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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

05-11-2010 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
fml, a girl i wanted to go out with just gave me the " i dont want a bf now" line, What makes it worse is that she hinted it on facebook chat. Oh well i shipped a 27 man today so im not too pissed off lol
I wish shipping 27 men made my day....You must enjoy the little things in life
05-11-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Terribad poker analogy time:

Knowing whether to valuebet $40 versus $60 on the river in a given spot is not going to be the difference between crushing poker and losing your lunch money. But, making the right move in this (or any) situation still has a certain EV associated with it, and we have to make the most +EV moves in as many situations as possible to put together a winning strategy, because those little bits of EV add up over time.
the analogy is decent but i think things like waiting 3 days, etc add up on a completely subconscious level and can make or break.
05-11-2010 , 08:36 PM
I don't think there is much difference between two or three days to be honest. Continuing with the lolpoker analogy you've got the basics right, ie betting for value instead of checking behind.

MiniTR. met a girl on my course on a night out. All my friends thought she was into me as she kept on running into me in the club and supposedly was looking over for me quite often. I of course didn't notice any of this due to me being useless at detecting interest as per usual. Didn't pursue it as she is a 'not sure if I want' kind of girl both in looks and personality..

I'm cutting out the chasing after wimminz in my life at the moment, exams coming up from next week until 4th june. Minimal alcomohol and lots of gym to get ready for a week in Majorca is the plan. Hopefully I'll be able to provide an actual TR with content for once.
05-12-2010 , 12:16 AM
Ew @ Percy Harvin jersey. **** Florida.

lol @ GG quoting my text from CRC. TR is coming up, but I have a virus on my computer (on my buddy's laptop aorn) and I'll get it up soon.

05-12-2010 , 12:18 AM
pose: naked, rear view, "hi yeota" written on butt cheeks
05-12-2010 , 12:25 AM
pose: fully clothed, burka, everything but eyes covered. sign: i zugzwang and allah
05-12-2010 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Shes celine dion and they are getting married iirc.
celine dion is my former fling.
05-12-2010 , 02:35 AM
Where the **** is our epic TR Vintage?
05-12-2010 , 03:08 AM
An almost Karak-esque cocktease.
05-12-2010 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I wish shipping 27 men made my day....You must enjoy the little things in life
Ive been running bad lately so it made my day. do you have a problem with that?
05-12-2010 , 09:57 AM
fwiw thats more of a diss on himself, not you
05-12-2010 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
Ive been running bad lately so it made my day. do you have a problem with that?
05-12-2010 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
+1, in fact I'm not sure he ever gave us his story with her to begin with.
met her like a week after blowing things with A, and 2 weeks before meeting B. instantly fell in love because even though shes ~6.5 and an inch taller than me she is amazing at soccer. there was still a relatively large culture gap though, and we didnt really talk a whole lot outside of soccer.

she was on the backburner for a while because things WERE going great with B plus B was way hot and i have historically based too many decisions on girls by thinking what other ppl would think about me and the girl hooking up/dating. maybe a month later right before spring break, a day or 2 after i had the epic text fail with B, C got my number from her friend. post-spring break she would text me randomly (no joke i was surprised pretty much every time i saw i had a text and that it was from her.. to this point, there had been absolutely 0 signs of any attraction on her part)

her and friend came to watch our final soccer game, and after we lost that everyone decided to go drink at one of the players houses, i told her and friend to come which was the first time we had hung out outside of soccer. went well, she doesnt drink at all though so meh.

that was a thursday, we hung out a couple times over the next weekend and things went pretty well.. even though some DB at the pub kept hitting on her during the barca-madrid game she would keep coming back and talking to me which was when i concluded that there was in fact attraction.

since then we have hung out a bunch 1 on 1.. its just that lifetime ive only made a move when both ppl were sober once. every single other time has been either the girl getting tired of waiting and doing something herself, or us both being really drunk and me doing it, so im lost.
05-12-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by zugzwang83
met her like a week after blowing things with A, and 2 weeks before meeting B. instantly fell in love because even though shes ~6.5 and an inch taller than me she is amazing at soccer. there was still a relatively large culture gap though, and we didnt really talk a whole lot outside of soccer.

she was on the backburner for a while because things WERE going great with B plus B was way hot and i have historically based too many decisions on girls by thinking what other ppl would think about me and the girl hooking up/dating. maybe a month later right before spring break, a day or 2 after i had the epic text fail with B, C got my number from her friend. post-spring break she would text me randomly (no joke i was surprised pretty much every time i saw i had a text and that it was from her.. to this point, there had been absolutely 0 signs of any attraction on her part)

her and friend came to watch our final soccer game, and after we lost that everyone decided to go drink at one of the players houses, i told her and friend to come which was the first time we had hung out outside of soccer. went well, she doesnt drink at all though so meh.

that was a thursday, we hung out a couple times over the next weekend and things went pretty well.. even though some DB at the pub kept hitting on her during the barca-madrid game she would keep coming back and talking to me which was when i concluded that there was in fact attraction.

since then we have hung out a bunch 1 on 1.. its just that lifetime ive only made a move when both ppl were sober once. every single other time has been either the girl getting tired of waiting and doing something herself, or us both being really drunk and me doing it, so im lost.
So you guys hang out at lot and they are date-ish scenarios (e.g. watching the Real Madrid game together, **** Barca btw) but not explicitly so it's a little tough?

This sounds like a perfect time for the "hey let's do random outdoor local activity" here line which will help you knock down the touch barrier a little.
05-12-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by zugzwang83
met her like a week after blowing things with A, and 2 weeks before meeting B. instantly fell in love because even though shes ~6.5 and an inch taller than me she is amazing at soccer. there was still a relatively large culture gap though, and we didnt really talk a whole lot outside of soccer.

she was on the backburner for a while because things WERE going great with B plus B was way hot and i have historically based too many decisions on girls by thinking what other ppl would think about me and the girl hooking up/dating. maybe a month later right before spring break, a day or 2 after i had the epic text fail with B, C got my number from her friend. post-spring break she would text me randomly (no joke i was surprised pretty much every time i saw i had a text and that it was from her.. to this point, there had been absolutely 0 signs of any attraction on her part)

her and friend came to watch our final soccer game, and after we lost that everyone decided to go drink at one of the players houses, i told her and friend to come which was the first time we had hung out outside of soccer. went well, she doesnt drink at all though so meh.

that was a thursday, we hung out a couple times over the next weekend and things went pretty well.. even though some DB at the pub kept hitting on her during the barca-madrid game she would keep coming back and talking to me which was when i concluded that there was in fact attraction.

since then we have hung out a bunch 1 on 1.. its just that lifetime ive only made a move when both ppl were sober once. every single other time has been either the girl getting tired of waiting and doing something herself, or us both being really drunk and me doing it, so im lost.
you obviously know your problem and you know that its time to make a move. seems like she is gonna be receptive to it, so i would suggest doing something before she thinks you arent interested in her. her not drinking could make it awkward but it shouldnt be hard to make a move if the two of you watch a movie sober together.

edit: or you could ask her to a real date that she wont think is anything but a real date.

Originally Posted by il_martilo
For the in-class PUA's around here how should I approach the following situation? Cliffs at the bottom LDO.

I'm taking a summer class at a different uni than my own and it's a really intense 4 hours a day class that only goes for 3 weeks. Beyond that, it's a Philosophy course dealing with Ethics and sex, so we do a lot of open discussions about social interactions and TBH discuss a lot of the same topics we discuss here. I'm unfortunately really interested in it.

To the point, one of the girls in the class is really cute. I'm in a slightly odd position because the other 15 or so students go to this uni full time while I don't. Given that it's a small school, they all already know each other and I'm kinda having to break into the crowd a little bit. What is helping me is that the class is a kind of open-circle discussion for most of the time, and that makes some indirect interaction possible. If nothing less I'm pretty well spoken so she can see I'm not a tard. I've had little difficult leaving a good general impression with everyone, but developing any depth will be difficult.

Two things are hurting me. (1) The prof broke us apart into small groups which are going to be constant throughout the class. We stay in these probably 45 mins a day, and not being in hers is a problem. However, from what I can tell she is friends with the dude sitting next to me and we're becoming reasonably tight. (2) Aside from the ten minute break in class and walking out, there's almost no time for me to get my foot solidly in the door. She sits generally on the same side of the room as me, so we have had a few short exchanges but obviously nothing substantial. I pulled an awesome "that's what she said" on professor which she laughed at today.

Studying for the midterm or something seems like a pretty obvious line but doing so would require me asking tomorrow and there's NO way that's happening. My birthday is the weekend after the class ends so I have a perfectly good event to invite her to if I can build enough of an acquaitanceship over the next two weeks. The problem is getting to that point.

-- ILM is taking a summer class at a different uni for 3 weeks.
-- There is a fly honey in the class
-- There's not really any partner work and it's an open-forum class, so sitting next to her isn't really possible. I suppose I could sit in her area and leave it to her to sit next to me, but I'd prefer not to do that.
-- ILM is not good at picking up girls from class and does not want to pull a TML.
i would ask her or her "guy friend" if there are any parties or something going on since you dont go there. preferably ask her if you get a good chance, but if you cant get in a conversation with her where that will come up id ask the guy in your group. something along the lines of "is anything going on this weekend since the midterm is over?".

hopefully she would be there and you could do your thing from there. if not, you are gonna try to build a rapport with her in class and maybe ask her if there are any good places to eat/ if she could show you around/ etc since you dont go there.
05-12-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
So you guys hang out at lot and they are date-ish scenarios (e.g. watching the Real Madrid game together, **** Barca btw) but not explicitly so it's a little tough?

This sounds like a perfect time for the "hey let's do random outdoor local activity" here line which will help you knock down the touch barrier a little.
well the touch barrier has definitely been shattered. other than the times we have hung out at her place or here, we have:
played lots of 1 on 1 soccer
tennis + food after a cpl times
swimming at the uni pool
wakeboarding at the lake
late night dinner a few times during finals for study break

my bday is tmw though so im feeling hopeful that i can go get drunk at the pub with the boys early in the day and then go see her afterwards

haha and yeah i love messi but fkkkkk barca. such a bunch of racist entitled crybabies. absolutely hate seeing them win.

Originally Posted by yeota
you obviously know your problem and you know that its time to make a move. seems like she is gonna be receptive to it, so i would suggest doing something before she thinks you arent interested in her. her not drinking could make it awkward but it shouldnt be hard to make a move if the two of you watch a movie sober together.

edit: or you could ask her to a real date that she wont think is anything but a real date.
haha yeah i keep replaying Henry17 in my head saying "wtf have you not kissed her yet, she is going to think you are gay"
tonite or tmrw im doing something. might take a foray back into the drug world but i WILL be posting a success TR
05-12-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
edit: or you could ask her to a real date that she wont think is anything but a real date.
I presume you mean accomplishing this without actually saying the word "date."

How on earth do you do this while making it really obvious what you're asking a girl to go do?
05-12-2010 , 01:59 PM
By the way zugz, how exactly have you turned the situation you just described into "we're definitely going to get married and be together forever"? I certainly don't mean any offense when I ask that, but obviously statements like that are pretty much the definition of one-itis, and the dangers of that to your eventual success or failure are obvious.
05-12-2010 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I presume you mean accomplishing this without actually saying the word "date."

How on earth do you do this while making it really obvious what you're asking a girl to go do?
by what the venue is would be my best guess? like... pub = obv not a date, student restaurant = ambiguous, nicer smaller pricier place = obv date

eta: also the time of day, and day of week.

Originally Posted by LKJ
By the way zugz, how exactly have you turned the situation you just described into "we're definitely going to get married and be together forever"? I certainly don't mean any offense when I ask that, but obviously statements like that are pretty much the definition of one-itis, and the dangers of that to your eventual success or failure are obvious.
hahaha very good question. idk ill figure it out, i just know that we are. i mean, if you saw her play soccer you would understand. the stepovers!!

no in all seriousness im being very tongue-in-cheek when i say that.. like a few pages back when someone mentioned its good to have 3 girls at all times that youre in love with. to tell the truth i dont see myself ever getting married.
05-12-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I presume you mean accomplishing this without actually saying the word "date."

How on earth do you do this while making it really obvious what you're asking a girl to go do?
by asking her to an obvious date-like activity

"hey future wife, what are you doing friday?"

"nothing, why?"

"lets go to a nice dinner together, just the two of us/ my treat/ etc"
05-12-2010 , 02:10 PM
Vintage said TR will be up once CRC sends the pics....or something like that
05-12-2010 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by zugzwang83
hahaha very good question. idk ill figure it out, i just know that we are. i mean, if you saw her play soccer you would understand. the stepovers!!
Haha, I didn't ask why she was hot. I just assume that we're all legitimately talking about hotties here. Well, maybe not wsopmichael, but... (just kidding michael, attractiveness is subjective and all that)

no in all seriousness im being very tongue-in-cheek when i say that.. like a few pages back when someone mentioned its good to have 3 girls at all times that youre in love with.
Okay glad to hear it. I totally buy that theory of keeping 2-3 of these going on at once while you're single, and actually I consider it cause for concern on my own end that the summer exodus has caused me to only have one girl nearby that I have an interest in.

I suppose maybe it'll be helpful that one of my classmates landed a job with the same judge as me for the summer and we've agreed to carpool (and this girl, while way too quiet for my tastes, is really ****ing hot on the surface). I'm sure I can convince myself to be attracted to her also in spite of the fact that I generally find her to be boring.

Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
by asking her to an obvious date-like activity

"hey future wife, what are you doing friday?"

"nothing, why?"

"lets go to a nice dinner together, just the two of us/ my treat/ etc"
Cool. Since I'm planning on trying to broach weekend plans when I see the girl I'm chasing next week for racquetball (which will happen on a weeknight), I was just curious about how I might go about wording such things. After all, couch girl and I went out to multiple dinners, ice cream, a movie...and it clearly wasn't getting me anywhere. Just looking for some subtleties I may have steered wrong on so I don't, as you say, "get couched" again.
05-12-2010 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by zugzwang83
well the touch barrier has definitely been shattered. other than the times we have hung out at her place or here, we have:
played lots of 1 on 1 soccer
tennis + food after a cpl times
swimming at the uni pool
wakeboarding at the lake
late night dinner a few times during finals for study break

my bday is tmw though so im feeling hopeful that i can go get drunk at the pub with the boys early in the day and then go see her afterwards

haha and yeah i love messi but fkkkkk barca. such a bunch of racist entitled crybabies. absolutely hate seeing them win.

haha yeah i keep replaying Henry17 in my head saying "wtf have you not kissed her yet, she is going to think you are gay"
tonite or tmrw im doing something. might take a foray back into the drug world but i WILL be posting a success TR
Would it be weird to see if she wanted to watch XXXX movie at your room that you've been dying to see? Since you got the touch barrier out of the way, you know she's not going to go couch girl on you or anything. Say something to make her hit you, poke her back, tickling war ensues, easy game IMO.
05-12-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Haha, I didn't ask why she was hot. I just assume that we're all legitimately talking about hotties here. Well, maybe not wsopmichael, but... (just kidding michael, attractiveness is subjective and all that)

Okay glad to hear it. I totally buy that theory of keeping 2-3 of these going on at once while you're single, and actually I consider it cause for concern on my own end that the summer exodus has caused me to only have one girl nearby that I have an interest in.

I suppose maybe it'll be helpful that one of my classmates landed a job with the same judge as me for the summer and we've agreed to carpool (and this girl, while way too quiet for my tastes, is really ****ing hot on the surface). I'm sure I can convince myself to be attracted to her also in spite of the fact that I generally find her to be boring.

Cool. Since I'm planning on trying to broach weekend plans when I see the girl I'm chasing next week for racquetball (which will happen on a weeknight), I was just curious about how I might go about wording such things. After all, couch girl and I went out to multiple dinners, ice cream, a movie...and it clearly wasn't getting me anywhere. Just looking for some subtleties I may have steered wrong on so I don't, as you say, "get couched" again.
Yetoa's advice is pretty spot on IMO. "Let's go to a nice dinner" or "let's go out on the town this weekend" sound infinitely better than "I want to take you on a date."

Probably something I should have mentioned in my original post, but the uni I'm taking the summer class at is in my hometown, so it doesn't make sense for me to ask what there is to do in the city or anything.

There's a small change I can make to my seating arrangement tomorrow that could help. We have **** in common so I know I can leverage it if I can just semi-isolate and build a good rapport in class. If I do that, she'll likely walk out with me as we leave which makes it an easy transition the last day of class if I can establish that pattern.
05-12-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I presume you mean accomplishing this without actually saying the word "date."

How on earth do you do this while making it really obvious what you're asking a girl to go do?
Tell her that you're free this evening and ask her if she wants to go do xxx together as you've got nothing planned probably.
