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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

05-13-2010 , 09:11 PM
When Martilo declares game over, it just makes me think the end result is so certain. It's like:

(Yes, I realize that your "game over" is still contingent on something.)
05-13-2010 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
When Martilo declares game over, it just makes me think the end result is so certain. It's like:

(Yes, I realize that your "game over" is still contingent on something.)
I mean worst case scenario is I have to ask her to coffee or something in front of a dude she's friends with or over facebook. Is that sub-optimal? Sure, majorly. On the other hand if she says no I'll never see her again since we go to school 8 hours apart and that's that. Sounds like a freeroll IMO.

But God help this girl if we go out, even once. I'm going to charm the **** out of her.
05-13-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
But God help this girl if we go out, even once. I'm going to charm the **** out of her.
Not even gonna lie. I would hire you to be my own personal Cyrano de Bergerac.
05-13-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Not even gonna lie. I would hire you to be my own personal Cyrano de Bergerac.
Let's hope both of our plans work out.
05-13-2010 , 11:11 PM
Haha, who knows. You might have one-itis more than I do at this particular point in time. I like this girl, but I'm mostly maintaining a shrug in her general direction. Let's hope that's because of genuine aloofness rather than my losing streak getting to me.

Edit: This thread has clearly made me a big believer in avoiding one-itis. I was texting another girl from my class earlier tonight largely just to keep my attention divided in multiple directions.

Last edited by LKJ; 05-13-2010 at 11:17 PM.
05-13-2010 , 11:58 PM
bromances being made itt
05-14-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
bromances being made itt
Haha. That Cyrano line is kind of awkward in retrospect. I was just trying to be funny when I wrote it. Even Mitch Hedberg flopped now and then...
05-14-2010 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
From there it'd be game over because we have a ton in common that she doesn't know about.
that's not weird.
05-14-2010 , 12:59 AM
05-14-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
damn wish you would have said "i'm not dumb" so i could respond with "lol right". my internet persona isn't the same as my irl persona. the point of this thread for me is to discuss things i would never talk about irl

i.e. poker, how i think majority of people are insecure

i just said that girls are more insecure than guys because they get things in life based on looks more than guys. i even said using the term as a blanket statement was wrong, i did it more for shock value and to prove a point, but you guys are just being nits

in other news:
got drunk as **** last night, just wokeup naked under a huge pile of clothes w/CRC laying next to me, but i don't remember her coming over...

and as far as me i've been ignoring my phone since monday or tuesday. i haven't been in the mood to talk with girls like i usually do. instead i've been trying to increase my poker volume
I'm not dumb. I'm actually quite intelligent. There, I offered you your opportunity. You will be incorrect, however. I do find that your natural reaction is to insult the person and his intelligence rather than addressing what you truly disagree with, his views, is quite telling and revealing of you and your personality.

It is amusing that you continually analyze my assertions in the vacuum of your recent posts rather than the much more reasonable parameters of the entirety of your posting history. However, if that makes you feel better and/or you have come to the maturity/experience to realize the error in your previous ways and simply cannot admit it, then that is fine.

The fact of the matter is you are 19 and have a different perspective, for better or worse, on the world than LKJ or I do and look at it through a less jaded, purer lens or, perhaps, from an angle of inexperience or simple youthful indifference. It depends on your perspective.

Of course, the same analysis applies when comparing/contrasting LKJ/me to others of older or different experiences.

Last edited by Karak; 05-14-2010 at 01:09 AM. Reason: if anyone reads this as anything more than retaliatory needling, get a new level-o-meter
05-14-2010 , 01:07 AM
05-14-2010 , 01:14 AM
please see my edit note im obv just ****ing with him at this point

(although through all of that my comment that his natural reaction is to insult intelligence is extremely revealing stands... whenever people do that in the middle of a disagreement it's the biggest spew that they are reeling and their argument is about to run out of steam)
05-14-2010 , 01:16 AM
back to not trying to post like a complete snob/******* (keyword: trying... it's not as authentic when im putting extreme effort into it):

was out on a "date" (quotes indicate the potential ABSENCE of a thinly veiled brag in all of this) with a girl tonight and she got a text message... i joked around and said i would answer it and she said go ahead. i picked it up and it was her ex-boyfriend texting her. she and i then sat there and laughed about the fact that he was still trying to get back together with her and was now texting her while she was on a date with another guy.

dont. be. that. guy.

if you get broken up with... let it go!!! (and it won't come back, contrary to what that popular quote says)
05-14-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
please see my edit note im obv just ****ing with him at this point

(although through all of that my comment that his natural reaction is to insult intelligence is extremely revealing stands... whenever people do that in the middle of a disagreement it's the biggest spew that they are reeling and their argument is about to run out of steam)
Obviously I agree with you on most/all of this, but I just don't see any value in continuing the fight. For that kid to call us dumb is the most patently absurd insult possible and it became a clear signal that it'd be just as well to let it roll off. When your opponent clearly prices you in to draw, then you hit, then he pays you, at which point he starts calling you a it really worth arguing with him? Because that's all it seems is going on here.

Originally Posted by Karak
back to not trying to post like a complete snob/******* (keyword: trying... it's not as authentic when im putting extreme effort into it):

was out on a "date" (quotes indicate the potential ABSENCE of a thinly veiled brag in all of this) with a girl tonight and she got a text message... i joked around and said i would answer it and she said go ahead. i picked it up and it was her ex-boyfriend texting her. she and i then sat there and laughed about the fact that he was still trying to get back together with her and was now texting her while she was on a date with another guy.

dont. be. that. guy.

if you get broken up with... let it go!!! (and it won't come back, contrary to what that popular quote says)
I know you guard your personal info, and totally understand, but let me ask this in general terms just for purposes of following your stories...

Are you in the same city your 1L law school was in? Or have you moved elsewhere? Just didn't know if any of the same characters from the past were nearby now.
05-14-2010 , 01:39 AM
BG is the girl in that story... im still in the area for now. dunno where i'll be next year.

i actually had a really long conversation with A at a bar the other night and decided "**** it. i'm leaving and there's **** i want to know" and just point blank asked her a bunch of questions about all the situations from before and got some fairly honest answers from her. i may actually write that up because it ties together a lot of the loose ends from a lot of the **** we were like "WHAT THE ****? WHAT THE ****?" about on here when discussing it.

also B is on a mission to either date seriously or **** (but not both... she doesnt **** the guys she tries to date seriously it's so... confusing sometimes) every single guy in her expanded law school social circle. it's getting to the point of where she's becoming a bit of a laughingstock for it which is actually sort of sad when you look at her personality (extremely low self-esteem and self-respect... she really needs to deal with some issues rather than trying to fill the gaps with relationships or (not and, notice) sex)

edit: also to respond to your first point... you're right, obviously, but one of my personal flaws is i cant help but try and get the last word in and cannot keep my mouth shut sometimes. temperance is not a gift i have in situations like this, esp on the internet. (for some reason i do a much, much better job of controlling my words/emotions IRL... i think not looking people in the eye makes it so much easier to just let **** fly and/or let **** get to you)
05-14-2010 , 02:25 AM
so when are you and BG getting married
05-14-2010 , 03:09 AM
pot, kettle. kettle, this is pot.
05-14-2010 , 03:13 AM
its ok for me to be married im not in denial
05-14-2010 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
so when are you and BG getting married
kinda drunk right now but this post made me want to type out some things

tbh the situation with BG is a problem. i really like her. im fairly sure (lol ok certainly sure) she really likes me. both of us are completely aware (and we've actually discussed this) that a relationship between she and me could never work out for 283482384283 different reasons.

how do i exit this situation? what do i do now?

i dont even know. there's no way i pursue it any further without getting emotionally invested... but im already emotionally invested now. a LT/committed relationship is simply not an option. just stopping it now is weird... what do i do? yeah i know we see each other all the time and talk more or less 24/7 and live in the same area... but it needs to end? ...what needs to end?

BG is a lot more than i ever expected she would be. she's actually a lot smarter than she ever seemed to be, and her personality is, (in kind of a sick, scary way), quite similar to mine while, at at the same time, she's a different person. i dunno. i mean it's so ****ing weird... it's to the point where we say the exact same **** simultaneously in conversation and complete each others sentences. i mean seriously... what the ****? we couldnt possibly talk more. i wake up every morning to a text or im from her saying good morning or whats up. we havent gone a day without talking all day long. she's texting or iming or calling me all the time. we go out 3-4 times a week. yet we arent boyfriend/girlfriend and neither of us wants to be bf/gf and we've made that celar.

we arent committed and neither of us expect the other to be, of course. but how do i leave this situation without getting hurt or hurting her? i dont even know what to do. it's a really ****ty spot. i 3bet the flop without knowing what to do when villain (villain in this scenario being life) donk shoves the turn... sick thing is i knew villain would donk shove the turn and i knew i'd be lost. **** me for making this into a poker analogy.

and **** that 12 % alcohol by volume beer i just had 4 of while watching the pacific on HBO (and it was the episode with all the romance and starcrossed lovers so it didnt help much)




man this is like when you read the situation entirely right... know the right move and do the other thing anyways and find yourself in a ****ty spot. ****. ****. ****.

im drunk right now so im going to go ahead and reserve the right to retract anything i said in a moment of emotional/inebreiatorial (yeah i made that word up just now so what) ****
05-14-2010 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
over/under 2 weeks for karant about BG
Originally Posted by karak
kinda drunk right now but this post made me want to type out some things

tbh the situation with BG is a problem. i really like her. im fairly sure (lol ok certainly sure) she really likes me. both of us are completely aware (and we've actually discussed this) that a relationship between she and me could never work out for 283482384283 different reasons.

how do i exit this situation? what do i do now?

i dont even know. there's no way i pursue it any further without getting emotionally invested... but im already emotionally invested now. a LT/committed relationship is simply not an option. just stopping it now is weird... what do i do? yeah i know we see each other all the time and talk more or less 24/7 and live in the same area... but it needs to end? ...what needs to end?

BG is a lot more than i ever expected she would be. she's actually a lot smarter than she ever seemed to be, and her personality is, (in kind of a sick, scary way), quite similar to mine while, at at the same time, she's a different person. i dunno. i mean it's so ****ing weird... it's to the point where we say the exact same **** simultaneously in conversation and complete each others sentences. i mean seriously... what the ****? we couldnt possibly talk more. i wake up every morning to a text or im from her saying good morning or whats up. we havent gone a day without talking all day long. she's texting or iming or calling me all the time. we go out 3-4 times a week. yet we arent boyfriend/girlfriend and neither of us wants to be bf/gf and we've made that celar.

we arent committed and neither of us expect the other to be, of course. but how do i leave this situation without getting hurt or hurting her? i dont even know what to do. it's a really ****ty spot. i 3bet the flop without knowing what to do when villain (villain in this scenario being life) donk shoves the turn... sick thing is i knew villain would donk shove the turn and i knew i'd be lost. **** me for making this into a poker analogy.

and **** that 12 % alcohol by volume beer i just had 4 of while watching the pacific on HBO (and it was the episode with all the romance and starcrossed lovers so it didnt help much)




man this is like when you read the situation entirely right... know the right move and do the other thing anyways and find yourself in a ****ty spot. ****. ****. ****.

im drunk right now so im going to go ahead and reserve the right to retract anything i said in a moment of emotional/inebreiatorial (yeah i made that word up just now so what) ****

also, why cant you date. i dont wanna start making gay movie cliches but seriously, if you both like each other and you talk all the time, you fool around. you fight and make up, and youve basically been in a relationship, why cant you just do it already?
05-14-2010 , 03:59 AM
^ basically this, people overcomplicate things in life wayyyyyyyyyy too much.
05-14-2010 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU

also, why cant you date. i dont wanna start making gay movie cliches but seriously, if you both like each other and you talk all the time, you fool around. you fight and make up, and youve basically been in a relationship, why cant you just do it already?
cause it's a bad ****ing idea for al ot of reasons

and she doesnt want to do go there and neither do i

she and i might have a lot of fun together and enjoy each other and love talking to each other... but that doesn't make us compatible in a relationship situation and both of us are aware of that. to an extent it's almost like we are using each other (although i question that)... im in an odd spot in my life... came out of my last relationship a year ago which i thought would end in marriage (and didnt) and am moving all over the country trying to figure out what the **** i want to do with my life and where i wanna work and quite frankly am nearing the end of the transition from kid to adult

she, on the other hand, is emerging from "teen years" to "young adult years"... is just out of a ****ty, ****ing terrible relationship and is in the process of "finding herself" (terrible term but i dunno how else to put it)

both of us are in "lost" areas of our life and found a kindred soul... but in the long run it couldnt work out. if she's infuriated meat times when we arent dating, then she's definitely not going to be compatible while dating.

but the emotional investment is still there and that's the ****ing problem arghhh

it's possible for 2 people to get along great and love spending time with each other be still be incompatible in a relationship (see: US divorce rate), but the emotional garbage **** is still there

[also: the gap in maturity would be a serious issue. the fact remains she is 19 and would treat a relationship as a 19-year-old would. when we are casual, flirty and just ****ing around it's one thing... but in a relationsihp it would be on another level. i, at nearly 24, cant really expect her to act as anything more than 19 and she would likely follow suit causing friction. yeah a 5 year age gap is nothing in your 20s... but 19-24? i'm just asking for trouble in any committed situation]
05-14-2010 , 04:05 AM
just because you enter a relationship doesnt mean you have to get married eventually

whether you have a title or not, youre in a relationship. you might as well make it official to prevent one of you from being hurt.

not everything in life is perfect. you are 24 ffs if you like spending time with her it would be stupid to not be in a relationship because of your perceptions of a 19 year old.
05-14-2010 , 04:09 AM
even if i wanted to, she wouldnt do it, so it doesn't matter.

and doing that would shut me off from looking for anything more serious or long term. i just think if 2 people know they are incompatible, they shouldn't date. i know some people getting married who ignored that. im not going into family law, but i can probably refer them to one of my friends 5 years or so from now. (ok ok that's a little dramatic0

Last edited by Karak; 05-14-2010 at 04:10 AM. Reason: **** im drunk
05-14-2010 , 04:16 AM
sorry to continue the horrible poker analogies but im really pretty drunk (have i said this enough times?) so i dont really care

my newest thing in poker recently is that when i find myself lost and/or in a very marginal situation and cant figure out what to do... i just fold and then analyze the hand later after my session so i know better for next time. i feel like folding (as david sklansky put it) is never more than a marginal mistake, while calling/raising/shoving can be huge mistakes in the long run.

so i feel like i should fold here, but i just dont think i can. ive grown pretty attached to my AK of spades... they're such pretty looking hole cards

