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September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread) September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread)

09-12-2011 , 09:48 PM
I've got this crappy chrome browser, and the RSS feed thing doesn't work at all with DC blogs. Jesse, you know people. Any ideas?
09-12-2011 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
I've got this crappy chrome browser, and the RSS feed thing doesn't work at all with DC blogs. Jesse, you know people. Any ideas?
Give me steps to reproduce the bug in plain English, I'll forward it on to someone who can at least file a bug
09-12-2011 , 10:10 PM
I'm using google reader to subscribe to Bellatrix's blog. It doesn't show updates. On your blog, I do see updates if I click on the reader. For some reason, the Google reader link on my top bar always shows 8 unread even though I clicked to mark all blogs I'm following as read. Should I use Google reader? All I want is the cool RSS thing like I had in FF, where it shows me that the blogs I'm following have been updated.


In other news, Broncos game is delayed. Waiting for action to commence at Invesco Sports Authority Field...
09-12-2011 , 10:29 PM
Also godammnit Tom brady
09-13-2011 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Also godammnit Tom brady
A friend of mine in our fantasy league drafted him with the #8 pick overall. He was the joke of the entire draft. He's now winning his matchup something like 1,753 to 96.

Doug, I've always had a lot of respect for Denver Broncos fans. They were spoiled with Elway for so long, but they're generally knowledgeable about football and are very passionate. As an added bonus, they've been beating up on the Raiders until recently.

So I was really surprised to hear so many of them calling for Tebow tonight, who by all reports has been terrible in camp and is probably #3 on the depth chart behind Brady effing Quinn. Do Denver fans really hate Orton/love Tebow that much? Orton is no Tom Brady, but he's fairly serviceable.

And of course while I'm typing this Orton pulls it together amidst a stadium of boos and gets the Broncos a TD.
09-13-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Also godammnit Tom brady
Raiders and Pats win, Steelers lose. Not a good weekend.

Well, it could be worse -- you could've lost 3 racks in a 15/30 game to some ****** who thinks he can bluff you with 72s on a T-T-6 flop when you 3-bet preflop.
09-13-2011 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by SadDonkey
A friend of mine in our fantasy league drafted him with the #8 pick overall. He was the joke of the entire draft. He's now winning his matchup something like 1,753 to 96.

Doug, I've always had a lot of respect for Denver Broncos fans. They were spoiled with Elway for so long, but they're generally knowledgeable about football and are very passionate. As an added bonus, they've been beating up on the Raiders until recently.

So I was really surprised to hear so many of them calling for Tebow tonight, who by all reports has been terrible in camp and is probably #3 on the depth chart behind Brady effing Quinn. Do Denver fans really hate Orton/love Tebow that much? Orton is no Tom Brady, but he's fairly serviceable.

And of course while I'm typing this Orton pulls it together amidst a stadium of boos and gets the Broncos a TD.
You're not winning a superbowl with Kyle Orton at the helm; it's just not happening, and I think deep down the orange herd knows that.
09-13-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Raiders and Pats win, Steelers lose. Not a good weekend.

Well, it could be worse -- you could've lost 3 racks in a 15/30 game to some ****** who thinks he can bluff you with 72s on a T-T-6 flop when you 3-bet preflop.
1. Packers and Ravens also won, and the Cowboys lost in historic fashion with me rooting for them (week 1 and I'm already thinking about wild card scenarios).

2. I only lost 1.5 racks to that guy. The best part of that hand was him showing the 72s on the river as if he was bluffing with a pair. It did make me smile to realize he used to play 40.
09-13-2011 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
You're not winning a superbowl with Kyle Orton at the helm; it's just not happening, and I think deep down the orange herd knows that.
You're not winning with anyone at the helm in Denver right now, their problems run much deeper than the QB position.

I don't think Kyle Orton is any worse than Trent Dilfer.
09-13-2011 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
2. I only lost 1.5 racks to that guy. The best part of that hand was him showing the 72s on the river as if he was bluffing with a pair. It did make me smile to realize he used to play 40.
Yah, I lost 3 racks.

Here's something to help you smile... from a 40 game about a year ago (he's villain).

I had just bluffed Larry the prop in a 3-way, 3-bet pot when I c/r'd the turn, which I think set up this hand.

Larry limps in EP (which is like TAGgy open-limp range, smaller pairs, smaller suited broadways, Axs, stuff like that). Slightly LAG Indian guy raises, I 3-bet 88, TAG cold-calls OTB, our 72 villain cold-calls in SB, BB folds.

Flop: T53 (5 players, 15 sb)
Checked to me, I bet, TAG folds (???), villain calls in SB, Larry calls, Indian guy calls.

Turn: 9 (4 players, 9.5 bb)
Checked to me, I bet, villain calls in SB, Larry thinks and then check-raises!, Indian guy insta-cold-calls (obvious draw), I 3-bet!, villain tanks and tanks in SB and says "I had the best hand before the flop" and reluctantly folds, Larry calls and Indian guy calls.

River: 7 (3 players, 19.5 bb)
Checked around. Larry shows QJ, Indian guy shows AQ and villain is pissed because he folded JJ.
09-13-2011 , 03:15 AM
Kyle Orton is the best QB on that team by a mile.
09-13-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by SadDonkey
So I was really surprised to hear so many of them calling for Tebow tonight, who by all reports has been terrible in camp and is probably #3 on the depth chart behind Brady effing Quinn. Do Denver fans really hate Orton/love Tebow that much? Orton is no Tom Brady, but he's fairly serviceable.
I'm with you. How were people excited that we wasted a 1st round pick on a guy projected to go rounds later? Then, you watch him play and you see almost nothing that makes you think "pro QB". Orton would be a fine QB on a decent team. He wouldn't be a matchup plus against good teams, but he wouldn't be a "how could you win with that guy". He makes the throws you expect from a pro QB and hasn't tended to be horribly mistake prone.

Still, all the offense skill position stuff is lame. Denver's season begins and ends with run defense. They can't run the ball and they can't stop the run. season. I didn't watch much of the game last night, but it seemed like they ran the ball for zero or negative yards every other play.
09-13-2011 , 12:30 PM
Lot less Steelers talk than I had hoped.

My favorite ASU player agrees:

09-13-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
2. I only lost 1.5 racks to that guy. The best part of that hand was him showing the 72s on the river as if he was bluffing with a pair. It did make me smile to realize he used to play 40.
That makes me sad. When I see old 20 and 40 regulars playing 4/8, it means I just lost another easy source of income. It means the games are getting tougher.

All I can hope is the games get really tough so all these fringe pros who are relying on live lhe at CAZ after internet shut down end up realizing it is too tough to make a below average living at live poker and quit, so I can get easier games going forward for myself.
09-13-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
I go there, but I don't have to check it very often. Coming up on 3 weeks since your last post, sir?
I've had 3 posts this month?
09-13-2011 , 03:38 PM
Opps, your last August blog was the last one that came up. I lose at RSS in Chrome.
09-13-2011 , 05:09 PM
Steelers will be fine
09-13-2011 , 05:17 PM
Quick etiquette question about 100 max (essentially 1/2 NL). It's my last orbit and somewhere around my BTN the people at the other end of the table try to start a round of live straddles. To be clear, they don't do the whole ******ed "let's ask everyone first and have half the people lie" thing and the four people just decide they're going to start it and see who joins in. The four of them straddle, one person joins in, one person skips, the guy two to my right tries to restart it, and then the person to my right takes a walk on his straddle. The monetary amount of the straddle is insignificant to me, but I want to be a nice guy, and I think games where people straddle are great. The table is full of people I'd love to play again, even if I don't play 100 max very often.

Do I:

1. Post my straddle, and then leave on my BB? This gives the guy on my left a pass on the straddle and may break the pattern.

2. Leave before my straddle, so that the pattern can continue, but then I kind of look like I'm skipping my straddle?

3. Play all the way through the blinds and leave after my BTN?

4. Don't straddle and leave on my BB, **** 'em all?
09-13-2011 , 05:35 PM
If I was playing and had been winning, I would straddle and then leave after that hand. Especially if I just won a juiced up pot because of the straddle.

If I am stuck and everyone knows I have been run over, I would simply play my UTG hand without straddling, fold it more than likely, then leave.

I don't mind this being a results oriented decision because it really doesn't matter, and they won't likely remember what you did if you leave very shortly.

If I had been called to another game, I would simply leave immediately because 1/2 game hands take ****ing forever.

When I am playing an extended 1/2 session, and a guy next to me starts to straddle, I will usually straddle about 50% of the time as well, just to keep him doing it and hopefully get others.

Straddling is much better for the game and your EV in NL than in LHE (as an aside from a discussion that was going on in Medium Stakes)
09-13-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
I'm using google reader to subscribe to Bellatrix's blog. It doesn't show updates. On your blog, I do see updates if I click on the reader. For some reason, the Google reader link on my top bar always shows 8 unread even though I clicked to mark all blogs I'm following as read. Should I use Google reader? All I want is the cool RSS thing like I had in FF, where it shows me that the blogs I'm following have been updated.
Originally Posted by DougL
Opps, your last August blog was the last one that came up. I lose at RSS in Chrome.
Not an RSS expert, it looks to me like the DeucesCracked RSS feeds are just broken - e.g. doesn't show anything past May, and the comment feed probably doesn't include posts without comments. The feed for Jesse's blog appears to be up to date, which is why it's working for you.
09-13-2011 , 07:08 PM
I had a rather long, scathing post written out, but then I clicked on the link, and... wow.
09-13-2011 , 07:53 PM
I proud to say that I've played enough Risk to know where Irkutsk is.
09-13-2011 , 10:55 PM
I am fetal positioned worst day ever today seems thats happening a lot lately.
09-14-2011 , 12:59 AM
how was the Aquathon?
