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/*** Official 'Yay, one additional day for grinding' February 2012 Chat Thread  ***/ /*** Official 'Yay, one additional day for grinding' February 2012 Chat Thread  ***/

02-18-2012 , 02:55 PM
cannibalism ban
02-18-2012 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I like your better half's system. It feels right when I tried it just now.

I think we can agree that these systems show that meat thermometers are for sissies
I can almost tell how done a steak is by the sound it is making....should remention that my father in law owns a butcher shop....I cook a lot of steaks.
02-19-2012 , 07:22 AM
Hello all.

Just did a read-through of the thread, and lol you guys hop topics like a mofo.

I suck at all things culinary, but have been cooking my own burgers (am now 22... ) for the last year or so and they taste about 900 thousand times better than anything my mom has ever cooked. Biased I suppose, but the woman can straight up ruin mac n' cheese.

Am very interested in cooking like a 2p2 pro since it seems like most of you guys aren't just poker junkies and actually have skills that pertain to more than just sitting at a computer clicking buttons.
02-19-2012 , 10:46 AM
I'm making chicken pie for dinner, but now I'm hungry for some steak!

Damn you guys!

but have been cooking my own burgers (am now 22...)
Young people ITT
02-19-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Suh-Nami
and lol you guys hop topics like a mofo.
Welcome to the Micro FR Chat Thread! The best chat thread on the internet.

We can discuss the impact of Greece leveing the Euro Union, rock climbing techniques, anything related to food, legal issues, Megan Fox's boobs vs. Scarlet Johanson's boobs, and every now an then some poker content.
02-19-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
Welcome to the Micro FR Chat Thread! The best chat thread on the internet.

Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
Megan Fox's boobs vs. Scarlet Johanson's boobs
Scarlet >>> Megan

Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
and every now an then some poker content.

What's poker? It's been so long... I forget.
02-19-2012 , 05:06 PM
You forgot beer/homebrew Sammy. Shame.
02-19-2012 , 05:43 PM
Finally managed to find some Blue Moon in the UK. Now to find out if it actually is as tasty as I remember or if it was just a holiday thing...
02-19-2012 , 06:45 PM
Thanks for the welcome!

I've had Blue Moon, its ok. A little too... fruity, shall we say, for my tastes.

I'm American tho, so ofc I have deficiencies when its comes to beer drinking/tasting. Although I do believe I'm above average when it comes to such. I enjoy and find nothing wrong w/ drinking a good cold Bud Light on the weekends or w/e, but will never turn away a dark beer so thick you can chew it either.

Lots of my friends are pussies.
02-19-2012 , 09:40 PM
I'm a big fan of those fruity wheat beers. My favorite beer as of late is Lost Coast Tangerine Wheat.
02-19-2012 , 09:42 PM
never cared for blue moon.

I also enjoy an occasional budweiser...

whenever I'm in the mood for carbonated water.

it's also good for boiling shrimp
02-19-2012 , 11:39 PM
I actually really enjoy Blue Moon. Would prefer an IPA these days, and Stone prolly makes the best on the market right now. Sierra Nevada's is also top notch.

Also love a good stout. My beer fridge right now has Guinness, Sierra Nevada Celebration (A+, btw), Stone IPA, and Fat Tire amber. I also have a dark ale homebrew that is just hitting it's sweet spot.
02-20-2012 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
My beer fridge .....
THAT is a serious brag right there. WP, sir.
02-20-2012 , 12:28 AM
My favorite beer, is Ballast Point Sculpin (double IPA) or Russian River Pliney the Elder. Really, Really like the Ale-Smith IPA though, just too hard to find.
02-20-2012 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
I actually really enjoy Blue Moon. Would prefer an IPA these days, and Stone prolly makes the best on the market right now. Sierra Nevada's is also top notch.

Also love a good stout. My beer fridge right now has Guinness, Sierra Nevada Celebration (A+, btw), Stone IPA, and Fat Tire amber. I also have a dark ale homebrew that is just hitting it's sweet spot.
Let's hang out. You seriously just mentioned all my favorite beers (minus fat tire, which I've never had, an will be looking for from now on)
02-20-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by gadolparah
Let's hang out. You seriously just mentioned all my favorite beers (minus fat tire, which I've never had, an will be looking for from now on)
Fat Tire's quite good, and their Winter brew is actually really close to the German Alt that my Dad and I brew. Although in general, I'm not a big fan of IPAs. I just don't like hops that much. I'm much more inclined to drink darker beers down on to stouts. My current favorite is Old Rasputin Russian Imperial. So tasty, and such high alcohol that 1-2'll do me quite nicely for an evening at home.
02-20-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Thallium
Fat Tire's quite good, and their Winter brew is actually really close to the German Alt that my Dad and I brew...
You brew your own? How hard and expensive is this for a total noob to do?
02-20-2012 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by BeyondTheGrave
You brew your own? How hard and expensive is this for a total noob to do?
Initial outlay for the equipment (fermenting buckets and such) could be $100-150, depending on how fancy and expensive you get.

The actual ingredients for a 5 gallon batch are usually betwee $25-40, again depending on what kind of brew you're making.

But mechanically, it's not really that difficult. Especially if you're brewing out of kits. They send you a bunch of sanitizer with which you scrub everything down and you're pretty well set. 4-6 weeks later, 5 gallons of homebrew that generally tastes better and is more alcoholic than a lot of things you can find in the store.

If you wanted to look up some prices, try That's where I've been getting my stuff lately. The German Alt kit in particular is really good.

In other news, I submitted an application to a dream job a while back. I received a follow up test last week which I returned via email this morning. Anxiety runs high. I guess by this time next week I'll have an idea if I move on to a phone interview or I got scrubbed from the process.

Yeah... anxiety runs high. Time to counter it by give 22 people a chemistry exam tonight. Don't worry, I don't think I'll be pasting the questions into the chat thread to see if they're too hard this semester.
02-20-2012 , 12:13 PM
Thanks for the info, and good luck with that dream job.
02-20-2012 , 12:35 PM
Oh c'mon. What else will I do for fun?
02-20-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by BeyondTheGrave
You brew your own? How hard and expensive is this for a total noob to do?
It can be as hard or as easy and you want, really. Financially, you're better of if you consider it a hobby, or sooth yourself with sweet lies about how you're a real beer snob and/or purist. There is always something else you'll want to buy, but you can make great brew with basic gear. I brew with a group of guys, and we have maybe $300 invested? You can drop a couple grand in a heartbeat, if you're so inclined.

We brew so we have a reason to get together, hang out on the deck drinking the rest of the last batch and have a cigar. That is money well spent.
02-20-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by gadolparah
Let's hang out. You seriously just mentioned all my favorite beers (minus fat tire, which I've never had, an will be looking for from now on)

You have to try Fat Tire. Or anything from New Belgium, for that matter. The 1554 is superb, as is their Sunshine Honey wheat. I don't think they make a beer I don't love.
02-20-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
My favorite beer, is Ballast Point Sculpin (double IPA) or Russian River Pliney the Elder. Really, Really like the Ale-Smith IPA though, just too hard to find.
I should clarify my list with *readily available in most good beer markets.

Haven't tried the sculpin, but Pliney is the nuts.

Ever tried Founder's Nemesis? Absolutely amazing, and very hard to find. I think they only release it once a year.
02-20-2012 , 04:30 PM
Ommegang from Cooperstown,ny makes some awesome Belgian style beers.

Dog-Fish-Head from Maryland is very good and then there is Otter Creek from VT (they also make Wolaver's organic line)

of course Sam is always good for everyday use
02-20-2012 , 04:49 PM
+1 for Sam as a good daily. Haven't had a dog-fish in a while, but I didn't care much for the 90 as it was a little too strong on the front which ended up hard on the back. That being said, it was a friend who offered it, and I'm not sure it was properly stored. IMO, a good IPA should be pleasant on the nose, mild on the front with a bitter kick on the back that leaves a nice residual on the palette. And IPA that's done right is really hard to beat. I've tried to homebrew it once, and skunked the batch royally. We had a hard time getting the wort cooled, and I'm pretty sure that's the source of the problem. I want to try another, but I haven't been able to talk the other guys into trying it. They don't like IPAs as much as I do, anyway.
