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05-31-2010 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
I forgot how hot Jane was.
never forget. r.i.p. hot semi-goth chick

also saul was right on the money, skiylur is getting hotter by the minute. and to think i used to hate that bitch
05-31-2010 , 01:03 AM
man, i have the hots for skyler ever since the IFT episode.

Last edited by mused01; 05-31-2010 at 01:03 AM. Reason: round full circle imo
05-31-2010 , 01:07 AM
apparently all the ul'ers at tpb are away for memorial day weekend. if anyone could hook me up it would be much appreciated.
05-31-2010 , 01:15 AM
Question for the forum:

1.) If you were Jessie, what would you do to Thomas?
2.) What do you think he will do?

I'd kill him, ldo
05-31-2010 , 01:21 AM
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus telling Walt to get rid of Jesse?

Last edited by ZDAR; 05-31-2010 at 01:27 AM.
05-31-2010 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by WowLucky
Question for the forum:

1.) If you were Jessie, what would you do to Thomas?
2.) What do you think he will do?

I'd kill him, ldo
nah w/ jane and now seeing this family broken apart he's realizing the damage that he's doing... no longer going to be the bad guy

Originally Posted by ZDAR
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus referring to Jesse?
of course, walt has already repeated the mistake of bringing jesse back in

i think jesse will die by the end of the season

oh and moar gus
05-31-2010 , 01:31 AM
jesse gets killed by thomas obv
05-31-2010 , 01:35 AM
i'll be way surprised if they let jesse die. like someone said earlier, the relationship between him and walt is a huge part of the show

i wouldn't hate it if they killed him off though, all his ****ing up has started to irritate me. although maybe he's just now on the path to turning it around and not being the bad guy anymore. to kill him just as he's becoming a more decent human being would be pretty impactful. and ballsy
05-31-2010 , 01:36 AM
that scene where jesse looked like a fly while making that obnoxious noise was A+
05-31-2010 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus telling Walt to get rid of Jesse?
That's definitely what it was supposed to sound like. And I think Walt will finally take him up on it, now that his wife/family are more involved and that he needs to think of them first. F Jesse, he's got his wife back.

Jesse won't touch Thomas, he'll try to get at his bosses. And fail, or not even get to it because he gets shot over something with Gus.

Gus is the ****, and S3, while slower paced than 1-2, has definitely been remarkable. Psyched about the last two eps.
05-31-2010 , 01:45 AM
Saul meeting Skyler was extremely lol. Definitely a highlight of the series.

Excellent episode and it sets up the last two episodes extremely well. I really don't see anyway that Jesse survives the entire season.

edit: Also, I really expected Jesse to look at the meth that he bought at the end and realize it was the meth that he and Walter had been making and just make an oh **** face but alas it was not to be.
05-31-2010 , 01:48 AM
Anyone catch what Skrilla put in the toilet? More cigarettes? Walt's phone? I had to watch this ep in non HD.
05-31-2010 , 01:52 AM
^ Think she was just cooking dinner (throwing things in the pot).

I actually thought Skylar was going to suggest Walt buy Teds company given that it was having financial problems & sky is/was working there.
05-31-2010 , 02:04 AM
Did Jesse stealing the meth specifically lead to Gus' comment and the dinner as a whole?
05-31-2010 , 02:09 AM
I said it before and I'll say it again. Jesse isn't going to die this season.
05-31-2010 , 02:10 AM

great ep
05-31-2010 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Did Jesse stealing the meth specifically lead to Gus' comment and the dinner as a whole?
This is what I thought initially but couldn't think of how Gus would know. Someone mentioned earlier that he may have been referring to Jesse in general which is still a bit confusing since he let Walt bring him on and Jesse hasn't quite f'd anything up in the lab as of yet.

In the fly ep I thought for sure Walt would uncover a cc camera in the light that his shoe got stuck in which wouldn't have surprised me. Wouldn't you want to be keeping an eye on your super lab?

Also nice to see Gus might be a foodie, the man has so many layers!
05-31-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Tito Jackson
This is what I thought initially but couldn't think of how Gus would know. Someone mentioned earlier that he may have been referring to Jesse in general which is still a bit confusing since he let Walt bring him on and Jesse hasn't quite f'd anything up in the lab as of yet.

In the fly ep I thought for sure Walt would uncover a cc camera in the light that his shoe got stuck in which wouldn't have surprised me. Wouldn't you want to be keeping an eye on your super lab?

Also nice to see Gus might be a foodie, the man has so many layers!
Gus knows everything. Bulky cc camera's are meant to be seen. Gus would have a more concealed surveillance solution.

I'm sure, and Walt is definitely sure, that Gus knows everything that goes down at the heart of his business (the lab).
05-31-2010 , 03:22 AM
damn my heart was racing. i thought jesse was gonna get popped
05-31-2010 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus telling Walt to get rid of Jesse?
Either that, or maybe he's talking about getting back together with "Yoko". The meeting with Gus followed both Saul's meeting with Szkailere (which I'm sure he heard about via the private eye/middle man dude) and Jesse's comments in the lab. Gus mentioned having kids, but no one was at his place, wife or otherwise. Maybe he was talking about Walt leading some kind of solitary, bachelor lifestyle like himself, and that being better for business than have a meddling wife around. Loose lips sink ships...

But then again it could just be that the lab is wired, and he's talking about Jesse. But if it was that, wouldn't Gus just get rid of him, why involve Walt? It seems like they want us to think that this was about Jesse, but this show never fails to surprise me, or go in ways that I never anticipate.

Originally Posted by LurchySoprano
Saul meeting Skyler was extremely lol. Definitely a highlight of the series...
this. that scene was awesome. great performances from everyone this ep, especially Jesse. he was looking pretty badass at the end there, walking back to his car.

surprised no one has criticized the 2nd "cheap" flashback yet with Jane's cigarette. similar to the twins setting up Tortuga's head/bomb on the turtle thing, in the sense that it's something they probably added in afterwards.

last thought for now: was anyone counting doors in that episode? almost every scene seemed to have a door, or discussion about a door (e.g. Hank "i'm not leaving until i walk out that door"). the NA meeting with Jesse and the girl leaving, waiting to go into Saul's office, car doors, the dinner scene with the White family (looking in through the patio door), the new girl's mom leaving her place with disgust (out the door), Walt showing up to Gus' place, etc. i can't even remember them all, but an obvious theme given the opening.
05-31-2010 , 04:09 AM
Dammit. Why you gotta say all that? You got me rethinking the episode now. I was fine with what I thought before. Now I'm all confizzled.
05-31-2010 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by nath
I know what you mean, man. Thinking, art, that **** is rough. They should really scrap it all and just have a voiceover explaining everything that happens. Also, more explosions.
yes, this is exactly what I said and meant. ffs
05-31-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus telling Walt to get rid of Jesse?
or to stay away from the Mrs.?
05-31-2010 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
^ Think she was just cooking dinner (throwing things in the pot).

I actually thought Skylar was going to suggest Walt buy Teds company given that it was having financial problems & sky is/was working there.
I thought they were stopping to talk to Ted b/c he launders money.
05-31-2010 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
"never make the same mistake twice" - Gus telling Walt to get rid of Jesse?
I think it means two things:
Getting back together with Schilor.
Get rid of Jesse.

Originally Posted by ZDAR
^ Think she was just cooking dinner (throwing things in the pot).

I actually thought Skylar was going to suggest Walt buy Teds company given that it was having financial problems & sky is/was working there.
Ted's company is bigger, he couldnt afford to buy it.

The scene at Gus' place was awesome. I first thought Gus would definitely try to hit on Walt, but I think he is just concerned about his own business, because Walt is a huge liability and he definitely sees Jesse as one.
I am still interested in Gus' sexual orientation and if he has a wife, it would be weird if he was gay, but not entirely impossible.
