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#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread #4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread

05-06-2014 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
EXACTLY it kinda did all fit with what he has been saying. But then he claimed he rng'd it after he got caught with the eden thing.

Makes no ****ing sense.

He is scum.

you know that counts as a vote?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Synonym
Let's break this down shall we?

Point 1: Villagers don't need to be unreasonable. I took particular offense to his continued refusal to admit to his mistakes. Everyone has apparently read his argument against me and agreed with it, but when he explicitly stated "This hasn't happened at all" and I showed him evidence to the contrary I expected him to retract his statement or at least refine his approach. I didn't expect him to somehow ignore that and continue to call me wrong.

Point 2: They were whiney. I was tired and fed up with someone failing to comprehend basic logic. If you say that a doesn't exist, and I show you a, do you: 1. admit that you were wrong and proceed from there or, 2. continue to call me wrong. I'm happy defending myself, because I don't have anything to hide. I'm more concerned about the mafia who've pushed my lynch escaping the consequences tomorrow by somehow pointing out that I was a bad civilian. I'm here to play and here to win. I've made a huge ****ing effort today to be present and respond to all questions brought against me. There isn't much more I can do for you.

Point 3: Well, I disagree quite strongly on Cory being civilian but I'm picking and choosing my fights today as I'm in quite a tenuous position. If I manage to avoid the noose today and my suspicion of Darth is proven correct then I'd like to see him as a candidate for tomorrow. As for Nick, I actually went back through the thread and am in the middle of typing an apology to him. I guess I was jumping at shadows as nothing on my second read through screamed mafia to me.

Point 4: My reasoning for sjg wasn't weak, nor contradictory. I posted an abbreviated version as I'd made my thoughts on him clear only a few posts earlier. I think SJG is mafia, purely because he's vacillated between calling a bunch of easy targets scum, and only backed off when that target was unlikely to garner support from the rest of the thread.

Point 5:Well, you're going to really hate this wagon. You're genuinely the first person to make any real effort in dissecting my posts and engaging me in a real dialogue. Everyone else has rationalised their argument against me by saying "Darth made a good argument here so I'll follow along blindly without questioning him myself".

I'm going to submit this post, refresh the thread and then post my balls-out reads. Since my time is short and we don't get an LG there's no point in me not speaking my mind.
I also had a problem with Mooch's consistency, but I've chalked it up to being dumb, it didn't strike me as malicious. However, reading this and since you're greenlighting me as town, something very few have had the brains to notice thus far, I'm reevaluating my fight with him later. I didn't want to do it but... at the end of the day I WAS right and he WAS lying, whether he knew he was lying or not well... I still insist he did, but it was motivated by pride or fear and not wolfiness.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tattersail
Okay. At least it was you calling yourself on it. I think you've been trolling most of the game and is why I've ignored you thus far. I don't know if you normally play this way but it is very scummy. Like obvious. Maybe a little too obvious.


vote jcohen

as far as I know he hasn't done anything to alleviate my worries about him
Dude, he only admitted it when he got caught looking awful...
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
you know that counts as a vote?
What the word 'exactly'?

any bolded word?


#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:54 PM

I need to know what on your fake list you disagree with.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
complete reads list from most villagery to most wolfy with reasons:

Luckbox Inc-playing exactly like he does as a villa
Gamer Dude-really has that town vibe going for him, great thoughts on a variety of subjects
SystemOverload-attacking people like a villager would, good logical thought process
DWetzel-classic dwetzel villa game here, good logic, great tone
djarm67-asking villagery questions, seems to be on same page as me with scum reads
sjg11-did some good work early, has a few scum reads I agree with
Mattchew-had a couple great great long posts, probably not a scum bc of those
Tattersail-really like his contirubtion:activity ratio, don't think wolves would mirror this strat
Lawrencelot-attacks me but in a villagery way, has some kinda bad posts that show lack of reading comprehension though, firmly in the middle of likely villas
DarthPunk-similar to lawrence, these two might be brothers
jcohen-lots of good content, but nothing quite sticking out as ubervillagery
dils-some wavering posts, occasional analysis but nothing large enough to get on the top part of my villa list
Phelanpt-seems like hes forcing his tone a little bit but good content
Synonym-just a consensus wolf and consensus usually isnt too bad, only not in bottom section bc of mydisagreement with consensus
_J_ -bleh, nothing noteworthy at all
The Moocher-should know better than to say some of what he has, but generally has reads that seem reasonable
Nickismyname-too utr for my liking, occasional in depth reads seem excessive and forced compared to contribution
Guild-pretty wolfy all around from combative posts to random pictures
Missing Person-not much in the way of hard posting or WIM despite a postcount that would indicate he should be capable of both
corycurren-expected a lot more from cory, he basically has to be a wolf with this type of posting
Shills-guy is wolfing, just read his posts where he uses lots of words to say nothing
Pres Eden-absent for large chunks of the thread and reasonable contributions have been nil
WWWWombat-this guy is actually a lock wolf, every posts says "**** the village" in different words
Rokk_Krin-way too utr for my liking, i think he is very out of touch with thread in a wolfy way
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
fwiw, I think cory, luckbox, jcohen, moocher, eden, and some guy I forgot are villas. I also think wwwwombat and guild are wolves.
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I know I am "late" on this but I have missing person as a villa now.
so somehow cory didnt even make my list. luckbox in a fine place. jcohen too far down. moocher too far down. eden too far down. wombat fine. guild fineish maybe too high. missing person too far down. basically none of it meshes and wtf would i have gamer dude near top and rokk at bottom?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Nickismyname
CDL - why are you doing this? You must know you're shooting yourself in the foot? I just dont even understand.
because I think every single person from other sites is taking a wildly incorrect approach to the game and it is radically harming our chances. I would rather get lynched and then have people actually try to win than do whatever is happening here for days on end but stay alive.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Synonym
It wasn't my claiming him as civilian that prompted it. I sent up a flag and he saw it.
Yeah, he explained it later. It would be more convincing if he wasn't going after Darth the same way darth was going after you.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Moocher pointed out 1 read on 1 player though. He didn;t say anything about the overall post. IIRC
yes, thats what I said. do you read? no one else pointed out any flaws and moocher was the only one to point out an error. why did no one else catch the errors if youre actually thinking something like this is wolfy?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
The fact that you don't think him mafia for it is what confuses me. It pretty much seemed that way.
This is where motive is so important. If you read the interaction, it scans to me like a neutral player (alignment indeterminate) attempting to join the game with a splashy show of 'scum hunting' (most people misuse this word horribly to mean "I've introduced new buzzwords to the conversation") by asking someone he predicted would have no reads to post some reads. At the time of his post, every single post I'd made so far in the game had at least one (1) town/mafia read in it. Granted, they were weak. Hell, even now I'm only mildly convinced J is lurking wolf. But as my position on other players evolves, Mooch just remains dumb to me. I'm planning to revisit my argument with him later but ugh.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

I need to know what on your fake list you disagree with.
for starters i am neutral on gamer, system, shills, and rokk in addition to the ones I posted above.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:03 PM
now those people who think I am a wolf explain why a fake reads list is wolfy and show me an example of how a wolf uses such a think to their advantage. Its like logic is not allowed this game.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
because I think every single person from other sites is taking a wildly incorrect approach to the game and it is radically harming our chances. I would rather get lynched and then have people actually try to win than do whatever is happening here for days on end but stay alive.
Quit martyring it's boring.

Are you saying your reads haven't developed at all from when you posted those 2 posts. (which by the way are your only real reads out of the 100 odd posts of yours in the game)

And you still aren't able to give firm reasons for those reads.

Because that is just bizarre 1500 posts into a game.

Anyway you are a confirmed liar. Although I think townies could lie. I think your lies are more about covering your own arse than to do with solving the game or lynching your preferred candidate.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:03 PM
I still think CDL's a villager regardless of the zaniness

Anyone paying attention, see if you can follow Law at all. His early reads and his later reads have no logical consistency and he started FoSing me for "OMGUS" on him (which is level 1) when in reality I've been hammering his overfluff since my catch up ~Page 9

Essentially only pops in for an interaction that makes him look good, which is drudgesiren.gif

Is twisting narratives as well - look at his ISO of my posts and see if that doesn't register as "someone trying to fit their narrative", is also speaking on things he knows nothing about in attempt to gain penny-towncred

I am not wrong, want to do the full filter but can't @ work, but I'm about as confident as I ever get on Day 1 this is a struggling wolf
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
I won't disagree that he is annoying. Did you mean something more than that?
I mean that he's being annoying to you specifically on purpose. I don't know if he's getting something interesting back, but that's how I read him.
I'm surprised that you were so "mindblown" by him.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:04 PM
cliffs: He's either reading the thread in random order or he's a wolf
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:05 PM

ok CDL
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
I mean that he's being annoying to you specifically on purpose. I don't know if he's getting something interesting back, but that's how I read him.
I'm surprised that you were so "mindblown" by him.
Because his **** posting blows my mind?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:06 PM
but wait CDL

there is still guild

#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:06 PM
I find it sort of humorous when I thought Syn was a wolf, like five people were "all hail CORY" and started touting me as a Julius Caeser they were drooling to betray but now that I'm pretty set on Law being a wolf (more confident today on Law than I was on Syn yesterday) I am being actively ignored

Syn's been villagery enough today for me to at least give him another day, and while this has been a bad day overall for MP I highly doubt MP would give up his decent equity to try and save Syn
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by SystemOverload
Back this up please. I dislike being scumread, especially when it can be avoided through discussion.
This kinda reads like you wanted to say "why me" but didn't wanna get fried. Should we fry you?

Originally Posted by djarm67
I say you look like scum flailing.
I say you look like scum nudging.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
well you're pretty obvious

vader a little less so but mostly obvious based on tone

I actually sort of hate clearing people too and also think in a very convoluted way it helps wolves, but my reasoning is almost certainly different than yours
Useful in this case imo. Town cannibalism likelihood is high from what I can see.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
He is at a very real risk of getting lynched. Wouldn't you rather town not mislynch him if you can help it?

i'm sorry but just calling him town cause meta is not adequate.
Ok. He's town cuz tone/derp. Happy?

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
When I read wombat in particular I didn't think he had a lot of content. He had lots of large posts containing one liners in response to various things.

I'm not sure I agree with your conculsion.

I mean neither of them are lynch candidates today, but I'm not convinced of their innocence either.

Who would you like to see lynched today?
One-liners are content. I don't need so many words to make my points.

Originally Posted by Missing Person
How about I ****ING TOLD YOU, SLAPNUTS?!

If you want more information than that, but everyone else that beats around the bush like a lesbian is okay, then you must be getting moist in your Hanes to find out something that can make a mafia night kill easier to use than a ShamWow.
From what I've seen of Darth so far, I think he is probably legit derping right now and not scum.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
I don't give a **** about the night kill. I want to get the lynch right.

Your story changed from 'Srk meta" to 'Something he said gave me an epiphany'

Neither of those reasons are particularly clear, convincing or satisfactory.
What do you think of MissingPerson besides his interactions with yourself and Synonym? Do you think he is town? Do you think he is good? Why not trust his meta-reads?

Originally Posted by Pres Eden
@Darth: Can't remember exactly, I'll dig the TL game I'm thinking of up later if you're interested.

Then maybe you'll talk to me? I'm not married to a Synonym lynch and if you're this certain he's town, I can be persuaded to move to another scum suspect. But Darth's right; I can't just take your word for it, nor can anyone else with an ounce of self-respect for their ability at this game (let alone the apparent gallons most people here seem to have).
Pres Eden continues the bad tone/sketchy behavior. Looks like he's trying to be the carrot to DarthPunk's stick here.

Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Eh missing person looks really bad right now IMO.
Eh you look like IdrA right now IMO.

Originally Posted by Pres Eden
I'm tending to agree but hesitant because of the implications about Synonym. This doesn't look like mafia teammates to me. MP seems openly disdainful of the idea of persuading you not to kill Synonym, which, if he's mafia, doesn't make sense if his teammate is up for a lynch.
This is a decent point but too wishy-washy. Take a stance on something plz.

Originally Posted by SystemOverload
I honestly think both Synonym and MissingPerson are town. Based on tone+Missingperson's meta read. (I really, really doubt that he invented that as mafia.)
Agree on the reads.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by corycurren
I still think CDL's a villager regardless of the zaniness

Anyone paying attention, see if you can follow Law at all. His early reads and his later reads have no logical consistency and he started FoSing me for "OMGUS" on him (which is level 1) when in reality I've been hammering his overfluff since my catch up ~Page 9

Essentially only pops in for an interaction that makes him look good, which is drudgesiren.gif

Is twisting narratives as well - look at his ISO of my posts and see if that doesn't register as "someone trying to fit their narrative", is also speaking on things he knows nothing about in attempt to gain penny-towncred

I am not wrong, want to do the full filter but can't @ work, but I'm about as confident as I ever get on Day 1 this is a struggling wolf
are you for real? Why do you think confirmed liar CDL is still town?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
because I think every single person from other sites is taking a wildly incorrect approach to the game and it is radically harming our chances. I would rather get lynched and then have people actually try to win than do whatever is happening here for days on end but stay alive.
Were all well aware you think 2+2 is the greatest site of all time and that everyone else is a noob. I just dont understand why you decided that throwing a temper tantrum and just huffing and trying to get lynched is better than trying to sift through the game. Like, if everyone else is bad, then this should be a breeze for you, right?

When I see someone overreact, I think its an emotional ploy. This is why Im asking. In my mind, if you agreed to play in an event like this, you want to win. I've played with plenty of newer players on my site and from their "I dont give a f*** this isnt fun" I can figure out, oh ok, this person isnt evil, they just hate how this is going. But you, youre supposedly a strong player according to your #humblebrags and forum mates, so what does that even add up to? As I said above, it sounds like an emotional ploy. Or like your real life job is firing you or something. I dont know.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Quit martyring it's boring.

Are you saying your reads haven't developed at all from when you posted those 2 posts. (which by the way are your only real reads out of the 100 odd posts of yours in the game)

And you still aren't able to give firm reasons for those reads.

Because that is just bizarre 1500 posts into a game.

Anyway you are a confirmed liar. Although I think townies could lie. I think your lies are more about covering your own arse than to do with solving the game or lynching your preferred candidate.
I think having 8 really solid reads on day 1 in a 25 player game is pretty good. it is odd that so many of you are trying to read everyone. whats the point when you will probably just tell us you changed your mind tomorrow.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
are you for real? Why do you think confirmed liar CDL is still town?
I've seen CDL play and him being extremely obtuse and dragging his feet is not a scumtell for him

He's basically been screaming to get voted and has a huge handful of detractors since the very beginning he's done nothing but goad on

You're going @ him for the same reason you went @ me in VS Hunt II - remember that game? If CDL doesn't start being more transparent with his reads during Day 2 kill him with fire but right now I'm not voting him
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
