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JonFon Starts Another Program JonFon Starts Another Program

05-12-2011 , 12:00 AM
Alright, new page!

I'm not sure if I'm experiencing the worst DOMS of my life, but I am certain it's top 3 all time. My legs feel like they are going to explode and I feel like a ****** when I am walking. If I sit too long I can barely move when I get up.

So today I did a recover workout for my legs, just some squats at ~BW.


FS: 185x2x3

LBBS: 185x5

HBBS: 185x5

Notes: pretty easy, my leg strength felt good hopefully this will help me recover. Along with copious amounts of fish oil, NSAIDs, sleep, and other good stuff like that.

I also did:



Notes: Solid

And some

Chins: BWx3x5

Pretty easy, these will be increasing along I hope.

That's all for today.

Life is good, WIM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 12:05 AM
Oh and I forgot to mention, I've been trying everything to get my insides to start working productively. Everything from metamucil to ex-lax.

I am happy to say the one thing that has finally started working for me (and I highly recommend) is simply a big bowl (2 cups) of corn bran cereal every morning.

It does the trick perfectly.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:22 AM

Oh, the dude with the big 'tache is a very famous former Aussie cricketer...

...that's the sport like baseball.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:37 AM
Ohhh yeahhhhh

Here is the number one related. I remember vaguely paying attention to that commercial the first time I saw it, and remember thinking are they.... then when the dump truck dropped all the bricks I was like 'oooo they arrrreee lolll'

Good stuff. I should try that cereal
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:42 AM

The same dude in Australia had another even rofl'er commercial, but I can't find it now. =\

Same couple that are 'laying bricks' in the first one, are doing home renovations and the dude with the 'tache knocks on their windows and they're like 'Come in! ...but we're having some problems with the back door, you'll have to come around the front.'
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:52 AM
Haha, semi-subtlety ftw.

On another note, I haven't uploaded a video for a while. I decided to test my iphone video quality (I lost quite a bit on the upload, but it's good because I look less fat without razor sharp camera definition). I've played basketball probably about 3 times in the last 10 years. I still got it though. I'm like 95% derrick rose imo:

*topless jonfon warning*
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 11:56 AM

I watched it twice.

ps. Get a tribal tatt.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-12-2011 , 12:55 PM
I also watched twice. You gonna send that in to the Mix Tape Tour?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-14-2011 , 10:36 PM
I dunno what that is.

Today for my 'workout' I went and shot around the basketball for an hour. I didn't go as crazy as I did last time, but I def worked up a sweat dribbling the ball around and trying to work up to being a better/more consistent shooter.

I didn't really focus on free throws last time, but the most I was able to string together was 3 in a row. I improved this time and worked my way up to 8 in a row (with some other streaks in there, too).

On my quest to being able to touch the rim, I can pretty easily jump and touch the back board, not sure how high that is. Probably like 9' 6" ish. So I have a little ways to go.

Time to do more power cleaners.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-14-2011 , 10:48 PM
Oh and diet update:

I decided to add carbs in again to my diet, but after a couple weeks of doing that, I quickly remembered why I prefer to do low carb while dieting.

It's pretty hard for me to get enough protein if too many calories come from carbs and I am trying to keep my calories low. My water weight has also shifted and despite eating only ~1500 calories every day, I am weighing more that I would like.

So starting monday I am going to do a strong 2 week push of low carb/low cal diet and finish off the month strong. I'll hopefully come in at a solid 175 so when my weight levels at I can stay at the 180 weight I want to stay at for at least the summer.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-14-2011 , 11:01 PM
And 1 Mix Tape Tour was a bball tour that they showed on mTv. Hot Sauce

GL on rest of diet. Surely being lighter makes it easier to jump higher?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:13 PM
CS, you ready to party when I come to vegas in a few weeks?

Anyway, I just got back from the park. I invited some of my friends, and even had one volunteer to come shoot hoops with me, but none of showed. Not surprised they are all slackers.

But, I did end up playing a few games with some people that were down there.

I have no stamina or endurance or cardio capacity, but I am not worried about, I am already getting better, and though I get gassed pretty quickly, I seem to recovery pretty quickly as well.

I surprised myself a lot today though, its the first time in years that I've actually played any sort of competitive hoops. I had good instincts for moving and driving and passing, and was able to be pretty aggressive with the ball. I made some sweet fade aways and was able to penetrate a 3 on 1 defense (in a game of 21) a couple times and take it to the hoop.

I also played really solid defense when I wasn't too out of breath to move. I was really only letting anyone get long shots that were contested with a hand on their face far away from the hoop.

Having said all that, I couldn't seem to pull up and sink a shot when I had a good look to save my life. I seemed to luck sack all these circus shots but couldn't make a 9 foot bank shot with crappy defense no matter how many I got.

My shot is getting better though, especially once I get warmed up.

If I can get into some decent cardio shape and shoot better (prob shot like 30% when a it should have been closer to 50% with the looks I got) I would crush pretty hard against random shmoes that just show up and wanna play some 3 on 3 or whatever.

Looking forward to getting better and being ~unstoppable against average joes that wanna play some pick up B-ball.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-24-2011 , 08:10 PM
Sweet! Just went at played hoops for about 90 minutes. About an hour of shooting and about a half hour long game of 21 with 3 other randoms that wandered in.

I started off shooting and tied my free throw record of 8 in a row, though I couldn't string much more together (besides another streak of 7). I altered my shot a little and I think it's more solid when I'm uncontested. Not sure when I am being defended.

When we started the game of 21, I couldn't make a shot to save my life. Once again I would play great offense, get a decent look, and brick really hard. I started penetrating more and more until I was basically missing lay ups. It was really frustrating.

BUT - I rallied at the end. I started making a come back, getting lots of rebounds, and finally started making some fade aways and good drives leading to made lay ups. We were playing 2s and 3s and when you made one you took it to the 3-point line and shot until you missed or made 3. Then you had the ball to take in again.

I ended up making a shot, SUNK ALL THREE 3-POINTERS, and caught the rebound and made the shot to win the game.

Felt pretty awesome.

Now off to watch the Bulls Game. Can the Bulls win tonight? Def. Will they? Prob not.

Oh well, I can hope.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-27-2011 , 01:21 AM
Alright just gonna do a quick update:

I really slacked off on the last few weeks while I was pushing hard on my diet, as far as lifting goes. I've lost a lotta strength, but I'm really not too worried about it.

I look great, I feel great, and I've been consistently weighing in under 180 for the last couple weeks. I far from where I ultimately wanna be, but as far as this summer goes, I am more than happy and confident with my aesthetics.

So now all I wanna do is get as strong and as in shape as possible over (at least) the next year while maintain 180 BW. I feel pretty good about doing this.

So for June I am just going to start slow, get as much strength as I can back, and really just enjoy the results of my progress so far.

So, jumping in back super slowly, today I did:

Squat: 175x3x5

Bench 170x3x5

DL: 255x5

Chins: BWx3x5

All pretty easy and solid, will probably be doing some sort of SS-ish routine for the next month while getting my strength back.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-27-2011 , 11:59 PM
Just cruised down to the park to play ball for an hour. My buddy said he was going to come, but he didn't. I figured he wouldn't, easily the biggest slacker I know.

I was shootin' around for a bit, I never played at this park before, it wasn't very good. The concrete was pretty cracked and the hoops seemed to reject everything. So I had to adjust and just try to swish everything or it would bounce out.

After I was there about 20 minutes, something kinda silly (imo) happened.

A guy showed up who was on my Jr. High basketball team, and his dad was the coach.


Guy's a beast. He's got about 4 inches on me and it at least 50 pounds heavier. Couple that with a solid jump shot and the fact that he was grew up with a dad who was a dominate college player and has been coaching for years, he was unstoppable.

We played 1 on 1 and it was like trying to play against Shaq. There was really no exploiting it. My best shot would be to take long jumpers, but I suck at contested long jumpers so he beat me like 11-2 the first game.

I mean, if it was a more serious game I woulda done some hard fouls and hip checks and asserted more dominance but I didn't feel like playing with NBA finals intensity. He did, though. He was in it to win it.

Then 2 little guys came and wanted to play against us. I was up for it but didn't really plan on playing full WIM all out intensity because we had such a height advantage.

They turned out to be little superstars. Especially one of the guys was a little maniac. I mean, I still didn't play super hard on 'em but Shaq on my team was putting the mean beatdown. Crushed the rebounds, blocks, etc. Now I can see why Shaq in his prime was so unstoppable.

So after that game I bounced, I like playing a little more light hearted - less competitive pick up games. I can play harder and tougher, but I really don't see a point because it's not as fun for me, and there's really nothing I get for winning. I'm just doing it for fun and exercise.

I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything tomorrow, I might get a chance to do some power cleans before work though. And then me and the gf are gonna go shoot hoops on sunday. Balla.

JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-28-2011 , 04:48 AM
Jealous of all the hoop action you got going on. Nothing like that around here. Basket isn't as popular anymore since the tv channels here for some inexplicable reason decided to stop showing the NBA. Dickbags imo. And of course, there are only like 10 days a year you can actually be outside to shoot hoops, in the winter you have to dodge all the polar bears and wolves which kind of sucks.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-28-2011 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
So after that game I bounced, I like playing a little more light hearted - less competitive pick up games. I can play harder and tougher, but I really don't see a point because it's not as fun for me, and there's really nothing I get for winning. I'm just doing it for fun and exercise.
You get to win. That's the whole fun/point of playing sports, isn't it?
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-28-2011 , 06:15 AM
sweet story bro
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-28-2011 , 09:46 AM
it probably isn't too popular because you call it 'basket'
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-28-2011 , 09:59 AM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-30-2011 , 04:06 PM
Hahaha. I will probably start playing in the gym when it gets cold again, and attempt to get heat stroke playing outside this summer. Shouldn't take more than 45 minutes in July.

So I briefly mapped out my plans for June to get my strength back:

JonFon's June Plans

If I can keep this pace up (no idea?) it will put me pretty much exactly where I want to be heading into July; doing multiple reps at the 'intermediate level' for 181 BW on that strength guideline charts. They're arbitrary numbers I know, but I'll use it as a goal to shoot for. I'll be happy if I make it.

So here is what I did today:

Squat: 185x3x5

Bench: 175x3x5

DL: 265x5

Notes: All felt easy and solid, albeit slightly rusty since I've been slacking.

I'm going to go play basketball later and go to the lake, not sure in which order.

Life is Good, WIM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-30-2011 , 04:27 PM
Looks good bro, gl with your plan.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-30-2011 , 04:42 PM
i think you forget to schedule the re-planning two weeks in.
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-30-2011 , 04:52 PM
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
05-30-2011 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
i think you forget to schedule the re-planning two weeks in.
That comes when I rage fail a bench set and get emo and re-vamp everything, ldo

I stick to my plans for at least 3 weeks damit!
JonFon Starts Another Program Quote
