Totally disagree with those who have suggested the Boyd thing ended too soon -- I think the show needs to juggle how long kills take. We shouldn't know in advance that either someone dies in the same episode they are introduced or they survive until the end of the season.
Originally Posted by thirddan
if she is somehow a serial killer that would be super lame...every person that comes into these people's lives is miraculously a serial killer, a little hard to believe imo...
This is the nature of the show. PJoker in a previous thread aptly described this as a story built comic book. One of the things you have to accept in comics is the non-stop string of villains.
As I said previously I liked the second half of the ep. The best part, imo, was when he had Boyd on the table and he referenced Rita's death ("Killed by a serial killer like you. Like me." - or something like that).
I think the show thus far hasn't properly mined the potential in Rita's death - the fact that she was victimized by a serial killer and by extension that Dexter now sees first hand in Rita's kids and in himself the devastation killers create.
For so many years Dexter has targeted serial killers to satisfy his Dark Passenger. He could rationalize his actions because his victims were evil, but he still really wants to kill because of whats inside him, not in search of justice for their past victims or protection of their future victims.
There is ample room to add to this now, a way to keep the series fresh. On the one hand, he's faced with the devastation that killers like him create. On the other, he has a new found hatred for serial killers.
There's an interesting conflict there that I hope they explore. His line to Boyd was the first hint, I think, that they may go down that road.