Take the money and run’
By Thomas Grillo
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - Updated 9 hours ago

It was such a good deal that more than 15,000 customers swarmed the casino on Sept. 18 and cashed out to the tune of $6 million, causing long lines and parking lot traffic jams - and, once they got their cash, many didn’t gamble it away. Since then, the casino has put six other dollar-for-dollar promotional dates on hold.

“Management expected people to take the cash and play it on the slot machines, but that didn’t happen,” said one longtime worker, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
I was in the poker room on Saturday and in an unbelievable lack of coordination - they failed to staff the room to the max. So after moving the tournament area upstairs and freeing up about 15 tables the poker room failed to capitalize on huge lists. In the early afternoon the 1/2 NL list was 200 players long. 2/5 was 50. 20/40 LHE had ~40 and so on. By 4pm when the next shift of dealers came in the lists had vanished completely.

Another employee said, “They’re saying the promotion is postponed until they work out technical issues like long lines and parking problems, but that problem can be solved by adding staff on those days. There’s no need to postpone it indefinitely. Whoever thought up this idea got in a lot of trouble.”
The biggest technical difficulty was that they never tested the $1,000 max withdrawal per day properly. Players with huge amounts of points accumulated were able to withdraw as much as they wanted.

If they had thought to staff up the poker room and truly limited the cash outs - my guess is that business would indeed have gone way up and might have made the event profitable. Maybe they will limit withdrawals to $500 next time...

Paul Young, executive director for the Connecticut Division of Special Revenue, the agency which collects the state’s 25 percent share of slot revenues, said his staff on site at Foxwoods reported that very little of the free cash made it back into the casino.

“I knew people would take the money and run,” he said. “We’re in a recession.”

The Rev. Richard McGowan, a Boston College professor and author of “The Gambling Debate,” said he’s not surprised that gamblers walked away with the cash. “It’s a sign of the times. People are hurting,” he said.
This is counter-intuitive. The only people who would walk away with the money would be people who had accumulated huge amounts and don't have a gambling problem or play poker.

All other types of gamblers accumulating points would naturally spend it on their game of choice. They come to FW regularly anyway to gamble so why wouldn't they?

Once they fix the software problem and lower the max withdrawal per day I would expect to see this type of promotion again. And look for a fully staffed poker room. The games (especially 1/2 NL) should be incredible if they bring in enough dealers.
09-29-2010 , 12:26 PM
Yup, multiple withdrawals were being allowed. Also promo points were allowed to be cashed. Neither of these were meant to happen. Also the logistical nightmare outside, I heard there were lots of traffic jams in the parking lots/garages and inner roads.

What they needed to do was explain some of these problems to the public, instead of the vague "unforseen technical difficulties". That really turned a lot of people off. I do believe them when they say it's "postponed", they'll re-offer this promo once the bugs are worked out. FTR, while they currently have the 50c/pt deal, I can see that my promo points aren't eligible, so they've at least fixed that glitch.
09-29-2010 , 01:27 PM
That is what I was thinking. If anybody had a bunch of points it is because they gamble a bunch already. If they didn't use the money that day it will certainly be coming back in the near future probably....
09-29-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by DQPaulie
oct1-3 there will be 4-8 HORSE games going, I guarantee it.
And PLO or PL08!!

Are you signed up for FARGO??

If you are, see you at Custy's tomorrow night.

09-30-2010 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by DQPaulie
oct1-3 there will be 4-8 HORSE games going, I guarantee it.
Ya think

Here we go again!
09-30-2010 , 12:49 PM
anyone here play 5-10 limit at the woods willing to give me some insights on the game? types of players,proper buy in,strategies etc i play 2-4 and 4-8 now looking to get a scouting report before plunging
will buy lunch or a few beers for some 411
09-30-2010 , 03:42 PM
The 5-10 is played with a kill. If a pot is over $100, the next hand is played at 10-20 stakes with the normal $2 and $5 blinds and a $10 kill blind posted by the big pot winner. The $100 trigger stays the same so you can play many hands in a row at 10-20 before ending up back at 5-10. So you should be funded to play 10-20, imo, and buy in for $500.

As far as strategy goes, read up in the small stakes forum. Read posted hands and think about how you would play it. Then read responses and see if they agree. Learn from good arguments for different play. Then try to post some of your own hands that are tough situations for you.
09-30-2010 , 04:14 PM
thanks M
would you say 10-20 is more straight forward and easier to play?
09-30-2010 , 08:31 PM
does razz ever run at foxwoods?

and I've always wondered if there is a high stakes poker room somewhere?
09-30-2010 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
does razz ever run at foxwoods?

and I've always wondered if there is a high stakes poker room somewhere?
This Friday and Sat their will be some 4-8 HORSE games going that contain RAZZ. Otherwise no except on very rare occasions HORSE goes
09-30-2010 , 10:05 PM
Was anyone there today around 2:30? What was with that screaming chick? Some were saying she hit the BBJ, but I couldn't find out, no one was sure.
09-30-2010 , 10:16 PM
zookeeper... what time will u be there saturday, i will be there around 3 till 8 and will definately sign up for the HORSE game... hopefully we can get it going.
09-30-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish
Was anyone there today around 2:30? What was with that screaming chick? Some were saying she hit the BBJ, but I couldn't find out, no one was sure.
Apparently a domestic dispute of some sort. Heard that she threw a shoe at her husband..... (Possibly a bad beat, but definitely no jackpot).
09-30-2010 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
thanks M
would you say 10-20 is more straight forward and easier to play?
I'm not sure. I think there are some nuances to the kill that could make 5-10 less straight forward, but both games should feature players making lots of mistakes. If anything, there are more regs in 10-20, meaning the game goes more often. Maybe it's because they play better and maybe it's not. Not knowing your skill level or ability to handle the swings inherent in lhe, I can't say the bigger game is "easier".
10-01-2010 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish
Was anyone there today around 2:30? What was with that screaming chick? Some were saying she hit the BBJ, but I couldn't find out, no one was sure.
It was a woman sharing her feelings with her husband. I was at table 80 and it was most definitely the oddest sounding domestic dispute I've ever heard from across the room.

Headed back to the 2/5 tables in about an hour. Anyone playing this afternoon?
10-01-2010 , 09:26 AM
Ill be playing as soon as I can roll out of Pequot
10-01-2010 , 10:48 AM
whats the best day to come play 1/2 nl? i was thinkin of going tonight, or is saturday/sunday better?
10-01-2010 , 11:12 AM
friday and sat night will be the busiest, most drunk tourists
10-01-2010 , 11:19 AM
sounds good. trying to take advantage of some drunks, build a little bankroll over time
10-01-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
thanks M
would you say 10-20 is more straight forward and easier to play?
In the past, the 10-20 has tended to be nitty, while the 5-10 kill has been the action game.
10-01-2010 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
the new tourney/sng area.
Heading there this weekend to try some tourneys ahead of the WPF. I haven't been there in years, where is the new tourney area above the old one?
10-02-2010 , 01:35 AM
Went tonight and had alot of fun.

Played 1-2 nl.

first story:

this guy sits down and seems to be playing very odd, he is quiet and is just making weird bets and calls. A hand gets down to the river and this guy CALLS a river bet of 30. The guy who raised mucks his hand thinking he's beat and the weird guy flips over 9 high!....and takes the pot. Everyone at the table is like WHAAA? it wasn't because he was angle shooting, it turns out he didn't really know how to play. Well thats what we assumed but he never said a word and ended up going broke really quick.

big hand:

I had been playing well all night and this big hand came up. I limp early with pocket Kings hoping the psycho asian guy with the huge stack will raise. Thankfully he raises to 15. He gets 3 or 4 callers and when it gets to me I raise to 30. EVERYONE CALLS! flop comes and I forget what it was but I know there was 2 clubs and a 10. I think it was two rag clubs and a 10. I think i checked but i forget, crazy asian checks, hot chick checks and harvard guy pushes a big stack of reds in the middle. I decide **** it and shove all in for like i dunno 160. folds around to harvard kid who immediatly says, "You have AA or KK?" so I know I have him. Eventually he calls with a Q high flush draw and blanks. I win a 500$ pot.
