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JonFon Starts Another Program JonFon Starts Another Program

02-09-2011 , 01:06 AM
Yeah I was actually gonna ask you or Snitch to comment on it, if it was realistic or not. It was a one take so when I watched it back I was happy with it in the beginning but got a little sloppy toward the end. I'm pretty sure if I practiced it and did a few takes I would have been more happy with it.

Any accent requests for next vids? Get creative (like a russian living in alabama or something)

ETA: yeah confirmed ameritard, I talk like people on american television do.

But thanks for thinking I'm french, I did do a french accent in the past, and my gf can't tell the difference between my french and russian accents and so thinks they're the same.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-09-2011 , 01:36 AM
When you said "I'm gonna go down in that cave" it sounded soooo close to perfect.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-09-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by YetioDoom

For some reason I always thought you were french, but after rewatching some of your vids, you just do all kinds of crazy accents. Are you ameritard?
Yeah the first vid I watched of his was some euro accent. I thought he was a eurotard for like 2 months.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 02:05 AM
Loolloll. Great accent success!

Anyway, did a workout today. Set some PRs so it was cool. It's kind of a recovery day, so it looked like this:

Squat: 225x2x5 (80% or 280 5RM)

Front Squat: 225x3 (WR!)

Notes: Pretty sure the front squat was a true 3RM considering how close I was to failing the last rep. Pretty happy w/ this. Back squats were easy, obv.


165x2x5 (80% of 205 5RM)

Wide Grip: 135x10

Notes: I strained my right forearm doing my push presses on monday. It's pretty annoying. Hopefully I can work through it and it won't impede my progress.

Clean: 195x1 (WR!)

First time attempting to do full cleans instead of power cleans. I filmed it but my form was awful. My back lost complete extension in the beginning, and I barely got the weight up. I might upload the vid sometime tomorrow if I have time.

And the gf did squat 50x3x5, bench 60x3x5, and DL 85x5

Anyway, life is good, WIM and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 02:17 PM
nice front squats

I think it was Tommy Suggs who said if you can front squat it for a triple then you can clean it. So you can clean 225, beast! Well beast if it was just me and you in a room or something. :trollface
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 03:55 PM
I'm pretty sure the front squat triple thing is that to be able to recover from the bottom of a clean you need to be able to do a front squat triple with that weight.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by kitaristi0
I'm pretty sure the front squat triple thing is that to be able to recover from the bottom of a clean you need to be able to do a front squat triple with that weight.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 04:53 PM
Yeah, other way around. The clean imposes the front squat demand.

I can FS probably 3x250 but can't clean that much.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-11-2011 , 05:02 PM
sick day!

and ya, I wish I could clean what I fs, lol.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:54 AM
Is the level of elbow dropping ok considering it was obviously pretty much a 3RM? Anyway, nice work jonfon, both on the weights and on the lolstralian
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:11 AM
It's not "ok" but it's pretty much unavoidable in a near max effort for someone new to the lift.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:22 PM
Alright intensity day. It was good except for DLs.

Here is what I did:

Squat 285x5 (PR!)

Notes: I need to work on not getting quite so deep, I'm sure I will be able to put up more weight once I can get a reasonable depth set in. Shrug.

Push Press: 155x5

Notes: Lockout looks a little sketchy, but it sure felt like lockout. Plus I'm not sure I can keep that much weight above my head without locking out. Still new to the lift so I'll get the hang of it.

DL: 335x2

DL 295x5

Notes: I tweaked my right forearm, so my grip strength was really bad, even though I felt plenty strong enough, the weight was popping right up. However, my form was awful and my back no where near extension. So I just bumped it down to 295 and banged out a quick 5 reps, so I had at least some DL work in there. I will probably look into getting straps if my arm doesn't get better quick.

Anyway, life is good WIM, and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:48 PM
I always feel creepy watching your vids... Like I'm looking into your room, spying on you or something.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-13-2011 , 01:09 AM
But u like it
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-14-2011 , 03:00 PM
jf, why does it say this when i try to open your spread sheet?

"We're sorry. You can't access this document because it is in violation of our Terms of Service."
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:23 PM
Not sure, maybe you have to be logged in. I'm not really doing that exact spread sheet, and I haven't updated it in a while, so it's not exactly relevant. I guess it's pretty close tho, whatev. Just a TM-ish routine.

Also, I figured I might point this out:

Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
Oh well, here are my goals (for feb):

Squat 285x5
Seeing, as how I did this on the 12th, I am far ahead of my squat goal for the month. Yippee!

Here is what I did today.

Squat: 265x5x5

Notes: Heavy. Geez. I'm hoping to put up 295x5 on friday, this should get me there. I will probably switch over to adding 5 pounds/week on this like I am supposed to.

Bench: 187.5x5x5

Notes: Ugh this was way harder than I thought it should have been. I need to be doing more assistance work if I have any chance of benching 225x5 by the end of April. I am hoping to bench 207.5x5 on friday, I think I'll be able to, we'll see.

That's all for today, I really hope it stop raining by thursday so I can do CLEANNNNSSS.

Anyway, life is good, WIM and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-15-2011 , 10:29 PM
I'm not sure assistance work will get you there. You might want to just bench like every day.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-15-2011 , 10:43 PM
Yeah I've considered doing something like that, sort of like a grease the groove workout scheme.

But seriously, why is it going to be so hard to add 5 pounds every 2 weeks to my bench? The TM template schedules itself for such increases.

If I had trouble with 207.5x5 at the end of the week I will truly be frustrated and discouraged, despite my squat meeting and exceeding my expectations.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-16-2011 , 12:22 AM
if you're gonna do assistance, make it tricep centric. throwing in some tricep extensions twice a week probably won't hurt.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-16-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
Yeah I've considered doing something like that, sort of like a grease the groove workout scheme.
IMO SmolovJr is basically grease the groove. I doubt it would put 20 lbs on your 5rm, but it might put on 10.

Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
But seriously, why is it going to be so hard to add 5 pounds every 2 weeks to my bench? The TM template schedules itself for such increases.
You've been saying this for like 3 months. The bench is just a ****** lift for some of us. I firmly believe that in order for me to ever bench a respectable amount like 1.5x bodyweight I would need to do a crazy amount of bench volume, way way more than outlined in the Texas method. Whether this is because of body proportions or a relatively low proportion of type 2b muscle fibers I'm not sure, but I just do not respond to a 5x5, 1x5 weekly scheme at my current strength. I think you're reaching a similar point.

This is kind of an interesting link. Scroll down to the NSCA Coefficients for the bench. My 10 rm is 190 (projects to 252), my 6rm is 205 (projects to 242), and my 3rm is 215 (projects to 232). My true max right now is probably between 225 and 230. While not definitive, this is consistent with having a lower proportion of the fastest twitch muscle fibers. I'm not really sure how that impacts what type of training is optimal for me for max strength, but it's at least interesting and maybe explains why the Texas Method did jack **** for my bench.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-16-2011 , 11:24 AM
Not that I really know whats goin on here, but I really disliked TM for bench. Volume day was fine, but trying to do one hit-or-miss intensity set was weird. Squatting was fine for one heavy set, but bench just seemed to have a higher variance (my form sucks).

Not to mention I injured my shoulder on an intensity TM bench.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-16-2011 , 08:59 PM
Do some pushups.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:40 AM
I haven't looked at the 1RM standards in a while, but I opened it up to look through it again. While I am pretty far away from being able to lift anything around 'advanced' (squat being closest I'm sure) I can pretty much lift everything for intermediate 5x which I think is pretty cool. I'm not quite there on some of them, but I am satisfactorily close imo.

I did a workout today, not really apart of any programming I have out-lined, just some lifting.


Standard grip: 165x2x5

Wide grip: 165x2x5

Pause + Explode up: 145x2x5

My right arm is kind of hurting, it's effecting my strength and annoying.



Notes: Help me learn how to clean! My back isn't as good as I would like it, but it's so much better than it was last weak, so I'll take that as a success. Other than that, I don't really know where to go from here.

I was going to do more, but my right arm (elbow area) was really aggravated by these so I stopped after 2.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Life is good, WIM, and all that.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-17-2011 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue


Notes: Help me learn how to clean!
These look a lot better than your PCs imo, especially your racking/feet movement. First rep looks like you need to extend the knees a bit more ("staying over the bar" I think it is what they call it) so the bar doesn't need to travel around it. Try and focus on finishing the second pull and getting your hips more open at the top and getting the bar higher on your thighs. That is the hardest thing to do imo.

Weight looked very light and your elbows look a lot faster too. I learned how to do squat cleans exactly the way you did them. Basically PCing and just riding the bar down (Broz recommended doing this and posted it in the Q/A on his site).
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
02-17-2011 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Basically PCing and just riding the bar down (Broz recommended doing this and posted it in the Q/A on his site).
Cool thx for the comments. I basically went into it thinking I'll just PC to FS and hopefully do this enough to teach my body how to make it one fluid movement that eventually turns into a clean with decent form. I guess PC+FS is the end result here, but if that's an ok thing for now, than I am happy with it.

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
