Originally Posted by Okra Winfrey
1. What's the difference between the "-Xms" and "-Xmx" definitions?
2. Does the solver have a function that lets you estimate how big a tree will be before building it?
3. Do we get to select a subset of flops to feed into a preflop tree? If not, how does the solver solve preflop without considering flop subsets?
4. I've looked for an explanation of what the "Avg strategy" and "Synchronize" functions do...can someone explain for me?
5. What do I set the "Threads" value to in order to use all threads available?
6. Is it correct that the fewer "Strength buckets" you use the less abstraction there is?
7. Is "Texture" a further refinement of how much abstraction is used? What's the difference between "None" and "Perfect"?
8. Lastly, any general comments on things we can do (like different settings) to maximize performance?
@IsaacAsimov IDK if you're affiliated with Monker or not but in any case you've been quite helpful in this thread and you are owed a big thanks
I am not affiliated with Monkerware.
1. -Xms specifies the starting memory pool for the Java virtual machine, -Xmx specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be assigned to an application by the Java virtual machine.
2. Yes.
3. The solver buckets strategically similar boards according to your texture settings.
4. In order to calculate mixed strategies, you need to collect an average strategy. Synchronize refers to the synchronization of CPU threads. (You can find definitions of a lot of features by hovering over them with your mouse.)
5. This depends on your CPU, but typically it's either the amount of CPU cores, or, if you have hyperthreading, CPU cores x2 that will peg your CPU.
6. Fewer strength buckets means more abstraction.
7. Yes, texture is an abstraction tool. 'None' texture does not take any board card into consideration, whereas perfect takes every board card into consideration.
Originally Posted by Okra Winfrey
what does the "To act" value do in the custom blinds setting? The default value is set to -1.
It changes which player acts first.
For 50/100 blinds input '500,1000'.
Originally Posted by Okra Winfrey
I've built a large preflop tree (202 gigs). Is it normal for the "initializing payoff data" step to take quite a while for really large trees?
Depends on how long you are talking about, but it can take some time to initiate larger game trees.
Originally Posted by KuPoB_K
Not sure if this has been asked before but what are the drawbacks of re-saving an already saved run to save disk space?
For example a I have a 100bb preflop range, which is around 17GB but if i open it and chose to save it for storage it reduces the size of to about 250MB.
I realise I only open one street and this is what I am saving but does this really affect PFR ranges?
I had a quick look and cant see any difference.
Same applies for already ran post flop sims. Opening (as one street only) and re-saving them saves a ton of space and since I'll be running new sims for future streets I only need that street ranges.
Hope this makes sense.
Any input would be much appreciated.
Resaving to 'save for storage' should not affect any of the data you are saving.