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#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread #4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread

05-06-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pres Eden
I empathize with this to some extent, but in your shoes I would be digging into my suspects and trying to prove my alignment by attacking the people I think are bad instead of spending so much time defending myself.

And to be clear it's not just that you're defending yourself (which would indeed be a stupid reason to vote for you), it's that your reads seem mostly focused on you in one way or another (townreading people who townread you, scumreading people who scumread you), and again, I don't see you questioning your scumreads all that much.
There we go, there's Eden. I bet you're ****ing exhausted from Finals huh? I had a mental break during finals actually... it's more common than you think! Thqat **** is stressful!

Originally Posted by WWWWombat
Wtf is with you and random sheep votes?
Does it bother you that I somewhat randomly cooperate with people? Why? Do you want us to be so in-fighting and immobile that nobody can fart without causing a rugburn? I do what the **** I want, you judge me as you see fit. That's how this game goes. If I think it's a problem and I'll be lynched for it I'll calmly explain how overdefining every action until you have a jillion buzzwords locking you into a series of optimized plays is the exact situation the
United States Government
I mean the Mafia are looking for. If they know every move you'll optimally make, they can utterly control you. I know this because it's my favorite tactic.

That's why I don't give a ****. I already went through a decade of learning all these terms, now I'm in my 'golden years' and IDGAF, let the rain pour down.

Sometimes a vote is just a vote, dogg.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
no, I never ****ing said people should be lynched for long multi-quotes. I just wish people would stop posting them bc they are a bitch to read and way way harder to process than a bunch of small posts. I also have said multiple times who I want to lynch. I don't go through posts and highlight 3 dozen sentences to "show" why someone is a wolf. You know why? Its because it NEVER EVER EVER DOES. Small little posts and lapses in judgment plus tonal reasons are how you catch wolves in WW.
Here's the deal though, those long posts you abhor so much are the complete thoughts of people trying to find wolves in most cases. If you don't like the content, subject or poster, don't read the post, but I don't advocate that unless you're a wolf.

Why is it that everything you say seems to be centered around the game or the players instead of figuring out who is the mafia? I find myself suddenly agreeing with Eden and (gulp, oh god) Vader on you.

Originally Posted by Pres Eden
Guild, where are you? Your tunneling me from M33 is almost welcome compared to this cruel silence.


Who are you scumreading right now and why? What is your read on Synonym and Missing Person?
Hey buddy. Yeah it's super tough man, every time I get to the 'motive' part I come up with 'is probably fishing' or 'is misreading' or 'is dumb' or 'is really dumb'...

It's tough. My best read I think is now possibly J, though CDL is rising too. J's attitude 180's then she disappears after a puff of heat from me.

WWW has a hard on for me, not sure how to feel about it. I wish they'd concisely attack me so I can consicely defend.

Syn I still think is town because I still agree with what STARTED this whole thing which is that Darth's attacks on Syn were based on Syn calling Darth out for being a little too mad professor on his attacks, like someone kicking anthills not to find ants but just to destroy something, to crap out a bad analogy. Then Darth, like he did with MY early concerns about him, exploded into a frothing madhouse of nonsense.

Missing Person I'm leaning very very slightly town only because everything he says sounds pretty reasonable.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Nah he quoted a post from guild that I am pretty sure occurred after that.
Yeah but that was before you had trumped up a nonsense case on Syn for daring to question your ******ation. It's a little hard to precognitively know what major issue you will spawn from a molehill by reading only the incredibly inane interaction that prompted it. Wouldn't you agree?

Originally Posted by The Moocher
rofl, CDL didn't you say that Pres Eden had made 'the most villagery post in the game so far'?

let me go find that for you
Confirming it exists, I remember the post.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
easy explanation is easy. made a list to appease the masses.

Are you saying the rainbow list was ... just a lot of nonsense?


I like it but I feel like you're gonna swing for that one.

Originally Posted by corycurren
I will not be able to do proper casing until I am out of work but slimmed Law's filter and he needs to be lynched

I am about 90% sure

Will show better when I can but his narrative is not genuine

Look for yourself and vote him
Hm. I'm willing to investigate this a little. You're the only person I hear claling for Lawrence's head so...

Give me some time and I'll ISO him later.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Are you saying that that whole reads list was a lie?

Like the explanations and everything was just bull**** that you randomly generated.
Sorta like your posts about me HEY-O!

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
basically there is no way CDL should think guild is a wolf
Hm. Interesting. Why is that?

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
because I think every single person from other sites is taking a wildly incorrect approach to the game and it is radically harming our chances. I would rather get lynched and then have people actually try to win than do whatever is happening here for days on end but stay alive.
Yeah. This is what I hoped you were doing. I get a town lean off CDL for this move. I realize that's controversial but... he knew it would be. Nobody in the game so far has given a FULL list like that, and he did express beforehand frustration saying that all the town/wolf namecalling and out of context quote clippings were detrimental to our game, and I agree 100%, as does Luckbox I see, whom I've decided is probably not an idiot (though he could very well be a wolf, I'm just netural atm) and I'm surprised more people don't.

Originally Posted by corycurren
I find it sort of humorous when I thought Syn was a wolf, like five people were "all hail CORY" and started touting me as a Julius Caeser they were drooling to betray but now that I'm pretty set on Law being a wolf (more confident today on Law than I was on Syn yesterday) I am being actively ignored

Syn's been villagery enough today for me to at least give him another day, and while this has been a bad day overall for MP I highly doubt MP would give up his decent equity to try and save Syn
Dude, relax! I only just now caught up to my own first post of the day!
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Nickismyname
I would be shocked if MP and Syn are wolves together. I can see any other combination, but wolves together, no.
Yeah, I think it's pretty unlikely, too.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
I want SJG still, but I am fully behind a Law wagon and for the sake of two of my town-reads being on that wagon I am okay with helping them push it even harder with my vote.

Vote: Lawrencelot

I do not want to lynch Guild or CDL. I feel both of them are super dummy/nooby town and I just do not get the impression that they are evil but rather misjudged. I would only lynch them to prevent a NL but that's it. Rokk is too much of a null and I feel we wouldn't get much of a papertrail out of that lynch but I can see the wheels turning for why people would want to lynch him. I am hella against the Darth wagon, that will just be a dumb ML and I will be upset. Syn or SJG are also good lynches.

I am finding myself more so scrambling because we need to reach a certain number before deadline to lynch a slot and we are nowhere near that. We need 13 to lynch someone if my math is correct so with Law having 4 (iirc) then we still need 9 to make it happen.

People should be dropping these 1-2 vote wagons and going for something that may actually happen already. Plus people should be voting now rather than later. No one should be posting unless they have a vote in their post for one of the current wagons going since deadline is so short.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Hello darthpunk, the fact that the second quote tag is missing unequivocally means you backspaced a large chunk of text, care to explain what you were so cautious about writing?
Originally Posted by SystemOverload
Ooops, ninja'd

It's very, very noteworthy. Town have nothing to hide, mafia have a lot to hide. If you wrote it before, you can reproduce it.

I want to see this.
What is this I don't even...

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
So basically Synonym just rehashed what happened in the thread and called people mafia.

He didn't say why, he didn't give good or valid reasons for his reads. He literally just summarized what some people did and then said DP and his mafia friends are trying to lynch me.

I want you all to read that large synonym post closely and understand how empty it truly is.
Can you talk about someone else plz? Your apparent tunneling is confounding my read on you.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
OK. That is reasonable I suppose.

I guess I will sheep onto your wagon for now as neither of mine are going anywhere.


Don't know if he is town or not but I think cory is town and I'm sheeping.
What in hell? What happened to Syn?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:08 PM
matthew is lurking fwiw
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
OK. That is reasonable I suppose.

I guess I will sheep onto your wagon for now as neither of mine are going anywhere.


Don't know if he is town or not but I think cory is town and I'm sheeping.
I'm going to read to the end to see if this has been addressed already, but Darth, you're reading pretty scummy now with your vote changes that don't even comment on your previous Syn crusade.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
Almost at the end, but need to do some things. Back in a bit.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
What in hell? What happened to Syn?
CDL looked hella scummy with his fake reads. and the Syn wagon wasn't going to happen. I still think he is scum, but there comes a point when tunneling becomes counterproductive and I was past that point.

So I sheep my town read. And go from there. I am pretty sure I posted to you that I was letting syn go for a while anyway. I don't get what is so shocking about dropping it for now.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by _J_
I want SJG still, but I am fully behind a Law wagon and for the sake of two of my town-reads being on that wagon I am okay with helping them push it even harder with my vote.

Vote: Lawrencelot

I do not want to lynch Guild or CDL. I feel both of them are super dummy/nooby town and I just do not get the impression that they are evil but rather misjudged. I would only lynch them to prevent a NL but that's it. Rokk is too much of a null and I feel we wouldn't get much of a papertrail out of that lynch but I can see the wheels turning for why people would want to lynch him. I am hella against the Darth wagon, that will just be a dumb ML and I will be upset. Syn or SJG are also good lynches.

I am finding myself more so scrambling because we need to reach a certain number before deadline to lynch a slot and we are nowhere near that. We need 13 to lynch someone if my math is correct so with Law having 4 (iirc) then we still need 9 to make it happen.

People should be dropping these 1-2 vote wagons and going for something that may actually happen already. Plus people should be voting now rather than later. No one should be posting unless they have a vote in their post for one of the current wagons going since deadline is so short.
For reference there is no majority lynch and the top wagon at the end of the day is lynched.

Most lynches will be decided seconds from EOD if this game goes like how most 2+2 games go
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:14 PM
If we want to lynch mafia today, we're going to lynch this guy.

Originally Posted by Lawrencelot
Role fishing. This is enough for me, I don't care what this guy says on the following pages.

Vote: CalledDownLight
I oftentimes see people saying "I vote so-and-so. never changing" and be town, but this guy never actually changes his vote. I'm not saying that CDL is guaranteed town, even though I lean that way on him so far, but I think that it's a mafia quality to vote once and never change because mafia thinks, wrongfully so, that it's inherently scummy to change one's opinion.

Originally Posted by Lawrencelot
Finished reading page 13 (100 posts per page). Thoughts along the way.

Actually liking this post (or at least, I agree with the particular post)

Not seeing this one. Could you elaborate why this is a scumslip?

Good reasoning. MissingPerson is in no way cleared (could be a gambit), but he's likely town to me. Which means we should be careful lynching Synonym. Still, I think lynching Synonym would give a lot of information considering about 30% of the game was about him or the bandwagon on him. And of course, there is a good possibility MissingPerson is just wrong about Synonym. I will consider voting Synonym if none of the people that I find more scummy are lynch candidates.

Darthpunk and missingperson seem like two disagreeing townies to me.

I thought I was scum in an earlier post of yours. Am I right in that aspect? If so, what changed your mind? Also, why did you move Dwetzel down in your list?

Also, I'd like some more answers to this question:
Only two people have answered as of yet.

Scum to town list coming next post
The bolded, red, underlined, italics part of the above bothers me. It's something a mafia would say to "calm down" trying to feign contribution.

I asked DarthPunk about his feelings about lawrence because I thought darthpunk was scummy, but I'm now waging an internal war over dp's alignment. He's made posts that I like (#156) and posts that I dislike (#51).

I didn't like post 51 because DP said that he thinks cory is town even though he spent the post talking about how the policy talk is useless, and cory was contributing to that vig talk.

Which transitions into my other internal conflict: cory. He's voting for my top scum read, which is ++++++ in my books, but this post seems really forced to me:

Originally Posted by corycurren
I would like to remind every townie in the game (perhaps some additional motivation): town has never won a Champions game so far, and they have never even come close.

One of the major reasons for this is the numerous amounts of non-alignment indicative ego-battling that is going on. It turns out when you throw a handful of "strong" players together, they tend to policy lynch any way. Isn't that disgusting?

So, if you are a villager, make it goddamn obvious ASAP. Put the work it, read the game, reread the game, find inconsistencies and the people who are just rolling with the waves. The quicker we can get an intelligent, organized and concise town base the quicker we can POE the Mafia and get a massive head start.

If you try to get a player you don't "like the attitude of" who is a problitown, I will consider that a scumclaim.

If you decide you are too good to contribute, I will consider that a scumclaim.

Game on.

More scum:
djarm - I find the vote/unvote of CalledDownLight really strange. Barely any time passed, so 1) if it were a joke vote, he could have voted and unvoted instantly 2) if he wanted to put pressure, why did he unvote? 3) did CalledDownLight do anything townie in between those two posts? Like, the whole thing is just strange and doesn’t follow logical progression for why he would take that line.

He later goes on to explain that he was looking for a specific reaction and didn't get it. This is absolute bull****. CalledDownLight posted 1 time between post #93 and #103. It happened 2 minutes after the post that djarm made and 3 minutes before the post where djarm unvoted. CalledDownLight was quoting things and could easily have just not had time to respond yet. The explanation is bull**** and the unvote is super sketch.

Originally Posted by djarm67
2:30AM here so I'll have to review in the morning.

Initial Gut Feels Only

Leaning Townish
Missing Person

Leaning Scummish
This post also makes no sense, since once again, in conjunction with his explanation of his vote/unvote of CalledDownLight. djarm is tripping all over his words and lacks consistency in what he's saying. He's probably just trying to throw **** on the wall and hope it sticks.

I'm actually talking myself into thinking that djarm is scummier than lawrence, but my read on Lawrence might just be too strong to overcome.


Some throwaway thoughts that will probably go unexplained for the time being:

wwwwwombat - scummy. this guy can't sincerely believe that his innocuous post "Dat lazy vote from djarm." made djarm rescind. he wouldn't be mafia with djarm though.
sjg - towny but if his filter is 100% talk about vigi I'm gonna make sure he's mislynched. I didn't realize how much I liked sjg's reads until post 303, which was a quote of post 160.
MissingPerson - towny mostly for the aggression in post 187 and then post 281 as well, since I can follow the logic and it seems like towny logic.
CDL - towny
Shills - towny
jcohen - scummy

Any discrepancies with previous reads/statements will be blamed on fatigue. I work crazy hours. In and out of surgeries.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions. I'll probably catch up on the pages that I've been too lazy to read during the night, although I did skim through them.

reiterate: lawrence
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
I'm going to read to the end to see if this has been addressed already, but Darth, you're reading pretty scummy now with your vote changes that don't even comment on your previous Syn crusade.
I did.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
My plan is to give Syn some room to breathe tomorrow and then see where I am at with him. It would be pointless to just tunnel him tomorrow as well.
It was also really obvious that syn wasn't getting lynched. I don't know why you would expect town to continue to push an unrealistic lynch. Especially when I have been talking about consolidating for a while.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:17 PM
Another thing about Synonym, I still want to know where that comment about cory being an ass came from and how it means he needed to be mentioned as possible scum.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by corycurren
For reference there is no majority lynch and the top wagon at the end of the day is lynched.

Most lynches will be decided seconds from EOD if this game goes like how most 2+2 games go
That's semi a blessing and a bit of a curse. I prefer majority since it gets people to take a stance but that is more opinion>how this game is running.

With that being said it takes a bit of a load off my mind.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:20 PM
Anyway it is like 5am here and I am way too tired.


Probs won't be back for deadline.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:21 PM
Im lurking
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:26 PM
Votes from post 13 to post 1816
Night in 4:34:46

5 Lawrencelot Mattchew (19), _J_ (29), DWetzel (61), DarthPunk (188), corycurren (95)
3 DarthPunk Synonym (38), Guild (81), Missing Person (99)
2 DWetzel Luckbox Inc (85), WWWWombat (49)
2 Rokk_Krinn SystemOverload (91), The Moocher (123)
2 Synonym sjg11 (69), Pres Eden (48)
2 Guild djarm67 (22), jcohen (132)
2 CalledDownLight Rokk_Krinn (34), Lawrencelot (29)
2 sjg11 Phelanpt (174), dils (44)
1 jcohen Tattersail (32)
1 WWWWombat CalledDownLight (146)
1 dils Nickismyname (52)
1 unvote Shills (40)
1 not voting Gamer Dude (12)
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:26 PM
Matt it feels weird to see you FoS me for my OP (which was baller) and then announce your top scumread as someone utr that I've been screaming people to vote for with little traction until now
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:29 PM
Can someone explain the numbers next to everyone's names? I do not get it.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
It seemed good at the time. Will have to check it again. But Syn's reaction was not a normal town reaction.

Are you making excuses for Syn? It could be a number of different things, but he didn't answer to the votes yet. One of the number of different things is that he's scum.
Unless I missed something that obviously says it's not a scum reaction.
Tone. You missed tone.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Regarding shift of focus:

Iso'd wombat

because I am finding him difficult to read. He is supposed to be a good player according to a friend of mine from TL who knows him, But I haven't really seen anything impressive from him, he posted a lot of one liners to things. But I haven't seen him be proactive or productive in his scum-hunting.

My read on him is still quite unclear after the ISO.
Would that be Ace? Why don't you like one-liners?

Originally Posted by DWetzel
Basically what I meant was it feels like there seem to be a couple groups of people forming where a lot of people are kind of clearing each other as consensus villagers while thinking another group of people generally wolfy, and that other group is also kind of clearing themselves. Usually that's a good thing insofar as we (at least I) am able to pin things down more rapidly. Not to say that wolves can't be lurking in the "right" group.

Having written all that, I still don't know if it makes sense! But it does to me.

Re: my tone -- what you're sensing is one or both of:

1) When I'm posting in the morning/early afternoon, like now, I'm either just waking up/getting ready for work, or I'm at work and my mind is distracted. Evenings, I'm at home and can devote more attention to thinking about the game.

2) I work better with more information, and obviously last night I had more info than this morning.

As for the "wishy-washy"... meh, I get that a lot. It usually means I don't feel like I have anything worth going HAM about. Trust me, when I do have something worth going HAM about, you'll know, but I'm not going to force it.
Do you really think wolves would be mutually clearing themselves?

Originally Posted by Synonym
I don't see how being overly emotional is a mafia-exclusive trait.

We gain a considerable amount. He was quite quick to flip off of Eden (?) and back onto me with little prodding, but conveniently after the wagon was building up some steam.

Although now that Darth has made himself so committed to ending my life I think we stand to gain much more from his lynch.

If he dies as mafia, then it is extremely likely that I am a civilian (not confirmed by any means but it would be pretty hard to fabricate this kind of exchange). This then also helps us tomorrow, when we can hopefully look at Cory and the other people who have been quite content to follow DP and help him herd people around like sheep.

If he dies as a civilian then by all means lead the wagons on me. It would be a poor choice, but one that I'm willing to accept.

It is unlikely that I'd live through the night phase though if I do survive this lynch. Chances are mafia or vigi will try and resolve the mystery around my name once and for all.
Being emotional is a null tell imo. And telling us to lynch you if DarthPunk flips town is silly.

Originally Posted by Pres Eden
Why wouldn't it be? MP just unloaded the Chainsaw of the century on DarthPunk to bail out Synonym from getting lynched. Why wouldn't I find at least the possibility of them being partners compelling?
You think scum are hardcore chainsawing on D1?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:29 PM
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by _J_
Can someone explain the numbers next to everyone's names? I do not get it.
amount of posts they have made this gameday. Clicking someone's name will act as a link and take you to where they made that vote.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:30 PM
^If it doesn't pertain to the game, it can wait. It just is making me more and more curious that they keep changing.

I kind wish there was a PR were I could just kill 5-6 slots in this game all at once and see their flips and go from there. I do better with connections but like hell am I going to be re-reading much unless it comes down to crunch time near the end if I am still around.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:30 PM

J do you recall claiming I'd lost a fight with Moocher and that you'd revisit to see if you were right about that? Do you still feel I was wrong and Moocher was right? Can you revisit the argument now to tell me who was technically right? That's literally the ONLY thing I cared about in the argument, and I'd have gladly brought the town to its knees arguing with him until we were both dead, not because I thought he was mafia but to dissuade others in the future from trying to steamroll me. What do you think about it now that some time has gone by?

I've been reading you in ISO and I'm having a hard time with a few things.

1) You're not very active. That's not bad normally, but we've already established that every Championships game has been lost by the town because they ignored quiet people. In and of itself this means nothing, but taken as a whole I don't see you really doing much of anything. Can you give me a list of people you would NOT lynch and a list of people you WOULD?

2) Your tone changed when you came to the thread. Now you are calling people newbie and dummy and etc. You realize I'm the longest playing player in this tournament, right? Does that alter this assessment of me at all? I'm just curious for you to elaborate on this incredibly unfocused relegation of me to 'noob' status, like you really want people disregarding me. Understandable! I've been onto you since you first posted back to me after the game started and you seemed annoyed and snarky. I wouldn't want people taking me seriously either.

3) I see you bandying with people, declaring people town for this or mafia for that, and I see you waffling a little. These are good signs. However, there's a veneer of disingenuity to it, especially when you laugh at someone in one post then try to act coy and sweet in the next. I see you telling jcohen to chil and laughing at him. Then I see you claiming you always smile when you post as if you're a sweet person. Then I see you saying CDL is useless, then you say he got discussion going, then he's useless again. Your attack on Shills also struck me compeltely out of left-field and offbase. It's a bit TOO much for me, the disparity of tones, the waffling a bit too much about things that don't even concern alignment, and the fact that almost everything you say I disagree with. Disagreeing with you can be an incredibly useful thing, but not when I also think you're a wolf, and I do. You have precious few moments every day to post, I get that, but you seem to spend them teasing the room and courting for towncred rather than making any kind of original points, leading any wagons, clearing up anything... or anything at all really.

4) My guts are grumbling at me you're mafia for nebulous reasons surrounding all that, and my guts are tons of smart. They went to college.

Do you have anything to say to help me get past this problem I'm having?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 03:30 PM
Thanks, CDL. Much appreciated.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
