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JonFon Starts Another Program JonFon Starts Another Program

11-03-2010 , 04:41 PM
Heh yeah I usually end up looking at the avatar to recognize someone first. Time for a change, I've had Dream for my avatar since I started on 2+2.

miles, touche.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 02:45 AM
Ok since I'm cutting I'm going to try something that I came up with (afaik, anyway) that I call 1-3-5-10.

It's pretty simple works like this:


It doesn't have to be an exact 1RM and the percentages don't have to be exact but something close to this. So for me this looked like



Notes: Heh, after I tried 315 I attempted 335 twice but failed both times so I was a little fatigued for my remaining sets. The nice thing is how nice and light the bar feels going backwards like that. 220 felt absurdly light, but I was extremely winded by the end of it. I'll count this as being good for me.



Notes: Why can't I quit you? Well despite my attempts to quit this (haven't done it for a while because my shoulder sucks) I'm back at it again. My shoulder was still popping on every rep and it didn't feel great but at least it wasn't super painful. I'll see how it is tomorrow.

That's all for today I'm out of time. I'm really full of WIM on my diet right now.

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 04:13 AM
Pyramiding down. About how stressful do you think this set/rep scheme is? Is it < or > than 3x5 across? How are you going to arrange the workouts, fullbody?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 04:15 AM
I'm not sure how good 10 rep 70% sets are on a deficit. Lyle always talks about how high intensity, low volume.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 04:53 AM
yeah, but what does Lyle know?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 05:43 AM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:57 AM
Put me in the "JF, stop f*cking around and get some consistency" camp.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 09:26 AM
sick stomp skills imo
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-04-2010 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
sick stomp skills imo
I now can't help but think of The Stomp every time I get under the bar.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-09-2010 , 12:28 AM
Alright no funny videos this time, but I have half of one made so hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Here is what I did today:




Notes: Two sets at heavy (for me) weight and low reps, 1 set at medium weight, medium weights. Decent form, felt solid.



Notes: felt good

Speed Deadlift:

225x10 in 2'30

When I woke up today I weighed 2.5 pounds less than I did last week. I'm not dieting as hardcore as I have in the past, but still def dieting.


Life is good, WIM, and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-09-2010 , 04:14 AM
I think something like that for squats might be a good idea. I've been wondering why I lost so much on the squat specifically. I think lack of volume was part of it, in addition to degrading form + injury of course. I just think 3x3 2/week isn't enough. lol sample size etc, I dunno.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-09-2010 , 05:49 AM
I think 3x3 twice a week is a pretty poor plan, which is why I said what does lyle know (doesn't he suggest something along these lines?). 3x5 is barely enough work to cause adaptation 2 days later on a consistent basis; 3x3 ain't going to last as long and isn't going to do **** for you 4 days later if you're not a rank nub. Plus you're going to be redlining your ass on a consistent basis without the foundation created by a sufficient volume of work behind it. Just doing only heavy singles all the time is stupid, because your muscles never really get worked all that hard, but it sure takes a lot out of you. Although high rep sets have higher muscular fatigue, they really don't sap your body like a real hard heavy set, which is important because there's only so much hard effort you can put forth while on a cut. I highly doubt your body will have a hard time restoring the muscle after a high rep set while on a cut.

What 3x3 lacks is the accumulation of muscular fatigue that you get with higher rep sets. Hence the reason I think JF's plan isn't bad even though it has the bodybuilder/bro stigma associated with it.

I was going to post this earlier. I kinda just rattled **** off and repeated myself, but whatever.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-09-2010 , 07:25 AM
Yeah. Excerpt of Lyle's ideas on weightlifting for fat loss:
The basic conclusion, again from both research and practical experience is that both volume and frequency of training can usually be cut by up to 2/3rds (that is, to 1/3rd of what you did to improve it) but with one massively important caveat: the intensity of that training must be maintained.
3x5 twice a week + 2x5 recovery (PPAN) = 30 heavy reps and 10 light. 3x3 twice a week = 18 heavy reps. Let's say half total tonnage or so.

Lyle's quote (and the article in its entirety) is basically why I chose 3x3 last time. Interestingly, I didn't lose any strength at all in the press, bench or DL, where I did the same volume as before. On the other hand my squat was better relatively speaking than the other lifts (perhaps with the exception of the press) so that possibly helped.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-09-2010 , 12:53 PM
Well Soulman and I have certainly found that its a lot easier to maintain strength (and even increase somewhat) strength in the smaller lifts (DL I'm unsure of either way) but squats are much tougher.

I am def, def, def going to put in more volume as far as workouts go this time around of cutting, ainec.

I think any reasons I have lost strength in the past is almost entirely work out volume (lack of) related and not nearly as much due to my caloric deficit.

We'll see as I go, I suppose.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 02:07 AM
Ok well for the last 2 weeks I've been dieting, but I've been eating absurd amounts of protein, so I think it's working out pretty awesome.

Yesterday I squeezed in a quick squatting session of


I knocked it out in about 6 minutes total, but my legs were dying afterward. Not enough stretching and not enough hydration I'm guessing.




Bench: 225

I also did some other bench stuff but w/e that's all I care about.

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 02:16 AM
your ass rises a little bit, but not too bad.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 03:51 AM
Solid work brah
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 01:45 PM
Nice work on the Geico impression, Yanni!
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 02:52 PM
Also, I just booked a bet with a friend.

Highest bench 1RM by June 1st for $200

Ship it imo.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 02:55 PM
What is his current 1RM, and does he train much/well?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 03:07 PM
He told me his current 1RM is 235 which sounds reasonable to me.

I'm pretty sure he is a curl/bench/arms monkey and I think he trains a bit but probably not well. Though last time he was over he did an absurd amount of chins. Like 16 or something. But he's shorter and weighs less than me.

So I think if I just put in a lot of volume, stick with my absurd protein consumption and WIM this won't be a problem. I think that after a while I will be quite a bit stronger than him and it won't even be contest by June.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 03:15 PM
Prolly a good bet, depending on how long you gonna diet and how seriously he takes it. Knowing most people, he won't take it seriously until there's like 2-3 months left.

And remember Lyle's point about excess protein consumption being meaningless
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 07:11 PM
Just watched the vid. lol'd

Keep up the good work. Don't let those euro haters get you down.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-16-2010 , 08:24 PM
do a ton of upper body accessory stuff. I've noticed my bench goes up when i do more chin/dip/tri stuff. Pushups are also huge
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:48 AM
Well, I think (and confirmed by a friend) that my friend who I'm making the bench beet against is juicing. I guess I'll have to ask him, because that's not exactly fair if he is.

Anyway, here is what I did today:




KB Croc Rows:

Left Arm + Right Arm 35x2x10
Left Arm + Right Arm 70x2x5

DL: 275x5

First 3 reps DO, Last MG

Whatev. Gotta go to work now.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
