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Sports Containment Thread: Sponsored by G.I. Joe Pavelski, Real American Superhero (ELIte) Sports Containment Thread: Sponsored by G.I. Joe Pavelski, Real American Superhero (ELIte)

09-13-2011 , 01:50 PM
Randy Moss is awesome just for "straight cash, homey."

But I will come at you for liking Barry Bonds and LeBron.
09-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Randy Moss the human being is of course not awesome.

Can't really process what would be behind LT's notion that it's too bad when some great athletes don't get titles. Is it also too bad that OJ never got a Super Bowl ring?
09-13-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Randy Moss the human being is of course not awesome.

Can't really process what would be behind LT's notion that it's too bad when some great athletes don't get titles. Is it also too bad that OJ never got a Super Bowl ring?
Well, no IDGAF about OJ really. However Lebron and Bonds were/are really good players and never murdered anyone ldo.

Lebron is a great basketball player and a great businessmen athlete and works extremely hard so I'd love to see him rewarded with a championship during his career.

The general public feels the opposite so that also is a factor lol
09-13-2011 , 02:40 PM
Well, I have little doubt that OJ worked extremely hard, was very entrepreneurial in establishing career opportunities outside of football, etc. When they're truly great at the pro level, they ALL work extremely hard.

I can't imagine what reason there would be to feel for Barry Bonds. He's got the all-time home run record, which in prestige far surpasses a single championship ring.

There are just tons of great athletes out there; they can't all get rings. Rooting for LeBron this past year was to also root against Dirk in what may have been one of his last shots at a ring too.
09-13-2011 , 02:43 PM
Bill Leavy has been assigned to referee the Seahawks-Steelers game.

Not that it will matter, as the Steelers likely win this game by 17+ regardless, but...seriously, NFL? WTF?
09-13-2011 , 02:51 PM

I assume you don't troll but that OJ tangent you went on was ridiculous.

I also recommend reading RedBean's Barry Bonds thread. Might change some of the opinions you have on him.
09-13-2011 , 02:58 PM
Considering that he seems to have a policy of sympathizing with all great athletes, regardless of their character (and seemingly actually having his opinion of them be boosted by bad character), I wanted to know where he drew the line. Does it require homicide or is the line somewhere before then?

I never devoted a lot of energy to hating on Bonds. Another whiny bitch who I didn't like, but he was what he was. I don't get all preachy about the steroid stuff, so he's not an all-time baseball villain to me or anything.

Wishing a better fate for Randy Moss when he traversed the league alienating everyone and wishing for LeBron's plan to mail it in for a ring to succeed are both weirder to me. Although again, Bonds reached one of the highest pinnacles in the sport so I don't see why the championship thing would be relevant. I was rooting for the Giants in that World Series they took to game 7 though.
09-13-2011 , 03:16 PM
What are your opinions on DeSean Jackson and Chad Ochocinco?
09-13-2011 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ

Originally Posted by LKJ
Not that it will matter, as the Steelers likely win this game by 17+ regardless, but...seriously, NFL? WTF?
09-13-2011 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
What are your opinions on DeSean Jackson and Chad Ochocinco?
Johnson is a clown but a harmless one. I don't know of any negative off-field stuff. Jackson I'm indifferent on, never
09-13-2011 , 05:13 PM

Peyton, Foster, Steven Jackson, Daniel Thomas, Marques Colston, Nate Kaeding, Lance Moore, Danny Amendola

= all raped. and this isn't even players from all my teams I've looked at(Yahoo sucks with injuries). FML teams are dead. and I have a bunch of people who "look to not have serious injuries" but who knows what'll happen.
09-13-2011 , 05:23 PM
those are the worst. I had ryan mathews last year and every single week it was "has been bothered by a hamstring/ankle/knee but will play, not sure about his role" which just leaves me filled with questions and unable to drop him instead of a guy like ryan grant who I could just put out of sight out of mind
09-13-2011 , 05:27 PM
jahvid bests turf toe was annoying as ****k last yr
09-13-2011 , 06:44 PM
Oh WTF, I sent that post while obviously incomplete. I thought I locked my phone up but obviously I somehow submitted.

To build on what I previously said, I personally don't like most receivers. They are consistently a bunch of huge divas and pains in the ass for their own teams to deal with. Like, this observation applies more so to that position in football than to any other position in not only football but any sport at all.

Chad Johnson (I refuse to acknowledge the Ochocinco nonsense except to say that I refuse to acknowledge it) acts like a dumbass sometimes but he seems to sort of mean well. I don't know. As receivers go I find him somewhat likable. Again I'm objectively neutral on DeSean Jackson, might tend a little negative but he's whatever as far as receivers go. Certainly a really good player; not so sure how good Johnson will be anymore, but I didn't see New England's game last night.

I will say this: fans are very stupid about the way that they dole out way more hate to a silly braggart like Terrell Owens than they will to one of the many players who is beating their woman off the field. An upstanding citizen with an abrasive personality (which is what I seem to think Owens is) isn't ideal, but is still way ahead of a violent criminal in the grander scheme.

Also sports fans are generally huge hypocrites and their opinion of off-field stuff is colored REALLY strongly by how much they like the person's on-field work. Minnesotans will still defend Kirby Puckett to death, but if he had sucked then I'm sure they'd fully support stringing him up if he were still alive.
09-15-2011 , 08:57 AM
I don't know how many of you read/post in one or more of your team's fansite message boards. There are a few I read but rarely post in.

There's plenty of good info, and plenty of entertainment, but I think a common string to all of them is that you'll see variations on this...

One person talks about a game that isn't the next one, clearly assuming that the next one is a win. A few invariably reply, "We need to take this one game at a time. We shouldn't be getting overconfident." You're FANS for ****s sake. Who the hell cares if fans are talking overconfidently? Oh that's right, jinxes and ****. Sometimes they'll explicitly say that they don't want to jinx the current success, but if not then it is perpetually implied. Give me a ****ing break. And Karak, don't even try to tell me that nobody truly believes in these jinxes.

I've seen Mariner fans on message boards get TRULY angry when the commentator in the booth mentions a no-hitter in progress in the sixth inning or something. Personally I give Mariner play-by-play guy Dave Sims a gold star for mentioning no-hitters in progress, if for no other reason then to piss off people who would actually get pissed off by that. Obviously those people don't deserve happiness, so it's best to take it away from them.
09-15-2011 , 09:29 AM
fansite message boards are really bad, just a step above espn comment sections
09-15-2011 , 09:36 AM
They cover a pretty wide range. Some are decent ( at least used to be really good, though the departure of Doug Farrar who moved on to bigger and better things in the sportswriting world was a significant loss as he was a great poster as well), but I agree that most are really bad.

Of course, SE is pretty bad too.
09-15-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Of course, SE is pretty bad too.

09-17-2011 , 09:52 AM
Gameday. Time to rise and shine, turn on ESPN and see those lovely WSU Cougar flags flying as usual.
09-17-2011 , 03:01 PM
WTF at Penn State going for it on 4th and 1 late, down three to Temple, instead of taking the chip shot field goal.

When you're clearly the better team, putting the whole game on one play when you've got an easy tie available and can take that and go from there...that's a terrible call. The fact that they made it and were rewarded for it is irrelevant. That's a play-call you make if you're desperately trying to pull an upset, not when you're trying to stave one off.
09-17-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
WTF at Penn State going for it on 4th and 1 late, down three to Temple, instead of taking the chip shot field goal.

When you're clearly the better team, putting the whole game on one play when you've got an easy tie available and can take that and go from there...that's a terrible call. The fact that they made it and were rewarded for it is irrelevant. That's a play-call you make if you're desperately trying to pull an upset, not when you're trying to stave one off.

Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 09-17-2011 at 03:04 PM. Reason: 4th a 1 against a scrub team should be an easy first down for any good team.
09-17-2011 , 03:10 PM
Yes, odds are that they would make the 4th and 1. And they did. But it's like voluntarily putting yourself into a big pot with an inferior player when the stack sizes still allow for you to avoid doing so and to just pick the inferior player apart instead.

When you have the clear edge and can choose between higher variance and lower variance, the choice should be clear.
09-17-2011 , 03:21 PM
4th and 1 at their 3? TD is the better option here. Also, I don't know how many TOs they had left, but it seems to me they could've still gotten the ball back (prob around midfield or better) with time left.
09-17-2011 , 03:28 PM
...I was likely aware that scoring a touchdown was probably better than scoring a field goal.
09-17-2011 , 03:29 PM
but is there a non-zero chance that a FG is better than a TD?!!??!
