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07-21-2014 , 06:03 PM
Thought I lost my wedding ring at the gym, but I just found out in my back pocket - marriage salvaged! I'm pretty sure if I didn't find it, the wifeacore would have the right to have a priest molest me or something? I freely admit that I'm not an expert on Catholicism so someone more down with it feel free to clarify for the future.
07-21-2014 , 06:08 PM
I think, legally speaking, the nearest Catholic church would have the right to run a priest train on you while taping for distribution in their church molestation video ring.

IANAL fwiw
07-21-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by rungoodrun
Weight lifting is depressing. Working out for 8 years and 4 times a week for last 6 months and still can only bench 135lb x 5. Skinny Asian kid who I was alternating with today was doing 200lb easier than me
1. This isn't the thread for lifting advice, but I will play along.
B. What are your stats (age, weight)?
III. Are you following any bench/strength program or are you doing random workouts?
07-21-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by rungoodrun
Weight lifting is depressing. Working out for 8 years and 4 times a week for last 6 months and still can only bench 135lb x 5. Skinny Asian kid who I was alternating with today was doing 200lb easier than me
Eat more
07-21-2014 , 06:49 PM
Good News Everyone! My bank card was still at the bar I blacked out in when I went to check today.

I know you were all very worried & I was too, but I hope we can put this behind us now.
07-21-2014 , 06:49 PM
Happy birthday, DT!
07-21-2014 , 06:56 PM
Happy bank card, AIOTT!
07-21-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I think, legally speaking, the nearest Catholic church would have the right to run a priest train on you while taping for distribution in their church molestation video ring.

IANAL fwiw
And I thought all masturbatoriums were safe places . . . Thanks for opening my eyes, Ygos; I'll certainly keep my head on a swivel at Christmas.
07-21-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Thought I lost my wedding ring at the gym, but I just found out in my back pocket - marriage salvaged! I'm pretty sure if I didn't find it, the wifeacore would have the right to have a priest molest me or something?
I lost my wedding ring at the gym last year. Can confirm this is the standard punishment
07-21-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Happy birthday, DT!

So many cupcakes. I may die someday.
07-21-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Was today the day cha et al were going to lift? Anyone have an update if so?
Originally Posted by Aidan
Think they're doing prizegiving now, dunno how they did. Can hear on the stream
Originally Posted by Weasel45
The video feed for that was awful. I couldn't even tell when cha was up because the picture was so bad

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
This. The feed got better at the end of the bench and DLs. But Cha had already finished bench so I have no clue. His DL did not go well (). Hit his opener (forget the weight) then failed ~606 or whatever twice. Barely got off the ground.

My guess is that the adhesion he got on the plane was really bothering him. That weight should have gone up for sure given his recent lifting. Hopefully at least one lift went well...

Also, gottdamn that woman announcing was hugely unprofessional and annoying. But I had to keep her on to hear Cha's name b/c otherwise I wouldn't have been able to recognize him for sure (video quality was *that* bad).
yeah, see my log for TR. Videos will take a while though.

Originally Posted by downtown
did cha and bpa die? I hope not!
I made it. BPA might have died. He had to make a 5am flight this morning

Originally Posted by Weasel45
Hopefully they both totaled 1500+ and are just on a massive bender celebrating
BPA hit 1504! I got two PRs, but my DLs sucked.
07-21-2014 , 11:40 PM
Layne Norton at raw nationals

First place (93kg)

Kinda of cool to see because his form is not picture perfect. Also he has been criticized for lifting in non drug tested organizations before. This meet is drug tested and he also has passed random drug tests in the past. Natty or not? Impressive either way. He also crippled Jason Blaha in that defamation lawsuit. Fun stuff.
07-21-2014 , 11:47 PM
i dont know what's less interesting between is he natty, what's my bf, and strength to bodyweight ratios. just shut the **** up and lift something.

those vids were badass, especially the dl one. 684 pounds lifted and 0 ****s given
07-21-2014 , 11:51 PM
lol didn't hear about the lawsuit. $400k judgement lol blaha
07-21-2014 , 11:55 PM
wait what? There was an actual lawsuit and blaha owes $400k? **** that's sorta awesome / sorta lame (lol blaha, but lol suing people). Blaha is such a clown.
07-21-2014 , 11:58 PM
i love how the lets go scream is universal in sports AFTER something happens derp

game winning shot, LETS GO
07-22-2014 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
wait what? There was an actual lawsuit and blaha owes $400k? **** that's sorta awesome / sorta lame (lol blaha, but lol suing people). Blaha is such a clown.
Yeah, some notes:

Long ass video:
07-22-2014 , 12:05 AM
Bio-gro banned by USADA/WADA.

I might get me some of that and log a triple dose after every workout. EV for sure on cocktails of Craze and Bio Gro. Still legal and available on amazon. I am interested in GH increases. Will I be nonnatty? Will I out bench Kpowers?
07-22-2014 , 12:09 AM
I better say now that that last post is a joke. Just kidding. Or else EV will sue me and send me to the brokehouse. Lol Icecreamfitness.
07-22-2014 , 12:11 AM
To each his own and all that but if you're going to take banned "supplements" and risk going enhanced on accident, but you feel comfortable with it because it's on Amazon, why not just pick up some beginner Prohormones?

and you'll outbench me the day I outshred you.
07-22-2014 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan

- Dr. Norton asked Blaha to stop
- Blaha continues
- Dr. Norton gets a lawyer that asks Blaha to settle (cease and desist, no financial repercussion at this point)
- Blaha ignores
- Dr. Norton's legal aid recommends settlement; advice Blaha to seek legal counsel
- Blaha does not get legal counsel, attempts to settle himself (agrees to apologize, retract statements, and pay damages)
- Dr. Norton provides a small % of his legal fees as damages Blaha should cover (which according to his legal aids was significantly less [ca. 33%] of the legal fees)
- Blaha accuses Dr. Norton and his legal team of fraud, refuses to pay
- Legal team pushes an official court date, settlement still on the table if Blaha wants to
- Blaha makes a video of "going to war" against Dr. Norton. Language of video very aggressive, legal team seeks further damages
- At the court date, Blaha does not show up or does he send legal counsel. Blaha has been bragging about how Dr. Norton has no legal course of action. Judge rules in favor of Dr. Norton
07-22-2014 , 12:53 AM
How is he natty? He is huuuuge.

It must be the programming. EV been running PHAT for a while and his upperbody is decent. I started running it last week. See you guys in two years, I will be taking on robriches in the 83kg division. Easy game.
07-22-2014 , 01:26 AM
wait he actually competed in a drug tested meet? color me surprised.
07-22-2014 , 01:40 AM
doesn't mean he was even tested though
07-22-2014 , 02:01 AM
In USAPL if you win a national meet, you are almost automatically going to get tested. Rule book says you should be tested but I think its pretty much automatic. Same thing goes if you set a national record. If you set an IPF world record, you must sign up for out of meet testing

ETA: below is for any USAPL meet, im pretty sure they are more strict at national meets

c. The Meet Director has the option of testing the top finisher in each weight class, the best lifter of the meet, the lifter who appears to have the highest total going into the meet or any lifter entered in the meet. Lifters may be selected based on any suspicion of use of banned substances, including, but not limited to past disciplinary infraction, demeanor, appearance, reported drug use, and/or performance or changes in performance.
