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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

10-26-2020 , 11:42 AM
Stupid **** doesn't know why it's called the Paris Accord.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 11:43 AM
Anyways, Mets, 2 hours isn't safe, 3 hours is likely less safe (viral load hypothesis likely has some validity - and you simply have more opportunities to interact with people as time goes on).

But, no expert would agree 2 hours is safe. It's likely just trying to try to compromise between safety and allowing "regular" life to happen, but in actuality it will just continue to spread the virus.

Everything we've done has been wrong and half assed. At a federal level. At most state levels. Just all garbage.


As an aside, track and trace is best way to keep you and your loved ones safe. iPhone and Android phones have a voluntarily track and trace program where you can report a diagnosis and it pings everyone who should be tested/quarantine. Don't know what States have it working yet (Colorado just got it up and running last night), but would encourage people to opt into those features. We'll never get governmental track and trace, so hopefully we can manage it on individual levels.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yet wehen schools were first opening in both blue and red states they were considering only going in for half days, but now they are all doing full days

my 5th grade and 6th grade niece and nephew are in the same room with the same kids for 7 hours. in New York.

Also master, the article clearly says it's a theory that bigger viral loads make it more contagiouis

so there is 1 ****ing study in china that says this. there is no given study anywhere else that does. but you are acting like im the idiot?

the article says you get it mostly from a cold or cough. i agree with this. it also says it is possible to catch it through casual contact -- this article doesnt really even mention air particles

even with all of this, there is nothing in this article that implies 2 hours is safe and 3 hours isnt. its all arbitrary once you are long enough to be exposed (which most experts believe to be 15 minutes, which is why you have not seen a lot of cashiers get it)
I'm sorry, do you think its ****ing coincidental that we went OFB and OFS in the last two months and we have more cases now than at any point prior? Get your ****ing head out of your ass. You're stanning for turning our children into ****ing disease vectors.

Also, there hasnt been just one Chinese study about this, its just the one cited in the article.

Heres the Lancet

Heres one from the European society of clinical micro biology and infectious diseases.

Heres the New England Journal of Medicine hypothesizing that mask use can lead to less serious outcomes due to... you guessed it, lower viral load.

It's ok not to know **** Mets, but when that's the case, remove your head from your own *******, open your ****ing ears, and learn, or shut the **** up and keep your shitty opinions to yourself so the adults can talk.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 12:32 PM
i guess this will be the first thanksgiving to kill thousands of white people

but who knows wtf the world will be like a month from now. i mean there might not even be a world by then
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 12:56 PM
I had a guy who wouldn't smoke weed with me the other day because he was concerned that I might not take mask wearing seriously.
"'re in my friend's house without a mask on sitting 3 feet from me. It'll be ok".
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Anyways, Mets, 2 hours isn't safe, 3 hours is likely less safe (viral load hypothesis likely has some validity - and you simply have more opportunities to interact with people as time goes on).

But, no expert would agree 2 hours is safe. It's likely just trying to try to compromise between safety and allowing "regular" life to happen, but in actuality it will just continue to spread the virus.

Everything we've done has been wrong and half assed. At a federal level. At most state levels. Just all garbage.


As an aside, track and trace is best way to keep you and your loved ones safe. iPhone and Android phones have a voluntarily track and trace program where you can report a diagnosis and it pings everyone who should be tested/quarantine. Don't know what States have it working yet (Colorado just got it up and running last night), but would encourage people to opt into those features. We'll never get governmental track and trace, so hopefully we can manage it on individual levels.

im mostly agreeing with you .. i think once youre there for an hour its probably "not safe" .. i am agreeing they are finding a balance

but this doesnt explain why we are sending kids to school for 7 hours per day several days per week (smaller classrooms, spaced out and masks i guess is the answer)


im not anti-mask like dustin. and ive gotten much more used to them. i pretty much wont wear them outside unless im in a crowd but i wear them indoors.

i have indoor dined recently several times and i obv didnt have the mask on while doing that.

i kind of believe masks will be the new normal at least in stores .. and i guess im okay with it if it is going to help.

the fact that europe is getting hit again means i do agree that this is not even the peek of the 2nd wave and next month will probably be worse. it does seem treatment is better so i pray for fewer deaths

i still dont agree with weve done everything wrong

a lot has been done wrong on every level of government but unfortunately i do think we need a happy medium

if we did a real legit 3 week quarantine with no going to the supermarket even would that fix it?

it all sucks
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm sorry, do you think its ****ing coincidental that we went OFB and OFS in the last two months and we have more cases now than at any point prior? Get your ****ing head out of your ass. You're stanning for turning our children into ****ing disease vectors.

Also, there hasnt been just one Chinese study about this, its just the one cited in the article.

Heres the Lancet

Heres one from the European society of clinical micro biology and infectious diseases.

Heres the New England Journal of Medicine hypothesizing that mask use can lead to less serious outcomes due to... you guessed it, lower viral load.

It's ok not to know **** Mets, but when that's the case, remove your head from your own *******, open your ****ing ears, and learn, or shut the **** up and keep your shitty opinions to yourself so the adults can talk.
stop cursing at me or put me on ignore

i mean it

and dont call me a child

i mean that too

last warning
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I had a guy who wouldn't smoke weed with me the other day because he was concerned that I might not take mask wearing seriously.
"'re in my friend's house without a mask on sitting 3 feet from me. It'll be ok".
yeah. i went camping in july and we were outside without masks but one girl was talking about how she was okay with no mask outside but she takes the rest super seriously and she wanted us spaced out around the camp fire. this guy then takes out a bow like 30 minutes laterl. she says "you arent gonna offer me a hit?" he says "didnt think you would want to cause of covid. im fine passing it around if everyone is."
yes even the girl partook
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:34 PM
but this doesnt explain why we are sending kids to school for 7 hours per day several days per week (smaller classrooms, spaced out and masks i guess is the answer)
The reason is we don't actually care about fixing it. We've never had a lockdown (a real one), never required quarantine. If we had any concern about actually stopping transmission we would have either taken the term off of school (sucks, and hard) or gone full virtual (sucks, and hard).

You asked, but yes, we could go a very very long way to fixing it if we all shut down for a month and setup a clear track and trace program while we cut off the transmission. That'll never happen in this country for a variety of reasons, though.

What's clear is the current administration has chosen herd immunity, which we have literally no reason to think is even possible. It might be hyperbole to say we've done everything wrong, but we have made an active decision to kill many people. What frustrates me the most is how people think that won't hurt the economy. We have ample evidence that shows if we just shut stuff down and used track and trace the economy would be better.

We're just choosing slightly slower deaths with more long term economic issues. At the current rate this will not go away without a vaccine, and even then many people have already said they won't take one.

If I had to predict our path we'll be looking at a million+ deaths, repeated "lockdowns" that don't really solve the problem, and serious economic problems. You are correct that treatment is better (as an example, we know a lot more about how to implement each therapeutic, so death rates will drop). I understand it sounds awful to truly lock down, consent to track and trace, etc. The path of pretending it will just go away will undoubtedly be worse, with worse economic outcomes.

It's going to get very bad, though.

The worst part about this is instead of a really crappy few months and consequences for violations, we will likely be looking at this for years. I am already being asked if I can teach fully online next Fall (August 2021).
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:36 PM
Trump threatened that if Biden is elected he will listen to the scientists. I don't believe Biden will listen to the scientists, and will continue to half ass this, but let's hope if Biden wins Trump was correct
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:45 PM
ys my friend lives in singapore and they took it seriously

obviously its a tiny country, a few million people

but he had to fly to new jersey to sign some paperwork (he got a job at monmouth U but they are letting him stay in singapore this semester since its remote). he flew in ... stayed 2 days and flew back .. and was escorted to a hotel in singapore
he was required to pay about 1200 american for room and board for 2 weeks
he got lucky and got a 5 star hotel with a balcony.

but it was a legit quarantine

only left the room twice in 14 days.. both times for covid test.

all meals dropped off at hotel room door

if he left any other time he would have been arrested

so yeah they take it seriously

they also cane boys in school for talking back and arrest you if you speak against the government and ban pornhub so im not saying its perfect,

but yes because of how much control the government has over everything they really make everyone quarantine and have had few cases considering how close they are to china geographically
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Trump threatened that if Biden is elected he will listen to the scientists. I don't believe Biden will listen to the scientists, and will continue to half ass this, but let's hope if Biden wins Trump was correct
there is no way biden is shutting down the economy when wall street has no donated billions to him
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
there is no way biden is shutting down the economy when wall street has no donated billions to him
I, of course, agree. Even though it would be better for them if he did.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Trump threatened that if Biden is elected he will listen to the scientists. I don't believe Biden will listen to the scientists, and will continue to half ass this, but let's hope if Biden wins Trump was correct
I read a tweet this morning that suggested that Biden's COVID "plan" (which apparently he keeps touting in his commercials) really isn't much different than what's already been happening. Push masks a little harder, maybe.

It occurred to me that I have no idea what Biden's plan actually is. None.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
... if you speak against the government and ban pornhub so im not saying its perfect,
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yeah. i went camping in july and we were outside without masks but one girl was talking about how she was okay with no mask outside but she takes the rest super seriously and she wanted us spaced out around the camp fire. this guy then takes out a bow like 30 minutes laterl. she says "you arent gonna offer me a hit?" he says "didnt think you would want to cause of covid. im fine passing it around if everyone is."

yes even the girl partook
Lol. There would seem to be a lot of that happening. I'm visiting with people currently and seeing old friends and it's interesting to see attitudes. I was at the bar for the first time during covid a couple nights ago and everyone had their masks on and would only take them down to take a drink and then they'd put them back on. Because this is safety.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
I read a tweet this morning that suggested that Biden's COVID "plan" (which apparently he keeps touting in his commercials) really isn't much different than what's already been happening. Push masks a little harder, maybe.

It occurred to me that I have no idea what Biden's plan actually is. None.
Ya. Biden’s Covid plan is Trumps health care plan. Really the best, we just will never have any idea what it is because it’s not real.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:56 PM
everything biden is suggesting trump has done

the only difference is biden is commiting to go in a semi-lockdown again if the scientist say to

which scientists .. thats another question
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:57 PM
I watched the interviews on 60 minutes, possibly the first time I've heard interviews with all these candidates. I laughed a lot during trump's, for better or worse, it seemed like what would be sorta typical.

They asked kamala if trump was racist which obviously she said yes, but apparently mets rhetoric got in my head because I wondered about a follow up of if biden was racist.

Interviews and debate probably don't matter much.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 01:59 PM
For better or worse lots of people don't want to quarantine /use track and trace etc. So you'll just have to move on to plan b or c or whatever.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 02:05 PM
Scientists, is there any reason to believe my immune system is getting lazy or out of shape or similar because of lack of contact with the world? I know this is kind of a Tuesday morning qb mouthbreather kind of take.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i guess this will be the first thanksgiving to kill thousands of white people

but who knows wtf the world will be like a month from now. i mean there might not even be a world by then
This got a big lol out of me btw.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 02:08 PM

kamala basically called joe racist multiple times during the debate

and you have to ask if he is?

and come on man!

he was against segregation because he didnt want his white children growing up in a "racial jungle"

this was his comment about obama

come on man!!!

if you have to ask if biden is racist , you aint black!!!

POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
stop cursing at me or put me on ignore

i mean it

and dont call me a child

i mean that too

last warning


Not only are you a child, you're a stupid child. Much like Dustin, you think you have everything figured out and that allows you to be a smug *******, which is not only infuriating, it's dangerous. People should be nervous to be around you because you are an inherently dangerously stupid individual.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-26-2020 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by master3004


Not only are you a child, you're a stupid child. Much like Dustin, you think you have everything figured out and that allows you to be a smug *******, which is not only infuriating, it's dangerous. People should be nervous to be around you because you are an inherently dangerously stupid individual.
I do actually have some things figured out fwiw. Not everything. Definitely not. Not even most things really. But some things I think I have a decent idea on.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
