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'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters '07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters

06-24-2020 , 12:18 PM
I think dmk was probably correct to have you on ignore
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Your shtick is lame bro
if you think it’s bad here you should come check out my act over in the politics thread

it brings down the house
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:24 PM
Good Afternoon.

Originally Posted by Birdman10687
I'm going to be gone for the day starting soon--will try to keep posting up until then. And may be able to squeeze a phone post or two in throughout the rest of the day. But I don't play WW on my phone and drive like Luckbox so my participation will be far more limited. Just wanted to give everyone a warning.
wolfy peace out

Originally Posted by atakdog
I could get behind a crossfox wagon too, even though as I've said, here low-content stuff doesn't stand out in the same way that e.g., shortline's does. That's mostly because I don't think she'll help as much as she's village; mislynching shortline would be a worse mistake than mislynching cross.

aao, while as I said, wrong a lot, also works really hard and provides a useful sounding board, so it'd have to be right.
While banishing Shorty day 1 is a mistake absent him being a mod outed wolf, I don't see how this adds anything to your case on crossnerd.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
Aaronk, in the aborted game we were both vanilla and you made it really obvious to me even if everyone else wanted to send you to the great beyond.

Could you help a brother out this game and make yourself an obvious villager? I can’t let you slink to endgame again as an UTR wolf.
You will soon learn to appreciate me.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:30 PM
Getting crushed by work today, will not be around much, but back for EOD.

I have no idea what DMK is doing. His posts about birdman and me being a lock villager make no sense to me. I think i always post with a bit of a wolfy tone, so anybody snap clearing me concerns me lol. For example, johnnyd's reaction to me is the type i would expect from most.

Biggerboat's posts today are far more villagery than yesterday.

Riverfish is playing quite spastic, i think he has accused basically everyone in this game. I looked at the aborted game and he was way more jokey and had lots of w/w interactions with Dustin. While his gameplay this game I don't think has been very helpful, it does differ from last game in that it appears more focused on actually finding wolves (at least he does not appear to be w/w Dustin/dmk if they are), and so that seems to trend to villager. But if I recall from a decade ago, he is good enough to post villagery as a wolf, so whatevs.

Lotta neutrals who are either not posting, or are low content posting. I'd expect the SK or wolf/villa vig in these groups given the extra fire power and the lack of desire to have attention. I would not be opposed to getting a wagon on any of those (coordi, gus, crossnerd, nichp (has he even posted?)).

The big grouping of dustin/jdalla/aao/traz/shortline are all kinda meh to me.

birdman, sun tzu, wdcbooks

lean villa:
crackedquads, kukra, johnnyD, riverfish

lean wolf:
sixfour (has he even posted since early yesterday?)

Did not like Jdalla's 399 and 418 posts, nor his earlier ones on Day 0, but I'd rather see if folks will go dmk.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
birdman, sun tzu, wdcbooks
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:38 PM
which part are you disagreeing with dustin? Sun and books?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:39 PM
Caught up through page 6:

Originally Posted by jonnyd
i didnt see why he would think AAO is being bussed at this point. this felt like TMI to me. also had some distancing thrown in at the end for good measure. this post pinged me hard

maybe this post isnt actually wolfy and just annoyed me, but it felt like commentary mode/trying to post something that seems pro-villa but actually doesnt add anything. why is someone complaining about non-voters at that point in the game? were they anxious about who currently had the most votes?
This is re: Tokyo!, and I'm inclined to agree and award villa points. Which may alarm jonnyd since he has me as a top 3 wolf. I find his reasoning on me uninteresting - we disagreed about the YKW post that seems to be pretty polarizing in how it is being interpreted.

Originally Posted by riverfish1
I was buying into other's arguments that you were looking villagery for sticking around after getting heat for being a wolf. And then this is just pure manufactured BS.

I don't even know what your second sentence means.

To respond to your third sentence - I'm not going to list every permutation because it's relatively simple. Wolf Dustin is more likely to zero in on other wolves D1. That means if you're a villager it makes Dustin is less likely to be a wolf.

This also feels manufactured.

Back to AAO
I agree with all this, continue to find riverfish villagery and I'm moving AAO into wolf list territory for the manufactured vibes in his posts.

Originally Posted by Birdman10687
im with you

i basically disagree with almost every post johnny has made except for the one I just posted but i read him as villager
I also read him as villager, although I'm feeling him on 2 out of 3 wolf reads at the moment. (aao / tokyo, not me)

Originally Posted by wdcbooks
I could play werewolf for a thousand years and never post this as a villager.

I am much more conservative in my wolf and villager lists, but for those playing from home we have:


Aao (but I don’t want to vote him to spite Dustin)


I don't agree at all that a villager would never post what jonny did there, I think some would.

Also needs to explain more why I'm on his top 3 wolves, yesterday said 'too tired to post reasons now but there are a bunch' (something like that)

Originally Posted by dmk
also tokyo is the lockest villager after 2 pages
Seems like an odd natural read. Even if you don't share the suspicion of Tokyo that I and others have, it's unclear to me how to get to "lockest villager"
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:39 PM
I agree with much of what tokyo is saying but probably wouldn't vote dmk today, would much prefer some of the others
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:40 PM
Dustin are you still all aboard the aao train with no brakes?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:43 PM
I gotta say, I don't think dustin should be allowed to post in another language
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
which part are you disagreeing with dustin? Sun and books?
Ys. Sms crzy 2 hv thm vllgrs, spclly sn
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by traz
I gotta say, I don't think dustin should be allowed to post in another language
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:46 PM
JDalla - do you really think I thought 4 votes on D0 of a non-maj day really constituted a bussing? Or more likely do you think it was shorthand for "well there is a whole bunch of quick votes and idk why"
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by traz
I gotta say, I don't think dustin should be allowed to post in another language
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Ys. Sms crzy 2 hv thm vllgrs, spclly sn
Sun dropped a specific villager tell. Plus his posts have generally been no nonsense and generally echo what I was thinking about the game when I read them. I appreciate folks who get to the point and obv people seeing what i'm seeing.

Re: books - first of all, he is a villager in like every game I can recall, so some bias there, but his posting near EOD yesterday and this morning I found to be very pro-villager.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:53 PM
Caught up through #679:

Originally Posted by Birdman10687
It's really not. It's super vague and exactly the kind of post olds like shorty and traz love to make that seem super wise and then later can seem "right" because...yeah...I'm sure the wolf composition is different than last game since it got reranded? Like theoretically its the same but most likely not.

More importantly its clearly silly. Like atak was posting a lot in the first rand then has posted zero times since then. So yeah--the thread seems different but its not like atak was a villager and then got a wolf PM and was like "k I'm just going to make zero posts d1". It started a different time a day and people have irl schedules. So yeah different people are posting.

It's a useless post that doesn't help us actually identify any wolves or villagers and can be interpreted to mean anything post-hoc.

Originally Posted by Birdman10687

boom I'm a villager

and so wise
Birdman firmly in my villa list now, think these points are well made, although I want to discount all early game posts and don't know enough about traz's game to feel super strongly about it.

Originally Posted by wdcbooks
Let me see if I can explain this. As a wolf I would have no authentic opinions. I am just happy if I can get the village to buy what I am selling. If you don’t like the reads I gave you, just hold on a minute and I will give you new ones.

As a villager I don’t post unless I have a reason and I tend to get stubborn if questioned. I realize I am posting a lot about what I would do, but that seemed like a really quick capitulation and the thread really isn’t that long.
I think this is well articulated. I can conflicting wolf and villa leans on both jonnyd and wdcbooks now. Hopefully there will be a well articulated argument against me (from either of them, who both have me as wolf)
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
I know we are busy, but villagers have to take the time to enter this event. Wolves can coordinate with each other and help with the posts. If that isn’t motivating enough I will point out that killing people is fun.
Speaking of pro-books posts, this is super important and I don't think anybody caught it. I myself am going on quite a long journey to defeat evil and villainy in this thread. Hopefully my journey-mate is here, as I've already eaten breakfast once this morning, but would not mind a second breakfast.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!

Re: books - first of all, he is a villager in like every game I can recall, so some bias there, but his posting near EOD yesterday and this morning I found to be very pro-villager.
I am not going to waste too much time looking, but I believe this is my fifteenth straight villager game going back to 2012. I don’t even know what I am like as a wolf.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:55 PM
ok - back to work - see y'all in a few hours
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
JDalla - do you really think I thought 4 votes on D0 of a non-maj day really constituted a bussing? Or more likely do you think it was shorthand for "well there is a whole bunch of quick votes and idk why"
Plausible explanation but still feels low content/ maybe a bit forced. I could be wrong obv
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
Dustin are you still all aboard the aao train with no brakes?
180 llwys pssbl...でもアアオ狼と思う
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 01:00 PM
I have a short and somewhat obvious list:


Felix the Cat

Possible Wolves:
maybe aaron again?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 01:04 PM
i didn't like gus' entrance very much either, but small samples

there's a lot of variance in this game. solving on d1 isn't the goal. wagons are pretty trash right now though, and very low vote participation. how can we enforce voting?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-24-2020 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
Caught up through #679:

Birdman firmly in my villa list now, think these points are well made, although I want to discount all early game posts and don't know enough about traz's game to feel super strongly about it.

I think this is well articulated. I can conflicting wolf and villa leans on both jonnyd and wdcbooks now. Hopefully there will be a well articulated argument against me (from either of them, who both have me as wolf)
There will be no bargain, young Wolf. I shall enjoy watching you die.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
