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Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP

03-25-2021 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mr ATM

They have fukkked this whole project up so badly that the rumor on the street is that the place is for sale for approximately $0.35 on the dollar... Maybe we get a 2+2 Go fund me going to raise the needed $700mil then we can buy the place and bring back poker in full swing... I'm guessing we could probably run the place better than current management!!
They took a toxic dump and turned it into a 5* resort with a massive, gorgeous poker room that was enormously successful, so they at least did a couple of things well.

Then the pandemic hit, and now who knows what will happen.

Not saying the MGC has been smart or responsive, but it's kinda crazy to think some alternative timeline with a casino at SD would have turned out better for Boston area poker.

Encore poker room was the nuts and I hope we get something back 70% as good.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-25-2021 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by cheesefist
They took a toxic dump and turned it into a 5* resort with a massive, gorgeous poker room that was enormously successful, so they at least did a couple of things well.

Then the pandemic hit, and now who knows what will happen.

Not saying the MGC has been smart or responsive, but it's kinda crazy to think some alternative timeline with a casino at SD would have turned out better for Boston area poker.

Encore poker room was the nuts and I hope we get something back 70% as good.
Not sure if you get what the conversation was about... nobody said the poker room sucked... the points being made were about the casino as a whole and how they missed the mark in certain areas going all the way back to the awarding of the site and licensing through opening and today.

What makes it a legitimate 5 star resort anyway? Because it has a Wynn sign on the roof? How can anyone claim it to be a top flight casino when they missed on so many important amenities/areas?

I do agree with you when they had a poker room that was operational it was the nuts... at least until they started to become disenchanted with the poker players and wished so many of them didn't come.

If you read the statement put out by Wynn about the poker room and you know the history of poker there and are expecting the poker room to ever open again then I'm guessing you still think that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-26-2021 , 05:48 AM
The poker room isn't going to open up until the state capacity limits are lifted. The room gives a nice buffer to get more players in the profitable slot areas.

The Encore's main design problem is that it was conceived to be a high end casino only attracting the very highest spenders. That why the table games were a minimum of $50. However like every other US based casino built on the same premise since Caesars was built in the 1960s, there aren't enough of those players to support a large casino with lots of amenities. So they had to start attracting volume. Parking wasn't designed for that many people. Restaurants weren't put in place to meet those people's needs.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-27-2021 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
Mass Gaming Commission has to be the biggest group of donks I've ever seen. Every single state has poker at a functional number (6+) but MA thinks it's TOTALLY NOT SAFE to play.

Good grief, lol.
Sure. Poker is booming in NY where players can not touch the cards and any chips players touch get pulled from play to get sanitized. But poker is booming.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-27-2021 , 05:15 PM
You not have bravo installed bruh? Poker is booming. Sorry to tell you.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-28-2021 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Mr ATM
Excellent post dude!!!

This thing has been a cluster fukkk from the get go!!! One can only imagine how big the payoffs/bribes were to give it to Everett!!! It was a total abortion even before they were awarded the license... starting out with the whole land contamination from being a Monsanto chemical plant in its prior life to the whole shell game to hide that the real owners of the land who were criminals tied to organized crime.

I'm aware that there were two votes on Suffolk since the property straddled Revere and East Boston and that Eastie voted against the proposal initially but that was by no mean the death blow for Suffolk there were many work arounds to overcome Easties initial objection.

If you remember them cancelling weekend tournaments because more people showed up than they anticipated and they were pissed that the poker players took up all the spots in the garage, leaving no spots for the white haired slot players to light their social security checks on fire then it is imminently clear that they are using Covid as an excuse to gas poker permanently!!! Bottom line: Them parking spots are to valuable to let us low ballin' poker playin' curmudgeons occupy them.

The nitwit who approved the final decision for the layout and amenities they went with should be flipping burgers somewhere!! How do you spend $2+ BILLION dollars there and not have an indoor and/or outdoor pool, or a concert venue of any type? Or how do you offer no mid range food options or a food court? Almost every restaurant there will cost you over $100 per person to eat at!!! Who was the bufoon who decided on the number of parking spots they created would be sufficient? But no worries because they got Popeye there!!!

They have fukkked this whole project up so badly that the rumor on the street is that the place is for sale for approximately $0.35 on the dollar... Maybe we get a 2+2 Go fund me going to raise the needed $700mil then we can buy the place and bring back poker in full swing... I'm guessing we could probably run the place better than current management!!
I was there once since covid and it was a pain in the ass to find parking. We should have sports betting by now but baker and marty walsh hate any sort of vices so I wouldn't be surprised if they are holding it up just like MJ.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-28-2021 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
but baker and marty walsh hate any sort of vices so I wouldn't be surprised if they are holding it up just like MJ.
Walsh isn't the mayor of Boston so I don't know why his opinion would matter
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
03-29-2021 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by lordfoo
Walsh isn't the mayor of Boston so I don't know why his opinion would matter
Not to mention that Encore is not in Boston, so even when he was Mayor, it was not in his jurisdiction.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-02-2021 , 10:22 AM
Just got free room offers for April. Thursday and Sunday only. I never get Friday and Saturday offers, but is the reason for no mid-week offers because hotel is closed Mon thru Wednesday ?
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-02-2021 , 11:07 AM
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-09-2021 , 12:54 AM
~70% of the state is going to be vaccinated in a month, when they gonna give me my Encore poker back?
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-13-2021 , 12:13 PM
The Wynn in vegas just announced that vaccinations will be mandatory for all employees.

I wonder if Encore, Boston will do the same ?
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-13-2021 , 04:09 PM
It is going to depend on the labor laws in each state. Given that it is MA, high likelihood they won't be able to mandate it. To get around it, a smart room would create two dealer circuits, one for dealers with vaccinations and one without. The one with vaccinations will be no mask and the one without will be masked.

My guess is that it will take a month for all the dealers and players to get vaccinated.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-13-2021 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by jelloman
The Wynn in vegas just announced that vaccinations will be mandatory for all employees.

I wonder if Encore, Boston will do the same ?

It’s not mandatory. In Vegas. They have 2 options, get the vaccine or pay 15$ to get tested at their lab once a week.

Last edited by jh12547; 04-13-2021 at 04:22 PM.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-13-2021 , 07:23 PM
So much for all those medical privacy laws.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-14-2021 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Conan776
So much for all those medical privacy laws.
What does a vaccine have to do with medical privacy? Is there an uproar when students are required to have a flu vaccine? Just stop.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-14-2021 , 12:57 PM
yes there was an uproar and it got overturned
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-27-2021 , 03:57 PM
Well the dictator gave out the final plan on reopening. If things go well everything reopens August 1st so even if the MGC sits tight for now, poker should be back in three months. Now the ball is in Encores court. They could easily start planning well ik advance if they plan on bringing back poker, the rehiring process, the room etc and could be set to deal August 1st.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-28-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by 9adam77
Well the dictator gave out the final plan on reopening. If things go well everything reopens August 1st so even if the MGC sits tight for now, poker should be back in three months. Now the ball is in Encores court. They could easily start planning well ik advance if they plan on bringing back poker, the rehiring process, the room etc and could be set to deal August 1st.
It'll be interesting to see how Encore proceeds. They didnt seem to like the parking spaces being taken up by poker players and tournaments were halted on weekends IIRC.
So, do they open up poker with fewer tables ? No poker at all ? Any guesses ?
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
04-29-2021 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by jelloman
It'll be interesting to see how Encore proceeds. They didnt seem to like the parking spaces being taken up by poker players and tournaments were halted on weekends IIRC.
So, do they open up poker with fewer tables ? No poker at all ? Any guesses ?
I thought they were planning on building an overflow garage across the street? It looks like the salvage yard in that area closed permanently, wonder if they bought it.

Either way, if parking was an issue for them idk why they wouldn't go back to the validation system they were doing early on. I thought it worked fairly well and having a completely unregulated garage anywhere near downtown/Logan seems super unsustainable.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
05-07-2021 , 02:45 PM
Did anyone watch the MGC meeting from yesterday? I read through the Commissioner's Packet that had nothing useful about poker being restarted except for washing decks. Sounded like neither MGM or Encore had asked the GC about restarting poker.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
05-17-2021 , 12:22 PM
The state is lifting all restrictions at the end of the month. There's really no excuse now, it's pretty much in Encores hands now about the poker room
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
05-18-2021 , 12:26 PM
They should do some kind of hype grand reopening event of the poker room.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
05-18-2021 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by tableclown
They should do some kind of hype grand reopening event of the poker room.
I will be happy if they just reopen, period.
But, sure!
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
05-20-2021 , 11:02 AM

Last edited by wholarry1; 05-20-2021 at 11:16 AM.
Encore Boston Harbor Casino (Everett, MA) - FAQ in OP Quote
