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September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread) September - Definitely the month we'll see leo doc's July Vegas TR (LC/NC thread)

09-06-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
The worm has turned. For years I enjoyed Danielle's child like enthusiasm rooting for the green bay packers. She had fun, and it was OK for me to root for a team in the junior varsity conference cause IMR when would they ever play?

I thought I could overcome this. I thought I could live and let live. But her insistence on rubbing it in again and again, and unwillingness to admit they luck boxed the game (to at least some degree) have left me unable to recover.

I only hate 2 NFL teams (Oakland and New England), but dislike a few more (Dallas, Baltimore). I now have to add the packers to one of these lists. I thought I could recover, I thought I could hold it together and root for them again, but now I'm just hoping to lump them with Baltimore and not Oakland.

So in closing, **** those guys, Steelers are winning 13 easy.
1. I think we watched different Super Bowls because the one I watched was won by a ruthlessly opportunistic team. "Luckbox" inspires immaculate images of Franco Harris or the San Diego Chicken (paws up).

2. Dislike the Ravens. But like Ray. Rice, that is.
09-06-2011 , 02:54 PM
That's the thing Doug, I have tried real hard not to do that.
I don't hang out with you guys at home, but certainly here you've made it quite clear that there are the Steelers and the sad rest of the league. The whole point of being a supporter of super bowl winner is getting bragging rights for the next year. She's supposed to enjoy it. As a poker pro, you should be well trained to allow someone with recent good results tell you how awesome things are. "Yes, your instincts were right. 83 was going to hit a monster, and I did know that was your lucky hand. Nice pot."

Since there is luck in every game, it is always possible to find points in a key one where your team lost that luck could have gone the other way if the game was remotely close. Hence, unless you're a 49ers fan talking about a Denver superbowl, the other team can always claim that some bounce would have turned the tide. Lukboxen...
09-06-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
How does your mind work like this?? Have you ever paid tuition? See, when a college lets you attend school WITHOUT paying a tuition, and maybe even gives you room and board and other things, that's called COMPENSATION. The kids aren't playing for free.
If the University is not fulfilling its end of the bargain, and providing a legitimate education in exchange for services rendered, it's exploitatin. I have a buddy who used to be a columnist for the Ann Arbor Press. A few years ago, AAP ran a series of investigative columns that looked at the educational practices of the University of Michigan, which would have all believe that it balances the student with the athlete. The series' flaw was that it pursued the low hanging fruit -- professional athletes who were more easy to locate. Rather than the kids who didn't make the pro cut. But this series showed how Big Blue warehoused its athletes in select majors (first, Kinseology and then later General Studies when Kineseology was turned into a legit major). Students were steered through a succession of gut courses and jock-sniffing professors. Kept eligible but encouraged to pursue an education that was worthless. Unless you were going to be the US Amabassador to the Chippewa Nation.

When Universities enroll athletes who have no business being students, that's exploitation.

When Universities pressure athletes into easier majors that don't take as much time/energy away from sports, that's exploitatin.

When Universities warewhouse athletes without really educating them, that's exploitation.

To the poster who claimed that no 18-year old can play in the NFL, that isn't true. A significant percentage? Absolutely not. But enough so that one cannot realistically institute an age limit. Herschell Walker was one such of kid who was physically developed enough to play in the NFL as a college freshman. While the list of similar players may not be extensive, it's enough to render such an absolute statement untrue.
09-06-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
October 30

bring it
Pats by 17 for sure.

Still standing by 13-3 prediction, from 6-3. Check out this schedule to end the season.

Sunday, Nov. 13 at Cincinnati 1 p.m. CBS
Sunday, Nov. 20 Bye
Sunday, Nov. 27* at Kansas City 8:20 p.m. NBC
Sunday, Dec. 4* CINCINNATI 1 p.m. CBS
Thursday, Dec. 8 CLEVELAND 8:20 p.m. NFL Network/KDKA
Monday, Dec. 19 at San Francisco 8:30 p.m. ESPN
Saturday, Dec. 24* ST. LOUIS 1 p.m. FOX
Sunday, Jan. 1* at Cleveland 1 p.m. CBS

Last edited by jesse8888; 09-06-2011 at 04:33 PM.
09-06-2011 , 04:30 PM
The NFL does have a blatantly un-American age minimum.

Doug all I'm saying is that I can't do it; I don't like them anymore. Same thing might happen to the browns if they went 9-7.
09-06-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Pats by 17 for sure.
That's no fun.

Also, 17 is absurd. That's like that year where the Patriots were running up the scores to satisfy Belichick's ego.
09-06-2011 , 05:01 PM
This guy just flopped a nut flush and checked it back 4 ways. So as he's dragging like a 7 bet pot that should be a 12er I lol a little cause I mean really how else can I survive MikeL is charging his iPod so no carcassonne.

Lap later a wet dream power limps the CO and I complete the 93cc and the nut flipper raises the big. Obv I do not fold.


I check 3! and the both call


I bet/3 and nut flipper is still hanging around hu


He calls MHIG and he tells me nice play and I suspect he was being insincere.
09-06-2011 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
That's no fun.

Also, 17 is absurd. That's like that year where the Patriots were running up the scores to satisfy Belichick's ego.
Pats are raining fire and brimstone this year IMO. God damn it I hate them so much I twitch when I see a pair of uggs
09-06-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
he tells me nice play and I suspect he was being insincere.
Nice. Bakku just watched me incinerate 4 1/2 racks in 50 hands. Which is kinda hard to do full-ring actually... at least he was kind enough to only take like 2 small bets for himself.
09-06-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Randomness28
Damn -1200 at HG 8 16 .lol These guys (teams) own me
Yup. Big time team game at the Hustler. I wonder if they move over to HG once in awhile as well.
09-06-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Nice. Bakku just watched me incinerate 4 1/2 racks in 50 hands. Which is kinda hard to do full-ring actually... at least he was kind enough to only take like 2 small bets for himself.
09-06-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by crueleye
Yup. Big time team game at the Hustler. I wonder if they move over to HG once in awhile as well.
I was just kidding. I don't really think there is much, if any, cheating at HG 8/16. Maybe I'm too trusting but I've witnessed so many incomprehensible and unfathomable call downs, caps, etc. at that place that it would cause me endless paranoia to be worried about collusion, marked cards, sharing cards, dealer flashing cards, etc. The games are too profitable and the people are too nice (for the most part) to be accusing people of anything. At Hustler I can totally believe that there would be collusion and other forms of cheating.

In fact, I had a player about a week ago who told me that he uses some form of asian numerology involving a complex formula of the numbers of his cards, the time, seat #, # of players in pot to determine his actions. Based on the total unpredictability of his play I have no reason not to believe him. Although, this would make for a convenient cover when he 3 bet folds for his buddy with nuts in multiway pot.
09-06-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Pats are raining fire and brimstone this year IMO. God damn it I hate them so much I twitch when I see a pair of uggs
My brother reminded me the yesterday that the playoffs this year will mark the tenth anniversary of the Infamous Tuck Rule Play and that essentially on this weekend 10 years ago likely nobody outside the Patriots' locker room could pick Tom Brady out of a lineup.
09-07-2011 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
My brother reminded me the yesterday that the playoffs this year will mark the tenth anniversary of the Infamous Tuck Rule Play and that essentially on this weekend 10 years ago likely nobody outside the Patriots' locker room could pick Tom Brady out of a lineup.
I was at blue man group during that game. I think...
09-07-2011 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
I was at blue man group during that game. I think...
I bought an engagement ring that day.
09-07-2011 , 02:57 PM
Best O8 resources? Learned how to play this week, played a $110 limit tourney (30 min rounds, 20k to start), was up to 50k, busted out 15/40 with AA24 vs. QT98. Super fun - even with a starting hand list on my phone.
09-07-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
This guy just flopped a nut flush and checked it back 4 ways. So as he's dragging like a 7 bet pot that should be a 12er I lol a little cause I mean really how else can I survive MikeL is charging his iPod so no carcassonne.

Lap later a wet dream power limps the CO and I complete the 93cc and the nut flipper raises the big. Obv I do not fold.


I check 3! and the both call


I bet/3 and nut flipper is still hanging around hu


He calls MHIG and he tells me nice play and I suspect he was being insincere.
Sitting at 4-8 waiting for a slot in the 6-12 to open. First orbit, four limpers, Hero's 82o is halfway to the muck when Bluto reminds Hero that the flop don't cost nothing (BB).

Flop [5 players, 4 SB after drop]: J62, two suited. Hero checks, EP checks , MP bets, MP2 calls, LP calls, Hero pulls 82o back from halfway to muckville and calls, EP calls.

Turn [5 players, 9 SB]: 8 (no flush). Hero c, EP c, MP b, MP2 call, LP call, Hero c/r.

EP: "Are you kidding me?" (Was all over how reluctantly I had played the hand).

Hero: "I [crap] you not."

EP folds, rest call.

River [4 players, 12.5 BB] brick. Hero b, MP c, rest fold. MHIG.

MP not very happy. Hero sheepishly drags nearly 15 BB pot w/ the mighty 82o. That covered my profit for the day as dipped back down to even and then halfway back up.
09-07-2011 , 04:59 PM
At the oaks I once sent a guy to paigow with 82ss. On his way over he told anyone who would listen how he lost to eight deuce, and I yelled after him "but it was suited"

He missed 3 laps and never returned.
09-07-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
Best O8 resources? Learned how to play this week, played a $110 limit tourney (30 min rounds, 20k to start), was up to 50k, busted out 15/40 with AA24 vs. QT98. Super fun - even with a starting hand list on my phone.
I picked up Jeff Hwang's Omaha book (despite the title including the words "Pot Limit Omaha" almost a third of it is devoted to fixed limit Omaha Hi/Lo) and thought it was worth the money. Then again, I picked it up from Border's when they were having a 50% 60% 70% 80% off sale so basically it was hard for me to feel gypped barring missing pages.

Also if you want some homemade Excelaments starting hand charts I'm happy to share (PM me an E-mail address). I only have a few million hands so the colors don't run smooth and I think I can organize the unsuited hands a little better, but here's the gist:

double suited
single suited

Originally Posted by bump86
Hero proudly drags nearly 15 BB pot w/ the mighty 82o.
09-07-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by holmfries
Anybody here frequent any of the San Diego rooms? I am headed there for business. Will be at the airport, then staying about 20 miles north. From what I read, the two clubs near the airport (palomar and valley view) look somewhat sketchy. Any insight is appreciated.
Anyone? T-minus 20 minutes to take off.
09-07-2011 , 07:02 PM
All I ever hear about is Oceans 11 but that looks to be about an hour north of San Diego. I asked about O11 in its dedicated thread but it just seems like you need to drive there.
09-07-2011 , 07:08 PM
Ocean's 11 is a nice room with nice people and good food, definitely worth visiting. Never been to the other rooms.
09-07-2011 , 08:05 PM
Been to O11 once. Thought it was nice. Added feature is that ATM machine is right next to the 20 table so your opponents' treasure hunts never last that long.
09-07-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by holmfries
Anyone? T-minus 20 minutes to take off.
baronas is a nice room. the 4/8 kill is action filled, but, it's 4/8...
09-07-2011 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
Best O8 resources? Learned how to play this week, played a $110 limit tourney (30 min rounds, 20k to start), was up to 50k, busted out 15/40 with AA24 vs. QT98. Super fun - even with a starting hand list on my phone.
I just started playing limit O/8 a month ago. Fun game. Before I sat in a game at a casino, I read half of the Ray Zee book "Hi Low Split Poker", which was good, but I felt like I was missing something. Then I read the chapter from Super System 2, which has some of the basics, which was nice - it filled in some of the holes for me. I'd suggest reading them in the opposite order (SS2 first).

Then I read through the entire Newb thread in the O8 forum: One thing mentioned in that thread that may be of interest to you is which has a starting hand ranking calculator for O8.

I also dealt a bunch of hands face up on my dining room table to get a feel for what kinds of hands are good. I saw how drastically the river can change who wins in Omaha. In Hold'em, the leader on the turn often wins - doesn't happen as much in Omaha.

Then I played in a casino and was still confused and lost a bunch of money. I played again and lost a little bit of money. I played again and broke even. This past weekend, I played again, and I booked a win!

Later, someone told me that you can play limit O/8 for free on Pokerstars. I had deleted the software off my computer after I cashed out after Black Friday, and the play is bad (it is for free chips), but it does give you some experience deciding how good flops are for your hand and if you should continue in the hand or fold.
