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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-27-2011 , 01:42 AM
yeah just beat off instead amirite?
01-27-2011 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
i dont even ask for girls numbers anymore so as to avoid worrying about this sort of nonsense.

I don't even own a cell phone. I just hang around everyone I know all the time. If they want to get a hold of me, they just say, "LKJ."
01-27-2011 , 02:11 AM
good luck with that. numbers may be worthless most of the time, but it's gotta be even more difficult developing rapport and scheduling meetings through email or facebook.
01-27-2011 , 02:25 AM
No offense meant by this GCG, you are actually one of my favorite posters.
But, I am really starting to get the vibe you may be like that guy that strolls around at parties/bars, that is a little creepy. Seems normal and fun at first, but you instantly can just tell all he wants is to hook up with girls and really doesn't care about anyone and do whatever it takes to get with them.

Probably over-the-top a bit, but I do feel like your vibe, or maybe "game", may be all wrong.

Granted, I am not one to talk at all but thats just my two cents.
01-27-2011 , 02:26 AM
I was just throwing in another Mitch Hedberg quote. I have a phone. I've been criticized for my worthless texting skills.
01-27-2011 , 02:28 AM
Mitch Hedberg quotes ftw
01-27-2011 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Granted, I am not one to talk at all
It really bothers me that I can't find a gif of someone bailing out of the batter's box after looking like he was going to stand in there and take a Randy Johnson fastball.
01-27-2011 , 02:29 AM
You guys saying that numbers are worthless are doing something seriously wrong.

I've had exactly 5 numbers not translate into a first date in my life. Perhaps I'm overly selective in who I get numbers from, but I cannot imagine anyone having >25% of numbers not pan out.
01-27-2011 , 02:30 AM
To be shown to you and I?

I think there's quite a few posters here that think highly of their "game" and pretend to not be self-conscious about it.
01-27-2011 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
You guys saying that numbers are worthless are doing something seriously wrong.

I've had exactly 5 numbers not translate into a first date in my life. Perhaps I'm a musclebound he-man who writes sensitive love songs in his spare time, but I cannot imagine anyone having >25% of numbers not pan out.
01-27-2011 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
lol i like how being an 8 (an 8?) knowing nothing else makes her insta dateable
I'd make fun of this, but if a girl tells me she's outdoorsy, speaks another language, runs all the time, and is math smart she's a pretty good way to insta-dateable to me too as long as she's 6.5+.
01-27-2011 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
To be shown to you and I?

I think there's quite a few posters here that think highly of their "game" and pretend to not be self-conscious about it.
Nah I was just kind of being critical that you were leveling a harsh criticism while trying to hedge the entire time. If you're going to criticize a guy then do it.

I suppose I can think of three regs ITT who clearly think highly of their game and I question it as a reader of their posts. Okay, four if you count Wussop, but jury is still out on whether he's real.

Everyone else who clearly thinks highly of their game has warranted it by being exclusive with hotties (yeota, Vintage...I'm just assuming that Henry's girl is hot even though I have no idea what she looks like).
01-27-2011 , 02:55 AM
I think harsh criticism may be the best option since all the other advice he has been getting he has just been deflecting.

The only reason I added the last part of my post is to not become the next wussop when it comes to giving advice and having it ignored.
01-27-2011 , 03:02 AM
I don't disagree with your being critical. I'll say that I can't figure GCG out myself. I enjoy his posts, he's a good writer, but there is some kind of disconnect between how he portrays himself and his results. Not sure if your theory is necessarily the right one, but it's valid to throw it out there.
01-27-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
No offense meant by this GCG, you are actually one of my favorite posters.
But, I am really starting to get the vibe you may be like that guy that strolls around at parties/bars, that is a little creepy. Seems normal and fun at first, but you instantly can just tell all he wants is to hook up with girls and really doesn't care about anyone and do whatever it takes to get with them.

Probably over-the-top a bit, but I do feel like your vibe, or maybe "game", may be all wrong.
I think that sometimes this has to be accurate. For example at the party this weekend, there were a bunch of friends there but no really close friends and nobody I was really aching to talk to. Everyone was super friendly to me, but if anybody was paying a lot of attention to me, they'd have noticed that I just happened to be in lots of conversations with hot girls.

At bars I think it's much harder to notice. There might be subtle vibes I unconsciously give off that signal that I just wanna hook up with girls. Though I think if I give off these vibes, then most guys give them off even more, cause I think that this is one area of social perception that I'm pretty aware in.

You are basing this criticism on the face that I seem to have a low hit rate on the amount of girls I talk to, right? If so, that seems like a reasonable thing to say. Or is there some other reason?

Originally Posted by il_martilo
You guys saying that numbers are worthless are doing something seriously wrong.

I've had exactly 5 numbers not translate into a first date in my life. Perhaps I'm overly selective in who I get numbers from, but I cannot imagine anyone having >25% of numbers not pan out.
If I only took numbers from girls that I felt really confident about, I'd take about 25% of the numbers I get. Most of the time I can see where it's going and I can see that in a few minutes, this conversation will be over and I won't have a chance to see her again. Given the choice of 0% and 5%, I'll take the 5% chance that she'll answer my contact, so I go ahead and get the number.

It also probably helps that you're ripped as ****. I've never taken a really attractive girl's number and then not called her.

Originally Posted by LKJ
I suppose I can think of three regs ITT who clearly think highly of their game and I question it as a reader of their posts. Okay, four if you count Wussop, but jury is still out on whether he's real.

Everyone else who clearly thinks highly of their game has warranted it by being exclusive with hotties (yeota, Vintage...I'm just assuming that Henry's girl is hot even though I have no idea what she looks like).
No offense to yeota, but it is clear that he doesn't think highly of his game to me. That's not a burn at all, it's probably better to underestimate yourself than to be arrogant.
pls to be not hating me yeotawife
PM me who you think these regs are LKJ

Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't disagree with your being critical. I'll say that I can't figure GCG out myself. I enjoy his posts, he's a good writer, but there is some kind of disconnect between how he portrays himself and his results. Not sure if your theory is necessarily the right one, but it's valid to throw it out there.
I'll try to address this later, headed out now.
01-27-2011 , 03:34 AM
I could be wrong, but I feel like GCG is way different itt than irl.
01-27-2011 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
yeah just beat off instead amirite?
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
good luck with that. numbers may be worthless most of the time, but it's gotta be even more difficult developing rapport and scheduling meetings through email or facebook.
rofl i meant it as literally as possible, as in i dont get their numbers - not as in im opposed to phone interactions. its not uncommon for me to use a line like 'ok well call me when you go do XYZ because blah blah blah' which leads to them taking down my number. if they are not interested then they simply never call or text. i could be wrong but im pretty sure i started doing this after reading a henry post on the matter.
01-27-2011 , 04:14 AM

You said re: ILM "It also probably helps that you're ripped as ****."

That should help him have a higher rate w/ the rando drunk chick numbers leading to meetings.

However, that shouldn't have any significant impact on the girls where you have a lot in common, have a good conversation, get good vibes from them, and exchange numbers. You should be meeting up w/ close to 100% of those girls. Since you haven't responded to the last couple times I mentioned this, it doesn't seem like you care to address this (which is perfectly cool), so I won't beat this dead horse any more unless you care to discuss how to improve.
01-27-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by WheresMyPot
Well im not too sure as of yet, she went to went to high school with me but I never really talked to her but it was one of those situations where you tell yourself damn how did I go all this time without realizing this chick is this fine. She and her other friend that I dont know wear the wrapes around the head but other than that wear regular clothes and all. I wouldnt be surprised if they were bald(lol). They seem like cool chicks but just wanted to see what everyone thinks.
Are you insane? You have 0 chance of dating her ever if you arent muslim.

Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
This is pretty standard for me too, actually. In order for an 8 to be undateable, a girl would have to have serious issues, above and beyond the serious issues that she already would have by virtue of simply being a girl.

Sorry yeotawife, pls don't hate me!
This is a fundamental flaw in your game and I think you would have no chance at 8+s.
You said on 3 different occasions (paying for dinner, dating and something I dont remember, was recent) that you would do something significantly different, if she was an eight or better.
Why would you do that? That makes you incongruent and they will pick up on that.

And dating a girl just for her looks is probably the dumbest thing ever.
I would rather date a 6 who can keep up a conversation with me than a dumb 8.

Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
PM me who you think these regs are LKJ
Why would you ask for those names? To cross you off the list?
Where is your self-esteem?
I am pretty sure I am on that list, but I couldnt care less what some random guy thinks about me on the internet.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

You said re: ILM "It also probably helps that you're ripped as ****."

That should help him have a higher rate w/ the rando drunk chick numbers leading to meetings.

However, that shouldn't have any significant impact on the girls where you have a lot in common, have a good conversation, get good vibes from them, and exchange numbers. You should be meeting up w/ close to 100% of those girls. Since you haven't responded to the last couple times I mentioned this, it doesn't seem like you care to address this (which is perfectly cool), so I won't beat this dead horse any more unless you care to discuss how to improve.
If you meet a girl you get along with great, there should be physical escalation.
If I just got a girl's number when out drinking, I usually dont bother to call, because the success rate is pretty low.
01-27-2011 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't disagree with your being critical. I'll say that I can't figure GCG out myself. I enjoy his posts, he's a good writer, but there is some kind of disconnect between how he portrays himself and his results. Not sure if your theory is necessarily the right one, but it's valid to throw it out there.
Really? You think I'm a good writer?

But really...I think I generally portray myself pretty accurately. I make fun of myself when I fail, and have mentioned a few times where I fell flat on my face. I write in more detail about my successes cause that's more interesting and relevant. If I flirt with some girl and she gives me a dirty look, it's not worth mentioning unless it was so over the top as to be funny.

Originally Posted by Vintage00
I could be wrong, but I feel like GCG is way different itt than irl.
How so?

Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
rofl i meant it as literally as possible, as in i dont get their numbers - not as in im opposed to phone interactions. its not uncommon for me to use a line like 'ok well call me when you go do XYZ because blah blah blah' which leads to them taking down my number. if they are not interested then they simply never call or text. i could be wrong but im pretty sure i started doing this after reading a henry post on the matter.
Seems like a terrible fish move to me. I went through a similar phase (aka high school) of letting the girl make the move, and then realized that the world just doesn't work that way. It's not that girls aren't interested, rather that they don't take initiative. It sounds like you don't really care right now, but when you have more motivation, you'll get a lot better results by putting in the minimal effort of being the one to initiate contact.

How has your experience been so far?

Originally Posted by El Diablo

You said re: ILM "It also probably helps that you're ripped as ****."

That should help him have a higher rate w/ the rando drunk chick numbers leading to meetings.
I can see where your logic is, I could see it your way or my way, hard to say.

However, that shouldn't have any significant impact on the girls where you have a lot in common, have a good conversation, get good vibes from them, and exchange numbers. You should be meeting up w/ close to 100% of those girls. Since you haven't responded to the last couple times I mentioned this, it doesn't seem like you care to address this (which is perfectly cool), so I won't beat this dead horse any more unless you care to discuss how to improve.
This isn't something I too concerned with. As incongruous as it sounds (given the crapshoot comment), I feel very confident once I get into a conversation with a girl. You're welcome to tell me how to improve, but I have a feeling it will be insultingly basic stuff like "show interest in her" "display value" and "try to move past shallow topics." Maybe not though, I could learn something.

Why would you ask for those names? To cross you off the list?
Where is your self-esteem?
I am pretty sure I am on that list, but I couldnt care less what some random guy thinks about me on the internet.
LOL I have no doubt I'm on the list, it was quite clearly insinuated. I wanna see who LKJ is putting me in the same boat with. Also, wrt to your comment about 6's and 8's...did you read my post about the girl I met and walked home? She is like a 5 or 6 and after chatting for a while I became way more attracted to her and was much more excited about her than I am when I meet much hotter, but dumber girls. I don't think we disagree by that much. I'm just more willing to put up with ******** to have sex with 8s maybe.

Something that I would like to hear your guys thoughts on: What's with girls giving you their numbers unsolicited, typing in their first AND last names, then not responding? I guess that's the sort of thing I was more referring to with the crapshoot comment. Like, if I talk to a girl for 45 minutes or something, I'm expecting something to happen, yes. And if I talk to a girl for 10 minutes I'm not. Unless she is the one that offers her number and adds extra info like her last name. Why do that if you're not going to respond?
01-27-2011 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo

Seems like a terrible fish move to me. I went through a similar phase (aka high school) of letting the girl make the move, and then realized that the world just doesn't work that way. It's not that girls aren't interested, rather that they don't take initiative. It sounds like you don't really care right now, but when you have more motivation, you'll get a lot better results by putting in the minimal effort of being the one to initiate contact.

How has your experience been so far?
dude GCG I think you are misunderstanding me here. I am sure on an absolute numbers basis, being the one to initiate probably works better. But so does other stuff, like hitting on every girl you meet. If you arent being memorable/interesting enough for a girl to wanna call or text you then I think youre doing something wrong. I don't think there is a very large decrease in the absolute number of hookups between this and what you are suggesting (though again, it is almost certainly there in some capacity), but my "flakerate" is miniscule and I spend less time/effort pursuing something that might not even work out, and 0 time/effort worrying about it. The extra few hookups I am missing out on is not worth the added time and effort imo.

For the record I asked FW for her number back when we met and initiated all of that. Apart from her I really can not remember the last time I asked a girl for her number.
01-27-2011 , 06:41 AM
ZZ, I'm going to agree that you're really doing something wrong here.

Even at 25, I run into girls who are genuinely interested in me, but are so used to traditional gender roles when it comes to dating that they simply don't know how to take the initiative when making plans. After a few dates organized by me, our interactions become less structured, but I have to imagine you're missing out on a lot of otherwise very interesting girls if you're relying on them to gravitate to you after you establish attraction.

Basically, you're expecting every girl you interact with to have to initiative and social know-how that multiple male posters in this thread lack. It's unrealistic.

...and if your reasoning is just "I don't want to waste time and effort" then by all means, do you. It's just that since it's really about 5 minutes and 0 effort to be the one to make plans, I can't believe that it isn't worth it.

FWIW, in high school I was the same way because I was a pussy.
01-27-2011 , 06:55 AM
idk Mittens my lack of phone/text game has been VERY well documented itt.. If a girl is not interested enough to be doing that stuff, there is a very good chance I will just fk it up. I have had enough success with it to the point where I don't see a good reason to try changing. Perhaps I am holding myself back slightly from being 'the best zugzwang I can possibly be' wrt women or whatever. Might have to give it a shot for the month of feb or something?
01-27-2011 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
You guys saying that numbers are worthless are doing something seriously wrong.

I've had exactly 5 numbers not translate into a first date in my life. Perhaps I'm overly selective in who I get numbers from, but I cannot imagine anyone having >25% of numbers not pan out.
Most guys who focus on numbers ask for them too soon and without having established any connection whatsoever. They see the number as some prize and a step forward while the girl sees giving them the number as a way to put an end to a undesirable interaction and make the guy go away.

Originally Posted by Mittens
Even at 25, I run into girls who are genuinely interested in me, but are so used to traditional gender roles when it comes to dating that they simply don't know how to take the initiative when making plans.
You are suppose to make the plans right there rather than take the number. While talking to a girl you get an idea of what she likes and is into and you bring up and event and then after selling how great it is you tell her that you are going and she should show up. The girl is not initiating the plans you are but you are the one doing it in place of asking for the number.

The more effective version of this involves actually inviting the girl to something where you have pull because of connections to the venue, DJ, or promoter and can get them into something cool that they normally wouldn't have access to but while that certainly makes it more effective it isn't necessary.

The basic idea of why this works is because you are signalling both interest and lack of interest simultaneously. You have shown interest by talking to her, buying a drink or two, and inviting her to something but at the same time you've not established a way for either of you to contact each other. That shows you either are very confident that she will come or that you don't really care if she does or doesn't. Regardless of what conclusion she comes to they are both very favourable.

Come the night of the event and she will either show or not show. If she doesn't show up no big deal you are at a fun event that you planned to attend anyway that will have plenty of girls. When you run into her again in the future you should consider her not interested unless she is the aggressor but you can use the rapport you built up to use her as a gateway to other girls in her group. If she does show up then you are pretty much guaranteed getting laid unless you **** it up. She'll almost always bring a girlfriend or two and that allows you to both play off the competitiveness that women have even towards their female friends and also to set up some of you guy friends. I have never asked for a number in my life and this worked great for me when I was single.

Basically, you're expecting every girl you interact with to have to initiative and social know-how that multiple male posters in this thread lack. It's unrealistic.
Why would you waste your time with girls who lack social know-how?

That is one of the main reasons to avoid internet dating. People using internet dating are in someway socially defective. If a girl isn't capable of showing up at a public event where she can bring friends then there is something wrong with her that makes her a waste of time.
01-27-2011 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Why would you ask for those names? To cross you off the list?
Where is your self-esteem?
I am pretty sure I am on that list, but I couldnt care less what some random guy thinks about me on the internet.
No, you weren't on that list. I mock you for thinking that you're more intelligent than you are, but since you don't post about your own life at all, I can't assess your thoughts on your own game.
