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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-23-2011 , 11:10 PM
Begin countdown until CGR starts browsing the thread.
01-23-2011 , 11:11 PM
if you've hung out this much and nothing physical has happened and there isn't an outside variable causing nothing to happen unrelated to her attraction to you (a boyfriend, for example), then she probably thinks of you as a real super swell friend

also kick the **** out of your roommate
01-23-2011 , 11:29 PM
Karak, I'd normally agree with you 100% but there are a ton of small factors abrewing which is why everything is so stagnant, but I still think things could pick up.

ILM, I wouldn't even be surprised tbh.
01-23-2011 , 11:32 PM
sounds like youre too invested for NSA anyway so you should stop trying for that
01-23-2011 , 11:33 PM
ehh, I'm not 100% convinced.
It wouldn't be like NSA completely, I suppose.. we'd be "sex friends" [insert Ashton Kutcher reference here]
01-23-2011 , 11:42 PM
good luck with that

i mean the chances that 1 of you becomes involved more than the other and then inevitably hurt/whatever is pretty high when you are dancing on the line between **** buddies, friends w benefits, and a relationship
01-24-2011 , 12:00 AM
idk how so many people get in these weird "idk if we're friends or if she likes me" spots. you gotta actually hit on the girls. you don't have to be a creeper about it and come on strong but you have to occasionally slap an ass or something to let them know you're straight.

have you ever started being interested in a girl just because she showed interest in you? works both for girls and guys.
01-24-2011 , 12:06 AM
GG on the money

maybe we can be friends
01-24-2011 , 12:10 AM
I can't even tell you how surprised 99% of the people I know would be if they heard I smacked a girls butt.

I hit on plenty of girls but not in such a raw sexual sense. I'm much more of a flirt.
01-24-2011 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
GG on the money

maybe we can be friends
ello yeotawife
Originally Posted by il_martilo
I can't even tell you how surprised 99% of the people I know would be if they heard I smacked a girls butt.

I hit on plenty of girls but not in such a raw sexual sense. I'm much more of a flirt.
well you went to an all math major party so we live very different lives but it's a win-win to do stuff like that. girl is happy because she just got the majority of the attention in the room and works out for you because all the girls just saw you smack a girls ass.
01-24-2011 , 12:30 AM
the point was that you have to do something at least
01-24-2011 , 12:48 AM
i don t mean to lurk the last page but I heard someone give a shoutout to the state of PA ( or at least that's what i thought)

that s whats up
01-24-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
ello yeotawife

well you went to an all math major party so we live very different lives but it's a win-win to do stuff like that. girl is happy because she just got the majority of the attention in the room and works out for you because all the girls just saw you smack a girls ass.
LOL no you misread something, I was most certainly the only person from my major at that party. I think I'm the only person from my major that has even gone out this year. The hostesses of the party all study primary ed.

And eh, I'm not quite convinced. I guess you eliminate the chance she thinks you're gay but I tend to avoid all-or-nothing plays like that.
01-24-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
So CGR and I have been hanging out a lot recently, and she keeps bringing up stories of like how people ask her if shes dating me, for whatever reason.

I think its weird, but kind of weirder that she brings it up, but maybe not...
I can't tell if you're playing stupid on purpose to draw us into telling you what you already know (that she likes you) or if you actually don't get it. Either way, it's completely 100% obvious from what you've posted that she likes you and wants you to date her.

Meanwhile, I saw FG tonight...


I am so ****ing frustrated right now. She has been back for two weeks and we haven't even kissed. We've hung out only three times cause she works pretty much all day. Every time we do hang out she just talks and talks and talks and it's so boring. She just says how stressed she is and how much work she has to do, and every ****ing day is the most stressful day for her. The lack of sex is making me resent her.

On the other hand, she is always very nice to me and doesn't ask for much at all. It's not worth talking to her about it because it's pretty much a freeroll anyway. I don't feel that we're exclusive, I don't have to buy her things or take her on dates. I do get really bored listening to her drone on, but then I usually hang out with her when nothing else is going on anyway.

With my ex, when she stopped having sex as often, I completely stopped putting in effort, and I later wished that I would have been more patient and kept putting in effort. So that's what I did with FG last semester - took her out to cool places and did fun activities. It didn't really make a difference. She just rarely wants to have any physical contact. But then when she does it's fantastic sex.

My plan is to just keep doing what I'm doing. When we hang out, I usually get the vibe that it's on or not on pretty quickly, and if it's not on I don't hang out with her longer than an hour or two. Even if it's only a few times a month, some sex with an attractive foreign girl is better than no sex with an attractive foreign girl.

I do plan to drop her as soon as I find someone better. We've talked about sex before and agreed that once a day was a good amount; thus the fact that we do it like once every two weeks is a complete joke. [vent/]

Also, the girl from the other night (that I walked home) that I really liked messaged me back. We're getting together sometime this week!
01-24-2011 , 02:41 AM
GCG, I pretty much went through exactly that with my ex the last couple of months before I broke it off this week. I feel your pain.

Honestly, being completely biased because of my situation, I feel there's a good chance she may want you to take the initiative and end the relationship.

My work place is fun. My newly minted ex, the girl I dated before her, and a girl I was NSA with for some time (which ultimately failed miserably) all worked together with me tonight. I was going to sit and eat with the older ex and couple of mutual friends until my buddy informs me that my new ex also plans on joining us so I decided to dip out. Me and new ex haven't talked at about us at all anymore but it's been completely friendly thus far.
01-24-2011 , 02:45 AM
Goodluck GCG.

And I think there's a decent chance you're right, but I also think the situation is more complicated and not sure if she'd actually date me, even if she wanted to.
I really don't know if I want to.
01-24-2011 , 02:46 AM
Also, I think if you guys are basing the reasons to stay in or out of relationships upon how often you're getting laid then I really hope you're not looking for a long term thing anyways cause I feel thats the wrong approach.
01-24-2011 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Also, I think if you guys are basing the reasons to stay in or out of relationships upon how often you're getting laid then I really hope you're not looking for a long term thing anyways cause I feel thats the wrong approach.
Me personally...

When it comes down to it, I'm not looking for a long term relationship and I have no desire to get married or have kids for 5, much closer to 10 years from now. I would definitely like to have kids eventually, but the current me is completely content with never getting married.

And with regards to my situation with the ex, the drop off in sexual frequency wasn't an isolated issue, rather it was likely a symptom/side-effect of a much larger problem with her or between us.

I'm in my early 20's and there's absolutely no impetus to be stuck in a relationship where I'm not really that happy when I would be immediately happy by simply being out of the relationship. Whether or not the girl involved or anyone else likes it or not, sexual satisfaction is very highly correlated with my overall satisfaction in any relationship I might find myself in these days. I'd argue that the sex is even more important if I'm considering a girl as long term potential.
01-24-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I feel there's a good chance she may want you to take the initiative and end the relationship.
If she is, she is certainly doing a good job.

Step 1: Cut off sex completely.
Step 2: Talk about boring **** all the ****ing time.
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: Profit.

She can't lose.

Originally Posted by Christophersen
Also, I think if you guys are basing the reasons to stay in or out of relationships upon how often you're getting laid then I really hope you're not looking for a long term thing anyways cause I feel thats the wrong approach.
To varying degrees it's always important. With a girl like FG that I see no long term potential with, it's really the only part of the relationship that matters. When we're not having sex it's pretty meh. Since I have to give up almost nothing, it's not really worth cutting it off for those few awesome lays every once in a while.

With a long term girl, how often you get laid is still important though. So with this kind of girl you actually like her personality and enjoy spending time with her, but long term means standards are quite a bit higher than some girl that just passes through your life. It would suck to be having sex only once a week or less for an extended period of time. I think I'd need to be doing it more often than that in order to commit to one girl and think long term with her.
01-24-2011 , 04:56 AM

that girl is so into you, it's not even funny.
I dont even get what your problem is. I would either proceed with her and escalate or cut off contact, but what you are doing right now seems so weird to me. It's even weirder that she would stick around for so long and put up with that BS.
The whole situation is like teenagers dating.

You think you are just good friends when she leaves at 5am because she is too horny?
01-24-2011 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Also, I think if you guys are basing the reasons to stay in or out of relationships upon how often you're getting laid then I really hope you're not looking for a long term thing anyways cause I feel thats the wrong approach.
Sex is very important and lack of sexual compatibility is a deal-breaker. This is true with respect to both frequency and the nature of the sexual activity. People who are not sexually compatible will never be happy once the initial honeymoon phase passes. You are better off just breaking up. That being said often the problem is not sexual incompatibility so much as the guy not doing the things required to get the results desired.
01-24-2011 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious

that girl is so into you, it's not even funny.
I dont even get what your problem is. I would either proceed with her and escalate or cut off contact, but what you are doing right now seems so weird to me. It's even weirder that she would stick around for so long and put up with that BS.
The whole situation is like teenagers dating.

You think you are just good friends when she leaves at 5am because she is too horny?
Yes, this.
01-24-2011 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious

that girl is so into you, it's not even funny.
I dont even get what your problem is. I would either proceed with her and escalate or cut off contact, but what you are doing right now seems so weird to me. It's even weirder that she would stick around for so long and put up with that BS.
The whole situation is like teenagers dating.

You think you are just good friends when she leaves at 5am because she is too horny?
That night she left I was too drunk to know what the hell was happening. I was basically passed out and then all the sudden that happened I had no clue what initiated it.

I definitely think I'll have to make some sort of decision soon though with regards to this entire situation
01-24-2011 , 11:31 AM
Anybody have any experience with flavored condoms? My roommate and I are having a debate. I led off by saying that they seem ******ed in theory. No chick can smell with her coot and I have nor will ever put a condom on to get blown. His argument isn't necessarily that she needs to taste it, but that the novelty of the flavored condom is enough to get a girl curious, thus getting you laid more often.

Just an FYI, my roommate's girlfriend won't eat bananas anymore and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this very subject, so take his argument w/ a grain of salt imo
01-24-2011 , 11:43 AM
So last week I promised to write a TR (or drunken ragepost) about my week of going out. In the end I only went out 3 days (they cancelled one party about 3 hours before it started... who does that?) and nothing really special happened so I didn't post yet. Got some bored downtime at work now though, so I decided 'hey, why not write a boring TR for SL".

Day 1 was with a buddy of mine, we pregamed a bit in a bar where we basically knew everyone. Chatted a bit with some people just to get in the mood. Talked with some girl I really can't stand, but in a way I'm still attracted. (Kinda like this bit around 1:00.) Anyways, we were feeling good, and at midnight it kind of started to die down so just after we went to the party. Were about 150 people there, of which I knew roughly 120 beforehand, and it's a place I come really often, so I felt super at ease and on my game. Also had a prop with me that made initiating interaction extremely easy. (Yes, easier even that just saying 'hi'.) So basically this was my optimal environment, and that makes me feel good and lots more confident so much more social

So obviously I try to exploit those advantages. Talked with lots of people, got introduced to some people I didn't know yet, etc. Problem though, my friend completely shut down, I don't know what got into him. He said he tried to talk with some people but they completely ignored him (I find that somewhat hard to believe, but ok) so I introduced him to a few people (both girls and guys) to somewhat try to get rid of him while still making him have a good time, but it didn't work. They would either revert back to talking to me or just go talk to someone else. That sucked, because I don't want to leave him standing around alone, partly because that's a dick move to your friend and also because it reflects poorly on me. Even when I was grinding with some randoms he was just standing around alone somewhat creepily. Normally he never does this and is quite social, much more so than me usually. As I said before, didn't want to ditch him just to grind some randoms (unless they're superhot but alas, these were not).
Still had lots and lots of fun though, just no real shot at anything girlwise. Talked to a lot of people so I still classified it as a good night.

The day after I had dinner with one of my friends, some of his girls that live in his dorm corridor were at the party as well and were blabbing about it, and one of them was hardcore flirting with me. (Can't think of a good abbreviation for her, the good ones I can think of are either in use or would refer to regular posters...) Chances are the thread will hear more about her (I'd hope so )

Day 2 and 3 were at a mix between a bar and a club where I come somewhat often with two of my other friends. Day 2 was superbusy, around 500 people there when there's usually 200-250 maximum. Talked only with 2 or 3 girls but my game was rather weak that night, so they weren't really interested. At the end I even thought I creeped out this DJ girl, because the conversation got somewhat awkward so I just walked away. Still fun, the music was really good. Also, this bar has the hottest waitress ever, like a 10 for my taste. Too bad she's always working and never just there to party.

Day 3 same place and friends as day 2. When we just got in DJ girl from day 2 left, but she came to talk to me a bit before she went. Apparently didn't creep her out that much and she seemed happy to see me, but she still went home.
Much less people there compared to day 2, but guy:girl ratio of about 1:3 I'd guess. Didn't really talk to new people sadly enough. Had some intense eyecontact with one girl who basically invited me over with that but I chickened out. She looked out of my league as well but that was probably me psyching myself out. She obv didn't look at me anymore after that. (And then just before I fell asleep I thought of the perfect opening, super frustrating.) One other girl did come up to me after locking eyes with me, however with the message 'That's my fiance over there!'. I shrug it off and she goes back to him. Few minutes later, comes up to me 'HE IS MY FIANCE! I can't go home with you...' Bat-**** crazy, I just look at her and she comes to tell me that. Whatever, we had a good laugh about it

That was my week of going out, not much happened but I still managed to fluff it up to a long post. Hope you enjoy reading it.
