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JonFon Starts Another Program JonFon Starts Another Program

11-25-2010 , 02:21 AM
Quick workout today:

Front squat:


Notes: Happy with this. 5 sets od 5 FS at BW. Holla.



Off to work.

Happy Thanksgiving!
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
11-30-2010 , 02:26 AM

Squat: 275x2x3

Bench: 165x3x10/9/8

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-03-2010 , 01:58 AM
Ok today is day 2 of WIM diet.

Yesterday looked like: ~325p ~1700 cal

Today is going similar. And I found out my horchata flavored protein is actually vanilla ice cream with cinnamon swirl flavored. Lol. That's what the guy told me it was, that's what it smells like, and thats what it tastes like. I guess it could be either one, lol.

I worked out today, here is what I did:

Squat: 225x3x5

Bench: 185x3x5

Dead Lift: 285x1x5

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-03-2010 , 04:04 AM
Jfondoozer- what the hell is happening in here?

Goals? Do you smoke or drink alot? Ever consider some HIIT/metcon stuff?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-05-2010 , 02:41 PM
i asked in this in the december thread, but you never answered. where did you get the horchata protein? I can't find it online.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-07-2010 , 02:40 AM
Sorry, I got it at a store nearby. And lol, as I mention earlier I realized it's vanilla ice cream with cinnamon flavored actually, it just tastes exactly like horchata.

The brand is Profusion 84. So maybe search for that I guess.

I worked out today.

It was fine.

I'm also crushing my diet.

That's all.

I'm also currently working on my new +1 hit song "I do my powercleans in the rain"
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-07-2010 , 04:20 AM
Holla. Progress report fatty?

And is that an Everely Brothers spoof or something more up to date which I'm too old to have heard of?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-14-2010 , 02:23 AM
Progress report:

Diet: Super crushing it, maximum WIM here

Lifting: Meh, not as much.

More details:

I'm currently eating 1500-1800 cal every day, and 200-300g protein every day. Mostly protein shakes, jerky, steak, chicken, shrimp, fish, crab, pretty much all meat sources, and other stuff like light string cheese, pickles, and lots of diet soda. I haven't made any slip ups or mistakes or cheated once, not even one beer.

Today I'm doing a bit of a carb re-feed since I haven't had any all month, and I could use it. I'm not going to go to crazy, I had a bowl of wheat chex with skim milk pre-work out with a half of a pumkpin muffin. I just finished and am going to have some bread or something. Then try and get my protein in before the end of the day.

I'm currently weighing in at 190, down from 195 at the start of the month. It's mostly water weight from no/low carb, but I've actually gotten a surprising amount of comments that I'm looking skinnier and healthier. So that's good.

As far as working out goes I've just been extremely busy and haven't had any time to, today was my first workout in a week, and I really just plain slacked off last month. Low on WIM here, which doesn't bother me too much since I'm eating so few calories. I'll be back to crushing at the beginning of the year.

Here is what I did today:

Squat: 245x3x5

Notes: Meh, form was sloppy, felt kinda heavy but whatever, it's been a week since I squatted last and it's not like I'm eating anything.

Bench: 190x3x5

Notes: 1st 4 reps were all good, the 5th rep on every set was really hard, but I got all of them up. BW bench for reps, holla.

DL: 295x5

Notes: Somewhere in between singles and a set of 5. My hands were in so much pain from the knurling on my bar, it's not very sharp, I think it's from doing so many chins lately. Oh well, I didn't struggle with the weight at all, just the pain from my hands and just the out of breath I get from these lol.

I'm almost to the 7th notch on my belt (back from the 1st notch when I 1st got the belt) both due to weight loss and the belt stretching. Should be there for year's end.

Also, yesterday I was greasing the groove yesterday on breaks, I did 7 chins and 4 pull ups, very happy with this. Gonna try to work up to a set of 10 chins, like I originally wanted to do. When I get to 15, I'll start to add weight.

On another note, my birthday is in a week, so I'm having a big party next sunday where I will probably have some beer (hooray!) and then a huge dinner the next night ay my parents full of carbzzzz. Excited for both.

Anyway, life is good, WIM and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-16-2010 , 10:42 PM
Quick Update:

Still crushing my diet, 188 when I woke up today.

Today's work out:

Squat: 245x3x5

Press: 115x3x5

Power Clean: 190

Happy with all of this.

Also, I had my biggest 2 tournament scores of the year yesterday (2 in one day! Holla!) Not bad for a micro grinder.

Anyway, Life is good, WIM and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-16-2010 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
Quick Update:

Still crushing my diet, 188 when I woke up today.

Today's work out:

Squat: 245x3x5

Press: 115x3x5

Power Clean: 190

Happy with all of this.

Also, I had my biggest 2 tournament scores of the year yesterday (2 in one day! Holla!) Not bad for a micro grinder.

Anyway, Life is good, WIM and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 10:36 AM
188 BW? Sick bro. I outweigh you by 12 lbs now, dunno how much of a beat that is. Guesstimated BF for you? BW/BF goal?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 12:29 PM
Not sure, i guess 15% BF would be my goal, to start the year off, I think it's doable. My scale hasn't shown me to be anything less than 19% so far, and while usually reasonable I think it might be a little high (crosses fingers).

I'll post half newds (topless) pics of myself at the end of the month to see if anyone can try and guess BF%
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 12:35 PM
nice clean, looks like you might have a bit more in you too.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 02:36 PM
Nudes for the dudes imo.

Whens the next sketch vid?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 04:15 PM
think you might have 15% already. 19% is a decent amount of fat. Need noodz to know for sure
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 04:19 PM
Wat? 19% is pretty reasonable.

Like Evoken is fond of saying (paraphrased), "How much weight you think you need to cut to be at a low bodyfat percentage is high by at least 40 pounds."
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Wat? 19% is pretty reasonable.

Like Evoken is fond of saying (paraphrased), "How much weight you think you need to cut to be at a low bodyfat percentage is high by at least 40 pounds."
Are you sure you don't mean low?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 04:23 PM
Yes I am stupid and worded that poorly. This is what happens when you don't eat for 3 days.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 04:27 PM
Standard on Abject Misery Diet.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 05:09 PM
What scale do you use to measure the bodyfat? My website+measurements seems much different if you were rly 27% way back in your first form video
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 06:55 PM
19-20 seems right for jonathan fondoozy
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-17-2010 , 11:41 PM
Go Fondoozy
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-23-2010 , 09:49 PM
Alright, I've been fairly sick and as a result I've missed a bunch of workouts which sucks. Still lots of WIM for my diet though, it's going great. Weighed in at 187 for the last few days.

I managed to do a workout today, I tried to do one that was not too heavy, but not too light. Here is what I did:

Squat: 225x3x5

Bench: 185x3x5

Deadlift: 295x5

Best set of deadlifting I've done in months. Good form, good speed, everything felt pretty solid here.

Anyway, Looking forward to posting newds at the end of the year. Lol

Life is good WIM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-23-2010 , 10:38 PM
Was wondering why you've been MIA for a bit. Getting sick has to help the diet aspect eh? Get better, wim, all dat.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
12-23-2010 , 10:46 PM
Eh kinda. My appetite hasn't been lacking which is w/e, and sometimes I am so miserable that I feel apathetic and just want to eat something like a cookie or burger to make myself try and feel better. I've been able to avoid that for the most part, though.

But like right now I don't feel great and have zero appetite so that's not too bad, but also not having an appetite means I don't want to eat my protein.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
