Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
Here's my conspiratard spew:
This theory is close IMO. A few follow up posts on reddit further theorizing that there's no way it was ST and Bobby without Manitowoc County assisting, almost bring it home. But they still want to believe that it was pure coincidence that ST and Bobby happen to gift wrap Manitowoc Law enforcement a murder 3 weeks after their depositions and 20 feet from the front door of the man who is deposing them. ST/Bobby even would have given MC a jump start on the frame work. Some even want to believe that the murder was actually an accident or suicide turned into golden opportunity for everyone (except SA and BD of course).
Probabilities simply have to be off the bottom of the charts for all this to coincide.
Probabilities of these many events coinciding with a theoretical guilty Steven Avery are even lower than the above theories, and are bordering on absolutely ridiculous.
I do think that ST is involved, but can't say much about Bobby. Bobby is BD's brother. Doesn't seem like he'd just be fine with BD rotting away in jail for the rest of his life. Can't say the same for the step-dad though. If this was a frame job, then it was a complete frame job from well before October 31, 2005 to the present. Manitowoc County didn't just happen to stumble upon a murder yards from SA's front door at this absolutely perfect time. ST didn't just decide to kill someone out of the blue or out of rage or desire and then execute all the steps required to pull of framing SA all while luckboxing the fact that MC decided to just roll with it and continue the frame. Ridiculous. If even one bit of this evidence is not legit, then this was planned well before TH arrived at Avery Salvage on Oct. 31st. It involved everyone we've seen to some degree, and probably a few we haven't seen.
It's also likely that those who are lying and covering up don't know or didn't know that Avery did not commit this murder (although I hope they are doubting that now). They could just be following orders that are rolling down a chain that is anchored by 2-3 guys at the top who do know everything and stand to lose money, future money, status, rank, pride, etc . And perhaps it was enough threat of loss to hatch a plan to make Avery go away. And no, he cannot just be killed as the former sheriff mentioned. That doesn't absolve them of their past transgressions. That doesn't right their wrongs. If they kill him, he becomes a martyr. If they never sent him to jail the first time, maybe he doesn't die in whatever tragic staged death/murder they would come up with. But framing him for rape, murder, mutilation?....well that just makes everything go away, doesn't it?
In my opinion, in the minds of the co-conspirators who are not pulling the strings, they decided long ago Steven Avery is guilty because he's an Avery. And if they are twisting the truth a bit to make sure a guilty, murdering, raping psychopath is sent to jail, then they did their jobs and can sleep at night and will get promoted and keep living their normal lives feeling that much safer. I remember the sketch artist saying he doubted the new DNA tests that exonerated Avery and still believed that Avery raped that woman. After his full exoneration. Can you imagine what must be going through that guy's head when he sees Avery being hugged by the governor and about to win or settle a $36 mil lawsuit? That is the former DEPUTY CHIEF. Some of the seemingly leaked info towards the end of the doc showed us what vicious, slanderous rumor mongering is prevalent in that town about the Averys.
Why would anyone go to these great lengths to handle the Avery problem? Who knows. Maybe someone had plans for some or all of the 36 mil that county stood to lose and now the freeway they were going to build and profit greatly on is going to have to be put on hold. Maybe a former sheriff or 2 plan on running for office somewhere but who's going to vote for someone with a record of terrible police work, cover ups and lies that caused the county to lose 36 million while they were in charge. Maybe with Avery not around and legal bills piling up, The Avery's have to sell the salvage yard. Maybe that land would make a perfect cannabis farm when Wisconsin legalizes and regulates and hey, maybe some names and reputations can be cleared too.
My point is that there may be reasons, but its all just conjecture.
But who could pull off the murder? A member of Law Enforcement? No way. Too risky. If their DNA is somehow found on the scene mixed with TH's, or someone witnesses the act, its over for everybody. A hired hitman? Maybe, but again, too risky. If cops get caught talking to a hitman and Avery's name is in the convo, its game over. No, it's gotta be someone on the inside. Someone with access to SA's yard and knows the area and can move about both day and night. Someone who's close, but not TOO close so as to have ties and allegiances too strong that might cause 2nd thoughts. Someone who's controllable that we have history on and if they fail or get caught, we can simply deny everything and say he's trying to fabricate this stuff to play on the fact that his brother-in-law had the same thing happen. Someone who knows how to handle a weapon well. Someone who knows how to handle bodies, dead bodies, bloody dead bodies and fire....like a hunter or something.
But how do we get him to do it? Maybe he's sick of the heat SA's bringing on his family. Maybe he is jealous of the money and fame Avery has at the moment and he sees an opportunity to land a few mil himself while upping his chances to take over the yard and business. Maybe he's not so fond of the slow kid and wouldn't be too crushed if the kid was raised by the state instead of living at home until he's 40. Maybe he mentions some of this to someone at the town tavern one night and meetings are arranged, ideas are tossed around. Maybe it's mentioned to him that if a dead body ever wound up near Steven Avery's property that Manitowoc would make sure SA was charged and oh by the way, your great uncle in Madison just added you to his will.
- That's how I see things potentially happening.
The story is incredible nonetheless. It is much, much better than fiction and I hope in the coming days, months, (not years) that we see at least some new facts rise to the surface.