Originally Posted by javi
Imagine I went to the bodybuilding.com forums and created a vlog detailing a workout lifestyle and all i did was eat donuts, never lift, complain, etc. I'd probably get a lot of attention there too.
This was a very good analysis regarding WHY Trooper gets so much hate on TwoPlusTwo. However, I'd like to make a counter-argument, which is that Trooper did not go to the forums and start the original thread.
Someone else started a thread about a guy making YouTube vids when he moved to Vegas to play poker. Furthermore, Troop has been making videos a long time, way before he moved to Las Vegas.
Yes, he considers himself a poker grinder, he is attracted to what he seems to consider a kind of renegade, cowboy lifestyle playing cards and doing whatever the hell he pleases. But he never considered himself a member of the poker community, and he did make that clear many times early on...
I think the poker community initially embraced him, and Trooper certainly enjoyed being embraced by the community and welcomed it. He played into it, he started to cater to it, and he took advantage of the perks.
Was that wrong of him to do? Not sure I can blame him for doing it, but maybe with some foresight he could have realized that in all likelihood people would eventually resent him for pretending to be something he's not.
It would be a little like someone who makes goofy YouTube videos about their aspirations to be the next Mr. Olympia, all the while hardly doing any of the real work to make it a reality. If someone posted their vids to a bodybuilding forum, that person would for sure get goofed on...
But it's also the community's "fault" for somehow believing the ruse, when Trooper himself never claimed to be part of this group, nor did he ever show any real evidence of having what it took to make his supposed dreams a reality.