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09-06-2010 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by CTriverrat
Heard about this guy he kept rebuying and probably dumped 4-5K.......wish i didnt leave the game but got caught up in a 5-10NL game
I played this game right when it started on Sat.... Left right as the guy was sitting down. So pissed to hear that I missed epic chip spewing.... I made the dumb decision to go play the 6pm bounty tourney.. worked out great.
09-06-2010 , 05:51 PM
Anyone playing the Mega satellites for the borgata
09-06-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I played this game right when it started on Sat.... Left right as the guy was sitting down. So pissed to hear that I missed epic chip spewing.... I made the dumb decision to go play the 6pm bounty tourney.. worked out great.
Lol was so funny at one point he got mad at the dealer for muckin his unprotected cards and was swearing at him..when the dealer called the floor the whole table stuck up for the guy and told told the dealer he didnt mean it and we would handle it and keep him from if the dealer got him kicked out he woulda had 6 people REALLY pissed at him....
09-06-2010 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish
At the end of my game, yes. I was the skinny guy with glasses who pushed A2 spades.

Because without an ID, they got no way of knowing it's you whose name is on that stub. And don't worry about taxes on <5K cashes, I'm not even sure those small amounts count as taxable income. Even if they do, it'll most likely amount to double-digits or a couple hundred. Find a good accountant who'll know.
they do
09-06-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
Any idea what game the BBJ was hit on?
It was 1/2 NL. I was playing at the time too and actually played til 9 this morning. I won about 350. I got there around 9:30 last night and there was a short list but there wasn't much of a problem gettng seated. Like someone said upstairs was jamming with people.
09-06-2010 , 08:23 PM
As an accountant here is the definition.... all income whether reported or not is counted as "taxable income" so yes any money you do make from playing poker "should" be reported to the IRS as income. What people "should" do and what they actually do is many times very different... ummmmmm yea exactly! Like I said in an earlier post as long as you don't make over 250K reported income and don't drive a lambo or something sick like that the chances of getting audited is very very slim. What you do on your own dime and taxes is your own business, but that is the cold hard facts of the matter.

Had a "typical" session at 1/2 today made $80 total for 4 hrs which from some earlier posts is about average i guess. Had a wild 4 hand streak, AA, AQ, AA, 44.

1. AA in BB EP raises to 10, and i just call as it is just us 2 in the hand. Figures he flops a set of queens checks turn when board pairs so I lead out on river and he shoves and I call the $50 more... lost about $100. Hand played itself either way I guess.... if I reraise he calls and flops his set anyway.

2. AQ in SB, couple of early callers and I announce a steam raise to $15, they both call..... flop trip Q's and bet out $20 and they fold... turn over my cards for fun.

3. AA on button raised to $20 PF and got one caller, bet flop and they fold.

4. Now someone comments on the last 3 hands so I look at 44 and decide to raise to $15 with them to see if people believe I have yet another hand... get 2 callers. Flop a set of course! Bet out and they all fold, lol.

Overall a huge beat followed by 3 smallish pots for a net negative of $25 but it was the only highlights of the day for me besides the set of 4's I smashed and stacked some old lady, figures it was a net negative for 4 awesome hands.
09-06-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by rizasutton
Lol how shouldn't it count.....

His flopped straight flush was beat....
Here is my special FX BBJ hunting trip report.
Last time I was at FX about 2 years ago. Last part of my vacation
was in RI. And I came yesterday around 11PM for BBJ.
I played 1/2 NLH when BBJ hit. Came to make a pic of the BBJ table, but camera on my phone were stuck.
I don't understand how BBJ payout was structured. Everyone at the table
(except BBJ winner and hand winner) got 18K. I read the FX rules - there should be no any collusion or prelim agreements as far as I recall.

Anyway I forgot how soft,soft,soft 1/2 and 2/5 is at FX. I made about 600 in 2.5 hours playing 1/2. I think, I completely crushed my table. Or maybe I am wrong. Then made about 400 more playing 2/5 after BBJ hit. 2/5 was just 2 times better then 1/2 and nothing to compare to 2/5 at MS at night. There
were about 3-4 regs two of them were good. 2 good tourney players , who played cash like a tourney. And half a table of "draw chasers". Folded my A,A
on a mono turn , which I missed. And folded my K,K on a similar board.

Left around 4:30 in a morning completely degened,
soon after I mucked my winning hand HU at show time instead of checking it on a 300 pot.

I actually like what I found at FX. Basement room became lighter and tournament area upstairs is nice. Game selection is much better then at MS.
NL game was def much softer then MS , maybe because of holiday night and BBJ crowd.
And , 60% of poker dealers are really bad. None of the bad dealers were fired and they became even worst.
09-06-2010 , 11:54 PM
Finally got to FW this weekend for the first time and was really happy with the card room. I just moved to Springfield and am trying to find a regular place. I tried MS last weekend and decided FW would be this holiday weekends venue. I was told by the guys at MS that fox woods had a worse game and couldn't have been lied to more. I realize the sample size is small, having only played at MS for one 8 hour session, but FW seems like a much better room.

I played Friday from 2pm till about 4am and drove back because I didn't want to deal with finding a hotel room. Made a few calls but couldn't get one for cheap. Woke up Saturday and drove back. This session turned out to be a marathon because I realized how much I didn't want to make that drive again. I think I went 4pm till about 7pm Sunday. What do you guys do about the sleeping arrangements? I'm not paying $300 for a room.

I'm coming from Florida where the games are super soft so I wasn't sure what to expect. I usually play 2/5 but wanted to dick around and get a feel for the room and hit the bbjp so I just sat 1/2 the whole time, both sessions. Found the games to be pretty good. I made $2300 over the weekend, running well and playing in soft games. I might not even move up to 2/5 for a while and just keep beating up on the 1/2 it seems super beatable. No one ever plays back and a little raise can take a pot off almost everyone with two pair or less.

How are the higher games? A super fish moved to 5/10 half way through the night on friday and came back a few hours later to tell me how he profited. I didn't look at the games and was suprised at how few 2/5 and 5/10 tables were going. There wasn't even a 10/20nl going most of the time.

It is really cool to see a stud game going again though. Its been years since I have seen any stud, never mind a 150/300 or what ever they had running the whole weekend. Who plays in that? Does it run regularly or was it just a holiday weekend thing? ANDDDDDDD limit games. They are non existent in Florida. I haven't seen a 20/40 or higher go in years. So cool to see these games being played.

Overall I was pretty happy with the card room. Even if I didn't have as good results I would want to come back. Lots of bad players, lots of options in game type, and in general a good room. Some of the dealers suck, but its probably just the 1/2 guys. They probably don't get the best dealer strings.

I'm still frustrated about the room situation though. Id like to be able to get a room some where and not have to keep playing or sleep in the car. I come down 2 through Norwich. There has to be places on closer for $60 or less on the weekends. Anyone have any in mind?
09-07-2010 , 05:06 AM
Did anyone play 4/8 LHE or 4/8 O8 from Sunday night till late Monday morning? If you did, hello
09-07-2010 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by white_lytning
What do you guys do about the sleeping arrangements? I'm not paying $300 for a room.
When it isn't a holiday weekend, Foxwoods rooms can be found for much, much cheaper than that, especially when booked in advance.

Beyond that, you can usually get a room at the Bellisimo Grand down the street for between $59 and $99
09-07-2010 , 08:02 AM
Glad you liked the woods whyte... I agree with you on the table selection end, there are almost every game to be had... wish the 5/10 horse would go off more often, but yes if you play limit there is much to be had here, Hold em or stud. NL is soft and now that they have the tourney area upstairs they can even spread more games in the dungeon. :-)
09-07-2010 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by enbox
Did anyone play 4/8 LHE or 4/8 O8 from Sunday night till late Monday morning? If you did, hello
I played 4/8 for about 6 hours sunday, table 33 I think, it opened around 3:00. The kid sitting next to me left that game for omaha when it opened, was that you?
09-07-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by ToothPicker
I don't understand how BBJ payout was structured. Everyone at the table (except BBJ winner and hand winner) got 18K. I read the FX rules - there should be no any collusion or prelim agreements as far as I recall.
The loser of the hand gets 50%, the winner 25%, and the remaining 25% gets split among everyone else who was dealt in.

So at $502k, the loser got $251k, the winner $126k, and the remaining $126k split up equally... which if it was 9-handed (so split 7 ways), comes to $18k/share.
09-07-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
The loser of the hand gets 50%, the winner 25%, and the remaining 25% gets split among everyone else who was dealt in.

So at $502k, the loser got $251k, the winner $126k, and the remaining $126k split up equally... which if it was 9-handed (so split 7 ways), comes to $18k/share.
Thanks, my fault. I thought remaining 25% were kept for future BBJ.
09-07-2010 , 03:31 PM
Yea, I heard the new BBJ was reset to $180k. Where did that money? I thought it came from the previous BBJ, but it sounds like the old one was entirely dispersed to the table?
09-07-2010 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Yea, I heard the new BBJ was reset to $180k. Where did that money? I thought it came from the previous BBJ, but it sounds like the old one was entirely dispersed to the table?
Of the $1 that gets taken off the table for the BBJ - 60% goes toward current BBJ, 35% goes toward backup BBJ, and 5% to the house as an "admin fee".

The backup BBJ is ~half of current BBJ. So when the $502k hit, there was about $250k in the backup. ~2/3 of that becomes the new BBJ (the $180k), while the other 1/3 remains as the new backup BBJ.
09-07-2010 , 04:00 PM
A dealer the other night said that over 30 percent is carried over and don't forget about the 5 percent cut that Foxwoods takes once it is hit....

Lattimer your numbers are probably pretty close to accurate except it is not based on 502k which the full amout was. It would probably be based on 70 percent or so of that amount...

Edit: I guess your new post makes more sense then...
09-07-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Yea, I heard the new BBJ was reset to $180k. Where did that money? I thought it came from the previous BBJ, but it sounds like the old one was entirely dispersed to the table?
I think so much is taken out each day for the future BBJ, so it looks like around 70% each day goes into current BBJ and the rest to reload next BBj
09-07-2010 , 04:04 PM
Every dollar is split 60% to the main pot, 35% to the back up and Foxwoods takes 5% fee. When the main is hit they take the back up and split it something like 65/35 or 60/40 to get a new pot and back up.

And I hope they don't take out another 5% at this point, but who knows.
09-07-2010 , 04:23 PM
Thanks guys, you answered my question perfectly
09-07-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
I played 4/8 for about 6 hours sunday, table 33 I think, it opened around 3:00. The kid sitting next to me left that game for omaha when it opened, was that you?
Maybe, red sox hat, blue t-shirt or white button down that eventually had a coffee accident. I didn't leave 4/8 HE when O8 opened though, my table broke and I went to 2/4 and didn't even wait for my BB to get to me before I decided I hated it and checked out O8. Table where a guy hit 4 straight flushes in 3 hours.
09-07-2010 , 10:43 PM
Had to suck for the guy who lost with TT to AQ on a TTJKQ board at 1-2 last night, since the guy with the Royal only had a 1-card Royal.
09-08-2010 , 12:27 AM
Did anyone see the guy who got 4 straight flushes in 3 hours a the 4/8 O8? That's some kind of run for sure.
09-08-2010 , 02:21 PM
Anyone playing in the 6pm tonight?
09-08-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by enbox
Did anyone see the guy who got 4 straight flushes in 3 hours a the 4/8 O8? That's some kind of run for sure.
Yes that is a nice run but not too odd in omaha, last time i played the 4/8 i hit quads 3x in 2 hours. With 4 cards the possible high hands are increased exponentially.

Headed down right now for some 1/2... wish me luck! I NEED IT!
