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September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread) September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread)

09-12-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
can anybody recommend some good lhe blogs other than moneyhater, J8888, DD, and Schneids ?
That my blog should be mentioned with these is astonishing.
09-12-2011 , 02:14 PM
You beat me. This past week I got bronze w/ set of 4's on board of 49T8K vs 99 and QJ.
09-12-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by albacorela
You beat me. This past week I got bronze w/ set of 4's on board of 49T8K vs 99 and QJ.
not sure what the action was pre, but the board sure does come ugly
09-12-2011 , 02:33 PM
Action was lol. I bet flop on button, no raises. Checked to me on turn, I bet, came back to me 3-bet w/ pot at like 16 bets.
09-12-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
That my blog should be mentioned with these is astonishing.
I think you're selling yourself short. Your blog is an incredible mix of knowledge, sense of humor (esp. about yourself), and entertainment. There are certainly better players than you, but I far prefer reading your blog.

The other ones I really like(d) are Poker Grump (Vegas-based 1/2 NLHE player) and pygmyhero (defunct). All the rest I've seen are kind of meh, IMO - really good players who have a blog as an advertisement tool for their books/coaching (and thus aren't often interesting or amusing), random bloggers who enjoy playing but aren't good (and thus get kind of irritating), or people who take blogging WAY too seriously and lack the sense of humor that I'm really looking for when I'm on the Internet.

Also, it's not a function of "I'm biased towards Jesse's blog because I know him"; it's actually "I know Jesse because I really enjoyed his blog." Someone linked to your blog very soon after I started posting here (before I got to know everyone), and you had posted enough interesting things to keep me reading through the archives. It was through the archives that I learned you were playing at the Oaks, so without having an interesting blog, it's likely I would never have tried to look for you.
09-12-2011 , 03:37 PM
Completely random thought/question here.

On an evolutionary level, why do humans blush? In situations where we think we don't want attention we turn bright red? Anyone know what is up with that?
09-12-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Randomness28
On an evolutionary level, why do humans blush? In situations where we think we don't want attention we turn bright red. Anyone know what is up with that?
My guess is sexual selection (chicks think it's cute). I'll ask a biologist.
09-12-2011 , 03:40 PM
i was requested to post this hand:
(where i play poorly and get

5-handed, hero opens A6dd in the c/o, btn colds, sb folds, spaztastic bb 3!, 3 players to the flop

Flop Kh 7h 6x
bb checks, hero bets, btn folds, bb raises, hero calls

Turn As
bb checks, hero bets, bb raises, hero calls (boooooo...)

River 2x
bb checks, hero bets, bb raises, hero calls
09-12-2011 , 03:44 PM
You lost to a set of K's expertly screwplayed, or AK?

I lose the same, but my money goes in on the turn as a 3!/c. I'd check back the river if I weren't the last turn aggressor.
09-12-2011 , 03:49 PM
Fish limps I raise AQo (4th hand in a row I raise won last 3).

Prop who has played professionally for decades calls OTB...this player does things like play the sb, then instaquit to start the 5/T NL. The fact that button is not busto proves to me that all NL games are super soft

Blinds call 5 handed obv


I bet, only SB folds

8 putting spades

BB donks and has 8 chips left, fish calls, I raise, button insta takes 2 to the dome bb calls all in.


I bet button raise fish fold I fold and say "A6 of spades eh?" and button shows it obviously.
09-12-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
You lost to a set of K's expertly screwplayed, or AK?

I lose the same, but my money goes in on the turn as a 3!/c. I'd check back the river if I weren't the last turn aggressor.
A2hh. I won
09-12-2011 , 03:57 PM
Physiology of blushing

There is evidence that the blushing region is anatomically different in structure. The facial skin, for example, has more capillary loops per unit area and generally more vessels per unit volume than other skin areas. In addition, blood vessels of the cheek are wider in diameter, are nearer the surface, and visibility is less diminished by tissue fluid. These specific characteristics of the architecture of the facial vessels led Wilkin in an overview of possible causes of facial flushing to the following conclusion: "[...] increased capacity and greater visibility can account for the limited distribution of flushing".[3]
Evidence for special*vasodilation*mechanisms was reported by Mellander and his colleagues (Mellander, Andersson, Afzelius, & Hellstrand. 1982). They studied buccal segments of the human facial veins*in vitro. Unlike veins from other areas of the skin, facial veins responded with an active*myogenic*contraction to passive stretch and were therefore able to develop an intrinsic basal tone. Additionally Mellander et al. showed that the veins in this specific area were also supplied with beta-adrenoceptors*in addition to the common alpha-adrenoceptors. These beta-adrenoceptors could exert a dilator mechanism on the above-described basal tone of the facial cutaneous*venous plexus. Mellander and his colleagues propose that this mechanism is involved in emotional blushing. Drummond has partially confirmed this effect by pharmacological blocking experiments (Drummond. 1997). In a number of trials, he blocked both alpha-adrenergic receptors*(with phentolamine) and beta-adrenergic receptors (with propranolol introduced transcutaneously by iontophoresis). Blushing was measured at the forehead using a dual channel laser Doppler flowmeter. Subjects were undergraduate students divided into frequent and infrequent blushers according to self-report. Their mean age was 22.9 years, which is especially favorable for assessing blushing, since young subjects are more likely to blush and blush more intensively. The subjects underwent several procedures, one of which was designed to produce blushing. Alpha-adrenergic blockade with phentolamine had no influence on the amount of blushing in frequent or in infrequent blushers, indicating that release of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone does not substantially influence blushing. This result was expected since vasoconstrictor tone in the facial area is known to be generally low (van der Meer. 1985). Beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol on the other hand decreased blushing in both frequent and infrequent blushers. However, despite complete blockade, blood flow still increased substantially during the embarrassment and blushing inducing procedure. Additional vasodilator mechanisms must therefore be involved.
09-12-2011 , 04:07 PM
It seems fairly unknown, actually.

"Darwin devoted a chapter to blushing in The Expression of
the Emotions in Man and Animals, where he considered it to be ‘the most peculiar and most human of all expressions’ (1872, p.310). However, it has not attracted psychological research until recent years, and even such basic questions as what constitutes a blush remain unanswered."

Interesting article:** This article has some ideas about the "evolutionary" purpose of blushing.
09-12-2011 , 04:23 PM
Thanks jesse. It is just so bizarre that when we think that we don't want to be seen that we would turn bright red. It is almost as if this mechanism is designed to counteract our natural thoughts, maybe to alert opposite sex to our pleasure with attention despite shyness. I'm gonna check out that link now
09-12-2011 , 04:31 PM
I always assumed it was just adrenalin pumping and your body responding to some sort of exciting stimulus. Like when your palms get sweaty your body is trying to get ready to get into fight or flight mode. This sounds dumb after I type it, but in some previous lives some people would have called me a biologist.
09-12-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
can anybody recommend some good lhe blogs other than moneyhater, J8888, DD, and Schneids ?
Cough, cough. Some guy on deuces cracked likes to think he blogs about lhe.
09-12-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by DosXX
Cough, cough. Some guy on deuces cracked likes to think he blogs about lhe.
I go there, but I don't have to check it very often. Coming up on 3 weeks since your last post, sir?

I also follow bellatrix. Her posts on "embrace the variance" is some of the best strategy posting I saw all of last year.
09-12-2011 , 04:46 PM
The question to me isn't the mechanism; it's if it provided any evolutionary advantage.
09-12-2011 , 05:01 PM
The MIMITW doesn't blush. He simply has nothing to be embarrassed about.
09-12-2011 , 05:38 PM
The MIMITW doesn't blush. He has all the evolutionary advantages one can have.
09-12-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
The MIMITW doesn't blush. He simply has nothing to be embarrassed about.
Originally Posted by callipygian
The MIMITW doesn't blush. He has all the evolutionary advantages one can have.
Shucks fellas, that sure was nice to say. Now I'm .
09-12-2011 , 06:18 PM
If there were a race between the MIMITW and Bruce Schneier to decrypt Chuck Norris's secret email, who would win?
09-12-2011 , 07:51 PM
ESPN found an advocacy group to agree with my rant on College Sports.
09-12-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by DosXX
Cough, cough. Some guy on deuces cracked likes to think he blogs about lhe.
09-12-2011 , 09:08 PM
Chuck Norris
