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/*** Official 'Yay, one additional day for grinding' February 2012 Chat Thread  ***/ /*** Official 'Yay, one additional day for grinding' February 2012 Chat Thread  ***/

02-14-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD

We really don't know the details, but the rumor is

1) Online Poker agreement is appended to the Tax bill
2) California Tribes ARE NOT HAPPY (which is a good sign IMO)
3) We really don't know anything, at all. Timeline, how it will be implemented etc.

Good to hear you are not dead Brock.

I did die a few times during the NFC Championship.... I assume gman was in the same boat. The new (well not anymore) job I started late last March blocks any website that has anything to do with gambling, which includes 2p2. Hence, I'm more productive at work but not as happy...... I also quit posting when I stopped playing online. The city I moved to has 6 casinos and they all have poker rooms.

In terms of online poker, who do we want to win the U.S. presidential election? Obviously, Ron Paul would be a good choice but he has no shot. I assume that Gingrich and Santorum would be bad news. It seems like Obama or Romney would be okay.

Why are the Cali Indian tribes upset? Are they worried that online poker regulation will lower traffic at their casinos?
02-14-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
I felt like if I asked our waiter for a tug he would have obliged, that's how good I felt he did. You're right, most of the places I've been lately have been mediocre. I seem to get the best service at Mexican places, I love Mexicans.
The Mexican restaurant right around the corner from my house in Virginia was my regular place to go, and where I routinely tipped 50% even though I knew the owner was waiting on me.

That restaurant was the perfect restaurant value--the food was better than you expected for the price, there was a lot of it in a serving, and the service was superb.

I rank all restaurants now on the "El Azteca Value Scale," and have never found a better restaurant.

Mpethy, I think constructive advice is a really good idea, anything destructive would get a from me, though. Your first example is really helpful to someone who actually cares about their job, IMO
Sure. I'm only mean when I am pissed off. But when I am pissed off, I go ahead and get mean. As I have gotten older, I have lost interest in being nice for the sake of being nice, and I have become more willing to be mean to people that I think deserve it.
02-14-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Thallium
Well, we got screwed as a rider on a completely unrelated bill, might as well fix it the same way. :/
I concur.
02-14-2012 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by brocksavage1
In terms of online poker, who do we want to win the U.S. presidential election? Obviously, Ron Paul would be a good choice but he has no shot. I assume that Gingrich and Santorum would be bad news. It seems like Obama or Romney would be okay.

as a register GOP, doesn't matter who wins the primary out of the front runners. All will get crushed in the general election by Obama.

Especially with the economic trending that is going on, and how the economy will look come OCT/NOV. Obama can't lose this.

Reminds me of the 2004 election. Democrats should of ran away with that, but then somehow Kerry wins the primary and stinks up the general campaign.

Santorum is gaining momentum with hard-core GOP base that turns up in primarys, but he will lose too much of the middle of the road GOPs that only vote during the election and not get a single Democratic or undecided vote.

Romney, way too many things he needs to overcome to win the general.

I like Paul the most, but he is radical about way too many things. No way he wins.

Gingrinch will have problem if any debates happens during day light hours or during the full moon phase.

The Cali casinos has been working hard getting their own online poker bill up. They already have a site up call Super unconstitutional (mpethy?), and no way it will hold up if a federal bill passes (mpethy???)
02-14-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
The Cali casinos has been working hard getting their own online poker bill up. They already have a site up call Super unconstitutional (mpethy?), and no way it will hold up if a federal bill passes (mpethy???)
Ahahaha.... those sneaky Native Americans.....

Dammit I hate politics. I just want this solved already.....

Stumbled across this great Tony G music video on YouTube. The Tony G is here for you and he's qualified.
02-14-2012 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I am with PokerRon on this; I consider 0% to be a perfectly acceptable response to poor service, and I have stiffed several servers in recent years.

My normal tip for average service is 20%, and I will go as high as 50% on the rare occasion where I receive superb service in a modestly priced restaurant.

These days, when I leave any below average tip, I write a note on the receipt--"food was slow, couldn't get a refill, service was inattentive," is one of the nicer notes I have jotted. Sometimes I get smart ass. The first time I ever left a note was when I was super pissed off, wrote a big 0 on the tip line, and the note was "I tipped you a dollar for everything you did right tonight."

We also have a mom/pop Mexican place in the same building as a c-store. My wife won't go there because she doesn't like the way it looks. Food is excellent and at an extremely fair price as far as I'm concerned. I'll tip 50% there for the same reasons you've discussed. I also like to support them, and local small business owners, and hope they survive the next year.
02-15-2012 , 01:02 AM
Putting together a DIY Aquarium background like Here.

Some pics of step 1 of the DIY Background. Cut styrofoam apart and silicone seal it to more styrofoam and let seal overnight. I'll probably get back to it tomorrow (might add some more pieces tonight).

Step 2 is to coat the styrofoam pieces (there are 4 individual sheets) with a masonry sealant, this stuff is called Drylok or Watertite, can't remember. This seals in the styrofoam from the water and also turns the colors a more natural look, i can add some cement tint if I want, we'll see how it turns out first.

02-15-2012 , 05:57 AM
I just hate the idea of people getting paid when they do a crappy job. The office my gf works in is full of people who just sit around pretending to be busy and palming jobs off to everybody else and making a big deal about how busy they are. They get paid the same as the people in the office who actually work hard, and even worse, they get rewarded because their bosses think they're the ones who are working hardest. Imo if you do a crappy job, your pay should reflect that, hence I don't tip when I get bad service (although I like the idea of a tiny tip just to let them know you didn't forget).

The week after I got back from the US, I tipped a taxi driver Ł2 on top of an Ł8 fare. He looked at me like I was insane.

Spring - I like a man that loves a project. Keep us updated with the finished product. I wish I had space for an aquarium. Had a tropical freshwater tank when I was a kid and loved it. The only problem is the novelty often wears off after a while and cleaning it becomes a real pain in the ass. How's the climbing going? I've been going more often, but still only indoors upto now. Looking to get outdoors soon as we get some decent weather.
02-15-2012 , 07:40 AM
speaking of projects, I am 90% done refinishing an antique mahogany bureau. After stripping off the old shellac and sanding it down and restaining it, I have spent the last month doing a french polish finish. Starting to look pretty good.

The only bad thing about it is that it has been missing a handle on one of the drawers forever and an exhaustive search online has turned up no similar hardware for sale anywhere.
02-15-2012 , 09:00 AM
So which is it, french or polish?
02-15-2012 , 09:21 AM
Apparently there isn't a general chat forum section so i'll just post this here.
Grinding at full ring sucks in the morning/early afternoon , because there aren't enough good tables and i don't make as much profit as in the evening.
On the other hand if i play in the evening there are lots of fish playing , but then tired or i feel like doing something else , like getting out with my friends.
Should i just play in the morning even though it's not as good?
02-15-2012 , 09:23 AM
What about mid day?? Or after you get back home from being out with friends ... I don't think you're looking at all your options here
02-15-2012 , 09:24 AM
just play whenever u want
02-15-2012 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mingdu
What about mid day?? Or after you get back home from being out with friends ... I don't think you're looking at all your options here
When i come back home i usually am tipsy or high )

I want to play like 4 hours per day or more poker , and to do that i need to make a schedule , playing random doesn't work for me.
Do you guys have any routines when it comes to sessions? How much do you play on average every day?
I don't have a job and i could play even 8 hours , but i don't do that because eventually i get tired and when i'm tired i tend to tilt easily (if i a guy raises me twice i start cursing ). I also get bored fast by default even with activities i like doing the most (even with sex lol) , so if i would play too much every day , i would be sick of poker. But in the same time i don't want to make less money than i could , because i'm not playing enough.
02-15-2012 , 10:39 AM
I play most mornings, starting around 9-10am UK time. I play 100nl and the tables are always fine, in fact all this year they've been great. If you play lower then there will be tons of amazing tables.

If you have tilt/boredom issues then you need to fix them. You can know as much strat as you want, but if you can't handle your own mindset then you're never going to be a winner.
02-15-2012 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
I play most mornings, starting around 9-10am UK time. I play 100nl and the tables are always fine, in fact all this year they've been great. If you play lower then there will be tons of amazing tables.

If you have tilt/boredom issues then you need to fix them. You can know as much strat as you want, but if you can't handle your own mindset then you're never going to be a winner.
Yep, if you are complaining about bad tables and not playing at least midstakes you are doing it wrong.
02-15-2012 , 11:20 AM
Personally I cant get enough of this sh**! I play all day rain or shine! If you are a rec it. If ur a grinder, don't pass up that EV at night big dog
02-15-2012 , 11:28 AM
Ron - I'll post pictures after the Drylok step is finished, after that the project is pretty much done! Not sure if I should add some more features, I think I will...I have a lot of styrofoam so why not! I might need to get a heat gun to make the edges a little softer and more natural looking (I feel like the piece is not very natural looking as is).

Climbing has been going very well, I've been going 3 or so times a week and last time sent a 5.10b, which isn't anything special, but it was my strongest climb to date. I spend a lot of time bouldering, and lately I've been doing some workouts, like climb up and down an easy route 10x
02-15-2012 , 12:23 PM

I lol'd.

Carry on.
02-15-2012 , 12:25 PM
Action is always better at night!
02-15-2012 , 12:26 PM
Ha ha, I stared at that screenshot for ages trying to work out what was so funny. Good spot!
02-15-2012 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
I just hate the idea of people getting paid when they do a crappy job. The office my gf works in is full of people who just sit around pretending to be busy and palming jobs off to everybody else and making a big deal about how busy they are. They get paid the same as the people in the office who actually work hard, and even worse, they get rewarded because their bosses think they're the ones who are working hardest...
My office is the same way. When I started a few years back, I would try really hard, and I would resent the slackers. I finally decided that my company doesn't care about the quality of my work, just certain arbitrary metrics. I work waaaaay less and just started talking with my coworkers more always trying to be nice and funny. My performance reviews became stellar and I even got a small promotion.

I know it's pretty f'd up, but I'd rather have a stable job with better pay.
02-15-2012 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by BeyondTheGrave
My office is the same way. When I started a few years back, I would try really hard, and I would resent the slackers. I finally decided that my company doesn't care about the quality of my work, just certain arbitrary metrics. I work waaaaay less and just started talking with my coworkers more always trying to be nice and funny. My performance reviews became stellar and I even got a small promotion.

I know it's pretty f'd up, but I'd rather have a stable job with better pay.
Hello, are you new or an old poster starting up a new account? If the former, welcome to uFR. If the latter, welcome back.

Edit - Also, props for both Location and Avatar.
02-15-2012 , 12:49 PM
As a self proclaimed slacker who has been working in Corporate America for ~15 years, let me offer some insights:

1) In general, people who are constantly frazzled and/or worked to death don't know what they're doing.

That about covers it. About 99% hurried/rushed work is a direct result of procrastination or lack of skill set, and both can be remedied with proper self discipline. If the corporate culture at your job is such that everyone is working in a sweatshop, you need to close any gaps which would prevent you from working for a better company and GTFO.

And here's the secret to ANY job: Understand what is important to your leadership, and deliver.

EZ game.
02-15-2012 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Thallium
Hello, are you new or an old poster starting up a new account? If the former, welcome to uFR. If the latter, welcome back.

Edit - Also, props for both Location and Avatar.
Hi sorry I never introduced myself. I used to play rush 200nl, where I was a small winner over 750k hands. I got $18k stuck on FTP and decided to give up on poker out of frustration.

But poker is kind of like genital herpes, once you think it's finally out of your always comes back.

So I recently deposited $300 on bcp and am playing 10nl. Am almost ready to move to 25nl, and hopefully back to small stakes soon. I never really posted before, but I decided to try it out this time.
