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September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread) September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread)

09-07-2011 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
All I ever hear about is Oceans 11 but that looks to be about an hour north of San Diego. I asked about O11 in its dedicated thread but it just seems like you need to drive there.
Thanks all...flight is 4 hours delayed so won't make it out tonight, but plan on checking it out tomorrow. Will report back.

09-08-2011 , 01:30 AM
Just drive the 2 hours north to Mecca. To this holy place must each man a pilgrimage make.

Speaking of that, Babar when you coming to visit? Also, someone else on here suggested that (s)he might be making a cameo.
09-08-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
are chip protectors unprofessional? or are they super amateurish?
I feel card protectors are amateurish and slow the game down. Simply have your card protector be a dollar chip, so you can quickly slide your cards with the chip when your river bet doesn't get called, instead of having to pick up your card protector, push your cards to the dealer, find a dollar chip, tip the dealer.
09-08-2011 , 12:54 PM
sometimes i just don't know what the hell i'm doing shorthanded

4 handed
guy to my right who's very decent opens, i 3bet KJo on the btn, folds back to him and he calls
i'm running well and have been 3betting a ton of different hands. lots of small pps and suited connectors are in my range.

flop ATx rainbow
he checks, i bet, he raises, i 3bet, he calls

turn x (two clubs on the board now)
he checks, i check

river 9
he bets, i call

turn check was a mistake (i didn't want to get checkraised on the turn)? river call bad? i was hoping he flopped a couple backdoor draws that missed and he felt he had to bet with jack or queen high, although i think this river bet is always for value...
09-08-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by daveopie
the play is bad (it is for free chips), but it does give you some experience deciding how good flops are for your hand and if you should continue in the hand or fold.
I've always been an advocate of "if you can't beat the free chips games you can't beat the real money games". It, um, took a while for me to be able to beat the play chip LHE games when I first started playing.
09-08-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
sometimes i just don't know what the hell i'm doing shorthanded
Your mistake was on the flop.
09-08-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
sometimes i just don't know what the hell i'm doing shorthanded

4 handed
guy to my right who's very decent opens, i 3bet KJo on the btn, folds back to him and he calls
i'm running well and have been 3betting a ton of different hands. lots of small pps and suited connectors are in my range.

flop ATx rainbow
he checks, i bet, he raises, i 3bet, he calls

turn x (two clubs on the board now)
he checks, i check

river 9
he bets, i call

turn check was a mistake (i didn't want to get checkraised on the turn)? river call bad? i was hoping he flopped a couple backdoor draws that missed and he felt he had to bet with jack or queen high, although i think this river bet is always for value...
"Very decent" when the game is short-handed, too (i.e., he adjusts)? If so, then I like PF/F/T. River is a fold. A lot if his range has to be Ax, which slowed down when you 3-bet him OTF. Now he's value betting the river.

A more interesting question is how to play this hand, if at all, if the Villain's PF range doesn't widen short-handed. Then I think the Phil Helmuth is a muck.
09-08-2011 , 01:55 PM
Yeah don't be "never has it" guy when you 3! the flop
09-08-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by bump86
"Very decent" when the game is short-handed, too (i.e., he adjusts)? If so, then I like PF/F/T. River is a fold. A lot if his range has to be Ax, which slowed down when you 3-bet him OTF. Now he's value betting the river.
I can start a strat thread if we want to go deep on this... slowing down a guy with an A is a horrible reason to three bet the flop. You need a good reason to three bet this flop with this exact hand. You beat almost all his bluffs. You have great draws against most of his value range. You three bet this as a triple range merge?

Yeah don't be "never has it" guy when you 3! the flop
09-08-2011 , 02:16 PM
66 or A6s?
09-08-2011 , 02:19 PM
My money's on 76o, because that's the way Jesse rolls.
09-08-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
My money's on 76o, because that's the way Jesse rolls.
67 you say?
09-08-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
Your mistake was on the flop.
what if a bunch of his range is air? or am i just making myself exploitable when he does have a hand. i obv want to avoid getting a ton of c/r 3bets against me when he does have garbage that beats my garbage.

i guess i posted this because i got owned by k9 :/
09-08-2011 , 03:20 PM
Lol he had A8cc
09-08-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
what if a bunch of his range is air? or am i just making myself exploitable when he does have a hand. i obv want to avoid getting a ton of c/r 3bets against me when he does have garbage that beats my garbage.

i guess i posted this because i got owned by k9 :/
A lot of TAGs have issues playing shorthanded along these lines. Notice that you beat his bluffs? Other than exactly KQ, you crush all the hands he's semiblufing. Other than Ax, JT, and KT, you have 10 outs against his pair range. Once his range is mostly air, why are you going nuts? Let him bluff raise flop and barrel turn and river. If he hits the turn, most likely you have redraws on the river. How many outs can he have against you? In the actual hand, 3.

When you are up against an A, you're just spewing. Avoid the "make the minimum/lose the max" lines. The call button is your friend. I see this hand as he'll never fold better and he'll never call down worse. Raising is exactly the wrong thing to do. OTOH, I get called down by K and Q high a lot, maybe you're actually setting up to bluff out pairs.
09-08-2011 , 04:37 PM
I was playing 6/12 yesterday and had been very tight. I had Q9s in mp and decided what the heck, I'll open. Hit a Q on the flop and the guy next to me raised for a free card with just an over card KJo. I checked the turn. I forget why i didn't bet river but i had no idea what to hink when he showed KJo at showdown. I don't remember any straight draws. Should I take anything from this?
09-08-2011 , 04:47 PM
Should I take anything from this?
You missed a value bet with the nuts on the river?
09-08-2011 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
You missed a value bet with the nuts on the river?
Yeah, i have to forget that, "Let me make my hand a bluff catcher" NLHE crap.
09-08-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by LeadingMan
Should I take anything from this?
Yes - that someone has realized that as soon as you are raised on the flop you never bet for the rest of the hand.
09-08-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by LeadingMan
Yeah, i have to forget that, "Let me make my hand a bluff catcher" NLHE crap.
It's not crap, it definitely has its place. Given you're going to win the hand at showdown, the question is whether he's more likely to put in an extra bet by calling or by betting.

Here's where the texture of the board really matters. Given a board like Q65tt-To-8o, it's highly likely that he missed his draw but spiked a pair. Will he bet his pair (potentially for value if he thinks you'll call down with AK) or just check behind for a showdown?
09-08-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
It's not crap, it definitely has its place. Given you're going to win the hand at showdown, the question is whether he's more likely to put in an extra bet by calling or by betting.

Here's where the texture of the board really matters. Given a board like Q65tt-To-8o, it's highly likely that he missed his draw but spiked a pair. Will he bet his pair (potentially for value if he thinks you'll call down with AK) or just check behind for a showdown?
I didn't have a read on him until this hand.

I think davieopie is right, i think people observed i became a c/c guy after being raised.
09-08-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Yeah don't be "never has it" guy when you 3! the flop
LOL, this was a funny hand from today.

I open AT in MP, SB (winner at the 40, probably the 80 as well) 3-bets, I call.

Flop: A99 (2 players, 7 sb)
He bets, I raise because it would be so ******ed to raise an Ace here, but this flop is so dry, so I can't continue with most of my hands. He 3-bets, I call.

Turn: 7 (2 players, 6.5 bb)
We both check.

River: 7
He checks, I bet, he folds. L-O-L.
09-09-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
I feel card protectors are amateurish and slow the game down. Simply have your card protector be a dollar chip, so you can quickly slide your cards with the chip when your river bet doesn't get called, instead of having to pick up your card protector, push your cards to the dealer, find a dollar chip, tip the dealer.
Noob! Everyone knows it's better luck to tip out of the pot just won.
09-09-2011 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
I feel card protectors are amateurish and slow the game down. Simply have your card protector be a dollar chip, so you can quickly slide your cards with the chip when your river bet doesn't get called, instead of having to pick up your card protector, push your cards to the dealer, find a dollar chip, tip the dealer.
But if, on the river, when the villain is tanking, deciding whether or not to call your final river bet, you take that chip and toss it into the dealer's rack, toking in advance, then your hand is suddenly unprotected and is at risk of being mucked.
09-09-2011 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Captain R
LOL, this was a funny hand from today.

I open AT in MP, SB (winner at the 40, probably the 80 as well) 3-bets, I call.

Flop: A99 (2 players, 7 sb)
He bets, I raise because it would be so ******ed to raise an Ace here, but this flop is so dry, so I can't continue with most of my hands. He 3-bets, I call.

Turn: 7 (2 players, 6.5 bb)
We both check.

River: 7
He checks, I bet, he folds. L-O-L.
Why did you stop making money? You let him free card you OOP!
