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September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread) September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread)

09-14-2011 , 01:04 AM
There are many who can best me in that regard. And, truth-to-tell, I salute them.

I do, however, take solace in the the fact that I'm TMIMITW to a few a my patients in the ER... and for that I'm grateful.

I'm also humbled that I've got some really good friends that post here in small stakes.
09-14-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
how was the Aquathon?
Unqualified success
09-14-2011 , 01:56 AM
09-14-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
confirm i am the awesome at the swimming....the pokers, not so much, but the swimming, yes sir. also eating chicken wings and watching entire football games that are decided early in the 3rd quarter.
09-14-2011 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
confirm i am the awesome at the swimming....the pokers, not so much, but the swimming, yes sir. also eating chicken wings and watching entire football games that are decided early in the 3rd quarter.
Rate your current swimming ability on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best you've ever been in your life.
09-14-2011 , 12:31 PM
Help me figure out the thought process from Villian on this one...
(He's clearly playing on a whole other level):

I open AA UTG+2, villian calls next in and gets the button, blinds call.

Flop: T33cc

I bet, all call.

Turn: T33-7r

I pull off a C/R on villian. We're HU. (put him on T obv., esp. after the call)

River: T33-7r-7r

I bet, he raises, I puke/call.

shows: Ad7s
09-14-2011 , 12:47 PM
Preflop: "Hey, look, an ace. Aces are good. I call. What? A raise? Okay, fine, I call that too."
Flop: "I have an ace. Aces are good. I call."
Turn: "Why'd he check? Oh, he probably has AK. Now I have a pair so I'm beating him. Raise? What a weirdo, I'm going to call him down."
River: "Oh hey look full house, I raise."

To be honest, your going for the turn c/r may be a bigger mistake than his flop call.
09-14-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Rate your current swimming ability on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best you've ever been in your life.
What's 1? You have to define at least 1 other point
09-14-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
There are many who can best me in that regard. And, truth-to-tell, I salute them.

I do, however, take solace in the the fact that I'm TMIMITW to a few a my patients in the ER... and for that I'm grateful.

I'm also humbled that I've got some really good friends that post here in small stakes.
That has to be the dumbest post I've read on this forum in quite a while. I have an excuse for having made it- but seriously, it's not worth telling.
09-14-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
What's 1? You have to define at least 1 other point
1 is someone who can float. Also, 4.782484734 is the average swimming ability of a nerd as measured by the people you saw during the MIT swim test, and 6.851374563 is the average swimming ability of someone on the MIT swim team. The scale is non-linear and your answer has to be an integral multiple of 0.00027183.
09-14-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
That has to be the dumbest post I've read on this forum in quite a while. I have an excuse for having made it- but seriously, it's not worth telling.
I'm a new lurker (again) so I'm missing a fair percentage of this conversation but there is nothing dumb about being proud of the admiration earned from patients & families. I'm sure that didn't need to be said but I wanted to say it anyway.
09-14-2011 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Preflop: "Hey, look, an ace. Aces are good. I call. What? A raise? Okay, fine, I call that too."
Flop: "I have an ace. Aces are good. I call."
Turn: "Why'd he check? Oh, he probably has AK. Now I have a pair so I'm beating him. Raise? What a weirdo, I'm going to call him down."
River: "Oh hey look full house, I raise."

To be honest, your going for the turn c/r may be a bigger mistake than his flop call.
haha, this helps put it in perspective.
09-14-2011 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
1 is someone who can float. Also, 4.782484734 is the average swimming ability of a nerd as measured by the people you saw during the MIT swim test, and 6.851374563 is the average swimming ability of someone on the MIT swim team. The scale is non-linear and your answer has to be an integral multiple of 0.00027183.
09-14-2011 , 03:36 PM
Problem is I was never above average on the MIT team and it's WAY faster now.
09-14-2011 , 04:25 PM
Who knew nerds were fast.
09-14-2011 , 04:33 PM
It's week 2, and so far only 2 people from my 12-person fantasy football league has noticed we don't have a league this year. A league that I've been running for 10 YEARS.
09-14-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
09-14-2011 , 05:11 PM
6 +/- 4
09-14-2011 , 05:21 PM
Introducing the 50/50/50/50/50 challenge.

First, when a new player sits down and open-raises his post on your BB, correctly determine that this is pretty much ATC (5 bonus points for vocalizing it); then, set yourself up for a massive fail by smooth-calling some hand that dominates QJ, get outflopped, and then call down like a chump.

Then, proceed to the challenge - you play 50/50/50 VPIP/PFR/AFq for 50 minutes and try to lose 50 BB and throw 50 cards at the dealer.

You score 10 bonus points for every single person who's at the table who doesn't believe it's possible to lose chips that quickly and insists you MUST have ratholed some.

I just saw someone crush this challenge with 25 bonus points to top it off.
09-14-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Multiplication was always one of my core competencies also.
09-14-2011 , 06:34 PM
Multiplication? It was as simple as e+e.
09-14-2011 , 07:55 PM
So I came by this thread to see if this was indeed the month and apparently it is not. I did notice the same 5 guys that post in the mslhe low content tread so I felt right at home.
09-14-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by surfdoc
So I came by this thread to see if this was indeed the month and apparently it is not.
Month ain't over yet. And yes, you're gonna get that 15 minutes.
09-14-2011 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by surfdoc
So I came by this thread to see if this was indeed the month and apparently it is not. I did notice the same 5 guys that post in the mslhe low content tread so I felt right at home.
We welcome your action. Go hit up some strat posts.
09-14-2011 , 11:10 PM
I am racked up and ready to leave an amazing 20 game because I have an obligation. I have sold off all but $200 of yellow and lo and behold find the AA. I raise and declare "last hand guys, mo need to call"

7 ways capped (dealt 8 handed).


5 ways capped


I check to the JJ+ who checks. The preflop capper bets and and I puss out and just call because he makes a speech. 3 ways for 1 bet (yes two players called 4 bets on the flop and folded for 1 on the turn)


I donk both call. KK and Q8hh. I go from stuck $800 to up $100.
