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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

06-29-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
that works too. bottom line is that people who want to talk about sports and/ or politic should do so without getting me involved. i just make things worse, imo.

though i still do favor additional mods being added to politics if there are volunteers wookie and tom agree to have on board.
Can we petition to steal well named from p7?
06-29-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
They are voting for a bill that they know is guaranteed to kill a large number of their own citizenry.

What other famous world leaders were non-plussed by killing large numbers of members of their own citizenry?
I haven't been able to keep up with the news this week. Did they legalize alcohol, tobacco, or operating a motor vehicle?
06-29-2017 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Can we petition to steal well named from p7?
You can petition to share me, if you want. I read most of the posts in the main forum anyway.

06-29-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named

I've liked that song for a loooooooong time.
06-29-2017 , 02:05 PM
MrWookie's interpretation of my posts and the evidence are mistaken.

It appears that Mat does not care - that's not a judgment. Mat does not have to care. As such, I can still not post in Politics without risk of an arbitrary permaban.

Goofyballer even agreed that my post did not violate the rules. It appears that MrWookie is not contesting my assertion that my post did not violate the rules, I guess unless he is saying that I'm trolling by lying. I'm not lying. I could hash out the evidence, respond to every point MrWookie made if that would do any good. It appears that would just be an annoyance, here.

We could, ldo, have this discussion over in Politics 7.0. I thought about posting the exact same post over there, as a thread, but it wasn't so timely anymore.

MrWookie posts some evidence/arguments here, now. Back then, I just got a ban.

The ban was for 50 points, and 100 points is a permaban. So, I read that as, one more post like this, and you are gone forever from 2+2. I use it for poker discussion so I left, after a few more posts.

Well named being added as a mod to Politics would be a massive improvement to Politics.
sorry if that damages your rep well named
But unless he had the ability to stop MrWookie from arbitrarily banning people, I would continue to avoid Politics.

Would anyone else, especially the solid regs, including conservatives and liberals alike, like to weigh in on whether they think I should have been banned at that point (call it for that post and my body of work if you like)?
06-29-2017 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine

If rep had said

'Guns aren't for deer they're for shooting at tyrannical government and the US Congress seems pretty tyranical right now.'

Would you have wanted to see action?

Basically the same sentiment but more polite words.
It's a very simple issue really. The post broke forum and site rules. You either apply the rules even-handedly or you don't.

Every man and his dog knows that if a conservative Trump supporter had posted that he would be a goneburger. No beg your pardons. No hypothetical, what if he used different language it might be acceptable BS. A goneburger.

It's yet another example of the hypocrisy and bias endemic in the politics forum unfortunately. It happens far too often.
06-29-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Would anyone else, especially the solid regs, including conservatives and liberals alike, like to weigh in on whether they think I should have been banned at that point (call it for that post and my body of work if you like)?
Your posting was pretty turrible. Your defense is that "you weren't lying" but when the only available choices are...
a.) poster read his own sources and is lying about what's inside them
b.) didn't read his own sources despite claiming he did, or doesn't understand what is inside them whatsoever

then you are AIDSing up the forum so terribly that something has to be done about it, if moderators are to give any crap at all about the forum quality. In P7 they don't, so you can go there and argue back and forth all day about establishing basic facts and deny reality to your heart's content.

For that reason, I think a short tempban and/or small infraction was in order. I think the 50 point infraction was harsh.

The one thing I'll give Wookie the benefit of the doubt for is that the Politics forum has been chock-full of racist concern trolls throughout its history that willfully and intentionally put forth dishonest arguments to troll others. I think anyone moderating that forum would develop a tendency not to give new posters posting the kinds of things you were posting the benefit of the doubt, even if retroactively we can probably say that you personally should have received that.
06-29-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
MrWookie's interpretation of my posts and the evidence are mistaken.

It appears that Mat does not care - that's not a judgment. Mat does not have to care. As such, I can still not post in Politics without risk of an arbitrary permaban.

Goofyballer even agreed that my post did not violate the rules. It appears that MrWookie is not contesting my assertion that my post did not violate the rules, I guess unless he is saying that I'm trolling by lying. I'm not lying. I could hash out the evidence, respond to every point MrWookie made if that would do any good. It appears that would just be an annoyance, here.

We could, ldo, have this discussion over in Politics 7.0. I thought about posting the exact same post over there, as a thread, but it wasn't so timely anymore.

MrWookie posts some evidence/arguments here, now. Back then, I just got a ban.

The ban was for 50 points, and 100 points is a permaban. So, I read that as, one more post like this, and you are gone forever from 2+2. I use it for poker discussion so I left, after a few more posts.

Well named being added as a mod to Politics would be a massive improvement to Politics.
sorry if that damages your rep well named
But unless he had the ability to stop MrWookie from arbitrarily banning people, I would continue to avoid Politics.

Would anyone else, especially the solid regs, including conservatives and liberals alike, like to weigh in on whether they think I should have been banned at that point (call it for that post and my body of work if you like)?

There is no reasonable world in which that post deserved a ban. The argument seems to be an inferential one that the only way in which you could have come to your view must have been on the basis of race because the scumbags in question happened to be black or Latino. My view of the case, as I imagine yours to be, would be the exact same if the kids were white.

I think the premise for the criticism against you is wholly made up.
06-29-2017 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
The ban was for 50 points, and 100 points is a permaban.
You seem to be confusing infractions and temp-bans, they are different types of "punishments". The 50 points is an infraction, all mods can see it in your infraction history, and you're right about 100 unexpired points = permaban. Your infraction is expired though, so you're back at 0. A temp-ban is a forced time-off from the site (usually anywhere from 1-3 days, but can be longer on occasion). There is no record of temp-bans kept unfortunately, unless a mod explicitly notes it, so the only ones who could say that you had gotten one of those as well is you and Wookie (edit: Wookie mentioned that you did receive one). While this doesn't really change your point at all, it's worth knowing the difference.

Last edited by Lattimer; 06-29-2017 at 02:34 PM.
06-29-2017 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Can we petition to steal well named from p7?
Originally Posted by well named
You can petition to share me, if you want. I read most of the posts in the main forum anyway.

Originally Posted by pokerodox
MrWookie's interpretation of my posts and the evidence are mistaken.

It appears that Mat does not care - that's not a judgment. Mat does not have to care. As such, I can still not post in Politics without risk of an arbitrary permaban.

Goofyballer even agreed that my post did not violate the rules. It appears that MrWookie is not contesting my assertion that my post did not violate the rules, I guess unless he is saying that I'm trolling by lying. I'm not lying. I could hash out the evidence, respond to every point MrWookie made if that would do any good. It appears that would just be an annoyance, here.

We could, ldo, have this discussion over in Politics 7.0. I thought about posting the exact same post over there, as a thread, but it wasn't so timely anymore.

MrWookie posts some evidence/arguments here, now. Back then, I just got a ban.

The ban was for 50 points, and 100 points is a permaban. So, I read that as, one more post like this, and you are gone forever from 2+2. I use it for poker discussion so I left, after a few more posts.

Well named being added as a mod to Politics would be a massive improvement to Politics.
sorry if that damages your rep well named
But unless he had the ability to stop MrWookie from arbitrarily banning people, I would continue to avoid Politics.

Would anyone else, especially the solid regs, including conservatives and liberals alike, like to weigh in on whether they think I should have been banned at that point (call it for that post and my body of work if you like)?
well named can certainly be a moderator in both forums.

the worst thing that will happen to pokerodox is an exile from politics.
06-29-2017 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I haven't been able to keep up with the news this week. Did they legalize alcohol, tobacco, or operating a motor vehicle?
How odd that you didn't include firearms in this question
06-29-2017 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
You seem to be confusing infractions and temp-bans, they are different types of "punishments". The 50 points is an infraction, all mods can see it in your infraction history, and you're right about 100 unexpired points = permaban. Your infraction is expired though, so you're back at 0. A temp-ban is a forced time-off from the site (usually anywhere from 1-3 days, but can be longer on occasion). There is no record of temp-bans kept unfortunately, unless a mod explicitly notes it, so the only ones who could say that you had gotten one of those as well is you and Wookie (edit: Wookie mentioned that you did receive one). While this doesn't really change your point at all, it's worth knowing the difference.
On the subject of temp-bans, people may find this amusing.

My last ban from the P forum was a temp-ban (10 infraction points) with an end date of never. I don't know if it was wookie's idea of a joke or not, but it effectively was a site-wide permaban. My total points at the time had not reached 100.

Last edited by BroadwaySushy; 06-29-2017 at 04:22 PM.
06-29-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
well named can certainly be a moderator in both forums.

the worst thing that will happen to pokerodox is an exile from politics.
Thanks Mat. That is good to know.

Maybe I'll go back, haven't decided.

If I do, I expect I'll be exiled shortly. I don't hear MrWookie indicating that he would change his mod practices against my posting going forward. If my posting is pissing on his leg, then exile, here I come.
06-29-2017 , 04:31 PM
Join the club dude.
06-29-2017 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
You seem to be confusing infractions and temp-bans, they are different types of "punishments". The 50 points is an infraction, all mods can see it in your infraction history, and you're right about 100 unexpired points = permaban. Your infraction is expired though, so you're back at 0. A temp-ban is a forced time-off from the site (usually anywhere from 1-3 days, but can be longer on occasion). There is no record of temp-bans kept unfortunately, unless a mod explicitly notes it, so the only ones who could say that you had gotten one of those as well is you and Wookie (edit: Wookie mentioned that you did receive one). While this doesn't really change your point at all, it's worth knowing the difference.
I may have been confusing them. Thanks. This is the only time I've been infracted or temp banned.
06-29-2017 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Join the club dude.
Yah, but I'd don't love posting in an environment where my political opponents are allowed to throw slurs at me relentlessly, but if I counter in kind, I get a ban. If I exaggerate or take a little poetic license, that's a ban, but they get to do it relentlessly.

I may be back to walk the tightrope. Just doesn't sound like a good conversation to me though.
06-29-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Yah, but I'd don't love posting in an environment where my political opponents are allowed to throw slurs at me relentlessly
How many posts did you report while you were posting in P main?

i ask because my response to personal attacks is to ignore it and report the post. I've done pretty well with not getting in trouble there for some reason.

Though, I've noticed that when I report a post that's attacking me, it tends not to get moderated, but when I report a post of someone else being attacked, it usually gets moderated.
06-29-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
On the subject of temp-bans, people may find this amusing.

My last ban from the P forum was a temp-ban (10 infraction points) with an end date of never. I don't know if it was wookie's idea of a joke or not, but it effectively was a site-wide permaban. My total points at the time had not reached 100.
How on earth was a tempban and an infraction "essentially a site-wide permaban"?
06-29-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
How many posts did you report while you were posting in P main?

i ask because my response to personal attacks is to ignore it and report the post. I've done pretty well with not getting in trouble there for some reason.

Though, I've noticed that when I report a post that's attacking me, it tends not to get moderated, but when I report a post of someone else being attacked, it usually gets moderated.
I don't know. I reported very few.

Just to double check, are you saying there isn't a double standard? Namely, that liberals receive much more leniency for personally attacking conservatives than conservatives receive for personally attacking liberals.

I am not even trying to change that. I consider that a hopeless battle for me. I was just trying to avoid getting banned for stating my (non-racist) political views. I ask all this, just because it appears that your statement implies that I should just report more posts if I want to even it out between myself and my political opponents. If that wasn't what you meant, then nevermind.
06-29-2017 , 04:53 PM
I don't report posts and generally ignore attacks or personal insults. It's the Internet. I find the bias even in this thread to be tangible, however
06-29-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
How on earth was a tempban and an infraction "essentially a site-wide permaban"?
Because I couldn't access any forums on the site forever.
06-29-2017 , 05:01 PM
Sorry, that was confusingly phrased - I thought you said your infraction was permanent but the ban was temporary. It wasn't a "temp-ban" or "effectively a permaban", it was a permaban.
06-29-2017 , 05:03 PM
No, it was literally a temp-ban with an end date of never.

That's why I thought it was a joke at first.
06-29-2017 , 05:04 PM
I see that it was originally a permaban that was changed to a Politics exile instead.
06-29-2017 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
No, it was literally a temp-ban with an end date of never.
This is reminding me of the Supreme Court arguments about whether life + 70 years counted as a "limited time" for the purposes of copyright law
