Originally Posted by 9adam77
Those idiots should have never been awarded the casino in the first place. It should have gone to a mid tier operator and they should have built it where Suffolk downs currently sits on all that fu-king land! Instead they award it to a 5* name and plop it down in the middle of ragtag Everett where there's no land and it's a horrible place to get in and out of and the closest MBTA station is a 10 minute walk across a shitty bridge to Sullivan square. Suffolk downs had the land like foxwoods and the blue line for anyone to be able to get there via the MBTA. This casino has been a disaster from the get go. They built one of the nicest poker rooms in the country and expect people to stay away? They don't plan on parking constraints? It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out people who play poker would drive from all over and park and plop their asses down for 8-12 hrs and hog up parking spots. It amazes me these idiots couldn't see this coming. If that casino had been built in East Boston they would almost certainly be dealing 6/7 handed right now if not right now, very soon. I hope Encore is a money pit for Wynn, they deserve it after butchering this thing from every angle....
Excellent post dude!!!
This thing has been a cluster fukkk from the get go!!! One can only imagine how big the payoffs/bribes were to give it to Everett!!! It was a total abortion even before they were awarded the license... starting out with the whole land contamination from being a Monsanto chemical plant in its prior life to the whole shell game to hide that the real owners of the land who were criminals tied to organized crime.
I'm aware that there were two votes on Suffolk since the property straddled Revere and East Boston and that Eastie voted against the proposal initially but that was by no mean the death blow for Suffolk there were many work arounds to overcome Easties initial objection.
If you remember them cancelling weekend tournaments because more people showed up than they anticipated and they were pissed that the poker players took up all the spots in the garage, leaving no spots for the white haired slot players to light their social security checks on fire then it is imminently clear that they are using Covid as an excuse to gas poker permanently!!! Bottom line: Them parking spots are to valuable to let us low ballin' poker playin' curmudgeons occupy them.
The nitwit who approved the final decision for the layout and amenities they went with should be flipping burgers somewhere!! How do you spend $2+ BILLION dollars there and not have an indoor and/or outdoor pool, or a concert venue of any type? Or how do you offer no mid range food options or a food court? Almost every restaurant there will cost you over $100 per person to eat at!!! Who was the bufoon who decided on the number of parking spots they created would be sufficient? But no worries because they got Popeye there!!!
They have fukkked this whole project up so badly that the rumor on the street is that the place is for sale for approximately $0.35 on the dollar... Maybe we get a 2+2 Go fund me going to raise the needed $700mil then we can buy the place and bring back poker in full swing... I'm guessing we could probably run the place better than current management!!