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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-18-2011 , 03:33 PM
Man card and expired condoms bin straight ahead
01-18-2011 , 03:40 PM
there's different stages of blackout. it's occasionally i lose control and don't remember anything for long periods of time. this happens more often when i get cross faded or add in rarer alcohol like tequila. you obviously pick and choose your battles for when this is acceptable.

the vast majority of the time you just forget bits and pieces and no one really notices. ilm and GCG are kind of **** out of luck now cuz trying to become experienced at it so late in their life risks looking completely stupid. everyone else got to go through it together when they were 17-18
01-18-2011 , 03:44 PM
Note: I'm ignoring everything posted before the quote I'm drawing from here.

Originally Posted by Slick Strawberry
I think the main problem problem is that the effort/reward ratio seems too high for the moment. Wading through heaps of inane chatter to 'connect' with someone that I generally don't care about afterward does not seem like such a great deal.
If you want to make friends, get a girlfriend, or get laid you need to at least pretend that you find people interesting. News flash: if you 'generally don't care' about the people with whom you're interacting and you let it show, you're not going to get anywhere. Thus you have two options: number one is begin to actually care about people, number two is become a good actor.

Don't ask me to be creative, I thrive on superdetailed instructions. I'm more looking for a 'say this exact line *insert line* to that girl'. That's what I want you to do, to fill in that line for me.
There is no prefabricated line that will not seem ******ed in a normal interaction with a normal person. There is no guidebook or database of 'lines to say' when it comes to relating to people; anyone who tells you there is is either ******ed or trying to sell you PUA books.

I really have a hard time understanding why people think relating to people requires creativity. It is the least creative thing in the world. It's not a black art. It is one of the easiest things in life to do successfully. The only reason people are bad at it is because they're so hopelessly narcissistic. If you step outside of yourself for a moment while you're talking to somebody you will find you become friends very quickly.

Focus on the person you're speaking to. Do not make prescriptive statements and avoid making statements in general. All you need to do is ask questions. Listen carefully to what the person in front of you is saying. Pick out some aspect of what they have said and ask a question about it--this furthers the line of conversation. When a given line of talk runs dry, pick out some aspect of that person's physical appearance and ask a question about that; or pick out an aspect of that person's behavior and ask a question about that (e.g. do you always drink X at parties?). Then draw more from what they say in reply and ask more questions.

Once your conversation is over you will have said almost nothing to your partner. But (s)he will feel like (s)he's just had the best conversation ever. People like talking about themselves because they know the subject matter. This ties into what I said about narcissism. A person will tend to judge a conversation as good/productive/fun if the conversation fed their ego. All you need to do to accomplish this is ask questions. It's basically delayed gratification. You are putting your own ego's needs on hold while you serve someone else's, with an eye towards a big future payoff.

The beauty of this is that you can build rapport without putting in any of that 'effort' you dread so much. As you build rapport the likelihood of you becoming more intimate with a person increases. It's amazing that all you really need to do to end up in bed with somebody is ask them questions. But it's true. You're leveling yourself if you think you need memorized lines or scripts to relate to somebody. It's easier than that.

Last edited by BadAtMeth; 01-18-2011 at 03:44 PM. Reason: added note.
01-18-2011 , 03:47 PM
going out more helps as well along with drinking.

I am loving the NBA pics ITT. keep it coming when its called upon
01-18-2011 , 03:53 PM
i made this yesterday for someone leveling in the fb thread. rare jordan pic so just gonna shamelessly drop it in here for jetto
01-18-2011 , 04:01 PM
lol gg i wasn't leveling.


which one would you rather tap? the one on the left or the one on the right?

cause gg loves plastic

re: getting blackout: i did it when i was like 17 and had a fun time, never drank that much again cause i had enough fun just getting wasted and remembering it all
01-18-2011 , 04:14 PM
i think the true meaning of blacking out is to wake up the next morning and be like 'wtf, how did i get home?' whether or not you remember it eventually is inconsequential, it's still a blackout.
01-18-2011 , 04:24 PM
As someone just learning to be more socially active/aware, I hate drinking too far beyond 4-5 drinks. Seems to be counter productive to my goals of actually relating to people when all I can do is slur every other word and walk in a zig-zag line. Maybe I'm just a lightweight though.
01-18-2011 , 04:25 PM
my best black out moment in 2010:
coming back to consciousness and realizing i'm banging a girl on the bathroom sink with the biggest boobs i've ever hookedup with

my worst blackout moment in 2010:
coming back to consciousness and realizing everyone's starring at me in silence because i just called a girl's vagina a beast

01-18-2011 , 04:33 PM
There has to be some kind of gray area with blackout. I often lose bits and pieces of my night, but I have a friend who frequently loses entire six hour chunks and I've never had that happened. There have been a rare couple of times when I totally lose the very end of my night, so I guess that's the closest I come.
01-18-2011 , 04:59 PM
Yeah I usually just lose memory of moments of conversations with people when I black out and usually forgot what I've said. Also when I get to the point of black out I usually end up puking at least once and don't even remember going to the bathroom to do so lol
01-18-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
i think the true meaning of blacking out is to wake up the next morning and be like 'wtf, how did i get home?' whether or not you remember it eventually is inconsequential, it's still a blackout.
Agree with this, and happens way too often for it to be good for my health.

So the general consensus for me is to just talk, ask questions and that there's no formula for it. Bleh. Guess I'll continue slugging at it like I've been trying so far, as that's what I've been doing up until now since that's the logical approach to the problem. Just hoped someone had the magical shortcut I've been missing, but apparently not.

Also, it's not a real problem for me to not fap anymore... Once a week before might've been a bit of an understatement tho.
I easily get rid of addictions as well however, maybe there's a correlation (not saying fapping is an addiction purely).
(Oh, and that black swan gif is superhot)
01-18-2011 , 05:03 PM
grunching a bit, but working out is the #1 way to deal with tons of depression and social anxiety problems. it' can be better than medication in all less-than-severe cases and is nearly essential in treating any case of depression. the chemical effects of it alone are phenomenal, but the body image/stress/social effects of it make it one of the prime "prescriptions" most doctors will give to deal with the disorder.

edit - saying "it's better than medication" as a generalization was probably silly of me, changed it.
01-18-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
grunching a bit, but working out is the #1 way to deal with tons of depression and social anxiety problems. it's better than medication in all less-than-severe cases and is nearly essential in treating any case of depression. the chemical effects of it alone are phenomenal, but the body image/stress/social effects of it make it one of the prime "prescriptions" most doctors will give to deal with the disorder.

Working out consistently is great for confidence. Sometimes I deal with anxiety and it seems the more I'm in the gym the less my anxiety creeps up.
01-18-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo

I don't know if "mature" is the right word. "Least controlled by hormones" might be correct but I don't necessarily think that implies mature.
Ignore that post, tbh. Not that I don't think that, but I don't even recall why it was made or the context it was made in. It's from months and months ago, so obviously my opinion could have changed. I dunno.

It's just another reason why this practice of pulling random posts from ages ago out of context then throwing them randomly in the middle of completely unrelated discussions continues to be extremely silly. (Unless the post has comedic value, of course, which it didn't here).
01-18-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Slick Strawberry
Also, it's not a real problem for me to not fap anymore... Once a week before might've been a bit of an understatement tho.
I easily get rid of addictions as well however, maybe there's a correlation (not saying fapping is an addiction purely).
I have been making an attempt at giving up fapping, to light a fire under my ass to go get laid. It is definitely not easy, but I've got it down to once a week or so.. which takes more willpower than I thought it would.
01-18-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
It's just another reason why this practice of pulling random posts from ages ago out of context then throwing them randomly in the middle of completely unrelated discussions continues to be extremely silly.
[ ] Random
01-18-2011 , 05:10 PM
Blackout definitely has different levels and depends on the person as well. Some people blackout easier than others etc.

Sometimes for me I lose like 2-3 hour gaps, but its rarely more than that. Basically every time I go out partying I get to the stage with "fuzzy memory" and remember just bits and pieces, typically until somebody brings up a specific thing and I can kinda remember that then.

My worst/best idk blackout moment was when I threw a party at my parents house.
I live in the country, but my parents were home so we were partying in spring outside, had pong table, bon fire, etc.

Everybody(75-100 people, not sure at the time, people come and go) was huddled around and then all the sudden my friend(idk who, I was blacked out 2ish hours prior to this, until this moment) told me the cops were here.
I screamed and told everybody to run etc, I ran and hid near my house(so I could hear what was going on), but passed out/continued w/ black out etc. and heard about a ton of **** in the morning I never knew.

Such as, more squad cars coming, 2 ambulances, me being on a huge pong winning streak, etc.

Fun times :P
01-18-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Be a man, drink more.
If you truly believe this statement you are literally too dumb to reason with.

I don't get blackout drunk for three main reasons.

(1) I did it one time and made some REALLY bad choices that night. I was fortunate that the relationship was already through at that point, but if the situation had been any different it would have been a huge error.

I hate putting myself in situations to make terrible decisions. Clearly, I'm 1/1 in making terrible decisions by drinking that much. So I don't do it

(2) I have to be productive on the weekends. Sure, I go out til 3 most Friday and Saturday nights. But as long as I have <13 units of alcohol (e.g. a beer/shot is one unit) my body can function the next day after 8 hours of sleep, some hydration, and a decent shower. If I'm up by 11 and being halfway productive by 1, that leaves me 8hrs to get **** done before going out again.

If I didn't have to maintain a 3.8+ to get into the PhD programs I want to get into, I would consider drinking more. Maybe in another lifetime where I have an IQ of 160 this will be possible. But you're ****ing crazy if you think I'm going to let hooking up with a few tri delts get in the way of that.

(3) I already put my body under enough stress. I lift 4 times/week, run 30 miles/week, and rock climb twice a week. The last thing by body needs is more stress.

I realize for many of you the above might not apply. Then by all means, drink until you drop dead. For me grades, fitness, and making good decisions are all way more important than getting *********. Instead, I drink enough to be outgoing and have fun but don't let it get in the way of my priorities.
01-18-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Operation Ivy
I have been making an attempt at giving up fapping, to light a fire under my ass to go get laid. It is definitely not easy, but I've got it down to once a week or so.. which takes more willpower than I thought it would.
Might not be the best idea, setting up an American Pie moment ldo
01-18-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
If you truly believe this statement you are literally too dumb to reason with.
was def. a joke lol
01-18-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
lol gg i got blackout one time and it ended in disaster. first off, it's not like

step 1: get blackout
step 2: ship teh pussy

second off, even it was, it's kinda lame to get really ****faced and do something awesome. i'd rather remember it. unless the girl is fat, and then i don't wanna remember it, but i don't wanna do it in the first place anyway. so yeah no reason to get blackout other than wasting your money and risking making any number of huge mistakes
GcG and I apparently have way more in common than I previously thought.
01-18-2011 , 05:20 PM
Yikes I think I might be an alcoholic

but srs I do enjoy pushing the limit when drinking sometimes.
01-18-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
was def. a joke lol
I'm very glad, just making sure.
01-18-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Might not be the best idea, setting up an American Pie moment ldo
That is prob a foregone conclusion as long as it's been for me. Cheap condoms are my only hope!
