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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

06-30-2017 , 12:52 AM
i feel like you ninja edited that, but only because i'm so tired i think my eyes are bleeding
06-30-2017 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
I can read them when I'm logged out. When logged in I can't access the forum, therefore I can't link or quote posts.

I actually took a screen shot of rep's post and posted the image. It was the only way I could do it.
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
if you can't access it, how did you get that screenshot of +rep_lol's post?
Lmao, you got a raging clue there Noodle, well done.

It's hilarious watching the Wookie defense team spring into action. Y'all are so close to admitting that which is desperately obvious: Wookie's a liberal, politics are personal and emotional, he understandably favors those like-minded, and he works hard and free so he has Mat's support (even though Mat knows all the above).
06-30-2017 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by well named
You can petition to share me, if you want. I read most of the posts in the main forum anyway.

Aha well named is about to Littlefinger the P forums and then the entirety of 2p2.
06-30-2017 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
It's a very simple issue really. The post broke forum and site rules. You either apply the rules even-handedly or you don't.

Every man and his dog knows that if a conservative Trump supporter had posted that he would be a goneburger. No beg your pardons. No hypothetical, what if he used different language it might be acceptable BS. A goneburger.

It's yet another example of the hypocrisy and bias endemic in the politics forum unfortunately. It happens far too often.

sorry if wikipedia is fake news now too
06-30-2017 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
There is no reasonable world in which that post deserved a ban. The argument seems to be an inferential one that the only way in which you could have come to your view must have been on the basis of race because the scumbags in question happened to be black or Latino. My view of the case, as I imagine yours to be, would be the exact same if the kids were white.

I think the premise for the criticism against you is wholly made up.
The young men who were wrongfully imprisoned and robbed of their living years, you mean those scumbags?
06-30-2017 , 01:58 AM
where is the justice?
06-30-2017 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Better still, can someone ban me from this thread please?
Like adios, Sushy has no self control.

Originally Posted by adios
Matt isn't taking private messages. Please remove my account, disable my account, ban me permanently whatever works best. Thanks
Originally Posted by adios
Originally Posted by IMDABES
long as possible please. thanks.
For some reason they keep not perma-ing adios and thus he keeps coming back here and making himself miserable.
06-30-2017 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
There have been some propositions stated frequently without an explicit reply:

* proposition: the rules of the politics forum are biased against conservative posters.

* proposition: the moderation of the politics forum discriminates against conservative posters and does not apply the rules equally.


In my opinion, both of these propositions are false. No evidence has been presented to support either. They are simply assumed. To support my opinion, I've been paying attention to what does and does not get moderated since before I registered this account.

Even with neutral rules and neutral enforcement it is possible to have unequal outcomes. I hinted at the mechanisms previously in this thread whit this post:

Should affirmative action be applied to conservative posters to protect them from the existing equal process so they can have a safer space to post? That's an admin level decision.
I can't fathom how you, or anyone else who has spent a good amount of time in P or PU, could believe your second proposition is false. It would be a difficult and time consuming thing to prove unless you have a list of all the bans for each poster and their political beliefs, but that doesn't make it false.
06-30-2017 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
The young men who were wrongfully imprisoned and robbed of their living years, you mean those scumbags?

The thug scum that were wandering around Central Park beating the **** out of random passerby, yes.
06-30-2017 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I would instead argue that people don't resort to transparent lying on other subjects, so bans aren't as needed on other subjects. I would certainly hope that if someone posted a link to LeBron James's stats to support an argument that he's a worse player than Michael Jordan and then lied about what their own link said, and then lied about why they said something that was different than what their link said, and that this was after posting a bunch of lies about Steph Curry's stats, that they'd get banned in SE, too. Generally, Seahawks fans and Niners fans agree on what the stats are (even if reasonable people can disagree on what stats are the most informative), but in politics, people want to use their own alternative stats.

The other difference is that if dkgo posts something racist and eats a ban in SE, he doesn't come whining to ATF that he was banned just because he's a Panthers fan.
But politics isn't black and white like sport is. There will always be a subjective element to any conclusion based on your political allegiances.
06-30-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
If well named standards for moderation were applied in P there would be much more limited value in an alt forum. But it's very clear from this thread why P is so unrepresentive. Posters don't want to be worried about temp bans because the mods have political issues with them, let alone the threat of permabans.

In practice most 2+2ers aren't gong to be considering it ok because they can get an exile if they appeal to you. That's an intolerable situation for most people trying to discuss politics in such a toxic environment.
Nailed it in one.

Don't worry liberals if a certain pro-Trump or conservative voter if you will has changed their tune and is posting in a way that you regard is more tolerable; then the sheer fact that it occurred or may have occurred because of an infraction they received for a post that they wrote when no other moderator in the same shoes would have given them such an infraction is by no means a reason for you to think that there is nothing wrong with the moderation.
06-30-2017 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
<-- CTH is over there
He probably wouldn't last long there...
06-30-2017 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
i feel like you ninja edited that, but only because i'm so tired i think my eyes are bleeding
Thats just a side effect of reading Sushy posts
06-30-2017 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Don't worry liberals if a certain pro-Trump or conservative voter if you will has changed their tune and is posting in a way that you regard is more tolerable; then the sheer fact that it occurred or may have occurred because of an infraction they received for a post that they wrote when no other moderator in the same shoes would have given them such an infraction is by no means a reason for you to think that there is nothing wrong with the moderation.
That's a really long sentence.
06-30-2017 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
I will agree that there is a bias for exaggeration. There's a few liberal posters who do it, and I wonder if wookie doesn't have those posters ignored.

as for personal attacks and the like, i think the gap is a lot closer than our conservative posters realize. I'm not willing to say that's intentional, but it could easily be because of a combination of other issues (low post reports, low # of mods, high forum traffic, etc)

i hope you understand that I'm for fixing any of these issues so that moderation is, if not seen as being balanced, more equally applied, more consistently.

the call for more mods is out there. i do understand why nobody has volunteered, so i nominate noodle. and i'm serious.
06-30-2017 , 10:40 AM
I nominate fly and I too am serious.
06-30-2017 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
But politics isn't black and white like sport is. There will always be a subjective element to any conclusion based on your political allegiances.
So LeBron is definitively better than Jordan, and everyone agrees?

Of course there is a subjective element in politics. What is unusual is how people will deny or alter things that outsiders would consider objective.
06-30-2017 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
I nominate fly and I too am serious.
fine with me. any volunteer requires approval from tom and wookie.
06-30-2017 , 11:58 AM
I nom goofyballer, yo.
06-30-2017 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
the call for more mods is out there. i do understand why nobody has volunteered, so i nominate noodle. and i'm serious.
Seconded. Noodle would be a great mod for Politics imo.
06-30-2017 , 03:34 PM
Maybe just have the mods already in place do some modding imo.
06-30-2017 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Maybe just have the mods already in place do some modding imo.
Let's not get ridiculous here.
06-30-2017 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
the call for more mods is out there. i do understand why nobody has volunteered, so i nominate noodle. and i'm serious.
Just adding another mod or mods isn't going to fix the problem imo.

You have to excise the cancer before you can cure the patient.
06-30-2017 , 04:23 PM
mat, RR , bobo fett if only a bunch of troll gimmick accounts are going to talk to me and follow me around and everyones going to be mean to me than ill tell my mom and dad about how mean people are being to me here. im serious.
06-30-2017 , 04:36 PM
i have to clear a few pms and ask you a few things i guess.
